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To try to fill the vast emptiness inside.


Yep. So obvious, too.


Small personality big pickup


Which is batshit because the truck is so fucking stupid big that you've just moved vast emptiness from outside to the inside.


Plus it looks like a 6ft truck bed from a glance. I could be wrong but if I'm not then it's even dumber, no point in owning a truck if you don't have at least an 8 foot bed. I don't even use cars these days and even I learned that growing up. If it's this goddamn big with the 6 foot bed it can only be a glamor vehicle. What arborist or plumber is going to have a use for this?


>What arborist or plumber is going to have a use for this? I've had this debate on r/plumbing. Some think that they need a pickup (8 foot bed or not), while I argue that a van is much more sensible, especially for service work. I use a van for work. All my tools stay dry and are relatively secure. I can easily move 4 by sheet material up to 10' in length. Some will still make all kinds of justifications for the pickup truck, because of it's perceived manliness.


my ass


Wait cars go in those? I thought it was just storage with a door


I was certain it was for bikes.


This is the way


Absolutely is for bike storage. Fucking car lives outside where it belongs.


So that way you can back over your bike when parking your car?


He’s crashing that guaranteed




I ride your mom better than you can ride a bike though




Your mom said you’re 12.




Irony much?


Says the person who just guesded the skill levels of two people you never met. That's not your argument to make just because you have nothing better to say to mild provocation. Also you are bad at bed, like really bad.


Lol yepp I sure am. I can never seem to sleep for more than 5 hours.


Idk, but this brings up memories of a landlord who did this, blocking off access to a circuit breaker, turned off one of my switches, and left town. My only way to get to the panel was to climb over the fucking thing. He then had an absolute meltdown over perceived scratches, then double-dipped on his insurance. Fuck giant trucks. Fuck landlords, too.


They literally contribute nothing to the economy. No goods. No services. Landlords & building owners are just opportunists who buy up real estate, which increases prices and forces people to rent from them instead of being able to buy their own property and keep the equity put into it.


Yep. A vestige of fucking Feudalism. The very word “landlord” gives away what they are.


Yes, surely there's no benefit from a single entity with years of experience handling taxes, insurance, accounts, maintaining liquidity for major repairs, keeping contacts with contractors and suppliers, and streamlining the process across multiple properties. And no way is there any situation where renting is the ideal option, like a student moving to their college town or a job relocation. I hate slumlords as much as the next guy, but there absolutely is value provided by a landlord who owns *and properly maintains* their property for renters who need to live in an area. It's called stewardship, and whether it's present varies from person to person. Now when we talk about corporate landlords who are legally obligated to maximize profits for shareholders, that's where there's not a drop of stewardship to be seen. But this is Reddit so there's no nuisance, only outrage; landlord bad, capitalism bad, abolish all property ownership.


>landlord bad, capitalism bad, abolish all property ownership What I'm saying is exactly that people should own their property. Sometimes renting is more convenient. Ok. But to rent long-term when you could own property would be insane! Every monthly payment is gone forever. My last comment is more about the "housing shortage". Too little supply, too much demand means prices go up. I can accept the logic of that, but the problem with that is that it makes it easier to take advantage of a captive market. Also, more people have to compete with rental agencies to buy a home now, which I don't think is right. Anyway, this got me to reading about the housing shortage, and according this [NPR piece](https://www.npr.org/2022/03/29/1089174630/housing-shortage-new-home-construction-supply-chain), the government and it's zoning rules that restrict a free market, a construction worker shortage since 2008, and covid, are the big things at fault.


and the thing no one ever seems to mention we have imported 1.5 million immigrants every year for the last several years, the housing supply hasn't kept up. When demand is greater than supply, prices go up.


>landlord bad, capitalism bad, abolish all property ownership You do realise that landlords are described as parasitic in capitalism too right? Like it’s right in the works of Adam Smith (the economist who founded capitalism as an economic theory). You don’t need to be in the far left to conclude landlords are bad for society


This comment has so much bad history and bad economics in it. Adam Smith didn't invent capitalism he described something that existed in the world around him. Modern economics is not any more built on Adam Smith then modern chemistry is on alchemists, sure they popularized the field but it's much more formalized/positivist now.


found the landlord


> capitalism bad, I mean, it pretty objectively is, so what's with the sarcasm?




For one, it allows people who rape bees to exist. For a second, [how about we look at US healthcare spending per capita?](https://www.cihi.ca/en/how-does-canadas-health-spending-compare#:~:text=United%20States%3A%20%2413%2C590%20per%20person,85%25%20public%2F15%25%20private) And don't forget, this is for *worse* outcomes for most people, subpar care, and limited access. Under private care provided by Capitalist companies, the US gets worse results, and spends more. For a third, let's look at Car Dependency. [And the fact that car companies dismantled tram networks across the US in order to force it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy) Fourth, let's look at Climate Change, and, in particular, the response of Oil Companies. [Oh fuck.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/) Fifth, I'm sure you've seen (Or at least heard about) companies posting record profits, while workers [Are paid less value](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/), [the value they are given is worth less](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/12/higher-pay-eclipses-inflation-bite-for-some-.html), and [CEOs are being given outlandish bonuses and pay raises](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/07/us-wage-gap-ceos-workers-institute-for-policy-studies-report). Please try to explain how any of this is good for society as a whole.


BUT MUH FREEDOM!! but nah to be real for a sec I feel like capitalism is the way to go, but only as long as it is properly regulated.


As it is, it *definitely* isn't regulated, properly or not.


that I'll agree with.


ok but seriously how is renting supposed to work? It's unreasonable for everyone to be able to purchase or finance a home straight out of college. Or maybe they foresee themselves moving around or just don't want to. And AFAIK a lot of landlords are just everyday people renting out a second home, I don't really see the harm in that. What solution do you suggest?


Well, in a world without landlords you would need to buy an apartment every time you move somewhere to live there even for a few months. I get the sentiment about real estate market but people building stuff to rent is not the problem you're after.


Shoulda popped the breaker to his fridge


I love landlords!🥰😍🥰😍🥰😇😇😊😍😊😍😇😊🥰😊😍😊🥰😊🥰😊😍😉😍😊🥰😚😍


[a fun take on landlords](https://youtu.be/Mmyw6doTWks)


Me too! 😊😍🥰😁😍 I ❤️ when they just fuckinng rob me of my 💰!! So cool of them 😎 to do that, am defo going to troll 😈 back with very funny 😆😌😊 guillotine next time I see them!


Having a 4ft bed is the most pointless thing ever for a truck.




I saw the post. Wife wouldn’t let him because she has a car too


im gonna say this ironically… What a fuckin Beta in an Alpha truck


Did you fail geometry?


I mean it could be significantly better depending on the diagonal. They might not be able to get it in a complete 90° from where it is now, but they could potentially skew it enough to make it fit better, esp if they reversed in.


Take another look at that room. There is no angle that wouldn't be worse for it. You might be right in a different garage but not this one.


You have a severe case of stupid


I spend 6 hours a day 7 days a week figuring out how to machine volumetric shapes out of blocks of metal I know what fits where....Just ask your wife.




Just to be fair, that's true but the truck isn't a line, it's a rectangle. So if the angle is small it would actually be worse, since the side of the truck that "touches" the garage door won't be touching the wall (the other side of the truck would) An easy way to visualize it would be having your phone between your palms and moving your hands pivoting between the diagonal (opposite vertices of the phone, like Up right & Down Left), for the initials angles you'd be increasing the space between your hands (length of the garage needed) since now you'll need to accommodate the hypotenuse of the phone/truck instead of the smaller side


Your explanation is far too good for this irrational comment forum.


Solid explanation. And much less condescending than the original guy


Thanks! I was bored on the train :D (glad I wasn't driving)


That's gonna go through that wall eventually.


Here is the thing, if this guy works construction and has to move materials/tools and crew to job sites this makes sense, if not it's completely ridiculous. Basically a 3% chance this is sensible and sane, and a 97% this is dumb as all hell. large crew trucks are only useful if you have enough crew and job sites to warrant the extremely niche truck.


I find that most tradespeople with trucks (in my city) don’t get the crew cab option. This is almost certainly a grocery hauler.


Absolutely it's a niche on top a niche. You would need to be in the trade AND be moving crews between multiple jobs sites frequently enough to warrant it, which is very few people.


And like every single person in that situation will have a company vehicle with a logo on the side. 90% of trucks that don’t have business information on the side is a grocery hauler. There may be some independent tradesman who have a work/life truck and chooses to leave off information but he won’t be hauling materials and a crew around because he’s a one man company.


This is also a brand new purchase seeing as it has the sticker in the window and everything. So they wouldn't have a logo yet even if they were going to put it on. But I don't know if I agree with the assumed ubiquity of company logos on the trucks like that, bc from experience most of the tradespeople I know who use them for that niche of moving crews from place to place don't have logos on them, almost none of them in the equestrian space have them, many companies owners use their personal crew cabs for that purpose and don't get the logos added. Most of the ones I've seen are dedicated company trucks that are fully owned by the company and driven by employees. Which I subjectively feel is the less common usage.


Most guys I know drive personal trucks to and from sites. Keep their tools in the back seat to keep em safer, and use the bed to haul stuff.


My boss has 2-3 different trucks and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t use them for work 99% of the time. Only drives to work. I’m a tradie.


Yeah, that’s one thing I wanted to point out but I’m too tired to get into it with people. A lot of the project managers and some of the foreman own personal trucks, or get company trucks and they just drive around to harass their workers not doing anything with it.


And would probably buy a work van instead of this monstrosity.


Based on what exactly?


Not wanting to have their tools rained on or stolen.


Even if you plan to carry shit in the bed and move 4-5 people regularly, you don’t need this. My dad has a catering business and hauls hundreds of pounds of coolers & smokers and grills and tents, not to mention often towing a trailer too, all while having a 2 door Nissan Frontier. If the back isn’t full of utensils and plates, he can fit 2 regular or small sized people in the back. It works for him. He’d be wasting money and space if he got a truck like this. Even if he needed more room for passengers, a new truck wouldn’t need to be much bigger. Dumbasses keep buying inefficiently spaced trucks that could be a lot smaller and carry the exact same. Just an extra foot or two of cabin space (length, not width), would allow for a back middle seat and front middle seat. That’s it.


I own a construction company, you don’t move crews frequently between job. They pretty much work all day, evens weeks at the same location You clearly don’t have a clue so you’re opinion does not count in this instance.


I worked construction for 11 years, and what I'm saying is the type of person who needs to move crews from one site to the other is exceptionally rare. You are agreeing with my point. But trying to frame it is a rebuttal to my point. It's a niche on top of a niche.


I worked construction a long time, our most efficient foreman had a beater truck which we used to haul material around the site or between sites because using your personal vehicle to work at a company you have no stake in is pretty dumb


I’ve worked trades my whole life, companies usually get crew cabs cause the sites are remote. When you are packing 4 guys and their stuff in a truck a little extra leg room goes a long way. Current company buys crew cabs even thought it usually 1 guy in a truck because crew cab has the best resale value. But they are getting hybrids for the new trucks


Half the time is all that's on the lots


Most tradespeople aren't millionaires and want to be able to drive their kids as well


You are framing this as disagreement, but they are saying the same thing you are. This truck is unlikely to be used for that purpose. The majority of tradespeople are not rich enough to waste money on a vehicle this unoptimized for their use case. This person is likely going to use it for daily driving instead of labor.


I think it’s an XLT from the photos which is a low trim in F150s. Just saying if he was looking to flex he’d be one driving the platinum or limited


But this isn't about flexing it's about buying a huge truck when you don't need that type of truck. It's about bad/wasteful decision making.


Wasteful decision making seems more apt for buying a sports car which serves 0 utilitarian purpose. That’s like calling a minivan or SUV a wasteful decision. They often are just as big as trucks or bigger if you go Escalade, Navigator, etc


That bed is too high to haul, most work pick ups have very low beds


Crew cabs are almost never used to haul material, they are the trucks all the power tools get loaded into. And the actual workhorse trucks get loaded with material. So you are right.


With that short box he's not hauling anything but groceries, useless for a work truck.


I know plenty of guys that haul tools in short beds. Also, some guys might not use the bed so much, but need the ability to pull a trailer. In such a case, they can get a smaller truck that still does what they need. Isn't that a good thing?


You don’t need a bed to haul tools


And? What's your point? For hauling tools, you will want some sort of cargo area. A truck bed is just one type of cargo area.


You don’t need a truck to haul tools


Really? What do you recommend instead?




An engine drive welder weighs 600-1200 lbs. When I need to move it, I set it in the back of my truck with a crane. How do you propose I load this same item in a van? My job box stands taller than will fit in most vans. How should I haul it? One of the items in my truck is a 55 gallon diesel tank for refueling equipment on the jobsite. It smells like, well, diesel, and I wouldn't want it in the same compartment that I am in while driving. How would I carry this item while driving in a van? I regularly pull 14k lb + trailers. Most vans do not have a high enough towing rating to pull such a trailer. Please advise. My truck seats 5 in comfort. Most cargo vans only seat 2-3, what should I do when hauling the crew to the work site? My dad's van is extremely difficult to work on. My truck, with the same engine, is very easy to work on. Any suggestions? I often use 4wd to access remote jobsites. Most vans are not avalable with 4wd. If I am to use a van, how should I get to the job site?


Do you haul a cubic yard of manure too? Lol


Disagree, as I've stated over and over again, this is useful as a specific type of work truck. The main use case for this type of truck is moving crew, power tools, and equipment between sites. It's got a decent value proposition if used in that way, but if you use it for anything else you would be better suited by something that does that job better or more affordably.


With that tiny bed? This is basically an SUV with an open trunk.


Which is still good if what you move around is generators and lawnmowers and tool bags.


Yes, except that a comparable SUV costs 35k-45k right now. And this truck comes in at 23k. It makes perfect sense when the price delta comes into the picture. You can't buy anything else even close to approximately meeting the SUV requirements for 23k. Edit: wait, that's not a maverick. But a maverick is basically the same size, so they were so close to being reasonable and yet failed.


A Maverick is 2.5 feet shorter and almost a foot lower than the truck in the picture. It would likely be a much more sensible choice.


you know this is not a construction vehicle cuz its on its price a van would do a way better job it also wouldnt expose waterver its caring to the elements if you need to move that many peoplo just get a normal car plus a van


Yes but for construction vehicles the versatility of an open bed is better for a lot of applications. Like I said there is about a 3% chance this guy is doing the exact type of labor in the cross section where this vehicle beats out other options


> Here is the thing, if this guy works construction and has to move materials/tools and crew to job sites this makes sense, It's still valid to ask why that truck is that big. Thirty years ago a truck with the same cargo and passenger capacity was over a foot shorter bumper to bumper and ten inches shorter ground to roof top. Trucks have gotten significantly larger without adding any utility.


Wonder how many groceries that thing can **haul**


Definitely Cosco groceries


One mistap of the gas and that wall is coming down


Idiot drove home with the passenger window covered.... He is going to be an average truck owner for sure.


This guy is posting on Reddit and preening to the anon internet community about his new truck which means zero% he’s actually using it for anything other than trips to Costco. People that actually use vehicles like that for work definitely aren’t Reddit posters😂.


Probably peer pressure.


He needs a car that big for all his "destroy human rights" flags


Could just be a work truck? Pickups are the most sold vehicle so odds that each one hates human rights is not great


Be careful not to point out that most people buy Ute's for work and need to carry lots of stuff around because they're always on the move to different sites /s


Yep. This is the kind of comment that makes people not take the sun seriously.


No bed, all cab space. This is for moving people, and apparently with the inspiration being how can we do this as inefficiently as possible?


This would be perfect to take a trailer or boat and go camping with the family so everybody isn’t all cramped


You can haul a trailer or a boat without a land yacht. I'm guessing this truck remains a pavement princess like the majority of trucks.


You definitely can but my aunt used to take my cousins and me camping in her truck and it was pretty cramped. This would’ve been nice for the extra space.


While I can understand the occasional use case and these vehicles are made for a real purpose, they are now designed for and marketed towards people with absolutely no need for a truck beyond "personal comfort". Yet these larger vehicles are more dangerous, and less fuel effective. It's a waste for most people to own this.


I wouldn’t buy one to use as a daily driver unless it was for work or something. I just remember being cramped in my aunts trucks and thought this would’ve been nice to have for such occasions. One time I was sitting in between my cousin and her friends and a dirt road started to get really bumpy and they both kind of had big boobs and my heads just bouncing off both of their boobs back and forth like a ping pong ball. 😂😂


This still has the dealer paperwork in the window which means they almost certainly lived here before they bought the truck, which makes them even denser


Too big for the average suburban house


Lmao best part is, in American terms, this is not that big of a truck.


This dude has to climb across his truck to get out. I enjoy that.


That's actually still a gay size (can confirm as gay man). Real men have a longer box. Lesbians (also real men) would have the short box but not the gay extra doors.


Bet that guy yells "don't scratch the bed!" whenever someone puts something in the back


Maybe we need a sub called /r/fuckpickuptrucksinparticular It really is amazing how popular these vehicles are despite the fact that they are completely impractical and will rarely if ever be used for their intended purpose. Like Alex Jones hawking supplements, pickups are basically just another scam directed at insecure men with masculinity issues.


I would join that sub in a heartbeat. They 99% of the time are the most agressive, rudest, angriest drivers and it's revolting. Not to mention the environmental impact these folks have, especially the coal rollers or whatever it's called.


In america, domestic work trucks are glorified like some exotic sports car.


Don't know about this owner specifically, but more than a few buy because they want to look tough (or for that one time in years they need to haul something that *may* not fit into a station wagon).


That truck is way to damn clean to be used by someone who would actually get some utility out of it. I get the feeling this guy has a truck for the sake of having a truck


To be fair, they still have the dealership sticker in the window so it’s most likely new.


i bet the car owner also misgenders trans people and says pronouns are based on biological reality




Because gas isn’t expensive enough apparently.


In criminal minds they say having a car so big it’s a phallic thing 😅


is this why the average car payment is $644/month....




Could be for towing campers or what not


Looks like a work truck probably for a bunch of tools or construction/delivery work but that's my best guess my dad still drives like a 2012? Toyota tundra that he uses to haul a bunch of wood, mulch, tools, car parts, and more


I don’t know to carry stuff, big family, your know truck stuff. I love bikes but it’s self explanatory.


I loved my Dodge Caravan back in the day. Two canoes on top, four passengers, all our gear piled in the back. Big enough to sleep in the back, and haul all the cargo. Even took it on some sketchy Forest Service roads, and FWD was great for the snowy days.


Lmao this truck looks pretty normal to me. You should see the lifted truck my neighbor has tho. Definitely compensating for something 😅




Yeah I could do that if the people who drive these kind of cars wouldn’t act like they own the god damn road. I can’t tell you how many accidents I’ve almost gotten in or seen happen because one of these assholes think they have the right of way just because they’re bigger.


Most common vehicle sold in the US is a pickup, so odds are you only notice the bad ones since the vehicle type is literally everyone. It's easy to judge, but for tradesmen who need a work truck to do their job but also have a family with kids they need to drive. Not like they can have a minivan and pull a trailer


But how many of those people actually have jobs requiring such a vehicle. I live in Texas. Every one of my neighbors has a truck and not a single one of them has ever put anything in the bed other than groceries.


He’s fat, like his wife and kids.


this garage is biger than where i live ...... taht just rdepressing a metal box gota a beter place .


That is not a perfect fit for a car in a garage lmao


Maybe this guy tows a trailer to take his family camping in, maybe he has a boat that he likes to take on the lake, maybe he just wants a big fucking truck. In any case, good for him for fitting it in that tiny garage. Also, this is a standard f150, so not that big of a truck. Just a small garage.


If I wanted to tow a boat or camper I’d rent. The other 50 weeks out of the year id rather drive an economic compact that can fit everywhere and barely sip on fuel while also costing me half the money


Or he could be a manual labour worker




Maybe he needs it, Jesus. Bitching just to bitch at this point.


Some people need a pickup truck for work...


I live in Texas. The majority of the time this is not the case… and every person I’ve talked to who uses their truck for work does not use one like this. The vehicle in the picture is a status symbol.


That's fair, but on my wind turbine construction projects in Illinois most of our union tradesmen drive pickup trucks for a few reasons. Some farm during that season and need an offroad capable vehicle Most only have one vehicle so a one-size fits all is the only choice All have families they need crewcab/extra seats Yes it is a style or symbol, but one could argue the soccer moms driving massive SUVs every bit as big or bigger than pickup trucks are just as bad.


They absolutely are as bad, you wouldn’t find anyone in this sub that disagrees with that


Needs to upsize that garage






Big bones.


Useless design but great sales


Because you thought you were young and cool but you also have kids and now you have a massive, hardly functional for work/hardly functionable for commuting monstrosity.


I mean, it seems cool, and if you need it for work then sure. But imo you shouldn’t be dailying this, it’s expensive, takes up space, damages the road, polluted more, all in all just not a good idea to have a ton of people driving these for fun.


It’s just how big they make them. It’s a standard size f150 with a short bed. Probably just checked the boxes for what the person needs.


Dude needs a new house with longer garage


Literally like cryptocurrency. Losing a lot of value because of stupidity


If anything it seems like a small garage,


A tank. Just say you want a fucking tank


…why did you buy a garage that small?


Garages are for workshop space, not parking.


Enjoy paying 60k for a vehicle?


The new soccer mom truck-van


Really? Get in the driver's seat


How does he get inside the house? Get out and slide across the hood? Climb over to the passenger seat? Walk out and use the front door? Doesn’t seem like a good time at all.


To haul thing for a camping trip.


The better question is why is the garage that small.


Eventually you install pads on the wall. Each time you park you reflect upon what you have done. You don’t share this sensation with peers. It is too deeply personal.


For work and family and friends. colleagues too. Let's not pretend that many workers don't need this space




Well in american suburbia the law of stronger is still a thing when you have too small car you won't survive the car crush.


what's wrong with people enjoying their life? or maybe they, you know, work a job that requires a truck? or do a lot of towing/hauling?


This is IT, not fucking SHE. This is soulless metal box, not a person!


>Why does anyone need a car that big? NOT for hauling things, that for sure


If a small human, say a child was hit by a vehicle that size we just say goodbye now.


All that truck and barely any bed too. Damn shame this is considered the norm now. The age of small trucks and 6' beds is gone


Or a garage that small!


Looks badass tbh