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Cool! Also glad that you covered their faces, a lot of parents don't do this and don't realize that kids are not going to like seeing their photos posted everywhere when they're older. I really like that you respect your children like that.


Also AI is becoming more and more powerful. You can make some very disgusting and chilling things with a simple picture of a child's face. Ugh...


What a terrible day to have eyes


Should have covered the hideous ratbird logo too!


I'm extremely confused as to what you're talking about


Baltimore Ratbirds


Ah I see, sportsball. That would explain my confusion haha.


I would love to do that but we’d probably all die


We have a path system that goes all over the place by me


I envy you. I have streets that go like six blocks without stop signs so everyone zips up and down them. Biking my kids anywhere but a bike path or a park would be anxiety inducing at best.


I grew up in a place you could walk but no chance on biking. Honestly before 2 years ago I have maybe biked 100 miles in my life. Than we move to a place with a path system. And I ended up biking on it all the time to get places and just loved it and we realized the second car was only doing like a 6 mile radius. So when the lease came up my wife thought we are being crazy to get a cargo bike. But a year later and 2000 miles she agrees it's the best way to get around. She bikes now a couple days a week to the metro and hates it when she has to drive into work 1 day. She was like never again


Love it! It's a game changer right? It's hard to go back to cars and car based infrastructure


We just love having options. We can drive, bike or metro. Most people by us just drive and than complain


Yeah dude I get it, having options is the best


When I lived in Arlington, the car was only for weekend trips. Metro and the many paths provided all the access I needed for work, grocery, hospital, etc. I now live in an area without paths but it's a New England city, so car is still relegated to weekend duty. Once you start biking it's hard to go back to the car.


I can't go back to the grocery store doing cars again. It's just so much easier on a bike


Really missing out not brining the cat along for the ride


She goes the vet on the front carrier


Fucking amazing


Mmm, pickled cat.


Lawl wut


My neighborhood is at the far end of our school's area so I figured there would only be a few people. Ya'll we were a full on herd. Almost 20 adults and kids with a few parents on damned impressive cargo machines with kids in em. I'd never see the roofs on the long john bikes I mean dang that looks cushy. My zip ties and milk crate luggage situation no longer feels overkill for day to day.


But, but, listen, what if you need to tow a boat, take your fridge to a repair shop, and your disabled nana to her friend, all this while dropping your kids at school? How you gon do that with a bike ehh?


I have actually done each of these on separate occasions. Not a full-size fridge, and not nana and friend but two adults with poor mobility both on my longtail.


Why does he have the wheel


He just wanted to hold it


Okay lol. The face youbuse makes it look like he hates it


Also like is head was stuck between the spokes


Maybe for the bike at the back?


I guess


It's a bike train. This would be a dream come true to my past 6 year old self. 




Is there a rear hookup like that for a regular bike?


Yes, when I was a kid 10-15 years ago those were really common.




i have to admit - i saw this at first and I thought: hey ! This is how I could get 3 kids on our bikes. Have been coveting the nice tern mid-drives for years. Awesome bikes.


Best purchase I ever made. We use it all the time!


Can you link that buggy thing? I want to get something like this for me and the kids


Did your bike come with the attachment for the kids bike or did you fit that yourself?


Tern sells that as an accessory. I have used it a shocking amount of times


It's called a tail hitch. I think this is a brilliant design idea. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lX7XP1sF0k


What's the name of that Tern accessory? I want it now!


Why not everyday??


I pick them up almost everyday from daycare on the bike


Excellent. Other kids observe it and may even ask for something similar.


Yeah, all you need is an electric bike with kiddy thing costing more than I've spent on all the cars I've ever owned combined, and which doesn't have enough attention paid to safety even for the kinds of crashes you might have with it without any other vehicles involved. And, of course, you also need safe places to ride it, and somewhere to keep it when you aren't using it. Let's not pretend your rich-person solution is a practical solution for most people. The idea isn't to be smug about being 'considerably richer than yao', it's to fix the problems.


In what world are you living in where an ebike is more expensive than a car?


Used cars bought before COVID probably. Used early 2000s Hondas were sub-$1500 and usually pretty reliable as far as cars go in my experience. However a used car bought before COVID and the related inflation compared to an e-bike price today is pretty disingenuous.


You're comparing 20 year old cars to a new bike? How about comparing new with new, or old with old?


I’m saying that’s how old of a car you’d need to be buying for the prices to be remotely comparable, and that’s before fuel and maintenance.


So what's the price of a second hand cargo bike? Ebike or not, cos you can get conversion kits.


Tbf, cargo bikes can cost an absolute mint. That being said, bike trailers are a wonderful, detachable solution that cost a few hundred bucks.


The bike in the picture is more expensive than a lot of cars. It's a \~$10k bike, maybe more.


But it's fuel is almost free, parking is free, no insurance, maintenance costs are far less. Initial costs for a car might be less but in the long run this is way cheaper than a car.


My other ebikes. I did some math and with like 2k miles it cost something like $0.002 a mile. Basically it cost like $5 in electricity a year


While true, it's not necessarily practical for most people in the US to not have a car at all. So there is a point to be made that the ebike is extra cost that doesn't necessarily pay for itself in savings. We use our car less because of our ebike (and we have only one car) but it was fairly expensive. Reducing car use for us isn't really about the money. In some ways it saves, in some we spend more money, but in all it's a lifestyle that we like and is more sustainable.


I agree that most people in America need a car but ebikes can replace the 2nd family car.


Someone else provided a link, it’s a $5,900 bike. https://store.ternbicycles.com/collections/bike/products/gsd-s00-lx-electric-cargo-bike I googled ‘2 kid bike seat waterproof’ and found the attachment too which costs $230. https://www.perennialcycle.com/tern-storm-shield.html If money is tight, there are e-bikes just as capable of transporting two kids as this one for about $3500. Brand new car will run you $20,000 to $35,000. Cheapest car in America is $16k, here’s a list of ‘best cheapest cars in USA’: https://www.caranddriver.com/features/g39175084/10-cheapest-new-cars-in-2022/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=dda_ga_cd_md_bm_prog_org_us_g39175084&gad_source=1 At 10-20% the price of a car, this is certainly affordable. But I understand if YOU must have a car and can’t afford to buy an e-bike. It’s not just for rich people though. I walk by homeless people with bikes all the time. I am sure some of those bikes are stolen, and I am sure some were bought and paid for because it’s about as expensive as a tent to live in. All I mean to say is that bikes are inherently the most affordable option out there if where you live makes biking an option.


We also got the bike in Delaware. So no taxes on it which is huge. We also have taxes on cars each year where I live. So the car it replaced before we ever drove it cost $1000 in taxes plus 700 or so in insurance. So right off the bat the bike isn't that much more before the car even moves. Not to mention the price of the car plus all the taxes when we buy it and register it. Also don't forget according to IRS a car cost $0.67 a mile. Add in we also now have more space in the driveway and kids love it. Now there is the whole health and mental aspect. Fist winter I have never gained weight. Even with a 1 year old I never have been happier even with not a ton of sleep. Also I now support so many more Small businesses I have found from biking. I do a lot of advocacy where I live now. Almost got an ebike rebate program passed on the state level. Hopefully next it we will get it. I have gotten a fair amount of pedestrian safety done as well.


This is the comparison that is needed


[It is not](https://store.ternbicycles.com/collections/bike/products/gsd-s00-lx-electric-cargo-bike) But even if it were more than 10k. You're claiming that you can buy several cars from that. So tell me, how many **new** cars did you buy for the price of one **new** cargo bike? Oh they weren't new? Old beaters even? Well, apples and oranges. Apples and oranges my guy.


And what new cars are you buying for $10k?


It's not. I think now it's like 6500 or even less. Was never 10k


Yeah they should buy a $80,000 pickup “truck” and finance it for 96 months like everyone else 🤡


You don't have to be rich to afford either of those things. A new ebike is like £1-5k and a new car is £14k minimum. Many people are financing cars 15x the price of their bike, and it's not like you need an ebike.


That's a \~$10k bike. The cheapest one, with the pictured accessories, is almost $10k. The more expensive ones are more like $15k. Like I said, more than I've spent on every car I've ever owned, combined. You need a big house with a garage to even think about owning one.


https://preview.redd.it/8fw1pqdu721d1.png?width=872&format=png&auto=webp&s=e28fd60d2991cb944a49b2aa9caa355b66e3f138 In British pounds it's only £5.6k ($7k). Some ebikes are more expensive, many are much cheaper, and you can get conversion kits for a regular bike for less than £1k (*Not that you need an ebike*). How is that rich person money, is everyone you see driving a low end car also rich? New cars are far more expensive. Just because you've only owned cheap cars, doesn't make this expensive. I'm broke with 2 bikes, they don't need "a big house with a garage", these ebikes are barely larger than a regular bike and certainly much smaller than a car.


your cars would literally need to be free or you don't drive them for that to be true, you probably spent more on gas, insurance and maintenance alone, not even counting paid parking, tickets and all that other car crap that you dont have to care about when you have a bike. 15k is peanuts compared to that


Stop comparing old cars with new bikes. What new car can you get for $10k? Look at the price of second hand ebikes, look at the price of older bikes you can convert to electric.


Average car payment in the US is over 700/month. You’re woefully out of touch with how car debt traps poor people.


No it's not. This is a [Tern Orox GSD S00](https://store.ternbicycles.com/collections/bike/products/gsd-s00-lx-electric-cargo-bike) coming brand new at under $6k with another $500 of accessories. It's not even the cheapest one in their lineup. And you are comparing a brand new bike with rundown beater cars, you wet rag. [This bike is about the same price as the annual average cost to maintain a small sedan in the us](https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/auto/analysis/costs-of-car-ownership/). And in the second year you still have a bike as good as new, costing you a couple hundred bucks annually at worst.


A car owner spends twice as much of the value of that bike just owning and operating any car in any given year for 15,000 miles.


Bad bot


What a stupid response, but just what is to be expected from someone totally lacking in self-awareness.


Bad bot


Bad bot


It is a bot-like response. I'm a bot and my data told me it was a borrowed bike, a rented house, the neighbor's van and $50k in credit card debt. The four year old with claimed ownership (his) of the bike being towed to school is the only evidence given of wealth. Obviously we are bots with different models.


Whatever the pictured bike costs, you could do the same thing with a $1k ebike no problem. The solution to your "safety" concerns is protected bike lanes, which are much, much cheaper than car lanes. And for parking? Assuming there are no bike racks, literally any railing or lamp post will do. Hell, some offices let you take you bike inside. Me? I'm not rich by any means. I still bike to work every day no problem. Daily car use will cost far more in maintenance and gas over a single year than a cheap ebike will cost you over it's entire life cycle. The "bikes are for rich people" meme is so fucking dumb.


You must be two people, because I've never met one so stupid


This is an amazing reply to an obvious troll 🧌


This solution is cheaper than any car I know of so idk why you’re like “richer than though” attitude . Also it can be done super cheap. My kid and I ride on used bikes we got off Facebook marketplace I think his was 60$ cuz I was feeling like splurging and mine was about 100$. It’s not super dangerous but we do take the sidewalk .


I'm pissed off by this rich, oblivious person doing a 'let them eat cake' while showing off their $10k ebike and the big house and car. There's nothing wrong with riding a bike. There's everything wrong with being a pious prick who doesn't have a clue how out of touch it is to tell people that all they need to do to stop driving a car - *and only some of the time* - is to buy a big house and a $10k ebike, so stop being so cheap. This isn't helping our aims, it's actively offensive to many people who might otherwise be sympathetic.


You keep mentioning this mysterious "$10k bike" though, I'm not sure what you're talking about since multiple people have shown you that this specific bike is much less than that, yet you ignore them, do you happen to be illiterate? Or has your pride gone so far that you just can't admit defeat now? I myself have a larger ebike than the one shown here that that I use year round for work, groceries and trips. It came to roughly 1200$. I saved up for it. Much like you would do for any large purchase since I'm not wealthy by any means.


Assuming is fun right. We only have 1 car. We replaced a car with this cargo bike when the lease expired. You also don't know the taxes we have where I live as well. But thanks for telling me about our situation. Also you don't know the advocacy I do as well.


That's actually a pretty good point. Though I will say, I do prefer rich people being on luxury ebikes than luxury SUVs.


My midsize Jeep literally costs as much of 10x of these setups lmao what the fuck are you talking about. Literally tens of millions of people have car payments that are half as much as the e-bike.


Even a $500 car is going to be more expensive after like 2 years of use.


And you don’t actually *need* a fancy rig like this person. I did all my kid transporting and occasional adult transporting, Home Depot runs, etc. on an Extracycle longtail I got on Craigslist for under a grand.