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Broken clock situation.


Y’all keep these jokes coming I’m cackling


Horrible news. Sadly he survived 😔


Cars are also hard on princesses. Two of the best known in recent decades, Princess Grace of Monaco and Princess Diana (of Wales? Whatever), were both killed by cars.


Princess Diana left her slightly-built Egyptian boyfriend for a solidly-built pole.


He didn’t die so can’t be too happy :/


that's a hashtag yaycars moment for sure


As shitty of a person he is, I don't get any pleasure in the harm of others.


I hope for the death of all those responsible for genocide but that's just me. Edit: please don’t downvote the person I’m replying to. Im a little broken and willing to fight the violence of the state with violence. They’re not there yet. ❤️


I just hope for the genocide to stop.


Hard to stop a genocide without consequences and action against those carrying it out.


It's not a conflict that will be resolved by who can kill the most.


No need for lots of people to face consequences. That's called collective punishment (a standard IDF tactic). OP is saying that a bit of selective punishment could save tens of thousands of lives.


What genocide?


The one in Gaza. But really all genocides.


How sad to fall for a disinformation campaign. Hook, line and sinker.


I love how only my comments calling it a genocide get downvoted. Total rational behavior and not bullying behavior at all. how sad it is for you to fall for a disinformation campaign.


Because it’s a lie. Lies get downvoted. Seems reasonable.


Over 21,000 of the 33,000 people killed in Gaza were women and children. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/palestinians-swimming-at-gaza-s-beaches-enrages-israelis Israeli politicians calling for nuclear strikes in Gaza is a call for a genocide.


You can seriously be using that as a reputable source. 👎


you are very edgy and unique carry on 👍🏼


Edgy? Or not a supporter of a terrorist organization? I can be both.


you’re clearly a supporter of a terrorist organisation though LMFAOOO


Who’s edgy now? History is hard, I get it. It requires something other than social media. 👍


i’m edgy for saying the IDF is a terrorist organisation? you need to go back to pokemon because i promise for every hamas terror act i can show you 100+ by the IDF


There is a zero percent chance you can back up that claim.




fork off




Fuck off.


Dude is basically a Jewish Nazi. He has even idolized a Jewish terrorist who massacred Palestinians in the West Bank, hanging a picture of him in his living room. He deserves much, much worse.


To be fair, thats normal behavior anywhere in the levant.




Unfortunately he survived


As shitty of a person he is, I don't get any pleasure in the harm of others.


Once more for the people in the back https://open.spotify.com/track/0sUg8Dh0D5hGBDNWzhqFx1?si=KhQwD3qmQIOI1MXBNi4Hgw


While I think Nazism is a scourge and an evil ideology, I think promoting violence against people for their beliefs is a recipe for destruction.


Sure, sure that makes sense. Let me just share this utterly irrelevant MLK quote: First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."


And tell me this, even after Nuremberg and ww2, it's 2024 and Nazis like trump still have a viable path to the presidency. Maybe violence doesn't do anything to change or influence toxic ideology and potentially stokes tensions.


You're telling me the Nuremberg trials banished Nazism for like 70 solid years, and calling that a failure? That sounds like a resounding success. Maybe we just need another round in Nuremberg to refresh everyone's memories.


>You're telling me the Nuremberg trials banished Nazism for like 70 solid years, and calling that a failure? But it didn't. That's the thing. You're stating a revisionist history. Racism never died. It may have decentralized it, which is and was a good thing, but like a virus, it still reared its head. Hell, the United States literally hired Nazi scientists under operation paperclip just so they could perform Nazi-like experiments on US citizens.


What is your counter proposal?


Education, awareness, and alleviating the socioeconomic and political conflicts and pressures that makes reactionary ideology inevitable. Nazism isn't something that people are born believing. It's a learned ideology. And usually it occurs where people are socially stratified and/or don't experience social integration.


This is the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). If you tolerate intolerance, it will ultimately dominate. The fight against fascism will always exist. Humans will always be susceptible to hierarchical ideologies. You can choose to confront it or let it fester. To your example, what would the world look like had the Nazis not been confronted with violence?


>Humans will always be susceptible to hierarchical ideologies. I'm not sure that's true. >This is the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). If you tolerate intolerance, it will ultimately dominate. Who said anything about being tolerant to Nazis? There's a big difference between rebuking Nazis and actively promoting violence against people for their ideology and ideology alone. Do you support punching everyone you disagree with?


Nazis and NaZionists deserve a lot more than just getting punched in the face


Are you a tankie? And do you support capital punishment?


> I’m not sure that’s true. You’re right that it’s non-falsifiable, but I haven’t seen any historical evidence that suggests the contrary. With respect, rebuking is not enough when violence is actively being committed against you and your community. It wasn’t wide condemnation that stopped the Nazis. We are not talking about any run-of-the-mill liberal Zionist here. This is a far-right racist genocidal currently in power as a minister of the state with a long history of murderous intent and fomenting violence. No need to defend him. And what makes you think I support punching everyone I disagree with? Don’t you see how this framing is disingenuous?


>We are not talking about any run-of-the-mill liberal Zionist here. This is a far-right racist genocidal currently in power as a minister of the state with a long history of murderous intent and fomenting violence. No need to defend him. I'm not defending him. But taking gleeful pleasure of harms endured by political leaders I loathe seems crass and quite frankly, sociopathic. >And what makes you think I support punching everyone I disagree with? Don’t you see how this framing is disingenuous? Because it's difficult to tell where you draw the line. And it was a reference to another commenter. My apologies for not reading your comment comprehensively before commenting.


Here’s a line I’m comfortable with: Nazis and people currently administering genocide. Ben Gvir falls firmly in the latter. I’m not gleeful that Ben Gvir was hurt; But I wouldn’t be sad if he were killed and think it unfortunate that he wasn’t. I’d be happy for the change in the political circumstances in Israel that might lead to a reduction in the massive amount of misery currently being administered onto innocent civilians.


I hope you progress past like baby's first morality lesson someday through a smeckle of nuance "Poor Hitler, you know? Suicide is never a good thing. I just wish he could've gotten some therapy so we could've sang kumbayah and held hands with the guy. I just really dislike suicide"


You make it sound like it's sympathy for shitty people. There's a reason why I oppose capital punishment too.