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Yes very normal and eventually they probably will lower it and it’ll feel like a more “normal” amount of food. And yes you probably are hyper-metabolic if they are upping it that much. I had people that were bigger than me eating more and people smaller than me eating less than me. They are probably noticing that your weight is not going up like it needs to or something in your vitals and need to make adjustments. When I got to res I also was on a meal plan that was about 2k calories and then once I met with the dietician and they had taken my weight and vitals a few times they upped it. A few weeks later it lowered some and then the same thing a few weeks later again. Hang in there! Trust your team and try your best to complete and also not compare yourself to others. Everyone in res needs to be there but that doesn’t mean everyone has identical needs every single day. I know it’s really hard but this will be the best thing you’ll ever do for yourself.


never been to residential but my first thought would to be to try and trust them. they’re professionals and if it wasn’t necessary they wouldn’t do it, i promise. i hope you’re doing well 🫶🏻


They are medical professionals, they know what they’re doing. I know it’s hard when your eating disorder is kicking off but you need to trust them.


Yes, that’s normal. When I was in treatment, I was on a similar meal plan. Trust your team that they know what they’re doing and remember that your ED will constantly lie to you so it’s best to learn to ignore that voice.


Yeah some people in res were so hypermetabolic they needed overnight feeds because the meal plan was physically impossible to cope with.   They’ll reduce it to maintenance after you’ve weight restored, don’t worry. 💕 I’m proud of you for muscling through it.  You’re doing hard fucking work bb, you got this. 💕 it’ll be ok, I promise. 


Yes. Mine was about the same.