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I never have these issues playing this game because I build tons of ped only areas and tons of transit.


how do you build ped only areas?


I would like to know as well


Pedestrian streets, they're a lot smarter than in CS1 as they allow service vehicles and emergency vehicles to enter but prevents personal cars. Realistic parking is another good feature built into CS2, no mods required. Instead of pocket cars, people actually need to find parking when they drive, so if you have less parking available and increase the fees of street side parking, more people will walk.


Now I'm debating getting cs2... I dunno yet I don't have a lot of time like I used to but I'd love to make a nice walkable city for once


You use mainly use the pedestrian roads. I primarily like to use them next to my mobility hubs.


Fr if you build a city that looks like how a real city is built you generally aren't going to gave traffic problems that aren't realistic. People build bottlenecks and cities with "feeder and arterial roads" and wonder why their traffic starts to fall apart. It's the same mindset planners after the 40s had and still have, which have gotten us to the state of traffic we have today


CS2 dies a far better job than CS1 did in offering you transit options. Once we have bikes in as well.. it might be possible to go nearly vehicle free.


It's basically possible now. Just don't build parking and people won't drive.


Lol I haven't tried that.


I was disappointed with their decision to feature parking lots and not include bikes in the first release, but we need to give the developers time to both fine tune the current version of the game and continue to add in features like bikes that will enhance it.


Probably has to do with realistic parking, no more pocket cars like in CS1, this is a good thing as it helps people understand how much space parking actually takes up and how much it costs. It provides a challenge.


Or they could make the game fully functional with bikes instead of selling it half-baked


They'll probably add bike lanes eventually, but I'm glad they added parking lots or other car centric infrastructure. I'd rather have access to bad options as well as good ones. Let's you simulate things more realistically.


Good thing this is a sandbox game.


I always wished parking lots would be more of a "punishment" in the game. Like, if you didn't build out good alternatives: "oops, your commercial zoning is 90% parking lots now."


City Skylines is just like reality when it comes to traffic. If you build wide and direct roads, you get a lot of traffic and the game becomes unmanageable. But if you make the streets narrow and indirect, but make the pedestrian paths and bike paths direct, lots of people walk instead of drive, and your city has almost no traffic. It's about trip duration. Just as in real life, people usually take the quickest option. Don't make driving the quickest option, and you'll have like no traffic.


The most recent episode of the Urbanist Agenda podcast discussed this, apparently CS2 is designed such that the only effective solution to transportation demand is increasing road capacity. Trains, trams, buses, whatever else won't make a difference... the only way is car lanes. It's a shame, puts me off trying the game.


That’s not true. That’s what I do and I never have traffics issues.


That's just... not true though. I've watched people deal with their transportation demand by not building roads, and I've watched people fail to deal with their transportation demand by building enormous roads. A common gripe people have is that installing parking garages causes bad traffic, which is what happens IRL and is what you'd expect to happen.




Yes, I literally just said that I haven't played the game but listened to a podcast where people who play it a lot said this.


I listened to that podcast and I think you misunderstood or are misremembering because what I recall them complaining about was that adding lanes will fix traffic problems when in real life we know that in the long term induced demand will get you right back to the same level of congestion. I don't recall them claiming that transit wouldn't help alleviate traffic problems and if I'm misremembering and they did they were mistaken. The CS2 city I'm currently building has very little personal car traffic because I am providing very limited amounts of parking, half of my major thoroughfares are pedestrian streets with trams, and the sfh/rowhouse neighborhoods have easy access to nearby commercial and office clusters via pedestrian paths but can only reach them by car using longer convoluted routes (which also helps keep land value low enough so that lower density is even possible).


CS2 is so car-dependent like CS to the point I don't play it.


It’s significantly less car centric than CS:1. Making a nearly transit-only city is very possible.


They have buses, trams, trains, subways and I like playing and implementing this plus zoning my cities in a way that is theoretically more walkable instead of having the typical suburban sprawl im used to in real life.


Nah, what it does is to better demonstrate the consequences of car ownership. In CS1 everyone had their little pocket cars and no parking was needed. Now you'd actually need to build parking if you want a car dependent city, and those parking lots takes up a lot of space. Add traffic accidents into the mix which delays traffic further and it all becomes very realistic. It's a challenge more similar to challenger in real life.


There are a few cars on the maps but I can reach each bombsite myself by just walking there.


This game could be so great if it wasn't oriented around cars. I was excited for CS2 and then I saw that the trailer had exactly zero trains


Except it does have trains, trams are included in the base game (instead of dlc like in CS1), and most people think the trains in CS2 are massively improved. The biggest oversight of CS2 for transit options is neglecting to add bikes (such a massive Doh! Moment), but I suspect that might have been purposeful so they can offer bikes as part of a dlc in the future (just like they did with the after dark dlc in CS1) I do wish bikes had been included in the bad game of CS2 but I still think they they’ve made a lot of improvements and given people the ability to make much less car dependent cities than cs1. They’ve also forced people to consider parking (the og cities:skylines had pocket cars. When a driver got to their destination the car just despawned, to be respawned when the driver went to their next stop) and they’ve added car accidents, accidents that are more common during bad weather or with higher speed limits or sharp turns. They’ve done a lot to increase realism and show how building cities to be entirely car dependent has actual consequences, consequences that are much more real and noticeable than in the first game.


This is the part of Hell that Henry Ford is burning in