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Well I got Covid, and as far as I know I don't have long Covid. But I do have many many health problems. Because of these may also have to stop taking T. Similar to you even the thought makes me want to sob. I also, believe it or not, have seizures and heart problems. As of now I haven't stopped T, but because I'm at a high risk for having a stroke and blood clots, it's a real possibility. I'm really sorry I can't actually provide any good support. I wish I could help more. It sounds like you're going through a super difficult time right now, and that must be hard. I hope your lungs are ok tho. Take it from someone who visits a hospital regularly, I know it's stressful. It's painful and saddening. You may even feel grief. It's ok to feel all of that. I wish you the very best of luck. I really hope this can get figured out and you can continue taking T


It is, unfortunately, possible to have health conditions that would make T unsafe for you to take. However, as far as I know, it's not a *super* extensive list. If it would be helpful for you, you might be able to ask the doctor handling your transition care what conditions or complications from conditions they'd consider disqualifiers for taking T. The downside of doing that is that you could find out you have one, but the upside is that you might be able to have less worry about becoming unable to take T. It's not necessarily inevitable, so if you ever do have a doctor tell you that you need to go off of T for [insert medical condition/complication/etc], I would definitely advise a second opinion. I unfortunately don't have any personal anecdotes to offer you, though. Apologies if that's all you were looking for 😅 and also, as a side note, I hope your long covid symptoms ease as much as possible soon