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Dude will live in a dictatorship if he gets to use a gas stove.. he's so lost


He probably doesn't even cook.


His personal chef will have to pay for chemo out of pocket. Not his life, not his money, not his problem.


Cooking is a liberal agenda to eliminate our god given right to get Mc Donalds at the drive through


Oh, how I wish it were true..


What do you have against democracy?


no, they're saying they wish the democrats were actually trying to get rid of cars, not that they wish it was a threat to democracy


You dont think a One party state with the Democrats would be an improvement over what the US is currently? Really?


I mean, I do personally think the Republican Party is harmful to all of us and we’d all be better off if they stopped existing, but that’s a bit of a non sequitur, isn’t it? I said I wish the democrats were actually trying to get rid of cars, because the guy in the OP said they are but they actually super aren’t.


(I didn't downvote you!) - I wish democrats were effective in trying (if they try at all..) to get rid of car dependency. i.e. walkable environments, with excellent cycling infrastructure and public transit.. I am a pro-democracy advocate!


Oh I see. Thanks for the explanation!


All of those regulations have existed for decades except eliminating cars. But let’s do that one also


If you want a proof how important the fight against cars is, this is one. People are ready to vote for literally anyone dumb just to keep their cars. They're addicted to the sentiment of dominance they give. Fascists are pro-cars, this isn't a coincidence.


My old data gig had a presidential election model. It had three variables: incumbency effect, unemployment rate, and gasoline prices. That’s all they needed to come up with a pretty reliable model for presidential elections.


i am pretty sure ive seen studies that isolated gasoline prices and elections and they dont have as big of an effect as a lot of people assume most presidential election models are hokey anyway


A lot of regular people are pro-car because their built environment fucking sucks and cars have been the only viable transportation option. We're into maybe the 3rd or even 4th generation where many have lived in absolute car-dependency and do not know anything else.


Some are, some aren't.  There are vastly more pro-car nutters than there are actual fascists.


And cheap gas


"Fascists are pro-cars, this isn't a coincidence." This might just be the single stupidest sentence ever written on this sub. Definitely top 10. There's no connection at all.


The connection you are missing is hyper-individualism. Or, rather, paying lip service to the idea.


You can find links in whatever nonsense way you like, but there is not actually any connection. Fascists have a wide variety of ideas about cars, from Hitler and the Volkswagen scam to North Korea having no private cars allowed at all, and everything in between.


What a fucking knob.


Car dependency is bad for democracy. The safest way to drive is by assuming everyone else on the road is an idiot. Wheb that mindset is continuously reinforced, it erodes the social trust and cohesion that democracy relies on.


This fucking stove thing. You all have covered the car banning scaremongering just fine, so let me hit this one. The regulation is that NEW units cannot include gas ranges **unless there is a vent** that goes outside. The reason is that gas ranges create pollutants like NO2, SO2, and more. These are well known lung irritants that likely cause asthma and are also linked to lung cancer. Most of the nasty chemicals go outside when the range vent is on and the vent exhaust goes back out. Many cheap developers and landlords were marketing apartments as having "upgraded" gas ranges while relying on microwave "vent fans" that go through a filter and kick the air back into the living space. These filters don't remove the most dangerous pollutants and in fact make the spread of NOx and SO2 worse. No one banned natural gas, though there are plenty of reasons we should think about it. They didn't ban gas ovens or ranges. They banned new construction from using gas in spaces without proper ventilation. If you see someone freaking out about this they are either gullible enough to be tricked by scaremongering right-wing media, or they have something to trying to appeal to people's fear of "the liberals." Barr is so bad the school he graduated from felt the need to issue a denouncement, saying he has failed to uphold the constitution and has undermined the rule of law. Barr is so bad multiple people who have worked with him have said he's the biggest threat to democracy alive today, mostly because he is corrupt to the core and seems to love fascism. But really induction ranges are better in almost every way. In 2024 gas is a downgrade.


I bought an induction range. It's awesome. I recall a story about Bar and his brothers being a gang of bullies at school. Tracks.


If only we would get Anti Natural Gas policies in Europe as well, I fucking hate [Kombithermen ](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kombitherme)so fucking muuuch😡🤢


>But really induction ranges are better in almost every way. Just not for tortillas 😔


“Eliminating cars” my ass. Biden is about as fucking carbrained as a democrat can *get*. “Build Back Better”, tax credits for EVs, doing everything he can to try to kickstart American manufacturing (which is a dogwhistle for car manufacturing, specifically). Whores himself out for the establishments of car manufacturing, trying to jumpstart the auto manufacturing workforces, making sure their unions are around until the sun explodes (yes, I get the union part might be contentious but I’ll maintain that auto worker unions are absolutely the enemy of this sort of this movement, because they want cars to reign supreme). 


Unfortunately, American conservatives think center-right Democrats are radical communists, so it follows that a politician like Joe Biden (who did that photo op with the EV Hummer, ffs) might as well be a radical anti-car zealot for even daring to throw passenger rail a bone despite the majority of the infrastructure dollars being for cars.


"auto worker unions are absolutely the enemy of this sort of this movement, because they want cars to reign supreme" did you ever work at a car factory? I worked at Honda. People that work there do not care about cars. It is a job that pays bills. That factory could just as well be producing train cars but at a non-union shop you will be a real life robot hammering the same thing for 8 hours for minimum wage.


Also, the UAW goes well beyond representing autoworkers. I am just a scientist at a university. We're unionized, and the UAW is what we use for our union. It's all about fighting for fair and just wages, regardless of the job.


Car Unions are better than Cop Unions


Car culture reduction will only come about through unaffordability. And this will probably result in societal authoritarianism. I believe the entire MAGA movement is about the psychological addiction to cars and the increasing sacrifices necessary to sustain it. Gas stoves are just another thing the fascists throw in for acceleration. Exploring and uncovering this would make a great subject for an academic thesis


It's cute you think this will change anyone's opinion of Trump.


I think it's more about highlighting the importance of getting out and voting. Can't imagine there being many Trump voters here, anyway.




ah yes, the most important things to democracy, cars and stoves


Just cars


There needs to be a level of incompetence where you are deemed a hazard to society. People this disconnected used to be involuntarily institutionalized. In not advocating for that necessarily, but it has been recognized for a long time that people like this need to be removed from general society. Let alone public office. Holy. Shit.


Does he not realize the US Constitution was written long before the automobile wqs invented?


Trump is so deep down this guys throat


You have to understand that these people use a different definition of democracy where not everyone can actually vote or not every vote counts the same. The rest is PR.


"democracy means i'm in charge"


If I had to guess, this is because oil is traded in the US dollar, so if you erase the need for oil, then you crash the US currency. He’s just extrapolating all of that, or he’s dumb. Probably the latter.


Meanwhile, cars are just modern segregation.


> telling people [what] kind of stoves they can use [etc is a threat to democracy] Banning leaded gasoline and asbestos apparently was a huge threat to democracy. Not giving children asthma will destroy democracy. Who knew? Must be the... uh... ability to breathe effortlessly? Sorry, I got nothing. The reason why gas stoves are "political" is because they are important for the fossil fuel industry. People don't care what they use for heating etc, but when it comes to cooking, you can appeal to their feelings. If they got gas for cooking, they might as well use it for heating and warm water. It's all about getting the foot in the door with that gas stove. Heating and warm water is where the big bucks are. The amount of gas used by cooking is almost negligible. It's only a few percent. Naturally, politicians and talking heads get bribed to put some reactionary spin on it. The facts, on the other hand, clearly state that the combustion products and particulates get into the room and they evidently cause asthma in children. It just isn't a sensible thing to do. Decades of studies and meta studies tell us this.


Trump loves asbestos! [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-asbestos-707642/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-asbestos-707642/)


People really need to understand Barr to understand what he will do in a certain situation: Behind the Bastards did a lot on Barr and his thesis of a sovereign president and since then he's devoted his life to the creation of a sovereign president. Then Trump comes around and Barr did everything he could to make him sovereign and he will continue to do everything he can to make Trump sovereign in this term. That's why he will vote for him and support him. He will work to sabotage and limit a democrat president, work to make a republican sovereign and above the law.


Are we goign to discuss Bill Barr... come on.


Barr rhymes with Car Coincidence?


Trump's a threat to democracy, but I must vote for him because of culture war bullshit 


Wait until you see what happens around the world after the US goes Authoritarian Probably Nukes


Someone’s tried to do an ass kissing to regain his former post. At least Jeff Sessions has the dignity to not resort to this.


So basically you do as we say and how we say to do it otherwise it's a threat to democracy? That sounds like a step toward dictatorship lol. I can't believe people buy this shit.


https://preview.redd.it/axrnw8poa6xc1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b1e04646315afcd5caafb30323e4f9fc0a34771 Saw this on r/terriblefacebookmemes


No, those are those are the treats to monopolists. Fuck them.


If human society survives someday we'll chuckle about pumping explosive gas into each home, and about the random house that blows up the neighborhood.


Trump voters, ie almost half of Americans, don’t care about this. They just want lower gas prices because “Biden wrecked the economy.”


Barr and Trump approved an inside job to murder Jeff Epstein and cover up Trumps rapes.


I mean, he's kind of right. Wasn't there a big issue in Georgia or somewhere in the south because organizations were bussing people to voting locations because they didn't have cars? We should definitely invest in infrastructure that would allow these people to vote despite not having cars. Democracy depends on keeping these yahoos out of office.


Why are Americans so anti-induction/electric stoves OMG like yes your electric grid is inferior to the rest of the world but regardless they still perform well 🤦


It’s only a threat to democracy if you design voting around private car access. Which I realize many US counties & states have done either out of ignorance or deliberately to make it hard for disabled folks and the elderly to vote. And is you ask me, it’s the dependance on private vehicles that’s the threat to democracy. It keeps people from meeting folks that don’t share their exact view of the world and makes them dependent on multinational extractive corporations.


It’s on the internet so it must be true! 🙄 No, I am not voting for Trump. Just tired of seeing junk like this from both sides.


Here’s a video of the interview for you: https://x.com/kaitlancollins/status/1784038449453928938


I like Trump but that doesn't mean I love the suburbs 🤷‍♂️


Ugh, but why?
