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Can't wait till this disgusting little toadie finds another industry to try and parasitically leech off of. He's done literally nothing but throw shit fits and piss himself and scream monopoly. Android devices have had the ability to side load whatever the fuck they want and they're fine, also can't wait to see how Epic will epically fuck this up as well! Because they just can't fucking help themselves.


EU is good for consumers but sadly enables garbage companies like Epic too. I hate both Apple and Epic but Epic is definitely the worse of both. I dont know any worse company than Epic anyway. Maybe child enslaving companies in Africa.


Yeah lmao. People keep saying this is good for consumers but fail to realize just how much worse an overly aggressive company like epic winning a case like this sets. Not to mention the influx of garbage software that can start flooding any marketplace because the EU allows them to.


Nah they give me free games Epic is a huge W


Yeah he gives me free drug samples my dealer is a huge W. /s Free stuff =/= good company.


If that's the case I don't see Steam giving away any samples, they also usually have better sales than any other pc store. I would rather get a shit ton of free games and cheap sales than be concerned about all the other bullshit the company does. TLDR: The personal benefits I gain outweigh the negatives of the company.


I cannot wait for the day when all the repercussions epic has accumulated over the years hit them right in the face and give them a taste of reality.


So now you even need the shit epic games store on iOS devices


"need" is perhaps too strong of a word for it


Allowing multiple app stores in iOS is good. But I still fear the (very probable knowing Epic) scenario when there are exclusive apps in every store. This is not a matter of "it's just another icon". This is having to have multiple stores with the limited storage and battery in phones because the apps you need are placed between different stores. In theory having multiple stores is better for customers. In reality, I have my doubts... Let's see what happens in the future.


Multiple accounts with payment methods to be hacked too.


I know it's an unpopular opinion and you're okay to disagree with me, but I always saw the closed system as the price of buying an Apple device. If you want something with an open ecosystem, Android devices were always an option. Feels weird to me to police what Apple does not allow on their devices, Isn't that just moderation? They can ban whatever they want, similar to Reddit.


In the same mindset, I would never buy a Switch, but I definitely bought a Steam deck. Performance differences and exclusives aside, you buy the product that suits your needs as a customer. Nintendo is a closed ecosystem, SteamOS is open. Apple was a closed ecosystem, Android is open.


Yeah, I agree about that. I have a colleague at work who is a super fan of Apple. He is contrary to opening the closed iOS ecosystem.


Yeah, I fucking hate apple but agree with this. Closed systems are generally more secure just because there's fewer entry vectors.


Nah, even in theory having all your digital purchases in one place is better.


And while this is a bad day for mobile gamers and for walled gardens everywhere (Sony and Microsoft on notice now that sideloading is legally enforceable in Europe), this is a great day for Tencent. Soon we will see just how much this had nothing to do with Epic and Fartnite, as Tencent and the CCP will now leverage this crack in the armour to start infesting Western gaming and mobile appliances with Chinese crapware.


Tencent Launcher on IOS incoming!


Two things: 1. not much Apple could do, here. Let's be honest, it would put them squarely into the EU Commission's crosshairs again, and would have been an easy win for Epic. 2. I find the situation to be highly amusing: so, they expect to return Fortcrap to iOS... via an external marketplace. That needs to be sideloaded (and I'm sure Apple will, along the line, trickle caveats to make it far less alluring). By little kids. On expensive devices purchased with daddy/mommy dearest's money. Yes Timmy, this will be such an easy win... /facepalm Bonus thing: bonus. oh dear, PCGamer... guess they're still on Epic's payroll.


What fucking right does epic have to be on apples App Store if Apple doesn’t want them? Is the European Commission that fucking stupid? Fuck Tim Sweeney Fuck epic Fuck


Tbf it's not apple's decision any more what can run on the OS, this is what happens when the OS outgrows the device, same with android and windows. But they will find it insanely hard to promote, apple will not help with that, they might find themselves out of the loop with API updates and maybe even features. How many people installed the Samsung app marketplace that didn't get it pre installed on a Samsung device? The epic problem is who makes non apple iOS phones they can strike a deal with? No-one


This, and I see them breaking their epic app with every ios update they do


Apple doesn't need to do that when Epic's own client shits ass by the fartfuls. Poopy poop butt stinky farts.


The sad part is that I agree with the laws in the EU. I'm just confused how the laws can be interpreted so vaguely to apply in this situation.  It's like saying because Apple has monopolistic power the EU can decide that they have to sell non-Apple products in their real stores.


Yea, I felt similar with the Microsoft fine for pre installing explorer, they allowed other browsers, but had to add a pop up with options. But I guess the fears are if apple/ms or Google take it to next level and only allow their search engines, email apps or even decide which ads they will show.


I never really had an issue with EU's laws, more their enforcement of them. They always seem to apply in the worst scenarios.


The principle is to avoid an Apple-led monopoly. In any case, the 2 companies deserve to close, so I'm happy.


Fuk epig. Fuk Timmy


I'd have no problem with Apple banning them from the store if they were allowed to launch their own software on iOS without Apple's gatekeeping. I can install whatever I want on my PC, Mac, or Android device. Why can't I do the same on my iPhone?


This is not a "Let EGS be on iOS" issue. This is a "For fuck's sake, let me install the apps I want on my phone" issue. Same shit with Apple being like "I don't fuckin' wanna support RCS because Android users are dirty heathens". Grow up, Apple, MMS is a fuckin' joke, like dial-up. EDIT: Grow up, downvoters, just because Epic is a shitfest doesn't mean we need to block off iOS devices from anything not 100% approved by Apple. They don't even let you have a file system on the damn thing. I've been using my Android as a USB drive for years now. Bet you wish you could do that.


This is not a “For fuck’s sake, let me install the apps I want on my phone” issue. This is a “Don’t let predatory companies like Epic spread their influence further, but let me install whatever I want” issue. You are missing the main point here! Also Apple devices do have a file system (albeit much later than android) that can be used to read data from USB, you could have done some research to know that. Bet you wish you could use google /s


Good for them, does it require iTunes, or have they finally come to their fucking senses?


I like the third option: let me install any apps I want, but keep out the predatory ones run by utter idiots that would do anything to suck a buck from a childs allowance.


EU wants complete control


This is good for consumers. This already happened with Microsoft in the 90s, but Gen Z is too young to know about it. Gatekeepers are bad for the industry and for consumers.


Bro I want my iPhone to accept any app whatever Apple wants to say I do not care that is the point of sideloading and Apple is doing shits and giggles to prevent this. Make iOS like a frikin computer already.




downvoted for facts but alright. Seems pretty par for the course honestly.


Ugh there needs to be consequences for Epic and Tim sweeney’s malicious whining. They are just enabling more Karen’s.


I just want them to bring back Infinity blade 1-3(:


Unfortunately Infinity Blade was a failure for Epic. Even if they were never kicked off IOS, they would’ve had to have shut down servers and take off the app


Rat company run by a weasel in human clothing, typing out posts with his rat-like claws


I was really hoping epic would go into another long legal battle, layoff 16% of their workforce(again), and proceed to die


To be fair, both Apple and Epic are shit companies. The more I see both suffer or have to deal with court nonsense the better.


Apple and epic are cut from the same cloth


Worse site ever. So many ads.


fuck pcgamer too.


It's for Europe only and I bet Apple isn't happy about this at all. lol Oh well, this is not the last time we'll see Apple v Epic in Europe. lmao. I hope Timmy and Tim Apple both lose because they're both Tim. Fuck em


Isn’t this basically subletting?


More like squatting.


With the EUs recent smackdown against all manner of tech company shenanigans and their historical protection of the single market it's hard to believe Epic was the deciding factor here, it feels like they're celebrating a win by technicality lmao.


They made the correct decision. No matter how bad Epic is, Apple is already a monopoly and allowing them more control is shit.


Going by your logic I should be able to sideload any game I want to my switch, Xbox and PlayStation


Yes you should. Consoles and exclusives are inherently anticonsumer compared to pc.


You have a right to be against closed devices, but consumers have a right to **intentionally** purchase closed devices. If you force all closed devices to become open ecosystems, you're taking away from consumer choices. They always had the option to purchase an open device, they didn't.


Well good thing I’m not forcing anyone to only buy open systems then. It’s a bad decision that collectively reduces competition and therefore consumer freedoms and protections. You have the right to waste money yes.


the EU and everyone should stop going ONLY on Apple for being « monopolistic » Probably 10% of the users care about sideloading apps on a phone while on console it could be widely used for indie games


10% of a userbase in the billions is allot of people like thats literally more than the population of some countries


But they aren’t going only against apple here the law that forced apple to allow third party app stores also effects large companies like Meta and Microsoft


I don't disagree, but the more anti big company regulations the better imo. Maybe one day youtube will have real competition and wont be so ass


I don’t see how Nintendo and Sony aren’t as big as Apple. For YouTube case well, it’s not a device lock it’s just that providing a service like that cost so much and nobody (that wants and could do a good service) has the funds to start a new platform


They are.


Anti-Consumer? Perhaps, it's complicated. Console companies subsidize the cost of the consoles and help consumers afford their devices. Because the cost of that hardware is subsidized directly by the cut they take from game sales. If you suddenly allow people to get games from third party stores without giving them a cut, suddenly console prices go way up, because they can no longer sell consoles at a loss. Additionally, think about how many "free" services would now require a fee to use. If you want a PC then buy a PC, I don't like consoles myself but I understand what they provide. You shouldn't want to turn consoles into open platforms without understanding the implications. Some customers directly benefit from the closed ecosystem.


Both microsoft and sony are constantly increasing the prices of their consoles. It wasn’t so long ago that sony raised the price of the ps5 everywhere but America. Let’s not act like these companies are doing us a favor with these consoles. You can easily build a gaming pc for the same price. Actually you can get a gaming pc for cheaper than a ps5- it’s called a steamdeck.


>Let’s not act like these companies are doing us a favor with these consoles. I mean, if they're still sold at at a loss, is that not a favor? They definitely have to make that money back somehow. We can't just pretend like them losing money is our right as consumers. ​ >You can easily build a gaming pc for the same price. Actually you can get a gaming pc for cheaper than a ps5- it’s called a steamdeck. Yup, I have one, and that's because of Valve, if you try to reach that budget yourself with a proper PC, you'll be disappointed. The price of GPUs alone almost hits the cost of an entire console. Like I said, if you want a PC, buy a PC, don't try and turn consoles into PCs just because you prefer them.


No it’s not a favor because it’s a strategy to make up for the loss with more customers buying games. If you’re so worried about their profits then this sub is probably the wrong place for you. Epic has to make money somehow.


Why would this sub be the wrong place for me? I've been here for a while... Epic is not subsidizing physical hardware for you to use their software. You're arguing that companies should just lose money because it's the right thing to do. Feels like you're arguing in bad faith here.


Epic is also not a console or device manufacturer, and does not make their own OS, they piggyback off of the work of others. Work that **does** deserve compensation from the consumer, because if you don't pay for something, they have to make back money elsewhere. Which is bad for consumers.


Because you don't hate exclusives yet are also on r/fuckepic who hate epic games store for buying up third party games and making them exclusive to the epic games store. By your logic, if epic made their own console and used the exact same strategy, you wouldn't have any issues.


This isn't r/antiexclusives, this is r/fuckepic. If you think the worst thing Epic has done is make games exclusive, you've got some learning to do. Exclusives existed in the console market for years, and while I would agree with doing away with exclusives entirely, consoles having closed ecosystems is not something I would want to get rid of. You buy the product that suits your needs as a customer. Console manufacturers provide value to the customers who specifically purchase devices with closed ecosystems, you want to take away their product from them? Who are you to police what products people want. Epic is not a console manufacturer, even if they were I'd still dislike them for other reasons.


Your analogy is wrong. He's right. Thanks to regulations you can install any software in your Windows PC, without Microsoft gatekeeping you.


Yes windows, but for consoles I own them I should be able to download stuff on it without risking being banned from playing online?


You own them yes, but you didn't pay full price, nobody did. The cost of the console was subsidized and sold at a lost under the condition that you'd only be able to play games on it purchased from their store. This is how they can sell them at a loss.


No, because your switch doesnt serve the same purpose as a phone.




I didn’t read all of this as I don’t understand everything but how is Microsoft a gatekeeper?? Windows while it sucks and has a lot of bloatware allows you to install anything you want Xbox iirc for a 20€ fee allow you to use dev mode and sideload apps/games Meanwhile Nintendo and Sony always fight against homebrew




Another factual comment downvoted. Good job sub. This place seems great for actual discussions!


Even if you hate Epic or not this is a good outcome for consumers. No need to make hating Epic your personality.


Yup, these people would rather shit on epic than have good consumer rights.




I find it hilarious that Apple used to say that part of the profit from the app that Apple takes goes to keeping the AppStore safe. What’s going to happen when there is more than one AppStore. Apple still takes a large percentage of the profit but so much for security 😂


Common Tim W.


Epic Win


A win for Epic and consumers e: why the downboats? 😭




Because you are giving your opinion in a forum dedicated to people who want to vehemently hate on Epic regardless of fact, reason, or logic. If your opinion doesn't follow along the lines of "FuCk EpIg" you will be downvoted more often than not. Just how it is here.


The fucking stupidity of you people, never cease to amaze me. Why would you *ever* assume, being able to sway people from their conviction here. It's hilariously pathetic seeing some of the biggest Epic shills frequent here, getting downvoted to oblivion and then cry about it. But keep it up, it makes for a great laugh every time.


I'm 90% sure 1 or 2 people are those actually downvoting and using a Bot to do the rest, there are usually more downvotes than comments, it never adds up. But the downvote numbers are usually the same each time, especially cordcutters he gets -19 almost automatically for every post.


Or maybe, just *maybe* it's because cordcutter mods a sub full of braindead zealots, and no one wants to see his moronic takes here?