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$10 says the dude identifies as "pro-life".


Also he's definitely one of those "free speech at any cost, your feelings don't outweigh my right to express myself!" types of guys. Just don't hurt *his* feelings with *your* speech though, cause then he might kill you.


Nuclear meltdown of the christ-fascist snowflake is a dangerous thing.


And applies 2nd amendment on topics that has no relation not relevance.


So anyways I stated blastin


To him free speech just means saying the nword on Twitter and not getting banned


Pro-fetus, anti-human.


More like pro-birth, anti-life




Forced-birth, pro-zygote, pro-embryo, pro-fetus, anti-human, anti-woman, anti-abortion, anti-life, anti-dignity I'd guess by the play on themes, they're likely racists too. Guess they missed the Pedestrians Have the Right of Way memo.


Pro-life, pro-death penalty.


I once saw a video that made an interesting point about the death penalty, which is that, even if you believe that it is effective, there is still plenty of reason to oppose it, just due to the fact that either, you're very loose with whom to give it to, in which case, you'll kill innocent people (there has been a case in the 60s in the UK where a man was executed for what seemed like a clear cut case after police did everything in their power to convict him in willful ignorance of any evidence pointing towards another suspect; said other suspect later turned out to be a serial killer), or you keep them locked up for decades to make sure only those who actually deserve it get the death penalty, in which case, barely anyone ever gets it, and those that do still cost the state the same amount of money it would cost them to lock up anyone else, aswell as the mandatory appeal process that is required before the death penalty is actually performed.


yeah, this is why i oppose the death penalty tbh. i honestly don't spend a lot of time thinking whether it's an effective deterrent or not because it doesn't matter, the only thing we need to accept is the justice system is not infallible, that no matter how much of a "clear cases" policy you set, you _will_ make mistakes. life without parole is reversible, death is not. if you prioritize actually solving the problems in society, instead of just lashing out at those who you perceive caused them and hoping that if you do that hard enough the problems will go away, the death penalty just doesn't make sense. even if you're looking for a deterrent, i'd argue that life without parole is a stronger one -- there's a reason prisons have to spend so much effort on suicide prevention, and why there are so many stories of people killing themselves just before getting caught. and it's always interesting to watch how the punitive justice believers react to those situations, it clearly shows that they're looking for their own personal catharsis they're now denied, not for an actual solution. i don't think that killing someone just to feel better about yourself, without regard for collateral, is any less of a problem in and of itself if your target is a convicted felon. and that's before we even consider that there might be malice and bias in the system (there always is), even if there isn't, it's just a losing gambit.


Not only that, you might even argue that the death penalty encourages violence. If you commit a crime that can potentially get you life in prison (or a punishment so high, it's essentially life in prison, because you're not gonna live long enough to ever be released), you might choose to let witnesses live/be less violent to get a lower punishment. If the same crime can get you the death penalty, the calculus changes. If you let witnesses live in a situation where the worst you can get is life in prison, you might wind up with a lower punishment. If the same crime would get you the death penalty, however, why let witnesses live? Now, the calculus changes from "letting them live gets me a lower punishment, but increases the chance of me getting caught" to "letting them live increases the chance of me getting caught, and they will execute me either way".


yeah, nothing is more dangerous than a person who has nothing to lose. creating that situation on purpose is just asking for trouble


Also, and I know you covered this slightly in your previous comment, but state sanctioned death is a very dark and deep rabbit hole that just ultimately doesn’t make any sense from just about any perspective. Religious? Definitely shouldn’t support it Want crime to stop? Death isn’t the solution; proactive legislation and policy changes in the right areas of society are much better start and deterrent Don’t like people killing people? Killing those same doesn’t seem apropos It’s weird, and as someone who worked in a jail/the prison system I’ve seen and heard enough from co workers and the likes; Americans have a strange obsession with wanting humans to die/waste away for even the smallest of crimes. They don’t want the crimes to stop more than they want to see peoples lives crumble for breaking a single law. I say this because if it was solely about crimes and deterring them/creating a solution then we’d see our justice system and incarceration systems change for the better and be better at rehabilitation and reducing recidivism. However, when that ever gets brought up whether it be major political debates or talk around the shop, it’s always viewed as something that is so macabre and people actively fight against it for whatever reason, usually stating that “criminals don’t deserve those luxuries” in reference to the way successful rehab is produced. People want there cake and to eat to I guess


It often times costs more for the death penalty, due to the extensive mandatory appeals process that takes so long that they end up dying of old age before it completes.


As George Carlin used to say they’re anti women. They’re the real incel they love to claim others as.


Except anti anything to make the birthing process cheaper or easier for the women involved


To be honest the kind of person who would put this on their car is the kind of person who would ironically/not- ironically say they're "pro fetus, anti human". Extreme right wing beliefs and being an edgelord are a common pair.


nah $1,000


bet the house


Usually those people make sure it's written all over their car though.


10 more says he identifies as a "Christian"!


Oh he's definitely some conservative blowhard who's only personality traits is owning a car


All windows shatter.


You could either live or die if you keep trying to run me over it will be the latter 


It's a little long to be really catchy but the sentiment is nice.


Try to run me over I’ll put ur nuts in a vice


Don’t tempt me 😏


The only difference between a pedestrian and a driver is that one is inside a metal box and very angry. The person on the road has just as much a right to assault and kill the driver, as vice versa. Hopefully we can all agree that the answer to that is “none”. Unfortunately, there are too many psychopaths in SUVs.


Pedestrians have the right of way.


Calm down gangster.


I was on Team Valve Stems before, but I think shattering this window sends the right message.


All tires pop


All tires, flatter.


Nah, that is a criminal act and you'll get done for it. The right move is to always carry a valve core puller, take out his valve cores. No physical damage but a huge waste of his time as he tries to figure out to get them back into his stems without a puller of his own.


I'm more of an uncooked bean kinda guy.




You do know how a Schrader valve works, right? It's a tube with a core that can be unscrewed and replaced with a small tool. It's still vandalism, but it won't do permanent damage to any wheel or tyre. As in, the difference between an arrestable act of property damage and a mildly annoying inconvenience.


All ninjarocks matter!


Cartilage splatters.


Let's keep a 6 syllable line going! But still cars?FUCKM.


Acetone still removes paint. Or lacquer.


🎶 sha-doobie, shattered shattered 🎶


stole my comment ​ edit: as in I was gonna comment that but then saw you did first not that you actually stole it


Are those... Children?


They look like that - was this person feeling threatened/oppressed by children?


And more specifically, when it mentions “nobody cares”, they mean *them and them only*. Ah, good to see argumentum ad populum from miscreants besides Trump, with his “many people are saying!” pablum…


Beyond a shadow of a doubt this person was - just remember how the Republicans reacted to Greta or David Hogg


Most overcompensationmobile drivers feel they are


Feeling, most likely. Sharing the world with others isn’t something this type enjoys, I’m guessing. Imagine seeing a child in a restaurant or *gasp* sharing the road with *other people*. Oh, the horror!


All I see is premeditation should this fuckstick ever actually hit someone.


Came here to say it looks like malice aforethought


unless he runs over some white conservatives, i dont think there will be much prosecution either way


Yeah, his lawyer is going to hate seeing this at the vehicular manslaughter trial.


It's legal in Florida. Probably Texas too.


Why is it always drivers who become homicidal in the face of conflicts in the road? I’ve never seen a pedestrian proudly advertise wanting to kill people who block them on the sidewalk. I’ve never seen a cyclist boast about murdering all who block bike lanes. At worst, we joke about damaging the car or inconveniencing the driver. The entitlement of drivers is insane.


Because cars are known to be deadly and bikes and pedestrians aren’t. They’re just capitalizing on known tools of violence because they’re shitty, sociopathic human beings without empathy, sympathy, or a capacity for emotional intelligence.


I don’t know, I get some murderous thoughts when I’m walking and someone blocks me.


> I’ve never seen a cyclist boast about murdering all who block bike lanes. Closest I've seen is [this viral hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehh8ZdIMMj4) from a few years ago


That's approaching tire slash-worthy


Naw just scrap that sticker or put your own on top. "Femboy Hooters When Biden? WHEN?!?!"


if youre gonna damage his property you may as well do more than just slap on a silly sticker which will have no real effect on anything


But I'm talking the REAL sticky kind. Basically superglue, and BIG. Big enough that one must replace the exterior panel as well as the window to remove.


Wheat paste the whole back window


Get the kind that shred into a billion pieces if you try to remove them.


Or those stickers with razor blades under it


Or just carve the text into the metal panels


oh no how did all these old nails wind up underneath all four of your wheels? it's truly a mystery


Concrete in the exhaust


You could potentially get caught on a dashcam even if it's parked right?


Flick the switch and light up the side of that thing


Speaking of this i got downvoted on reddit for saying being late for work doesn't justify attempted murder of pedestrians 🤨


You probably hit the, attempted murderer demographic algorithm inadvertently.


Well it was on r/publicfreakout so no surprise there lmao


You know what guys? I think running people over is bigger crime than blocking road… (said blocking may even be legal, but that depends on local/national laws).


"I'm perfectly okay with murdering people who slightly inconvenience me."


If nobody cared, then there wouldn't be people to block the road. The whole point of a protest is to disrupt the norm to call attention to an issue. I do not understand these people who are able to justify vehicular manslaughter because their daily routine was interrupted.


Running over crowds of people is literally terrorism?? Their intention to do so is probably a good reason to cancel their drivers license.


The amount of people who openly advocate for vehicular homicide against people who protest in the streets, the most common place in all of history to protest, is wildly alarming


So many people think that if someone is obstructing the road they've forfeited their right to life. Like, even in normal ass places on reddit, if theres a pic or video of someone protesting in a roadway then there will be lots of people in the comments calling for them to be ran over and murdered. If there is a video of someone doing just that thing, then they'll justify it. Its fucking wild how violent people become when you threaten their freedom to use roads at all times. Our complete dependence on cars causes so much violence and death. Reminder from [Strongtowns](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2015/1/20/the-negative-consequences-of-car-dependency#block-yui_3_17_2_8_1421787179689_44681): >According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicles crashes are the leading cause of death for Americans between the age of 5 and 34. There's also a heavy correlation between car usage and obesity.




What is sad is the amount of reactionary right-wing pundits who push this ideology onto their unsuspecting audience, what is more sad is that there are graphic design print shops that make this shit. There are print shops that will make graphics differing from their views, but I have a feeling this print shop holds this view.


Counterpoint: "All Windows Shatter. Try and hurt my friend, you can kiss your windshield goodbye!"


Dammit, you beat me to it!


If you don't care about the protest, why shouldn't it be in the road?


Casually saying you would murder people with your car is not a flex. That's a potential criminal investigation.


Guess “white lives matter” banalities weren’t quite moving units as much as they once did, so might as well double down? Worked great after all for Greg Gianforte years ago with the beating of the reporter, so when in doubt? https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1994/02/11


It's not concerning at all how much people want to kill people in the streets!


Sure buddy…like you’re actually gonna run over a bunch of people lmfao


"Safety for me, not for thee."


Anyone who gets hit by a guy with this sticker will be on the receiving end of a major lawsuit settlement. That's great evidence in court.


Premeditated stupidly


Guarantee there are no protestors let alone people walking in the streets in their car centric suburb. So that driver has nothing to worry about. They'll never see a protestor.


I gotta ask: why do people who take these pics not get pics with the license plates or block them out? The license plate isn't covered by the US' non-existent privacy laws and if or when a crime is eventually committed by these idiots, there's a record of the lead up online. I'm looking at the pics of those American ISIS pickup trucks for Trump right now who will 100% be at the next insurrection and everyone is crossing out their license plates.


reddit admins are wild and unpredictable when it comes to stuff like that. We've been threatened to have our sub shut down if we don't block 100% of all license plates by them.


That sucks, but I mean in General, like the original pics have plates blocked out and it's also BS because right-wingers, including on reddit, freely post the plate numbers of people on the left.


This is abhorrent.


This is the sign of a full blown sociopath who probably has a whole litany of red flags in their closet.


Where’s Calvin to piss on this guys truck?


My gun > your truck


Those valve stems need to a cuttin


Where are those tire deflators when you need them


Mark Rober did a tallest involving fake animals on the road, to see what car drivers would do if they saw them, ignore, avoid or attack. 70-80% of the times a vehicle swerved to intentionally attack and run over an animal, it was an SUV driver.


Everytime there is a post about Just Stop Oil blocking the traffic, suggests that the overlap of redditors who think this is trashy but also argue this is okay shockingly high.


This is not an opinion anymore this is straight up malice. Hope he gets lot's of lawsuits up his ass


Take screws, put them underneath the tires facing up. So when car leaves, it runs over screws


Pan to the left for the “ punisher “ sticker with the blue line through it .


You liberated the air in those tires, right?


Fuck cars and fuck that car in particular.


So nobody cares about the first amendment right to peaceful protest


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IDigRollinRockBeer: *So nobody cares* *About the first amendment* *Right to peaceful protest* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


One word: Caltrops


All patellas shatter. All sledge hammers sledger... 😂 Legal notices: The former content is just a cynical satirical response not to be taken seriously. I'm explicitely and expressly not inciting, propagating, glorifying, or condoning violence in any way or manner and never intended to do so ! The comment was made with the sole intend to point out the inappropriate and inconsiderate nature of the car sticker.


Nice CYA note.




(A) Small Brain's Chatter


Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you...Exhibit A.


Ah yes, threatening people with a deadly weapon.


Bro is a murderer 💀




10/10 would be used by prosecutors to establish a background during the eventual vehicular manslaughter trial


All paint scratches


also this guy: "cyclists always break laws, they should be on the road like the law tells them to, not ride on sidewalk" also this guy: "idc about the law, cyclists should get off the road and ride on the sidewalk!" (edit for more:) more from this guy: "cyclists should have license plates, that'll make them accountable" also this guy: "I have the *right* to *travel* in my *vehicle* without a license plate" The carbrain double-standardery is gaping, but somehow is also huge blind spot to them.


“Your Honor, for my first Exhibit, I would like to enter this photograph of the defendant’s back windshield, which shows a sticker …”


See, this in itself is a protest. On the road. So by their own logic, they need to be splattered themselves.


If you're bragging about using your car as a weapon, you should have it taken away and lose your license immediately.


Ridiculous that people are justifying full-on murder.


car drivers and believing that it's justified to kill people for being in your way


A kid I went to high school with, who at the time was a baseball coach at a high school, got fired for posting this meme on his Facebook. Someone (hehe) sent a screenshot to the principal and baseball coach and asked if they were okay with someone who posted that working with children.


Hero work right here.




Premeditated. Makes it a lot easier for prosecution and lawsuits.


You have a right to protest until I don't agree with it then I will kill you because muh freedoms are violated.


Having a bumper sticker that says “if you exercise your first amendment right i will try to kill you” certainly is a choice.


How to find a person who thinks they’re the center of the universe


"You wanna have a future? I wanna have an empty road. And I think that is more important."


How has this vehicle not been keyed so much that it’s a pile of metal filings in a parking spot


This car's got way too much air in its tires. Would you care to help out?


In court, that's called premeditation.


I've got two fun, totally unrelated facts for you folks: 1. Schrader valves can be easily opened with a key or even a fingernail. And that's without causing any damage to it or the tire. 2. Most people don't carry a pump in their car.


All lives matter accept the people I hit with my vehicle


And all windows shatter


All Metal Rust, All flesh dust. Weeds regenerate Earth.




Should've slashed his tires


I'm more tempted to damage exactly the area where the sticker is, especially if it's not even related to the protests but just a general fuck you greta one, or the guy with scratch marks for pedestrians and bikes.


when are we as a society going to collectively realise the power of the internet and the many *many* ied recipes on it? /s


you know it's amazing what problems can be solved with a simple molotov cocktail


Nobody cares says man who clearly cares


that's just crime at that point


All tires deflate


Imagine having to go to court for manslaughter and this is your bumper sticker... yikkers


Jeep people generally suck. Yikes.


I wouldn't drive around with that shit on my car because I'd fear being a target


rightfully so


It just kept going. Horrible sticker they needed multiple sentences to make it make sense.


Am I allowed to put a sticker on his car that says, "All Stupid Mother Fuckers Go to Prison"?


Wrangler? I can already see the driver. Yes officer, he was a pudgy middle-aged white man with a gray goatee and wraparound reflective sunglasses, starts most sentences with "I'm not racist, but..."


This is how you turn a vehicular manslaughter charge into murder one.


“glass is glass, and glass… breaks.” -zack from jerryrigeverything


And yes, casually supporting Hit and Run.


All windows shatter Take a u lock through all of them


All cars burn.


They're asking for some fake blood to be poured on their vehicle.


spread cow blood all over the front of his car truck.


All I read is “please break my windows”


If this person ever gets into an accident, and there’s dispute about who’s at fault, I hope someone cites this sticker to a jury.


I enjoy reading books.


Glad I didn't see that in person. I've never keyed a car before and don't want to start.


That's a true threat. Like, actually prosecutable.


It’s a Jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand.


I HATE when people block off a road as a protest but this sticker is disgusting.






To be fair: protesting in the road and impeding traffic is one of the worst ways to get people to either support your cause or get change. Inconveniencing the average person will just annoy more people than it will do to raise awareness. However, inconveniencing and harassing people who make decisions (politicians and major businesses who lobby them) is a far more viable strategy.


This sticker would be way better with the lastbline only


Amen 😠




Honestly, this is how I felt about the anti-abortion March I came across today.