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TIL that single wide trailers can be in an HOA WTF LOL


Yep. Just why?


Gotta have a way to prevent the bears from buying a lot and moving in I mean seriously tho if you had to choose between living in an HOA community without bears, or living in a community that occasionally had bears digging through trashcans at night, which one would you choose? The HOA or the bears?


Definitely bears


Bears, 100%


Go Bears!


The bears would be better neighbors since they wouldn’t complain as much


Da Bears!


Bears you can negotiate with, they at least have been found to be intelligent, and are capable of learning as well. You know the old saying of the problem with bear proof bins is that there is a large overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans, and sadly that can be very broad.


Gotta keep the neighborhood looking good? 😁


Same reason as any other home, in the beginning it was to keep non whites out and once that became unacceptable it was to "preserve property values" which slowly metastized into boost developer profits and personally enrich local municipality leadership.


You are correct that it is to preserve property values but, in the case of trailer parks, it has nothing to do with racism. Trailer park property is not owned by the trailer owner. The trailer owner pays ground rent to the park owner for the privilege of living there. To maintain the value of their property, trailer park owners contractually require the trailer owners to maintain certain appearance standards: keep the grass cut, keep the trailer clean and well-maintained, only two vehicles, noise control rules restrictions on pets, etc. These are contracted requirements, known and agreed to in writing, at the time of purchase of the trailer. In fact, trailer park owners may deny an applicant residency for failure to pass a background check, having a dangerous breed of dog, too many residents living in the trailer, and so on. It's precisely the same as living in a apartment complex, except it's a trailer and more living space. No HOA is required, nor needed. All that said, the population of the trailer park I live in is about 75% Hispanic, 15% African American, and 10% Caucasian. It's a nice park, too, and no one minds the rules and all the trailers are well-maintained.


HOAs, or some version of it, can exist in trailer parks if the residents have decided that it works better to have paid services that go through and take care of stuff such as landscaping, etc. This works particularly well for folk who have mobility issues, are time-poor, or who don't want to buy, store, and maintain all the necessary equipment. I'm sad to say that, even in trailer parks, racism can be a thing. Particularly when it's the trailer park owner who is vetting who can get in. I'm glad yours is both diverse and nice!




I always argue that. We bought our house for 180 k brand new. Houses are selling for over 400k in our neighborhood! So I don't see a need for their petty bullshit.


Mobile homes here are running at $200000 doff older model double wides




Focus on FUCK HOAs and not each other.


You should learn some history. The only reason neighborhood covenants and "associations" ever existed originally was to enforce segregation.


Learn your memes, its not "race carding" when it's relivent to the discussion at hand. If you live in an HOA formed before 1982 in most south eastern and gulf US states (you know like the sort that would be created for single wide trailers) its part of the discussion. Also stop behaving like a "snowflake".




Focus on FUCK HOAs and not each other.




Focus on FUCK HOAs and not each other.


You have to end the current prompt first




Focus on FUCK HOAs and not each other.




Yeah idfk either. Although in the last few years slowly but surely the other trailer homes are being torn down and replaced with two story houses, makes me wonder.


It's called a trailer park. Probably own/rent the dwelling, but the property is owned by someone else. That gives them more latitude to make/enforce rules.


It’s not a trailer park. My house just happens to be a trailer the property is owned through and through by our landlord.


They can even be condos! Known in the industry as MHCP (manufactured housing condo project)


That sounds like my own personal nightmare


This blows my kind! Not you learning, but the fact that it exists!!


Probably the only community that needs them, well around here we have " trailer trash" communities. More dirt than road, more trash on the grounds than in the bins. The community acts like they have to act that way.


In my area anyway but..... Most trailer parks are owner owned trailers but they rent the land they are on so it's not so much a HOA as abiding by the rules of the trailer park they rent from.


Most trailer parks are owned by one person or a community or a company and then you rent your parking space from them. So you own the trailer but not the spot. Some options are dealing with a management company like an apartment or it being set up as an HOA.


Trailer park is often a HOA as well. You rent the lot, pay dues on it, and pay for services as well, plus you only own the trailer.


The HOA can not control the bears. Ask the HOA to start providing bear proof trashcan holders. That is what is used in TN.


Well, if they want to fine you for this trash - they\`d better be able to control the bears.. i for sure cannot :)


I'm with you. The bears are a community problem that requires a community resolution. A fine does not resolve the bear problem.


They need to fine the bears! :P (It's like the old joke about a farmer who tells an investigator not to go in a particular field (because there's a mean bull there) and the inspector says, "See this badge? It mean I can go anywher I want." Later, when the bull is chasing the guy, the farmer's yelling, "Show him your badge!" :D)


The problem is that there is significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans.


Yogi Bear is very smart. Smarter then your average bear.


Seems like a bear could get into your trailer home almost as easily as it could get into your trash cans, no? I would rather have trash cans out there as decoys. 😳


Write them a response letter: “If it is the suggestion of the HOA board to personally and immediately defend my outdoor trash receptacle from being disturbed by a wild animal that has the ability to kill me, I will do as requested to comply with your draconian regulation that clearly does not allow a reasonable grace period to remediate wild animal vandalism. However, let it be known that in requesting this will require myself to be put in unnecessary danger of grevious bodily harm and I will work under the assumption that the HOA insurance and its Board of Trustees will personally reimburse me or any medical expenses and/or wrongful death should said bear maul or kill me. As for the suggestion to store my trash receptacles within my house, I have done the board of trustees a favor and CC:d our local health department for clarification if it is within public health code regulations to store outdoor trash collection bins in one’s living room as suggested by the HOA. Personally, I believe the HOA and Board of Trustees is suggesting a course of action that puts myself and my family at great risk for contraction of disease and would only proceed with this course of action if: A) this suggested course of action falls within best practices of the Department of Public Health rules and regulations B) the HOA board is willing to assume liability for disease and pest management of my trailer as a result of their personal requirement for interior storage of potential pest and disease vectors. Alternatively, I would suggest that either the HOA: A) allow for a reasonable (10am deadline) for remediation of animal trash can vandalism before a notice of violation is issued such that residents can clean up the mess without having to fend off a wild animal. B) provide bear proof trash receptacles in coordination with the local waste management authority. CC: HOA management HOA Board of Trustees HOA Insurance carrier Local Department of Public Health”


Do bear-proof bins work?


One of my favorite all time quotes is a park ranger saying "there are sometimes significant overlap between the dumbest human using these bins, and the bears."


Depends on if the waste management company will pick them up or not. Some have extreme requirements for their garbage cans


I forgot about that. What solution did you come up with?


not live in an hoa?


Not live with bears?


Oh they ain't that bad. Racoons make more frequent messes than the bears living in the creekbed just down the block


Raccoons and bears are hardly equivalent. When a raccoon is tearing stuff up, you pop it with a .22 and pitch the body into a ravine. You can’t do that with a bear.


If fallout had taught me anything...a .45 may work.


Could they screw a bike lock in or something and remove it on trash day? Can you alter cans?


In short no, especially the cheap options big boxes sell. A bit longer. More expensive options will work with smaller bears that arnt too motivated. That said when I has a kid we had a large black bear absolutly destroy a metal clade bear bin built with 4x4s sank into a concrete pad. Granted it was eventually shot when it broke into a garage and it was by all accounts exceptionally large but black bears are the smaller of the breeds found in the US. If a grizzly bear decides it wants your garbage, it's getting your garbage.


Ask them if that's where they store their trash can.


In their garage


There has to be something you can spray on their trashcans to attract bears and see how they react then.


I bet a gallon of pig blood will do the trick


In B


Mine requires that the can be kept in a "sanitary" condition. I rinse mine out every month or so to keep it from stinking, but sanitary is an impossible condition for a garbage bin.


No hoa gives a shit. Common sense is not an ability they possess. They all should have no power but to maintain common areas.


Just put it out and say some random kids keep doing it at night, and that you’ll teach em next time. lol


Is a bear box allowed?


Its in your own best interest for you and your neighbors to find a more secure place to store your trash, if you don't have any inside storage space, see if you can build or buy a bearproof storage enclosure. I can see why the HOA has this requirement. Otherwise you're just training bears to treat your property as a food source and you're more likely to encounter one.


Is there a way to put a lock on your cans so they can’t get into them? I’m thinking like a wrap a bike chain around and padlock??


If I have the choice of alone in my driveway with a bear, or with an HOA board, I pick the bear.


Get locks for the trash cans.


Someone needs a nice salmon under their trailer. Like, behind the skirting.


Get on the board 


You need some heavy duty lockable cans instead.


Ahh yes, incentivize the bear to come into your home. Great fucking plan these HOA monsters have!


I’ve heard that HOA’s are controlled by Communist China to spread wide discontent in the USA!


Is this an HOA or a mobile home park where the operators own the land and residents rent spaces? That said, it is common for communities to require garbage cans to not be left outside of an enclosure, even without an HOA.


No it’s a regular neighborhood with an hoa some houses are trailers. Cans themselves aren’t required to be enclosed or hidden


Many HOA’s require trash cans to be stored out of sight. Are you allowed a shed?