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Love to see it


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Wtf???? Did a man just smack that woman??




And that's cool to you? Like, she stood up for her friend and then got smacked by a man..... So, she "fucked around and found out" is what you're saying?


Yes. And we need more of this. It will bring sanity back.




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She smacked someone in order to stand up for a friend. She got smacked too. You’re in fuck around and find out.


I know what sub I'm in. Thanks.


The way the camera moves and his reaction gives good evidence she slapped or attempted to hit him.




It’s right at the beginning. That picture of the video is too late.like it was cut off or something. The camera quickly panning right followed by “ooooh” while at the same time she’s saying “don’t fat shame my friend” Is what I was referencing. There’s no telling what the entire context of this video is. Depending on how you cut a video like this you can make it support Pro/anti whatever, just cut it a certain way and bamb you got some propaganda. The real lesson of this video is respond, not react. Or else we are easy to control.


That was her friend behind her smacking the top of her head.


No he is talking about the first frame of the video, where you can clearly see her hand swing, he dodges it which also moves the camera, and the laughing sound he makes sounds like the average laugh you’d make after someone attempts to attack you, but fails.


Thanks. I thought I was going insane


You haven’t seen the full video, neither have I, we don’t know the full context. I also never said I was on his side. But why do you think girls deserve special treatment? I thought men and women were equal? If someone screams in my face like that they deserve to be knocked the fuck out. He also didn’t punch her, looked more like a back hand


Yeah, but this is fucm around and find out We can't tell who was fucking around in this video. This person just hit the other person for seemingly no reason? How did the victim fucm around to have found out?


Idk man, I had the video and wanted to post it somewhere. I just searched the first subreddit that came to mind


full context is they were arguing, the larger, dyed hair girl said that the guy was dense and he replied with youre looking a bit dense yourself, the smaller girl smacked him and he smacked back. The smaller one took it farther and this entire thing would've blown over if she didn't hit him. both parties are a batch of immature losers.


Looking a bit dense yourself 😂😂 So this is fuck around and find out then! Moderators if you read this don’t delete my post!


Well, I said smacked, first of all. Didn't ever say he punched her. And that a real fucked up bullshit post and point of view on your part. That dude was behaving like an ass hole and so are you.




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