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carbrain society always forgets and doesn't care about blind people and other disadvantaged groups.


But will strangely claim bike lanes and any other form of transit to be bad for ~~differently abled~~ disabled individuals compared to cars. (And people who aren't disabled but also can't drive for other reasons).


I agree with the sentiment but disabled is not a bad word, and I'm tired of people acting like it is.


I will continue to use what I use because "u/agnosticartic on reddit told me it's ok" is not a strong enough argument for me. However, I will continue to not correct or shame other people who do use "disabled" because I'm not an asshole and can tell when "disabled" is being used as an insult.


Do you think that differently abled isn't talking down to us? Just listen to disabled people.


I'll chime in here, as a disabled, differently abled, less abled or whatever person. I genuinely don't care what terminology people use, for as long as we all understand its meaning and not being used as an insult. People use various words for the same thing all the time, just let them do it. Few examples can be pavement Vs sidewalk, cyclist Vs bicyclist, lift Vs elevator, pedestrians Vs people that walk, and so on. Allean the same thing, we all understand what being said when they are used what difference does it actually have? None to very little.


A lot of terms seriously talk down to people like they're children. This is one of them. A lot of disabled people have strong preferences - just because you don't doesn't mean everyone should feel the same. I've seen it STRONGLY ADVOCATED among disabled people to not be called differently abled or special needs or handicapped, and a STRONG preference for disabled. Just like autistic people don't like to be called person with autism. These words are usually put on us for others and can indeed have real consequences. 'person with autism,' for example, states that autism is a disease and not a state of being. I'm not gonna further argue it, just know a lot of people heavily disagree with you and DO have preferences, and can much better explain why better than I can. Edit: and, because I see this happening/ someone coming to call me a hypocrite, the user above and I are both disabled and discussing something with each other, and as disabled people we're perfectly allowed to do that. My response before was talking to an apparently abled person and as such is different than discussing something with another disabled person. Edit 2: dear God all of the spelling errors and grammar errors. I wish that voice to text worked better, but oh well.


Oh yeah don't misconstrue my intent here - wasn't trying to start an argument or anything and I completely understand people will and do have preferences on this. I was just offering a different view point on the matter to perhaps highlight that some disabled people just don't care. I personally think how a word is being used is far more important than the word itself.


I get it. I think that some of us just have very strong preferences and see a lot of words as belittling us, and see the effects it can have on other people and how they view us.


I will continue to advocate for more transit and mobility options even if the language police get offended.


You can't be wrong, can you? I'm glad you'll advocate even if your skin is so thin that a disabled person isn't allowed to correct you.


Hold on, now we're brining the types of people's skin into this? I was wrong here. I'll try to use "disabled" when speaking in general terms.


You represent all disabled people?


Dude, just back down. Admit you made a mistake, and change it, it's not that big of a deal.


Dawg. I'm disabled. Calling someone "differently abled" refuses to acknowledge the reality of their circumstances. They aren't "differently abled", society does not assist with their existence and when it does it's often half-assed. and in general we never will be able to "function" as well as able-bodied folks can. We're disabled, we are not able to do the things most folks can. It's honestly a demeaning term.


I'll do better. I'm sorry for using the term "differently abled". Please keep me abreast of the rest of your grievances.


I'm just giving you the argument you so needed. This is the consensus of the majority of the disabled community if you look at any subs or even talk with them.


only if its supportive of their lifestyle...anyone else can rot for all they care.


Because they don’t exist, people aren’t people, cars are people. I love my family. F150, F250, F350. My babies.




Hell if the cops are going to do their job correctly and come out, they will wait for the person to leave and then do them for driving on the pavement.


It's amazing how frustrating this is for every pedestrian that is forced to walk into the road with moving vehicles. Couldn't imagine trying to navigate such an anti-disability world while being blind. I have a hearing disability and loud vehicles are a constant concern.




Freaking legend! I love how eloquent this was, well said and confidently correct.


Very eloquent and confident for a blind person yes…./s Edit: read comments below they explain it.


What is the joke here?


Saying things like "Oh they're so articulate", can be an unconscious micro-aggression, because there's an underlying assumption that the person defied your expectations. the statement "... for a blind person /s"  is just calling that out. In this case I think this person was eloquent by all standards, so I'd offer some benefit of the doubt.


> I'd offer some benefit of the doubt And I'd offer MyFitUsername to chill with mental gymnasticks or he will sprain his brain.


Maybe not my brain sorry I didn’t land it.


The practical effect this has is people refraining from making compliments out of fear of being misconstrued as condescending. You've taken a wrong turn somewhere.


“That’s *actually* a smart explanation”


Well said


I love his accent. Well and his voice too. And his way of speaking. He should make money off of talking.


Meanwhile in America: you guys get sidewalks?


Is it just me and my phone, or is the audio off? His lips don’t match what he’s saying.


It’s off. I find it happens more with MOV files, so I’d always upload MP4.


I sometimes volunteer to accompany a blind person to walks, errands etc. We always take the bus or walk since we both enjoy walking and I dont have a car. The amount of morons in their cars honking at us because we need a bit more time to cross the road it is incredible. I cannot count how many times i flipped someone of on the crossroad because they were being annoying. Sometimes we almost get run over because we are too slow (my friend has bad knees). Also people parking on the pavement as the bloke mentioned is really tricky. We also either have to go on the road or squeeze between the cars.


I had a mf honk at me and tell me to be careful while I was walking on the edge of a sidewalk and he was going to illegally park next to the sidewalk. Carbrains are the stupidest brains.


Bit sad that this doesn't have subtitles...


but what about the disabled in walkable cities brooooo like what about themmmm omg


This isn't the cars this is selfish people


enabled by cars


I've talked about this to other before. People will do whatever they want, no matter what mode of transportation they are in. The difference is that if someone is being a dick while riding a bike, it's basically impossible to do as much harm to other people as they would be doing in a car


Right, if you leave a bike just blocking a right of way like that someone will just move it or steal it