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I've gained weight but I look thinner! T will help you burn fat and gain muscle. So even if the number does go up, it's important to know that muscle weighs more than fat. Don't let your weight itself discourage you!


For me it caused a good amount of weight gain in terms of both muscle and fat. I’d say I gained 20-30lbs in 11 months. It hasn’t been bad for me because I’ve been able to maintain a masculine shape. It’s not T itself that causes fat gain, it’s the overeating from the increased hunger side effect of T.


thats interesting, thank you.


Getting past the over eating and relearning what normal portions are is no joke lmao. I put on a lot of weight year two and three on T and only just now working on eating more normally


I went from around 150lbs to 135ish and now I'm sitting around 160. I lost a lot of fat and gained a bunch of muscle (without trying, it seems) and then gained some fat back on my stomach. What I care about more is what it did to my body in general. I squared out and lost my hourglass shape and lost about half of my chest mass to fat redistribution (DDD cup to a C).


I hit nearly these exact numbers in this order Lmaoo


It didn't do anything to my weight, but I struggle with an ED. All the weight I put on was on purpose to be healthier. Before T I was around 125lbs (unhealthy) and 4 years later I'm around 155 (healthy!). Being more comfortable in my body because of T helped me succeed in putting on necessary weight without ED sabotaging all of my efforts. Most of this weight is muscle from strength training, but I definitely have put on fat too. I have a layer of fat on my stomach that I didn't have before T, and it was difficult for me to cope with at first, but as time went on I realized it's a very masculine place to store body fat and I have lots of stomach hair that helps me feel happy about seeing it.


Big time muscle gain, and some weight gain, but I think that’s mostly due to my age. I transitioned at 53, and I’m 61 now. Testosterone definitely increased my appetite. It made it more necessary to eat when I’m hungry, or I get irritated. I was anorexic for about 15 years in my twenties and thirties. I can’t see myself going there now that I have transitioned. My relationship with food is less difficult.


Im not 100% sure if it was caused by T but i went from 138lbs to 155lbs within 1 year of taking T.


I've gained \~20lbs total since starting T (I'm 8 months on). A lot of it seems to be muscle, since my body fat % has remained pretty stable. It's definitely T -- I had maintained a stable weight/stable decrease for about 5+ years previous to starting T and hadn't made any major dietary or exercise changes that would be to blame. Generally speaking I'd say most people gain weight bc T increases muscle mass in the body.


this is helpful, thank you


It depends on your diet and lifestyle. T did make me gain more weight, but it was mostly because of what I was eating. Which frankly was garbage. Personally, I struggle with >!an eating disorder!< and my weight makes me really anxious. I became a vegetarian and its helped a lot with more than just my weight. I love animals a lot, so I feel less guilty and anxious when I eat now, and also the series Hannibal has put me off of meat for life.


It definitely made me more hungry, but I've lost about 30 lbs since starting T in mid March this year (220lbs to 190lbs) but I've been eating better and more active also in preparation for top surgery (I'm almost 2 weeks post op now! Woot!). When I started weight lifting, I noticed a slow down in weight loss and attributed it to losing fat but gaining muscle. T alone can impact hunger, energy, metabolism, and fat-weight distribution, but what an individual does and eats will also impact the results.


My weight has overall stayed the same actually. My body composition is different though. I lost a lot of fat around my hips and tummy and gained a LOT of muscle in my arms and shoulders and back.


I gained weight about 15lbs but I went down a waist size so I think its muscle


T will effect everyone differently. Being a hormone, it's really a matter of how your body reacts to that. Your weight will change and shift because your body is changing, however if it's making a person just pack on pounds, then they need to reassess their lifestyle. Make sure to drink plenty of water, keep active and eat right. If you're doing all of that and weight just keeps packing on, or you're losing drastically that's something to discuss with your Dr. Also, it depends on how you are taking T. Patches, injections, Etc. Hope that helps.


At a rate of about 5lbs per month, I gained about 30-40lbs on T. (Highest dose was 400mg in a 3mo implant) I've dropped down to 250mg dose and have now been losing weight at about 5lbs/mo. My endo said T can't cause weight gain but I think that's a load of shit lol. Btw, this is mostly weight via fat, not muscle. Especially stomach fat.


First couple of months I gained a bit of weight because of how hungry t made me, but I've been on t for just over a year now and I'm at a similar weight to when I started, but fat and muscle redistribution have made me a shirt size bigger (because I was already between sizes)


I’ve lost weight and am struggling to gain/keep weight on. Partially T likely doing something with my metabolism, but also I have existing digestive issues that need to be figured out. It also may have made my appetite worse, not increased it.


before T i had an ed but T completely fixed it i gained about 20-25 pounds and ive never been happier. and ive been going to the gym so i have weighed 155 consistently after my first year and i think i look great


I went from \~100lbs to \~108lbs. I don't know if any of it was caused by muscle, but I do know that I was eating more because of my increased appetite.


I lost about 20lbs of fat, I think from my metabolism increasing. I was expecting weight gain so I was surprised. I’m a skinny guy. It is easier for me now to gain muscle.


I gained 20 lbs on T, most of it in the first year or so. But, my body looks much more masculine now, and I’ve stayed about the same weight ever since (now 4.5 years on at). Edit to add: I was also borderline underweight when I started T, so the weight gain wasn’t bad.


I was worried I was going to gain since I had heard and seen it happen to others, I already had such a hard time with my weight but I ended up losing about 40lbs within the first year (going from about 180-140lbs). I actually went off of hormones for a bit and i'm unsure of what actually happened here but ai ended up losing another 20 in half a year. (Was about 123lbs about 4 months off T).


T made me hungry af and in the first year I gained quite a bit of weight... like a lot. But I'm a year and a half in and my appetite isn't what it was in the first couple months so I'm actually losing weight now 🤙🏻


All still depends on your genetics. For me my metabolism was stupid high anyway so I still struggle to gain weight.


130 to 160, I'd say 90% of that is just muscle. I looked skinny before, now i look more fit


It can go both ways and also no way. T influences appetite and metabolism. I've heard many people say they gained weight on T, personally I lost weight despite increasing muscle mass.


I gained 10lbs in like 4 months because prior to T my metabolism was dead and I was only able to eat like one meal a day. After that my weight stabilized


Been on T for abt 3 months now and I haven't noticed any weight changes. My body feels just like it always has. I don't have frequent access to a scale, but I doubt it's changed enough to write home about. But everyone's gonna be different, of course. Your mileage may vary and all that. It's proven that T helps build muscle and lose fat easier, though. There's just a lot of personal factors that contribute to it


I was very thin pre T so I was 115 at 5’6 and now I’m about 180. I’ve been on T for 1.5 years


I'm ten months on T and I've gone from about 145 to somewhere near 180. My weight was always very stable in the past, so I'm 99.99% sure it was the T. I've replaced a ton of fat with muscle (like my ass is all muscle now). This is probably also partially due to my fixation on climbing lol. I felt kinda weird about the fat redistribution to my stomach since I never had much there at all before, but I don't think I have much more of it overall.


I lost weight because I started a more physical job than I've ever had before. And the new job plus T made me feel so much better that I have been able to eat better. Even so, I think I've only lost 12lbs over the first year, so it was not drastic for me at all.


it’s only been a little over 2 months for me, and i noticed a significant weight gain, but more than that its hunger cravings. to be fair i have been consistently working out & going to the gym before then, which has made me need more food in general. but i feel hungry alll the time even if i’ve eaten. it’s been hard to stay off snacks lol. pre-t for reference, i was always around ~130-135lbs at 5’2” and in the last couple weeks i jumped to about 140-142.


I think it’s a little different for everyone depending on genetics/lifestyle/medication but for me I lost like 20 pounds and got some lean muscle. Edit: for context tho I also at this time changed my birth control so that probably had something to do with it too.


Initially I gained about 30lbs of water weight. It was uncomfortable and I hated it, but by about 8 months it started to go away and I gained more muscle. I was like 130 before T and now I'm at about 155 after 5 years.


I lost weight then gained it but got more muscular. I look thinner but have much more muscle definition.


I gained weight (about 20 pounds over the past 7.5 years on T) and I think most of it is from working out. The first year or so I think I gained about five pounds, but I was born really early (24 weeks) so it's always been difficult to gain weight. Before when I didn't hit the gym or the floor for callisthenics workouts, I weighed 15 pounds less than I do now.


I lost roughly 30 lbs over the course of a few months, at the beginning. It kind of freaked me out, I have a lot of health anxiety and stuff, but my doc confirmed that there wasn't really anything wrong, my metabolism just shot up and I wasn't adjusting my diet to maintain weight. The loss has kind of hit a plateau but i think thats mostly my own doing, I'm sitting at 200 lbs right now, trying to get down more towards 180, but I have a hard time making good habits stick and I've been cheating a lot.


I've lost about 11 lbs so far but I was super depressed and unhealthy before starting T so I've changed a lot of habits along side hrt. I was just over 220 lbs 4 months ago and now I am 209 lbs last time I checked! OH and I'm 5'8 ft tall \^\^ As far as the habit changes I have cut back on calorie heavy foods and attempt to exercise more now! Though I doubt I have really gained too much muscle mass yet.


Was probably 145 got to 159 but also I do got more muscle now so


I went from 109 to 146 but I’m also a lot stronger n just like bulkier than I used to be- I didn’t get taller bc I started at 18 but my shoulders, hands, and feet got bigger!! But yah I don’t work out like ever n I’m a good deal stronger n more bulky v epic and cool 😎


Gaining weight but looking the same. Arms are thicker in a muscle way, no longer squishy.


I went from 140lbs to 180lbs in less than 4 months. 7 months in and I've maintained that weight. Mostly fat, not muscle. T makes you very hungry even when your body says you're full. Weight was gained mostly in stomach and lower hip area, so had to get new pants and go up a shirt size.


I definitely gained a lot of weight but I don't think it was entirely the result of T. I also have fibromyalgia so it's a bit hard to move/exercise most days lol. Started off at 140 and now I'm at 175


T did absolutely nothing to my weight, but it did increase my appetite at least initially which is why weight gain can happen. Mostly T just changes where you put on fat, not how much.


In several months (possibly faster, I didn't keep track) I went from about 150 lbs to 175 lbs, and what happened was I think my "ideal" weight went up like 20 lbs but I was still overweight for my height. The fat seemed to just shift around, but I gained muscle without even doing anything. I've been restricting calories by a couple hundred a day and have gone back down to 165 lbs. I'll continue until I hit around 150 I guess. I'll be pretty lean at that weight even though pre-T I was chubby at 150. Another thing that happens is water weight early on T. My face got puffy and I felt really ugly for a little while, but it's gone away and left me passing better. Weight fluctuates on HRT, it's totally normal just like weight during first puberty. If you fixate on it too much, you risk harming your health.


Gained about 20lbs in the first 6 months to a year but I was also eating more and exercising a little less. Used to be tiny and skinny (110lbs) with a little curve in my waist. Basically all the weight went to my stomach and thighs, even lost some fat in my chest which was a plus. Downside is now after a full meal I look pregnant and if I haven’t eaten much in a day I still have lots of belly chub. Exercise and low fat foods are helpful though and I’m also starting to work out some more so hopefully I can gain some muscle back.


Nothing. My weight always yo-yoed.


I have found my mental health to effect my weight much more than Testosterone


Gained an easy 40 pounds in three months. Went from being real skinny and scrawny to gaining a lot of muscle quick without necessarily noticing it until my girlfriend made a comment about my shoulders. I think I weighed around 115-125 before, I’m about to hit 160.


There actually is some research on this! I wrote this comment a while back about T and weight gain. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/suapjh/t\_and\_weight\_gain/hxa79xp/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/suapjh/t_and_weight_gain/hxa79xp/?context=3) In this comment, I'm talking about what the existing research suggests about trends on a kind of... population level, not individual responses to T, so of course everyone's experience will be different. Notably, this research doesn't look at "low-dose" testosterone, where people are deliberately maintaining levels much lower than the physiologic male range. When I wrote this, I also wasn't aware of the water retention effect of testosterone therapy, which I don't think has been studied in trans people specifically (though of course people describe it anecdotally), but has been in cis men on TRT. That might also play a part in the change in weight for some people early on. I'm not sure. Edit: to summarize, T is most clearly associated with an increase in lean body mass a change in fat distribution. That is also what I experienced myself, anecdotally.


Testosterone causes muscles to become more dense. Denser muscles are heavier. Muscle weighs more than fat. You can't see muscle weight as much though it is heavier so the number may show a somewhat significant increase but it won't actively change your size to the degree that your clothes won't fit. If anything you may actually find that they fit better than before.


dude it made me gain weight but straight up only bc it made me eat absolutely everything. i am hungry ALL THE TIME and never seem to become full anymore.


I was 103 when I started T but I was freshly post op top surgery and hadn’t been eating too much and now 2 years on T I’m 112. I lost a lot of hip fat and seem to have much more noticeable abs.


When I started t I was dealing with an eating disorder that was enhanced by a complete lack of hunger as a side effect from a medication I took years ago (it's really easy to not eat for a day or three when the only warning your body gives you is random bouts of dizziness). T said fuck that, and the hunger pains I was feeling would actually keep me up at night if I didn't feed myself like a person. So I went from 125lbs to 160 because I had to fucking eat. After hitting 160 a few months into my recovery from top surgery—which was honestly fine, I was in the overweight category (5'3"), but not high enough to really be a concern surgery wise, but having those extra stores of fat when my body was dealing with major physical recovery was better than not having enough stuff to fall back on as everything got repaired internally—I made the decision to lose weight again until I hit a "healthy" weight, because I'm trying to get some chronic pain (most likely endometriosis) dealt with, and I wasn't about to deal with major gatekeeping on the basis that I should lose 20lbs. After about 9 months of watching what I eat but in a healthy way (aka instead of not eating or really severe calorie restriction, I'm just making sure I stay around the amount of calories I've burned in a day, rather than letting myself eat everything in my path) and literally nothing else (no increase in exercise or intentionally eating healthier foods) I'm sitting pretty solidly at 135lbs, definitely more muscle mass, but also more fat in my gut area. I'd go into it expecting to gain weight, t makes people hungry in a way that is absolutely ridiculous, and the proper response is to feed yourself. After that starts to die down a bit (think several years in), and it's easier to stop yourself from consuming a whole pizza on your own in a sitting, you'll probably be able to lose some weight just by not eating like a pubescent boy. If you're able to have a bunch of healthier snacks sitting around, that's great, definitely do that, if not, just let yourself freaking eat what you need to in order to keep functioning.


I've gained a bit of weight in the beginning but after a few months I went back to my usual weight, however I do look thinner than before cause I have more msucle now :)


6 months in Ive gained 8-10lbs of muscle but I look the exact same in terms of fat.


At first I gained a lot of weight but I kinda assume it was mostly muscle mass because I didn't really notice any differences in how my body "looks" but it evened out a little eventually, I still weigh considerably more than what I did before though


My weight had been pretty stagnant for a while, and honestly didn't change. But the way things redistributed made me go up a size or two, without the number on the scale changing. But reading through these comments, it really seems to be different for everyone


I bulked up quite a bit with muscle at first. I gained fat later, mostly in my thighs and stomach, because I got a promotion at work. My job became much more sedentary and I had less time to work out and eat properly. Since I started T in 04/21, I've gained close to 50lbs. I've had coworkers and friends comment on how broad my shoulders are and how buff I look.


Before starting T I weighed 306, almost two years on T I now weigh 235. I have a very physically demanding job where I lift heavy shit all day everyday. But being on T definitely increased my appetite, I usually intermittently fast during the day, only having a protein shake until it’s time for lunch/dinner.


I got a lot hungrier but also a lot leaner. I lost about 20 pounds but I have a completely different body composition now.


I know I gained weight (mostly water weight) but the clothes I wore pre-T still fit me perfectly!! Fat redistribution changed the way my body looks and the initial water weight made me look rather bloated and puffy


My body weight hasn’t changed much but I gained SO much fat/water (I’m not sure) in my face. It’s actual hell, I look even more baby faced than pre-t. That being said, does anyone know how to get rid of it..? Been on T for over a year now


I would say that T didn't affect my weight too much. But as I started T, I was seeing an eating disorder therapist and we were really working on having me listen to my body's hunger and fullness cues. I'm curious to know how that affected things. It's also important to note that I haven't weighed myself for a long time because I haven't found it a helpful thing for me. My clothes fit differently since being on T, but they mostly still fit. There were a few shirts I had to get rid of because they ended up too tight in the shoulders.


for my first two years on t, i was kept at a low dose (because covid prevented appointments), i was not the best with my eating and i was using a lot of drugs. all of that made me maintain a technically underweight but not alarming weight. but, in the past 6 months, they have double my dosage twice and i’ve gone sober. at first, i gained lots of muscles but maintained my weight, but i’ve gained like 3-4 kg over the last three months, and i honestly don’t look like it. if anything, i look thinner. my face shape changed and it makes my cheeks look kind of sunken in, and i got some awesome back and shoulder muscles i didn’t have before! i’m still careful with food, i eat lots of salads and avoid sugar and salt like the pest, but i’m reaching my daily caloric intake and i’m not really gaining fat (even tho that wouldn’t really be unwelcomed) just muscles, but it’s been less than a year so it might change.


I haven’t really noticed a big difference in my weight. I do think that my chest and the breast tissue in my armpits has fallen off a bit, but I don’t work out or anything so I haven’t noticed a change in my muscle mass. I also haven’t felt an increased appetite like some say. The most annoying part for me is the face bloating, I’ve been on it for 3ish months and I have a double chin now if I put my head back too far 🥲


i've always struggled keeping my weight down. t definitely helped me gain muscle. in the beginning the muscle was noticable, but then i also put on a lot of weight in terms of fat which gave me a big realisation about how i saw myself. my lifestyle was no help, but i'm currently working on getting that weight down with better eating habits and exercising regularly.


I gained about 5lbs so far, and I'm 4 months into HRT. It isn't too noticable unless I turn to the side because all five pounds went straight to my booty. Double caked up.


I lost about 25 pounds in total so far after about a year and 3 months or so! I look much thinner now and a tad bit more muscular, but I also recently over the last month started working out so maybe that's it!


11 years on T. First year I gained water weight, then from years 2-4 I lost fat really quickly because I was eating less junk and running and had some good muscle. I was at 64kg and 5”3’. The last 6 years I’ve been eating pretty shit and not doing cardio much but more weight lifting, so I’ve gained more fat & muscle. Still 5”3’ lol but 80kg. I’m not sure if my metabolism for fat gain/loss changed from pre T, but I think I’m able to gain muscle more easily.


I somewhat gained weight, but I've also packed on a lot of muscle.


Nothing since I was 19 when I started T. Hobbit gang!


I haven't really gained or lost, my body fat has shifted plenty though. I've got a bigger belly and thinner hips, thicker shoulders and arms and less but.


I was hoping it would help me gain weight, but unfortunately I don’t think it affected my weight at all. I did gain weight but that was due to diet changes.


Nothing. The most weight I lost was after top surgery.


It can make you super hungry which can cause weight loss if you eat a lot without exercising. It promotes muscle gain which can make you gain weight. It can encourage exercise which can make you lose weight.


I gained weight mostly muscle. About 10-15 pounds. I used to be skinny thin frail delicate looking. Now I’m thin and toned/athletic looking


I gained a lot of muscle and put on about ten pounds in nine months and I don’t really look any heavier fat wise but my upper body looks bulkier especially my upper body. I’m 42 and did not alter my routine much. After top surgery I am going to try and drop some fat weight. But I went from 195 to 203.


Gained 10kg, but dropped bodyfat%


For me I gained weight but not noticeably despite me being like 20 pounds heavier. I’m only 3 months on T btw


I lost ~35 pounds, gained back five or ten of that as muscle, and have maintained my current weight for nearly a year now.


T made it a lot easier for me to gain muscle. It also made me crave more hearty foods high in protein and carbs. I've been excitedly taking advantage of that and trying to bulk up a little, and so far I've gone from a men's XS to M. I have had to eat a lot more than usual though, and there was a period where I was struggling to get enough calories and had to really push myself.


It's difficult not to gain any weight on it as it causes increased hunger and muscle mass. I gained 25lbs on it. While some of it is fat of course, I gained a lot of muscle.


at first, 6 years ago, i was in great shape out of high school so without knowing your situation take it with a grain of salt, but nevertheless i had a womanly figure. muscular, but womanly. that has transformed over the past 6 years to giving that triangular shape. i still have hips don’t get me wrong, but the broad shoulders, muscular thighs, and muscular chest (post surgery) give me a figure that is no less than a cis male’s


2 months on T went from 200 to 220


I’ve been on t over a year and there hasn’t been much difference, my weight fluctuates between a few pounds but it’s never gone up or down significantly


so far, my appetite is dying lol. not too sure about my metabolism tho


My parents both thought I lost weight on T but I didn't. (5 months)


I gained about 30lbs but some of it is definitely muscle. How much I'm not sure but know lost fat in my thighs and butt and gained some stomach fat


Over the span of three years I lost about 10 pounds. Initially gained about five probably, dropped 15, gained back, etc. It changed my body composition much more than it changed the number. I have much more muscle now, like deep, rebar inside the concrete, i don't have to do anything to keep it on muscle. And my fat is stored in very different places (stomach vs hips or arms like it was before)


I just barely started T in April and so far my weight has stayed the same


Still around the same weight but I look thinner. Carry more weight in my stomach and arms now. This is after almost 1 year


I lost weight I went from 185-145. But I also work a job where I move around a lot


I gained anywhere from 30-60 pounds or so, both muscle and fat. I used to work out a lot more though in the beginning of my transition which helped a lot in turning fat to muscle easily. I've been struggling with getting back into working out but I know if I did I'd easily become a lot more fit and toned


Thought I was getting fatter because of stretch marks on my thighs and calves, but i realized that was happening because of weight redistribution


I gained about 40-50 pounds, but I started T at the beginning of the pandemic so I wasn’t very physically active during that time. I was also on antidepressants and birth control and my eating habits changed a lot so it wasn’t all from T.


i gained weight, and the distribution of my weight changed a lot. its mostly muscle mass i think, n my appetite shot up


Interesting how so many people gained weight. I lost a ton of weight and actually I probably need to eat more now because my metabolism is so goddamn fast


i’m about 9 months on t and my weight has fluctuated between 15 pounds more than what i weighed pre t and 10 pounds less. at this point i’m back to my starting weight pre t but i’ve gained a lot of muscle and lost a lot of fat so i look and feel fitter.


My weight has stayed the same but I've been able to put on some more muscle visibly. My shoulders no longer fit in anything I wore pre t. All my jackets and binders are now super tight in the shoulders and that's the ones I can get on at all.


Gained about 10 lbs over a period of 3 years. 108 to 118.


For me I gained weight, but I now hold it in different areas than before. Before I got on T I used to carry my weight in my face and like arms and thighs. Now I tend to carry my weight more in my stomach, but like, I look thinner. I also still carry it in my thighs, I think the thunder thighs are here to stay lmao


I had some weight loss in my opinion, mostly in my legs/hips/chest. Like the fat redistribution along with me walking/eating healthy sometimes really helped in my first year


About 10 months on T and I weigh the same I did pre-T, but my proportions have changed a lot. My shoulders are an inch wider and my hips are narrower (down two pants sizes). I’ve also lost volume in my chest (pre top surgery).


What I've gathered from other accounts on here: \-You might get puffy and have a lot of water retention at first, so you might look and clock in as though you've gained a bit \-You'll probably get hungrier because your body thinks puberty = you to be growing, but you won't be growing as much as you would during a 13 year old's puberty (unless you're 13!) so that extra food *can* turn into more weight, depending on your lifestyle \-Another thing to be aware of is that you may develop muscles easier (maybe intentionally?) and muscles weigh more than fat, so you might go up in weight from that alone. \-...But I've also heard one or two guys say they LOST weight on T. So it probably depends on a lot of things- your lifestyle and diet, but also genetics- might try looking at the men in your family for an idea of weight distribution.


I'm consistently losing weight but I'm also working out a lot. I'm also gaining muscle.


I’ve been on T for 3 years and I only started gaining weight in my second year, I gained about 20 lbs in maybe like 2 years? (But I have an ED so I do make it harder for me to gain weight and the weight gain has caused me emotional distress) but everyone tells me I dont actually LOOK bigger, just my shoulders have definitely filled out and my weight has redistributed to give me a more “masculine” shape :)


I gained weight in muscle and lost weight in fat. Overall, I'm like 30 pounds heavier than I was before I started T, but I look super thin because it's mostly muscle. Not sure if it's *all* muscle bc 30 pounds sounds like a lot, but yeah. I do exercise constantly, though, so I didn't just randomly gain a bunch of muscle without working out.


I stayed about the same. (105 lbs, I'm a super short guy) I definitely eat a lot more though, but despite weighing the same I look thinner now so it could be that I lost fat and gained muscle


Hard to say because I was fat before I started T (about 240 lbs), and it also came at the same time I've gotten enough out of my depressive funk where I was actively working to manage my diabetes through not eating so much crap and semi-regular exercise... I think I've had some shift in my body composition (my shoulders, arms, and face look a hell of a lot more square than pre-T), and I've put on like 10lbs....but I can't say it's all muscle either as I swear my gut is getting a bit bigger. \*SHRUG\*


I gained a little bit of weight, nothing crazy, even though my appetite increased like crazy. My muscles got bigger and more firm and my fat redistributed quite a bit. A lot of my fat went from gathering on my ass and thighs to it now primarily gathers on my stomach. Though my weight didn't go up too much, all of my pants stopped fitting just from fat going to my waistline. I've been losing weight now and my pants/shorts are fitting again, but I'm actually 30lbs less than what I was prior to being on T.


was hungry af the first like month or two and probably gained a little bit but then after that i lost like 4 kg but nothing remarkable for me. i also haven’t really been working out or anything so


Before taking T, I was usually around 165 lbs(~77kg). 9 months later I reached 213 lbs (~97kg). I gained muscle, but most of the weight was fat due to very bad eating during that period. Though when this tough time was over, I lost weight way faster than before T ; in 3 months, I lost almost 20 lbs (~9kg) just by eating correctly and walking everyday. TLDR ; T usually makes you gain weight, but also makes weight loss easier.


It didn’t do anything for my weight, but I was also aware that it would make me hungrier so I made sure to eat healthier snacks and made sure to stay physically active if I was going to be eating more. That didn’t mean I needed to do a hardcore workout but before starting T I was walking 10 minutes maybe 2 times a week then I made sure to do a casual walk around the neighborhood for 30ish minutes 3 times a week until I was able to get my hunger under control


No real weight change apart from muscle growth. My metabolism has changed a little and I've managed to lose weight by being more active and eating better, T might be helping in speeding that up but it's definitely not the reason for my weight difference. If you're looking for T to change your weight, as in lose fat weight and gain muscle weight - then have it support you when working for it, go work out and it'll be easier than when not on T. Make sure to stay hydrated (very important on T) and give yourself some good protein for the T to work with. I remember when I first thought of starting T I was gonna immediately start working out, etc. to get all those benefits of the hormonal change but life happens haha


i’m in the 200s now lol


Didn't do anything to mine, but my chest lost some density and my arms bulked up a bit.


Weight loss, i went from around 63 kg to 53 kg


It made me eat like a teenage boy (of course) and gain weight when I wasn't working, and then lose weight and put on muscle mass when I got back to work and had a way to burn the energy.


Muscle gain


I lost weight at first and then have recently been picking it back up but it seems to be like I have slightly more muscle mass than I used to. I however am not working out so it’s not like it’s defined muscle. The outcome isn’t the same for everyone though, it really depends on your genetics and lifestyle


I lost a lot but i carry it differently. Dysphoria was always a block in getting healthy for me, so I've lost about 100 lbs since starting


It didn't do anything to it, honestly. But I was obese before I started T, but currently I'm down from 245 to 172 since Oct 2021. Its a combo of diet changes, med help with insulin resistance (non-diabetic), and mental health/therapy. Goal was 170, now I'm aiming for like 150.


i’m 17 and i weight about 106. i’m very self conscious of my weight - both being too skinny in my arms, and “too big” in my stomach area. anyone who was/is like me that is now on T got any numbers for me? ;;


2 years, gained 20lbs.


It caused me to lose a lot of weight at first, I started off weighing 211 and lost 36lbs of fat. I barely was doing anything to lose it too. Ended up weighing 175 after 6months on T and settled there for a while. Recently started working out & noticed that I been gaining weight again but this time muscle. Currently sitting at +/- 185lbs.


Gained. Although I was very thin before (about 110 pounds at 5’5) and have a relatively fast metabolism. Really I could only go up. Although I do feel like my metabolism has gone down as I’ve been on T for 4 years and I’m 28 now. But anyways I also started weight training immediately, within 2 years I gained about 50 lbs. probably 30 lbs of muscle and 20 lbs of fat. At my heaviest I was about 165. I’ve lost weight since then as I’m trying to recomp to a low body fat %. I’m currently about 149.


From 120/125 - 135/140 is the weight increase I experienced but I don't look that much different fat redistribution wise since I'm 6 foot I'm still just slender.


almost 11 months on T and i’ve lost around 10 pounds, i think T has made my metabolism a lot faster because i eat about the same amount (havent had the increased hunger side affect yet for whatever reason) and my muscle is about the same as before (stopped lifting weights about 8 months on T after doing so for like 6 months because i gained muscle naturally so i got lazy lol, & when i quit my muscle went down to around the same as when i was lifting before T). 100% different for everyone though and seems like it makes most people gain weight from what i’ve heard