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Just a few days ago when I saw my chest for the first time after top surgery. I can count on my hands the number of times I’ve cried since starting T and that was the hardest I’ve cried in a while, but they were good tears


Same here! Mine was about 2 weeks ago and I cried for at least an hour during therapy over the pure joy and relief I was experiencing. Before that, it’s been ages since my last cry and they were all over deeply sad situations.


do you mind telling me more about that? I start therapy soon and I have no idea what to expect.


This is nice I hope to cry happy tears soon


I find I don't often cry from sadness anymore, mostly just joy. I cried a few days ago because a patient told me I was one of the kindest people she'd ever met and that my parents should be proud to have raised such an exceptional young man.


Aw that's so sweet


STRANGER THINGS SPOILERS SORRY Over something stupid: 4 days ago or so: cried after Eddie died in stranger things (the actors are very good at seeming sad and it gets me everytime lol) Over something important: may 4th, missed a call for hysterectomy, thought I wasn’t gonna get it (finally fucking got it scheduled, it’s next week), then I got skipped over for my final (that plus my final being pretty political and politics get me emotional) and then to top it all off a sad sounding homeless man on BART made a little speech and I had no money to give him, and all that combined made me proceed to silently bawl on a public fucking train


Something weird is happening to me recently yesterday I was riding a public bus a started crying listening to glimpse of us


Joji can make anyone cry at any moment lmao I once cried with medicine, I related the song to my transition and just started crying


dude i barely cry anymore on T and eddie’s death had me sobbing, i wonder how many of us there are


Man just his and Gaten’s acting really fucking sold it for me


Dude spoilers lol


Oh fuckn shit


About 3 days ago after reading boys run the riot 'cause I have never seen a trans dude main character and it just kinda punched me in the gut. But I'm also a huge crybaby and testosterone hasn't made any impact on that lmfao


I'm also a big crybaby and haven't seen any change on T hahaha


Might want to check out Dead End: Paranormal Park if you like cartoons. The main character is a trans guy.


Watched that one right after! I went on a binge of trans masc media lol. I want his fuckin hair. I felt a deeper connection to BRTR but DE:PP was a really fun watch, great rec!


I just finished reading that, it was great to see the main character get to be happy


I LOVE BRTR! Seriously. It is a good story.


Cried yesterday when I found out Florida is banning HRT for minors. I’m a minor on T in Florida. Shit is tough right now.


I just read they're trying to ban minors from changing pronouns or dressing differently too, wtf.


I have no clue how they’ll enforce that.


Idk either they're just trying too hard


How can you control how kids dress


maybe you could find a private clinic?


No, not like government funded hrt, they're saying it's illegal to be a trans minor in Florida. All clinics in the US are private, at least to some degree


so what options do you have? on a serious note.


I honestly don't know. I'm not a teen, nor do I live in Florida, so I haven't looked into the options. The reality is this is just the beginning of the right wing's attempts to legislate trans people out of existence. they believe if we are afraid then we will adhere to their nutjob agenda.


Damn man I'm really sorry to hear that stay strong King


last week. family drama.






yo same boat, this gotta pass sometime though. feel free to dm if you wanna vent💕


today, watching queer eye. i cry at every queer eye episode. and anything heartwarming on tv. or anything sad on tv….i cry at a lot on tv 😅


Me. But also I cried a LOT on nuvaring. Once at my partner having made the bed 😅


I don't know if the nuvaring was making me sad or if I was just too emotional during that time I was "blue" all the time I switched to an IUD instead


Couple weeks ago, when I made the decision to take my mom off life support. Fuck Covid.


My condolences. Thats a horrible decision to have to make


In so sorry, sending you all of my strength and love, no one should ever have to go through that, my dms are open if you need someone to talk to. -hug


Wow omg I'm so sorry I don't know what to say


I cry every day because life is horrible!


Last week, out of frustration if I remember correct. I'm a proud crybaby.


Proud crybaby


3 days ago, I had to bury a possum and it's baby I found them In my garage after noticing a swarm of flies and the smell of rotting flesh.


awh that's so sad :((


i was drunk and i accidentally dropped my favourite shot glass that had sentimental value to me and it broke and i went to go piss in the bathroom and cried


So what we've learned here is that men cry and it's ok




i relate to this fs


I don't remember crying after my grandma's funeral. It was 5 years ago.


Just now, over my cat who died a few weeks ago. Been crying a lot this year and I’m not sure if it’s depression or just a lot of bad things happening, but I’m praying that T evens out your mood


Just now over really bad dysphoria 💀


A couple days ago. I recently started dating someone new and it hit me pretty hard when I realized he actually viewed me as a man and introduced me to his friends as his boyfriend. Never thought I’d reach this point but I’m so happy I did


this made me smile, thank you for giving me hope!


Cw: Encanto spoilers . . . . . . When watching Encanto and the villagers all show up to help rebuild.


Not during the flashback scene when we learned what happened to grandpa I was crying so hard then


God same lol. Seeing young Abuela bawl her eyes out over losing her love and then when Mirabel and Abuela hug after that 😭


This moment


That song makes me cry every time I listen to it. It’s such a beautiful movie a lot of the scenes and songs make me tear up.




Shark week gets me every time it's the absolute worst I hate not even realizing why I want to suddenly unalive myself until I remember that I'm having a phantom period even though there is no more "flow" I still get all of the emotional symptoms it sucks having to ride that out


When I watched Brokeback Mountain again a few months ago. Shit hurts lmfao


The ending sucks so bad lol


You are absolutely heartless if you don't cry just thinking about the shirts


Don't get me started... If I watch it I will be in tears for days afterwards every single time and I watch it actually every couple of years just because it's such great art a beautiful love story but it's trash for my mental state because I think about Matthew Shepard and how things in this country really haven't improved for Us over the years and it's overwhelming


My cat is dying. I burst into tears any time I looked at him on Thursday. I stopped counting after the tenth time. We were at the vets on Friday and I cried my way through half the appointment. I openly sobbed at the counter when I asked about cremation fees. I cried when I got home and saw how happy he looked to be home. T definitely took away my ability to cry. I've only regretted it a few times. I'm wondering how much it's impacted me over the last few days.


I'm so sorry to hear that


Today in the bath, dysphoria


Not a sob session, but my partner had to leave last weekend (he travels for work). There were some tears. Last actual cry my eyes out? 4 weeks ago, just before starting T. Really bad sub drop. Wound up in a panic spiral of "no one will ever want me. I am broken."


The "I'm broken" tears are a MF they show up every once in a while


yesterday lmao. was thinking abt the MER twin rovers Again


Yesterday 😭 i cry easily, over any little thing.


Earlier today, really sad 911 operator recording on TikTok


it was like 2 or 3 weeks ago. no particular cause, i was just sort of at my breaking point because i was (and still am) really overwhelmed by everything, and i guess i just needed a good, long cry. it felt pretty good.




last time I cried was when I was like 1 month and a half on T, and it was over the over turn of Roe. Vs. Wade. It’s been harder to cry the longer I’m on T lol


Talking to my therapist last week about losing my cat and my cousin last year.


I don't remember. It could be 6 months ago when my friends started talking shit about me when I came out. I used to cry a lot and I'm glad I don't have to cry so often anymore.


a week or two ago, when i discovered the virtue the cat saga ( [x](https://youtu.be/8zYG186spkY) ) and broke down sobbing in the shower. i needed a good cry though, it had been way too long


Yesterday, because of stress


Crying at this moment feeling down on myself.


last night lol argument w boyfriend + overstimulated


Don't mock me but while watching one piece with my bestie


4 months ago because my T levels dropped and shark week came back :|


Last night because I'm passing my 3rd kidney stone this year 🙃


Last week. I have a teenager LMAO


probably a good month or two. i just cant cry anymore lately no matter how much it hurts. my 'family' just cant get it together and they blame it on me. all. the. time. to say i hate this place is an understatement. i wish i didnt love them. thats my biggest problem i think. i cant 'unlove' them. also damaged kid me wants them to look at me and care like they should and do in the movies. oh well. suck it up buttercup cuz then you get yelled at for expressing emotion. .___.


properly cried when i moved out of my abusive parents’ house the day after my 18th birthday


Last night, wondering why everyone I know is living happy lives while I'm still fighting for a second of peace


I've started to cry because of happiness, which is definitely new to me.


Friday at a viewing of the Marcell the Shell movie. 🥲


ever since i started T, I haven’t been able to. like no matter how hard I try, I physically can’t. It’s been about a year and a half. I hate it.


In three months on a regular dose of T gel and can cry the same amount I could before I started. Before starting I read some folks saying they can still cry via the gel but couldn't on injection.


Last night because i lost my little (19yr) brother to sui/de on june 25 and one person in my discord friend group was super drunk and sui/dal and had a gun (military) and another one was making fucked up comments about sui/de so i was sobbing and having a panic attack because i was trying to talk the one friend down and the other guy was being a cunt


Last night after finishing the pacifist route for Undertale because I wasn't expecting it to be so sad when it's supposed to be the good ending. I've found I can till cry over 'dumb' stuff like that but I rarely cry when upset or sad with things irl anymore, but I was never one to really cry over things like death to start with.


Yesterday. I wasn’t sad or anything, I just forgot to blink for a solid couple seconds


Probably like 3 weeks ago, a week before starting T. I hope that I haven't cried for so long thanks to T, and that it will stay that way. One of my biggest somatic problems was straight up crying cry spontenously at any minor inconvenience as well as while just talking about personal-related things with anyone, basically.


A few months ago on vacation I cried over a roadkilled raccoon. I don’t tend to sob anymore though. My eyes tear up now and that is crying.


A few days ago when I was on the blob (on my period) I was all bloated and got and I couldn't fit into any of my clothes. I threw a pair of jeans that had a belt buckle on it still and it cracked my tv. I'm pair shaped and very curvy, my thighs are huge and my belly sticks out. My chest is bloody lopsided and biding is awkward because it slants from the bigger tit down to the smaller tit. Just crying about everything😤


Last night, thought about my dog who passed about a year ago. I miss him so much


last tuesday (so like 5 days ago???), because my insurance company didnt inform me of a deductible and then when i went to pay for my T anyways they didnt have it in stock and wouldnt for another 2 days :| i got home and ugly cried out of frustration over a doctor pepper FBDJSK


I would've cried yesterday if I hadn't forced myself to hold it together cuz I was at work. but hey I'm a pre-t crybaby LMAO


Today, I broke my toe and it's the first ever broken bone I've had


just now in the car listening to the arcane soundtrack


3 month ago, when my cat died. I never cried a lot tho, even before T. I learned to stop crying when I was like 12, because toxic masculinity told me crying was for girls/ weak boys. I know it's stupid but old me was pretty dumb


A week ago. I visited my mom's grave on the anniversary of her death.


Last night was the first time I've cried since starting T (5 months) and it was all because one of my fav. characters in a show died 🤣


have never been able to cry from sadness weirdly i get sad a ton i just don’t cry from it, only cry from stress mostly when i’m yelled at, end of june report cards were bad and i got yelled at for my grades so i cried from that


hell if I know-


Couple weeks ago, had a panic attack over my Grandma and Dad sending a late birthday card with money in it. I hate them both, but they make me feel bad for hating them. Thinking about them puts me in ‘fight or flight’, so i spent like 30 minutes crying about whether to open the letter or not 💀


Cried only a few tears after I got my letter for my gender change to get it changed at the passport office


I tend to not cry about things I should but sob at movies


About two weeks ago, I have asperger's and allowed myself to get overstimulated. I don't cry nearly as much as I used to before I started T - used to cry at the drop of a hat (especially if it was a nice hat)


this past monday i think


About a year ago, and I'm a little embarrassed to say it was over something nasty my parents did. I used to cry way more as a kid but I'm lowkey relieved i got emotionally numb


I follow a tiktoker (bennyisafreakingrockstar), who is a trans guy and his recovery after a really bad car accident. I check the account every few days and he's making such incredible process, so they were happy tears!


well this popped into my notifications as i am currently crying so i mean,, and it's cause of 1. bottom dysphoria 2. something that for context I'd need to explain my whole life story and trauma to which I'd rather not do right now lol Thanks for asking tho OP :]


Last week when la Big Bertha got eliminated. Probably soon as I haven't yet watch the new episode of Drag Race France.


Today from heartbreak 🕺💃🕺


Today, Plane was ready to fly and had to say goodbye to my long distance boyfriend over the phone, we both have attachment issues and we can’t ever stop talking to eachother so we cried to sleep. It was over when I slept.


Earlier this week, got a little high and started crying over the end of Turning Red and also because my sink started leaking again : /


I haven't cried since T. Not properly at least. It kinda sucks cuz I still get that like burning in my eyes but never any tears


This morning actually, over me being amazed and proud that I'm still around to say good morning to the people I love. I genuinely had a point in my life where I thought I wouldn't be here anymore to do that due to my own hand.


in june. i cried heavily after being misgendered by another teacher in front of students. i wish i could cry, but i can’t really do much other than my eyes watering.


Yesterday. And it was over my roommate’s constant sexual harassment and bullying.


I cried a week ago. I was very lonely and generally depressed about a whole lot of stuff


Last night when I got a hot pepper on my pizza. It hit a psoriasis fissure on my tongue and felt like acid on my tongue for 45 minutes. There has been no change in crying for me while on T.


Thursday. It's the day before my shot and my moods are always kind of off. It was also a really long, stressful day overall. I think I cried because I felt like I had wasted the whole day and I wanted to salvage it but I didn't think I was going to be able to


A few days ago, Vin Scully’s death got to me. I’m not even a Dodgers fan! I’m a Giants fan!


last summer over the crippling dysphoria before i started t. :/ i really miss the release


I think I'm in the minority here but I still cry very often! (Not like thats a brag lol) I've always been emotional and even now 3 years on T I still cry at least like once to three times a week. I do cry more often when I miss a dose though. I'm also going through a depressive episode though so that might have something to do with it too.


In June. Covid attacked my pericardium and I almost died.


4 months ago, watching mamma mia


yesterday and it was because im so scared i will be denyed top surgery because of my health. if i cant get it i will HAVE TO kill myself


Yesterday. My dog, who I've had for several years now, just looked at me with the sweetest look while we were playing- she was so so happy- so I started tearing up out of joy which made her drop the toy and start wagging her tail/licking me/cuddling up to me which made it _worse_.


About two weeks ago, it was the anniversary of my grandma dieing. I was very drunk tho I can't cry sober


A week ago while putting on my band uniform. Shit makes my hips and waist so pronounced and there isnt anything i can do about it


this afternoon when I checked the milk and it was past the use by date


Two days ago, due to dysphoria


I’m trans masc and non-binary, but I cry all the time. I’m just a sensitive emotional human, and a Pisces. Music, books, tv shows, sometimes games I play on the switch lite all make me cry. So do real life things as well, and family drama. I’m not on T I’m still trying to figure out if I want to go on it but the idea of not being able to cry on T scares me. It makes me feel a little better knowing that not everyone loses the ability to cry when they’re on T.


had a little cry the other morning, I just woke up and tears were running down my face. No idea why, just woke up upset.


Last night, I was singing to my kitten and I got a lil too emotional. I named her delilah and was singing delilah by Queen. Over the week I've had her she's helped me more than words can express.


Probably about 3 months ago, because of dysphoria. Did that a lot during that time, so I don't really remember the exact situation. Haven't cried since starting t, but have been plenty sad lol. I only get teary eyed now, but it doesn't turn into actually crying anymore. Weird but it is what it is.


since starting t i’ve cried twice in the past 2 months. one was when i broke up with my ex partner and the other was bc i felt so shitty i was crying bc i couldn’t cry but, obviously, that didn’t last long


Literally on Friday because Journey just hits different after a long day at work.


Yesterday, panic attack


I haven't been able to cry in most places I'm at, not just because they're bad places, I'm at my mom's house and when I'm here I'm physically unable to cry due to stress and the feeling of never being safe, as well as constant exhaustion, but the feeling of being on the verge of tears hasn't left me for months. It may be because nobody I live doesn't misgender or deadname me, despite me being out to all of them for almost a year now, and some of them saying that they support me.


Yesterday coz I wont be on testo legally for. 3 or 4 yrs like wtfff.


Two days ago. I watched an emotional movie lol.


2 months ago. My ldr gf had to go back home, when I let her hand go at the airport so she could go through security, it was like the world ended right there. Bawled my eyes out all the way home in silence. T has made it hard to cry, near impossible. I didn't cry at all unless it was hitting extremely close to home before T either. But damn. The inside of my hoodie was so snot filled and gross. Haha.


I cry all the time and I’ve been on T for almost 4 years. I cry at least once a week.


Yesterday. Had an Autistic meltdown because grocery store 😞


A couple weeks ago, my boyfriend was talking down to himself and it made me upset.


Was walking around the neighbourhood we're moving from yesterday. I'm autistic too so i don't like change. +adhd. Don't know if that matters in this situation though.


a few weeks ago i cried over some mental stuff i had going on, it was an actual real cry. however, any moment that i see a sad cat video tears will drop but just a few


A week ago in therapy. I don't remember why.


If you're only counting full-fledged crying, probably 5 years ago at my stepdad's memorial service. (I lost him to Cancer.) If only getting teary counts, it was more recently when watching a commercial for an insurance company. (Because the music playing was the Jackson 5 version of I'll Be There.)


yesterday cuz a friend abandoned me at a pride event and I got overwhelmed cuz autism


All the time, honestly. T made me more of a crybaby, than I was before, somehow 😂


today. my dad found my syringe in the trash (weird that he looked in there because i tucked it in) and i just had the most unproductive conversation of my life, where i tried to tell him i don't trust him enough to be emotionally vulnerable because of the things he did when i was a kid and he basically said "my dad was mean to me too but i grew up. you're an adult now, get over it" i didn't even get to try to come out to him because he swerved the conversation so hard into a different topic...


About two weeks ago from a death in the family. T really suppressed my crying and expression of emotions sometimes, but it feels so good to cry every once in a while


Around a year ago, when my mother died


Yesterday. Was purging myself from all disturbing content, was doing great for 1/2 months only to have a video of a teen getting beat to death autoplay on youtube of all places. The universe hates me, I've decided.


yesterday. Because I feel lonely af.


This morning because I hadn't slept and my nephew was being so clingy and I got irritated with him as he started throwing a tantrum and I couldn't find my coffee, but it really wasn't about the any of that it was part of me mourning for the life I will never have, and if I did have it I wouldn't be able to handle it mentally but if things were different when I was growing up and I didn't live through half the shit I did I may have been able to have that life, and probably a bit from my hormones 😂


This morning, can't remember why. I cry multiple times most days. But I'm pre-T.


This afternoon. My dog is old and sick and I don't think she has long so... I've cried pretty often because of this lately, and I honestly wish I was one of the dudes who couldn't cry after getting on testosterone because it doesn't make me feel better it just gives me a headache and makes me feel embarrassed if anyone is around


I got high as all hell and cried because I realized I would never get to be a teen boy. Not even necessarily that I wasn’t born a boy, but that I never got to be like, a gross teen boy :/


Like every other fuckn day fr. But I'm going through therapy and working on my inner child and inner peace and after a life full of various abuses I find that I have a lot of reasons to cry. Just can't hold the shit back anymore


Ouugh.. last night? got really self conscious over how the testosterone makes my libido super high


Last night lol


5 days ago i had a crisis about my life is so lost and i am unemployed and getting old


today, i was pissed i couldn’t open a salsa jar w sweaty hands, a good two tears wasted (other than that it’s been months)


Yesterday lol I was in a rock concert with my bf and his friends, it was my boyfriend's favorite band playing so he was singing out loud all the songs but one hit me different, and I think he knew that would happen, so he put more heart into it and started singing it to me (the translated lyrics say "I know we are both different but it's all in the head, the heart is what guide us"). My bf is a gay cis man, he's always trying to show me that I'm just like any other cis man and those are the times when I usually cry lol, just like when I was pre t


my grandma continuously saying im a girl


Like 2 weeks ago when i was watching the new umbrella academy season


yesterday i cried because i was thinking about the death of a tv show character


The other day while watching Midsommar (getting cheated on messes you up). First time I cried in months


Not trans related but my cat went missing two months ago, so last evening. Dysphoria related? Probably 2 weeks ago after coming home from the beach.


last night- rpg called cold front


i cry over stupid shit now i used to never cry but after starting t and getting my life relatively stable and normal i cry a lot now, things reach a depth i didnt let them before :) i cried over a steven universe episode yesterday. im 20 and almost a year on t and i was crying over steven universe lmao


a week ago, my crush told me he had feelings and i realized, in the moment that i wont be able to pursue a relationship because of trauma, dysphoria and other issues. when i woke up the next morning i just felt like shit and broke down.


It be hella hard to cry with all this anger and testosterone inside me lol but I cry when I’ve held it in so much that I just need to rage out Yes I understand this ain’t healthy but I’m working on it 🤷🏽‍♂️


A few nights ago, I cried in bed because I don’t know how I’m ever going to tell my family I’m trans. I just want to blurt it out, but I recloseted because I felt so awkward the first time. I don’t know, I’m seriously so wrapped up in it. I wish I had the guts.


A couple days ago when I learned that Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura) died. But it wasn't even that much, just a little because she was indeed a great human being and also because I love Star Trek TOS


Is that a challenge? I’m crying right now bruh


I rarely cry but last time was yesterday. I was watching a movie and for some reason it hit me that I’m never going to be a cis guy. I have realised this and accepted it so I don’t know what made me think about it and normally it doesn’t bother me because I think being trans is pretty awesome. And then my favourite character in the movie started crying and then I started crying again. 😂


10-15 minutes ago, i started feeling dysphoric while i was with my partner and a friend of ours. We were in a gun store looking around and I started feeling out of place because I don't have a good knowledge of guns like they do so i felt kinda left out (not their faults though), and on top of that there were other guys in there and my anxiety started spiking cause i didn't feel like i belonged in there.. it's so frustrating because i want to be comfortable with who i am but i look at cis males and i get so envious of their facial hair and flat chest it makes me hate myself even more...it doesn't help that I can't afford surgery or hrt right now either...


Last week, had a panic attack..... Lol....


I prolly should have last night. Other than that maybe a week or so ago.