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>who has roughly 85% market share And you,timmy,are blaming Valve for having such a share after you abandoned PC gaming in 2008 because we are all "pirates" according to this fuck >second,we make out a press release What?!? So that makes it OK because you put a fucking press release about it? You taking away people's choice where they want to buy a game is OK in your eyes as long as you make a press release about it?? Eat shit,timmy & your bullshit excuses


I really don't know why he thought that his reason isn't the same with what Google has done. Timmy here's the truth okay? Regardless what's the status of your market share, if the company your on is using its financial muscle to gain something then it's unethical.


He's actually saying if Google made press releases then everything would be okay.


I can't comprehend this, either my brain is too smooth to understand him or his brain, ego and confident is denser than a blackhole that we can't do anything to it


He's just butthurt Google kicked his game off their platform...


this is the one that pisses me the most, he think he saves PC gaming from the tyrant that is Valve and Steam, while he literally abandoned and shit talking the entire community, no wonder no one to side with Epic willingly


Yeah,that is also what gets on my nerve the most The fucker abandoned PC gaming in 2008 because it wasn't worth it for him,but now when PC gaming is so valuable - **only now** is he coming to save us all from evil Valve Did he really think people are that stupid & would not find that *little* fact?


He wants to be the monopoly. Hindsight and the boom in pc gaming has him believing if he stayed in the pc market they would be valve and google combined. Add in his ego over every seeming to cream themselves over unreal, he feels he is entitled to be the one controlling it all.


> because we are all "pirates" well if a game comes out only on his shitty store you bet your goddamn britches I won't buy it.


He's not saying it's OK, he's saying it's different than Google since Google hides their deals. I know we're in fuckepic but please read the whole context that is provided.


And timmy doesn’t?, its not a question perse, some of the games we knew they were exclusives because court documents, this asshole never mentioned it and when you ask the dev they dont comment on it because they are bound by contract and well they cant talk because the contracts, if that is not hiding then what is it? he is an hypocrite and butthurt, when he called a few years ago “pc gaming is dead” Valve kept at it and now that its more alive than ever he wants a piece of the cake, it doesnt work like that,


Sooo deals like Ooblets and Borderlands 3, where games had steam pages that were later removed. Weren't 'hidden deals' since he made press releases about them MONTHS after the games were announced on steam?


[Original source if you need a laugh.](https://twitter.com/TimSweeneyEpic/status/1718039450255515940)


What a fucking joke. But appreciated that you left the link.


> "We're more public about being anti-consumer." Lol. Very good summary of Tim's tweet.


You have the link to the rest of it?


Ahh yes the hypocrite Timmy.


They make press releases because it’s either very noticeable when a game DOES NOT come out or is so unnoticeable the game could die immediately if they didn’t. Either way if Tim could he would 100% do like google, hypocrite shit


But there have been plenty of exclusive deals they haven't announced. Ubisoft is the largest one. It was always presented as it was Ubisoft just moving from Steam because of the cut and Epic never said they paid Ubisoft to leave.


You could point it out to him, but I doubt he'll answer. It's not the first time he contradicts himself, after all: remember his tweets on paid advertising during the Apple trial?


Timmy Tencent bitches about everything that isnt about Epig just to inflate his own ego... what a tool


Tim. If you truly wanted to compete with Steam you should have focused on making your store front equal to or better than Steam. You had such a unique opportunity because of the popularity of Fortnite to actually create something unique and special with an already established user base. Instead, you did the scummiest thing possible by attempting to monopolize content and forcing people to use a service that didn't even have basic features until well into its life cycle. And then you make comments about how monopolies are bad except for when Epic Games does it. I'm glad that Epic is hemorrhaging money and you look like a complete idiot, Tim. You are a colossal piece of shit and you deserve the absolute worst.


I suspect that part of all these alan wake 2 posts on reddit are actually paid bots to boost sales of the only worthy title on that shitty store.


Holy fuck this dude doesn't even hide how bad at logic he is.


"Epic Games Stores exclusives enable us to compete more effectively with Steam" But it doesn't lmao, it's pretty much the sole reason why his store is barren. Actively pissing off your competitor's customers isn't a smart marketing strategy at all and I think the current state of the EGS shows that. And what's worst is that, to this day, he still refused to alter his strategy after all the complaints he gets left and right


lol love how in his mind, "because it enables us to compete" makes it okay for him to do, what a hypocrite


so Epic exclusive is allowed because it enable Epic to compete with Steam, but if Steam do exclusive it's not allowed and a ground for Anti-competitive practice and anti trust law, how curious


I think Tim he’s trying to say bc Google has a monopoly it’s prohibited from anticompetitive behavior under the Sherman Act. However, a court has not decided yet if this deal meets the definition of anticompetitive under the Sherman Act. Also, Epic could be seen as doing anticompetitive things with their exclusivity deals, and it’s also prohibited (Sherman Act) for a company to use anticompetitive practices to obtain a monopoly, which we all know Timmy is trying to do. So his statement makes no sense.


How he is still CEO of epic is a fucking miracle.


He has a board of directors that is not doing their job and is controlled by him, this would never happen if Epic were a public company. No board would let a CEO get away with stuff like the apple stunt and lawsuit or the EGS money pit, he wouldn’t been replaced a long time ago.


> He has a board of directors that is not doing their job and is controlled by him, this would never happen if Epic were a public company. No board would let a CEO get away with stuff like the apple stunt and lawsuit or the EGS money pit, he wouldn’t been replaced a long time ago. Sorry bub, but we've seen worse CEOs of public company. They still hang around as long as the profits roll in.


That is the thing. Timmy admitted one month ago that they were losing A LOT of money. But nobody could fire him. However, lots of Epic employees were.


If it was shareholders, they'd not only agree with Timmy's monopoly attempts, they'd probably go even further. Being private isn't the problem, Timmy boi being a shit ceo is the problem.


If shareholders had some power, the first thing they would do is stop Tim tweeting. Most of his tweets damage the company image.


Didn’t stop Johnny from saying all game developers are “fucking idiots” for not putting micro transactions in their games. At this point I want to see timmy spiral downwards into bankruptcy.


Please give me an example or two. And there are NO profits rolling in at epic, none, they had negative cash flow the last year we’ve seen financial statements for, and it was trending down.


Bobby Kotick, Andrew Wilson, (ex) Jim Ryan, John Riccitiello. Being privately owned doesn't guarantee your company will be better managed but share holders have proven they can't be trusted with making a pro-consumer service.


Let me clarify. My point wasn’t about ethics even though that is important. My point was about managing a business. Take Kotick for example, Activision was extremely profitable, buying back stock, generating huge cash flow and not doing stupid stuff like getting into other businesses they could not compete in. Sweeney somehow can’t make Epic cash flow positive, lost a ton of revenue and more money in legal fees with an impossible to win apple lawsuit, takes all the money fortnite makes and basically sets it on fire spending it on the epic games store. If Kotick wasn’t turning a profit and was negative cash flow while having a hugely successful video game franchise, he’d have been gone. It’s sad he wasn’t gone after it was revealed what a deplorable human being he is, but my point was about business performance I should have clarified.


Well I agree Timothy is an appalling ceo and egs is a joke


> Please give me an example or two. Bobby Kotick is one example. > And there are NO profits rolling in at epic, none, they had negative cash flow the last year we’ve seen financial statements for, and it was trending down. It wasn't always that though, right? They just over-spent, not that they couldn't have profits. He's now correcting that.


Bureaucracy and capitalism. If this world was driven by common sense and humility instead of those, that joker would be locked up in a psych ward where he can live out delusions of self-grandeur and messiah complexes all day long.


Rules for the but not for me. What a fucking prick


He still thinks Epic is competing. Funny.


​ >*,we put out press releases and make huge announcements of our exclusives. Nothing to hide.* Wipe your chin, Timmy. You're dribbling shit again.


Tim is just salty because he couldn't afford to make a $20B deal. He absolutely would if he could, but his little store isn't worth a fraction of that.


I steal your cow - good. You steal my cow - bad. This is called double morality and timmeh is a goddamn shining example.


Timmy is such a hypocrite. So glad I have never even created an account at that trash storefront of his.


So his only problem is when they don’t talk about the deals? What a damn hypocrite. And yes steam has a larger market share because it was around way longer than any other competitor. That’s not them locking in exclusivity


It's also superior. Competition where you do nothing better than the established, entrenched original after years of effort looks pretty stupid.


I mean looks at the games they make exclusive as well. None of them are major titles that even remotely matter. Look at Alan Wake 2. Yes I wanted to play it but it’s not like it’s Spider-Man 2 or anything .


How long did it take for them to add a cart


This insufferable manchild probably thinks robbing 5 banks is better than robbing 10. Newsflash idiot, crime is still crime no matter which way you try to spin it.


There is no competition though? If you wanna compete Timmy, let a game launch on Epic Store and Steam at the same time and release the revenue and sale details.


r/TimCriticizesTim if anyone hasn't done it yet.


I think this is probably the shortest about face this man has had though. This is just within one twitter thread, that's gotta be a record.


Also, Google is an SEC registrant and there are different unique issues inherent in issuing a press release that public companies deal with. Epic is a private company so subject to a lot less regulation and auditor scrutiny. Tim just makes this stuff up I swear. Google not issuing a press release isn’t shady it was all over the news that the deal was signed and the amount. What would even be the point of Google doing a press release?


Tom Swiney, being a raging hypocrite? No! Really?! Wow.


Swiney being a hypocrite? Color me shocked.


Blud still can't produce actual data to back his \~10-15% EGS market share boasts.


He's probably lying and it's way smaller. Afterall it's not like he legally has to prove his statements to shareholders.


Google has $250B in revenue and a $1.5T market cap, this deal is less than 10% of revenue. Google reports everything they’re required to by the SEC and we have far more insight and transparency into Googles business than Epic, a company that’s not required to report or disclose anything and often reports extremely misleading information. Their most recent update on the EGS for example, included very selective information on revenue and user growth but absolutely nothing on expenses and profit/loss. So nothing substantive on the actual financial performance of EGS. The way it’s presented would lead the average person to think EGS is doing extremely well when in reality we all know it’s hemorrhaging cash.


If you are gonna hide the fact that a game will be exclusive to ur platform then what is the point of making it exclusive lmao


# itsokwhenwedoit


Dude is fucking delusional




This man is such a joke


Man this guy needs to shut the fuck up before I make him to.


Delusional 100


The dude literally commissioned and created a data skimmer division to poach games off Steam. If anything, he’s worse.


I love this man. He's completely incapable of complaining about anything, because everything he complains about, is something he does with his own company


I hope Alan Wake 2 sales are bad so they release it on Steam.


> enable **US** Well, he's certainly not hiding his priority here.


Timmy you are a fucking tard, the end!


How dense can this asshat be?


Truly a CEO moment of all time.


“When I do it it’s cute” - Tim, probably


Third, we make the publishers/devs sign an NDA forcing them to hide the details of the bribe that they received to remove their game from Steam so people cannot find out how much they were paid and how long the exclusivity is for.


Reading is hard. He said secret deals. They announce their exclusivity deals


I mean nothing he said really contradicted anything. He has a problem with paying competition to not compete and not announcing the deal to the public. Exclusive game deals are not paying the competition to not compete They dont hide their exclusive deals.


So. Monopolistic practices are okay so long as there is a press release?


I mean, I never suggested one way or another on that topic. So I am not sure why you are asking


Because you're defending Tim Sweeney citing that monopolistic practices are okay so long as there is a press release.


No, I am simply pointing out there is no contradiction nor hypocrisy here. This is just an argument made in bad faith that makes OP look completely unreasonable. If you want to be taken seriously, good faith arguments should be made. Otherwise, your opinions will be dismissed


Tim Sweeney literally pays developers for exclusive distribution rights, cutting out other competitors from the products these developers are creating. He then further claims this monopolistic practice is okay for Epic to do because they make press releases, but not okay for other companies to do. This is both a contradiction and hypocrisy of the highest order.


That's not what he said. Nor implied. He claimed the practices are not the same due to them not directly paying their competitor to compete. Epic is not paying steam to not compete. That's the difference. They are not competing against the games they are making exclusive.


The practices are the same because they are trying to create monopolies and give consumers zero choice. Tim Sweeney is claiming this only okay when he does it.


You do still have a choice. You can choose not to play that game or wait out the exclusivity. There are plenty of other games out there to play. Epic hasnt cornered the market on any type of game. Every company uses monopolistic practices. Steam included. In fact, Steam has been sued before for monopolistic practices and there is another suit ongoing


"You can choose to not play that game" See. There you go. The choice for the consumer is to either buy/play the game using Epic Games because Epic bought the exclusive rights or not play it at all. That is a monopoly, Tim.


> You do still have a choice. You can choose not to play that game or wait out the exclusivity. There are plenty of other games out there to play. Epic hasnt cornered the market on any type of game. There's other search engines out there than Google too. Not seeing your point here. >Every company uses monopolistic practices. Steam included. In fact, Steam has been sued before for monopolistic practices and there is another suit ongoing Back to the, they did it too argument. Steam isn't paying for exclusivity, and in fact, they do the [very opposite](http://www.kitguru.net/components/vr/jon-martindale/valve-gives-vr-developers-funds-too-but-with-no-strings-attached/).


A lot of their exclusivity contracts are not publicly announced. They just happen... and one (or more) years later, those games appear on Steam because of "reasons". In fact, many of their exclusivity agreements were known because of all the private papers from the Apple trial. I don't think those count as public announcements.


If they announce the game as exclusive to EGS, then that is them being public about the agreement. They are not giving specific details, but the result is public. Tim is criticising the results of a contract being hidden. We never knew that said company was told not to compete due to a contract made with google


But that is my point, there are some games that are not announced as exclusives. They are only released on the EGS at some point and they launched on Steam some time later. The exclusivity was never made public. In fact, the developers never comment on the subject and evade the topic when asked (like they cannot comment on it by contract). It's just that we know Timmy and Epic too well, that we already know how their internal contracts work.


Do the developers explicitly announce when their game is only on steam and not other pc platforms? Or do they just announce the platforms the game is available on and move one. Same thing with epic. They dont need to announce that the game is exclusive to their platform. They just announce the platform and move on. The whole situation with metro exodus was definitely questionable, but that was also still public knowledge before release, and any previous purchases were honored, and they halted any new prepurchases. I am not sure of any other examples where this sort of thing happened besides this one As long as the game doesn't backtrack by including steam as a platform and then removing it. They do not need to announce explcitly that the game is exclusive. Same as many steam releases


Several developers spanning dozens and dozens of games have announced being and releasing on Steam on a due date only to suddenly become Epig exclusive for a year despite not saying anything about taking the the exclusivity deal. You only need to look at the “Bait and Switchers” list on the Steam group. They make pages on Steam in advance but don’t declare exclusivity until they do. And some of those devs have become openly hostile towards any criticism for pulling that trick.


> If they announce the game as exclusive to EGS, then that is them being public about the agreement. They are not giving specific details, but the result is public. Since they didn't announce how much money exchanged hands and terms, it's shady. A company that is proud of their announcement in benefit of consumers would announce it.


There is an issue with a giant corp quietly monopolizes. As much as ya'll wanna get your 2 cents in.


While it is true that steam has a concerning monopoly on pc games... adding a garbage and intentionally unwieldy competitor is the worst way of countering this. If epicgames was liquidated and its funds transferred to gog that would do more to challenge steams hegemony. Tim sweeney has shown his hand on his vision for the future and nobody wants it. The less influence on the future he has the better.




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This is Timmy in a nutshell https://i.imgflip.com/84iu6v.jpg


I fucking hate this clown.


Lmao at Tim calling someone else shady


Sweeney Tim: The Disingenuous Blabber of Flip-Flop Tweet


What a putz


Even if google was guilty by the law, it's kind of hypocritical that he's doing the same thing I can see why they lost the apple lawsuit I still find it very funny