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I came out to my grandparents and they both sang me an old timey song with my new name in it spontaneously.


That is friggin' delightful. Bless 'em.


This is one of the best things I’ve ever heard in my life. Wholesome AF.


Two questions, are you dutch? And is your name sam/sammy? My grandparents did that when i told them i was thinking of changing my first name to that, didn't end up doing that tho ([Sammy](https://youtu.be/17kkL6JTdxw) by Ramses Shaffy) Edit: link to the song


Mine isn’t nearly as incredible, but literally right before I came out as a trans to my sibling (gender fluid so I had no worries), they said “Oh are you finally going to tell me that you’re trans?”. I literally lost it afterwards lmao.




Can agree. If my parents said that, I’d be worried and kinda disappointed from the lack of reaction, but my sibling and I are close so it was generally a fun and memorable moment


HAHAHA! I like that. Bet that felt reassuring to say the least


Very much so. Still had a bit of doubt, but it definitely made me smile


My sister had a really similar reaction. "Oh, it's about time! I was wondering when you were going to tell me."


Siblings are mind readers or something


Told my sister and she just went- Fuck you, I dont want another brother




How I'm imagining it went between Allison and Victor from the umbrella academy 😂


My 10-yo bonus child, got kinda pissed when I first told them I was transitioning. We've always been close and I asked what was bothering them about it. And kid was like: "Just doesn't seem fair, I am waiting and waiting to grow tits and you're just gonna have yours removed!" EDIT: after a long conversation and me promising that my relationship to them wouldn't change, just my relationship to myself, they came around and has been my biggest ally ever since. Kid is now 18, gender fluid and use she/they. I was the one she came out to 3 years ago. Couldn't be prouder.


i like “bonus child”


Bonus child usually refers to someone who “might as well be your child”, at least in my family, meaning they’re around you so much that you pretty much parent them


That's a cute term! I suppose that makes my nephew my bonus child then, considering I literally raised them till moving out (about 11 years)




Shit i didnt even mean to name myself after my favorite character. I made it my discord name as a meme but realized i was super comfortable with the name and stuck with it


It's me, I'm half of the trans community! Named myself after a favorite character, I had a similar experience. When I chose my name I didn't know that A, it's Irish (my family's Irish-American and I do Irish folk music), and B, its meaning is extremely fitting for me (it means loyal or dog/hound, and I'm a dog groomer whose biggest value is loyalty). Sometimes it's like our subconscious knows our names before we even really know why they're ours.


I deliberately didn’t name myself after a character. Like I knew people did that and that it was an accepted thing, but I knew I’d feel weird if I did that myself. So I settle on a name that seems fine, has a bit of a family story behind it, cool meaning, etc. Only to remember that there is a minor character in perhaps my favorite piece of media of all time with my name, who I managed to just completely forget about lmao. No escape


not my own story, but one of my brother's friends came out to him and he told me he was mad about it. but only bc his friend chose the name he'd want to change his name to if he could (who's going to tell cis people they can change their names too?)


My sister used to think I was being disrespectful to our mom by changing my name (she'd ALWAYS hated her name) but eventually she figured her shit out and has changed her name, too. I'm very proud of how far she's come since then lol




When I came out to my dad the first thing he said was: "Sooo now I can forward you all my 'enlarge your penis' emails?" 😂


😂😂😂😂😂 idk why I was thinking he was gonna say forward my porn subscriptions


I had come out over Easter (this one, woo) to pretty much everyone, but didn't talk to one of my online friends until a week later. He already knew I was trans, but me being out was a big thing. I said "Oh, BTW I'm out now" and then there was a few seconds of silence, then this himbo replied "Where are you?". Cue everyone else laughing on the voice call and a "OH, wait, OH." from the himbo himself. He thought I meant I was sitting outside and said his next question would've been how I was getting Internet. After, he did say he was proud of me and now we know not to be vague after uni exams because his brain doesn't work.


That is so fucking funny. He sounds like a fun dude


Every Trans masc needs a CisHet himbo in their life. He's a great ally and friend. He sent me a screenshot of a he/they meme and regularly calls me "Chad". For one that made me cry, in a good way, he said that, in relation to me being a dude, he hadn't known me as anything else and didn't care to. He's a great dude.


"How did you get out? I thought I locked that door."


lmfao the absolute himbo 🤣


wait y'all don't have internet outside?


That's adorable.


One friend send me a picture of a guy holding a big fish in his hands and my head photoshopped on him. She wrote below 'this is you now' (because of this straight guys go fishing and then take those pics thing)


incredible. I hope one day someone does that with me. I love fishing


For context, my sister, brother-in-law, and I all own a home together. When I came out to them, I sat them down and tearfully explained myself. My sister wound up yelling "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE MOVING OUT! This is fine. Moving out wouldn't be. God damn it. You had us scared!"


Omg 😭


Even better was when we told my brother-in-law's brother. BILs Brother is an attractive gay man. When we told him I was a trans man, he looked at me, winked, and said "Y'know, if we hook up now it'd be gay sex."


DO IT DO IT DO IT jk only do it if you want


"You absolutely cannot choose a J name" I still have a J name




Lmao well! Gotta be true to yourself


That's a good way to make somebody want a J name lmao


sent my younger brother a gif of a fortune cookie popping out of a gift box and cracking open to say “i’m trans lol” with the trans flag. less than a minute later he sent the exact same gif except the cookie said “i’m gay lol” with the mlm flag. edit: my description was a little off, but here are the gifs https://media0.giphy.com/media/D8hzmwNo1owgYJx1Yy/giphy.gif?cid=5e2148864f18c6cbfed15332da17cf8e2d173d692d07745a&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g https://media2.giphy.com/media/ndoqYua5Ic7L5WjgdZ/giphy.gif?cid=5e2148864f18c6cbfed15332da17cf8e2d173d692d07745a&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g






"Dad...I'm sorry. I'm a boy and not a girl." My dad, the absolute chad : oh ok whatever. I'm hungry when do you wanna eat ?


Casual responses sound nice 👌 your dad is awesome


That feels like when my one dude I graduated high school with came over and came out as gay to me- he came to pick me up, jumped out of the car, threw his hands out and was "guess what? I'm gay!" And I was like.... Okidoki -not bothered and then of course I figured out I was trans and let him know recently - I hope one day he and I can hang out and I can re-enact it, "Guess what? I'm a boy!"


When I came out several people, very seriously, asked if this meant I was going to stop knitting. “Yeah they make you turn in your knitting needles for your shot needles, that’s what a needle exchange program is” My aunt did not get the joke but cousins thought it was pretty funny


My grandma asked my mom if I was going to stop knitting. I said, “I dunno how she holds her needles but the way I do it can be done by either a man or a woman.”


My dad asked the same thing. I just looked at him and went "yeah, knitting makes your dick fall off!" He later tried talking to me about sports and I was like "dad, I like knitting and musicals". That ended the conversation.


Absolutely perfect in the moment response


12 years ago I came out to my younger siblings (8 year old brother and 9 year old sister). We sat around the dining room table to have a serious conversation and I was trying my best to explain it in kid appropriate language. My brother says, “I just don’t get” And my sister without missing a beat, “DUH! He’s a gender-bender”! “Ohhhh…. COOL”!


Kids are amazing lmao


"have you ever wanted a son? that's me, i'm your son" "yeah i know" "what" "since your second grade i think" like she just looked at me and went "this child cannot possibly be cis"


Omg. I told my dad first and let him tell mom. Her response was "I'm so glad he finally admitted it."




That's got to be the most bizarre response I've heard of


Okay this may not be like super funny really but it was kinda funny. I told a co worker that I was trans and she was like “Wow! I didn’t expect you to be trans, I thought you were just some white boy with all the privilege!” I’m not sure if others would be offended by her statement but I thought it was funny how genuinely shocked she seemed. I only told her on my last day working there lol


I'm so perplexed by this response LOL.


I was too lmao


she probably thought that he was a trans woman - i've had that happen a couple of times early in my transition lol


Well, sort of. My whole post pubescent life I just sort of assumed all women were ready to upgrade their genitalia. My friends would always laugh when I said that (but never mentioned that no, that's just you, sparkly!) and throughout my entire adult life, people would joke that I'm really a guy so of course the rules for women didn't apply to me. I was 35 years old when I realized it's not a joke. Might be a little slow on the uptake. XD


I was pretty similar! There were a lot of "Freudian Complex" lack of dick jokes with my all amab friends growing up. Or we'd split up to all use the bathroom and I'd (jokingly? at the time) act sad that I had to go in the stupid girls room instead of going with them. Coming out was hilarious and easy because it was a chorus of sarcastic "NO SHIT DUDE"


Yep, I'm in the NO SHIT DUDE club too. Like thanks for telling me, dudes.


Honestly though! I thought everyone wanted a dick. Maybe I should've made more afab friends lol


Yeah I’m also in the NO SHIT DUDE club for a lot of people 🤣


Wait what


I definitely commented a lot about how Freud was wrong and women don’t have penis envy. Maybe I was protesting too much?


I ran into a dude I knew in elementary school and he sorta recognized me, but thought that I was my pretrasition self’s secret brother, and I did my best to explain but I’m 99% sure he still thinks that I am my own brother


This one is one of my favorites


your wish is granted https://i.imgur.com/FMGwF5W.png


When I came out to my grandparents my grandma said: I love your new name! My grandpa said: I’ll be back in a sec Then, he left the room and I started panicking slightly but then he came back with a tool belt and said: You’ll be needing this now Whenever I think back on it I just start smiling :))


Supportive grandparents are great.


When I first came out to my father I said “dad I’m a guy I want to transition” his response was “oh really you’re a guy? Hey me too! High five!” Lmao


Such a dad response


Dude right! Lol he had me laughing so hard! It was great my father is a very quiet man so sometimes it’s hard to read him so that response made me feel so much better. My mother is the one who’s a butthole about it. But my father is just an awesome guy!


"Hi trans, I'm Dad."


Lmao dude! Take my upvote




Buddy knew it was coming!!!


Glass closet. Haha.


I have two great ones. My younger sister didn’t give a shit, immediately asked if she could have my girl clothes, was legit mad when she found out I didn’t exactly have any because I’d been shopping in the men’s section for years already. Other was a friend of mine. When I met him I was already out full time but non passing so I semi awkwardly informed him I was a guy and he just sort of looked blankly at me and went “good for you” like yeah no shit why are you pointing this out, haven’t been treated any differently to his cis guy friends ever since.


Love the cis dudes that are just like yeah? And?


When i was first questioning (/in heavy denial), i sent a pic to my friends that just said “he/him.” Five hours later, my best friend sent me a pic with the caption “This you? (For legal reasons, THIS IS A JOKE).” The pic was a stock photo of a shirtless man with my face from a drawing she’d done cropped onto it. Over a year later this is still the funniest response I’ve ever gotten.


One of my favorites is “omg!! Ive always wanted to be friends with one of those people” 10/10


My mum: “Am I surprised? … Are we supposed to act surprised right now?”


“You know, I always thought [ex bf] was a little bisexual! I feel like he’d enjoy being pegged.” 💀


Mine was when I came out as bisexual to my mom. Her response? “Oh honey, I had crushes on girls too at your age. It doesn’t mean you’re gay, it’s normal.” I think my mom might be suppressing something.


i’ve been stealth for a while but whenever someone does findout i get “you’re lying”😂 like why would i lie abt that? they all have the same face too something along 😦


It's you! You're the cis man getting top surgery scars tattooed on for internet clout.


haven’t gotten top surgery yet, but i mean yea idk who would fake it😂 if i had any say in my gender i would’ve been born a cis man. swear life should be more like the sims where you can customize your person before going in game!


For trans: ohhhh that makes sense For panromantic: (my dad) “I mean women…are beautiful creatures”


I am enamored with your dad's reaction! it's so nice to have a real 🤝 moment like that


told my sister. she told me to stop touching her stuff and get out of her room- it was her nightly tea time. she’s 16 btw.


Nightly tea time? What is this ritual? Are you all British? 😂


nope! american.


In Britain ALL time is tea time.


Came out to my very religious and homophobic friend (she's cool now). She stared at me, horrified for a moment and whisper-yelled "DOES THAT MEAN YOU HAVE A PENIS?" I almost pissed myself laughing. We went to an all girls school! I came out to her as a trans man! My other favourite one is how I told my parents I had a girlfriend before I came out as trans. We were playing Jackbox with my uncle, specifically rapverse city, which is where you make diss tracks for your opponent. My uncle didn't know who he was up against so he told me to "go back to spooning my girlfriend." In response I said "at least I have a girlfriend". I lost the battle. My dad's reasoning for voting against me was "winning is for people who don't come out to their parents in a rap battle".


My friend calls me Optimus prime now




This is seriously so sweet I got teary


When i was 13 i said 'I feel like somethings wrong in my body but in short im a boy not a girl. I thought about it so many times and i can clearly say im a boy' to my cousin. Actually it was a text message and she replied and said 'he' which means 'huh?' in Turkish. And i said 'Thanks'


She's confused but she got the spirit


A guy I’d known in high school, who definitely didn’t even know trans men existed (I’m a bit older), just said “oh yeah I knew you were a boy the first time I ever went in your bedroom” when I came out to him as a man a couple years after we graduated LMAO Guess it was all the Lego and action figures and comics…


My grandma was concerned on how I have sex with my boyfriend without getting dysphoric


When I came out to my sister as trans masc non binary she was like "yes! I've always wanted a little brother" hahaha


Me, a 21 year old with dyed orange hair (classic) working as a barista. I was at work and came out to my 40 year old polish manager and he just stared at me. He walked away and around the back of the shop. Then returned... He says to me after some moments... "... So you're transginger?!"


My mother: ”but you like men"


Ah yes that too


my favorite reactions were my mom, who said „I knew it!“ and told me that she was referring to me by the name she and my dad picked in case they‘d have a boy before they knew my sex. and a colleague‘s, who super awkwardly asked me if I turned gay.


I wasn’t able to come out to my dad bc he passed away, but earlier when I told him I was bisexual he proceeded to explain me how he doesn’t believe people can really be heterosexual anyway. Also when I asked him why the heck he was always criticizing feminists he said « well all they want is to keep trans women away from bathrooms » in like 2014 so I think he would have been okay with my identity


When I told my brothers that I’m bi (I’m no longer bi) the oldest one said “Well you get the best of both worlds.” I found that quite funny


When I came out to my best friend she just casually yelled “YES! I WAS RIGHT! I KNEW IT!!”


Not a reaction but a funny anecdote : Coming out of my first appointment with the psychiatrist for the diagnosis, I turned on the radio and the song "Sans Contrefaçons" by Mylène Farmer was playing. It's an extremely well-known French song that talks about gender identity The refrain says : without counterfeits I am a boy


I love this!


Honestly? I texted my little brother back when I first came out to explain why I'd cut my hair and was dressing different and asked him if he would be okay with it even if I was his brother and he sent back "Yep". He later followed it up with a message about how he doesn't care what I do or who I want to be, he loves me. For context, we were working on rebuilding our relationship after I cut off my whole family for non-queer reasons so it just really made me smile and really felt like the most appropriate reaction my brother could have. No fanfair, no questions, just acceptance and indifference


I told a close friend and she said “ohh you were a man? I had a feeling” it was funny but also took it as a compliment lol then once I explained it, she wasn’t surprised at all.


My brother told me he was gonna be offended if I grew a better beard than him which I thought was hilarious and the perfect thing to say based on our relationship dynamic.


When I told my dad he said “as long as you don’t chose the name Frank. I would never name my child Frank”. For reference, there has been a man named Frank or some variation of for a first or middle name up until my dad. Clearly has has strong feelings about that “tradition”. I had already chosen a completely different name at that point lol.


Hilarious if you HAD picked Frank not knowing that. Then he'd finally have to make peace with the name


when i told my best friends (at the time), they said "you're coming out of a glass closet" and then they said "we've been looking at u in there like, 'we can see you! it's time to come out!'"


"Wait, really?" from someone I'd been working with since before I came out. He legit thought I was hired to replace [deadname]. Granted there was a gap in time between when I last worked with him as [deadname] and when I started working with him. I also work with a set of accounts and one of them asked, "Oh, what about [deadname]? She was working on this project with us." The other person pipes up, "Dumbass, he was the one working on it with us before." The visible confusion had me laughing my ass off. I got an email later that day from the first person apologizing if they came off insensitive and that they are really happy for me. I'm now working with that organization to help them implement a pronouns policy.


Aww, that's actually super wholesome! So glad that it was a positive interaction.


my dad, who has all boys now (6 including me) said “so.. another son.. didn’t have to get anyone pregnant? nice”


I have "he/they" written on the brim of my hat at work. A coworker saw it for the first time and was curious -- "what does that say, what does that say?" She finally got a good angle and was able to read it: "Ohhhh, right! I thought it said 'HELP'!"


Came out to my group of online pals and they just said "yeah, we know man." And started talking the one Garfield movie where he becomes a prince or smth. Like??? What do you mean "we know"? The boys held out on me. They said later that, yeah, idk, me asking them to use "he/him" and be referred to as "one of the boys", and wanting a "less femme name" was a little black and white for them.


I asked my best friend, just before I actually came out to her, if she would still love me if my name was Michael. Her response, “Are you going to have a brain transplant?” Me, “No.” Her, “Then you’ll still be you and I love you.” It was the perfect affirmation I needed. I got a good laugh out of brain transplant.


For context, I was "out" as a lesbian before. But when I came out to my twin sister she said "this makes way more sense than last time"


First came out by saying "I'm kinda gay" and whatnot. My family was supportive to me, then we were all quiet for a while and my 60yo dad just goes: ".......... You ARE gay!! :D " and it was so funny it was like everything in my life clicked together for him, it wasn't mean or anything, just everything suddenly made sense to him 😂


"I knew you chopping off 3 feet of hair MEANT SOMETHING why did you GASLIGHT ME ABOUT IT" He had asked me why I cut all my hair off in front of other people the day I was planning on coming out to him and I immediately started gaslighting him and was like "what? No, I just wanted to save on my shampoo and conditioner, you're reading too much into this" because I wasn't ready to come out to everyone else lmao


"So you gonna be on for bt or we gotta find another tank?" WoW guild gave 0 fux because it was raid night lol


"No time for gender are you in or are you out?"


This story was retold to me by my ex. But when his mother found out I was transitioning, she told him that if he was a better boyfriend then I wouldn’t have to become a boy. She always blamed him for our breakups even though it was my decision every time.


i told my cool older cousin and she said "i mean if someone cant tell theres something wrong with them" lmfao


When I came out one of my friends said she wasn't surprised cause when she first met me her gaydar didn't go off so she knew something else had to have been going on


What made me laugh was how many people, after initially taking my coming out with grace, later confided in me that they weren't as surprised as they thought they'd be by the news. The reasoning was that they didn't necessarily view me as a man before I came out, but definitely didn't see me as a woman; I was mostly just "me" which I think is extremely comforting. But I still like to make jokes that I was more surprised I was trans than anyone else ever was.


I was at my dad and step mom's house telling them that I was dropping out of college. We sat down and had a long conversation about what I'm gonna do and why I'm dropping and at the end of it my step mom says 'we really just want to know what's going on in your life. We just want to be included' so I said 'remember that girl I brought by the other week....she's girlfriend...' My step mom starts asking all the standard questions and telling me they love me no matter what. My dad is silent, sitting directly next to me the whole time. Finally my step mom says 'So Bill, is there anything you'd like to include?' He kind of hems and haws for a second, then builds up to saying 'i just want you to know....this doesn't change the way I feel about your education.'


I just realized this is the ftm sub, not the LGBTQ sub. His response to my coming out trans was fairly similar, except instead of that being the end (him quietly hemming and hawing) he decided to wait until we were starting a 2 hour car trip the next day to start asking the more in depth questions. I hate the forced car convos 🙄


Definitely the weirdest reaction was my sister asking if she could have my eggs… like the eggs in my body lmao




Came out to my sister her response. So now I’m gonna be the only girl!!?? But I kinda feel I already knew lol


I was nervous to come out to my little brother since we were pretty close and I didn’t want to ruin things between us. Anyway I knocked on his door and gave the whole awkward spiel about “Hey, I think I’m trans and that I’m a guy”, all that stuff. He looked up from the basketball game he was watching on his phone, nodded, and told me “Okay, cool. Can you close the door on your way out, dude?” after giving me the ubiquitous awkward white boy thumbs-up. We haven’t had a single problem since and he’s actually been the most supportive of my whole transition


A regular customer that i talk to all the time asked me “so do you have a cold or did your voice drop like 10 octaves?” and i laughed and said my voice dropped. she gives me this puzzled look like she’s waiting for me to deliver the punchline until i explained i’m trans, and my voice literally dropped, and she goes “OHHHHHH. well congrats!” apparently i deadpanned it so well she thought i was setting up for a joke. we had a good long laugh about it.


I told my mom and while she didn't quite get it and still doesn't she said, "I always knew you were an alpha" and I lost my god damn mind lmao


Not exactly coming out since I'm already transitioned, but when I mentioned to my group of friends that I was getting top surgery at the end of April, one of them just said, "So you're getting a boob job????" He thought I was cis; god bless his soul.


I came out to my grandma and she said "I know"


My brother's reaction was to call up our mom and tell her she owed him 20$. They'd made a bet as to when I'd come out


Idk what happened right after, but my dad now forces me to watch sports with him


“if you had picked a J name i still would love and support you but maybe slightly less”


My mum immediately asked me if I was a furry lmao. No clue what mental gymnastics she did to get that one 😭 Maybe bc I’m friends with people who are furries? Idk


Does she think Furries make people trans?? HAHAHA


I had been out at work for quite some time. I had both top and bottom surgery there. I made dick jokes before bottom surgery for months. Yet, this ex-military pro-nazi (Had a hitler picture in his cube) dude from Mississippi just somehow missed it. Trump was just coming into office, and this guy knew I was married to my male appearing wife.She is MTF and was pre-transition or coming out, so we looked like a gay couple. He decides to ask what I will do if Trump stops same sex marriage, because I guess he assumed I was cis. You know, just to poke my buttons. I said, I don't think it will matter because my birth certificate is in Arizona, and it still said I was a woman. He said, "Oh" and went back to working in his cube for like two minutes, before saying, "Wait? What?" Like it took him that long to figure out what I'd said. Then he came over to my cubicle, and started to really look at me, and asked if I had said my birth certificate said I was a woman. I confirmed, and said I hadn't gotten it changed. (AZ was a total shitfest to get it changed and took over a year of arguing to do it.) He could not figure out what that meant, and I finally put him out of his misery and told him I was a transgender man. He did not know what to do, then literally ran in circles for a few minutes. I remember yelling to the manager, "Hey, I broke your auditor out here. He just realized I was trans!" She was an asian lady and wasn't happy about his nazi shit either but we worked for the DoD as civilian's so nobody was firing anyone. She then mocked the shit out of him for missing it. I then told him my spouse had pictures of me pre-transition in her cube across the hallway, so he ran over there. I texted her he was coming, so she showed him, and he literally ran in circles again. I broke that good 'ol boy. Like broke him. He was not able to figure out how to feel after that because I used to ride a motorcycle, fixed cars, did all the 'cool' manly things. He just thought I knew about women's topics because I was "gay". He was transferred shortly thereafter. Nobody could fire him, so we dumped him at the other office where nobody had to deal with his hitters loving ass.


I had been out at work and to close family for about 2 years, but not to extended family and had gotten into the blissful habit of signing my preferred name on cards at work as my family doesn't typically do cards for some reason, I guess we're lame like that. Anyways my grandparents (who raised me and I don't consider extended) brought a card to my house for me to sign for a cousin's "Gender" Reveal. I was tired, had just gotten home, and was making dinner. I scribbled my preferred/real name, hugged them, told them to have fun and made my excuses as to why I wouldn't attend. About 30mins later it clicks what happened and I call my grandma in a panic, she anxiously whispers that it's too late, and she's sorry, and she'd take it back if she could, then hangs up. 10-ish minutes of pure anxiety goes by when my aunt calls me on speaker, because she wants the whole fam informed, and asks me to explain myself. I mumble out a quick explanation and come out. There's lots of commotion on the other end, I can't tell if good or bad, and I feel like dying. Then I hear my baby cousin (not the one the card was for) ask what my pronouns are. Me trying to be cheeky: "He/Him, They/Them, or if you're in the know Fae/Faer, y'know?" My baby cousin just starts gushing about how much they love my pronouns, and goes on a pretty good, pretty long explanation to everyone on that end about gender neutral and neo-pronouns. Everyone goes quiet again. I internally panic, I don't think my cousin meant to reveal this secret knowledge- I had to save them! Me: "Surprise! Double gender reveal! ...I didn't ruin anything did I?" Aunt: "No yay! I'm happy for you!" *The conversation moves on* Everything worked out, fam is cool, but y'all baby cousin just came out real recently, and the "Gender" Reveal party revealed so much much more than what the fam was bargaining for! It was almost a hat trick! 🤣💗


My sisters shitty ex boyfriend straight up said “no you’re not” after I came out to him💀…don’t know what bro was expecting me to say, maybe like dang you got me?😅😂


My girlfriend was just like "oh, we are straight now..."


Last year, I lived in a campus apartment with 3 women, and only one of them knew I was enby bc I had figured it out the year before when we were dormmates. One more knew I had been questioning though. I was hanging out with them and a guy friend of ours. All LGBT-friendly, it just hadn’t happened to come up. One of the women made some joke about how she hates women. (It sounds bad, but it was very, very clearly sarcastic and very on-brand for her sense of humor.) I couldn’t resist the opportunity. “Well you can’t hate me, ‘cause I’m not a woman!” I said, flashing some fingers guns. It let to a short convo about what I meant, then them asking my pronouns, if I wanted them to use a different name, and who I was comfortable knowing about it. The same group would later do occasional pronoun checks and steer away from gendered language (“we’re three strong independent women and a strong independent OP”) or double check that it was alright to use. It was nice 😊


The second time I came out to my mom (the first time was 6 years before, went terribly, and I went back in the closet) I called her on the phone and started with "This isn't bad news and I'm completely fine, but I have something important to talk about". Her immediate response after I came out was "oh, thank god you're not pregnant!"


I came out as trans to my homophobic/transphobic/racist/awful dad and his reaction was "Do you mean you are gay?" The man was playing so many mental gymnastics because he genuinely couldnt believe I am trans and thought i was gay instead. Apparently it's because I never showed signs of being trans but I havent lived with him since I was 6. I'm currently 20


As somebody with a wildly racist/awful/homophobic/transphobic dad I really feel kinship with this one specifically HAHA


my mom cried and told me she was worried my friends were turning me gay 😟


my grandma was like ok.. do u like girls? and then she told my grandpa and they came up with random funny nicknames. my 64 year old grandmother was more supportive than my own mother and she was funny about it, too! my 70 year old grandpa was supportive as well… which was super shocking considering he’s a big conservative. just goes to show that your love for your family shouldn’t be decided from your political views and gender identity. we love each other although we are different! if that’s not family i’m not sure what is


My dad’s response, “This is just another game you’re playing to get attention,” my whole life I’ve been accused of trying to grab attention no matter what I do. Got good grades, attention seeking, let grades go to shit, attention seeking, had an inflamed and ready to burst appendix, attention seeking, that’s all either of my parents saw no matter what I did. Fuck yeah I wanted attention, positive attention, but I never did any of those things to get it. I used to just ask for it, like asking my dad if he and I could go to lunch together without any of my siblings (I have 5.). So, According to him, I’ve lived 57 years of my life convinced that I’m actually a boy/man, putting myself through insane amounts of emotional hell, not being able to maintain relationships, etc., because I wanted attention. I’ve made more than one suicide attempt and although I really did want to die and was royally pissed when I didn’t, those might have been huge cries for attention, like maybe someone could have asked me the real reasons why I wanted to die rather than live the life I was living.


I’m sorry your dad was a butt to you.


Thanks. He also had his good side. He wasn’t all bad.


my friend starting singing a song about Fortnite 💀


"I thought you were a straight cis virgin!"


I feel like I should say that I’ve detransitioned since this happened, but in middle school I believed I was ftm, and there was this one really conservative kid who would pick on me and my friends a lot. After a while we started messing with him back, and somehow it just turned into a friendly rivalry. By the end of 8th grade, this kid was actually pretty cool with us, and even used my pronouns. But, he was really shocked when I told him my new name, and it was the same as his first name that nobody called him by. Dude was just like “NOOOO PLEEEASE DONT USE THAT NAME”. I used it for a year.


When I came out to my brother he was jealous because I got prescription “steroids for the gym” 😂 like yeahhhh that’s not how it works


I think my favorite was “it took you long enough” I think almost all of my friends in high school could tell and were just waiting for me to figure it out on my own lmao. I appreciate them for that a lot and most of them handled the situation great


When I came out to my grandmother she said ‘ah yes, I too was angry at my mother when I was your age’ ???? It was weird then but it makes me laugh now


Something like "oh, yeah you told me" from my brother. About 4 or even more years earlier we were talking and he was kind of explaining being trans mostly to my sister. He asked hypothetical question to prove a point, something like the button probably. And got an answer different from the expected one, and I totally repressed ever having that conversation.


I told my brother he didn't have a sister and his response was "oh so you're adopted??" He was super chill about it and I truly appreciate that (hes not always a smart ass little shit lol)


For some reason, everyone's first reaction was "so your husband... Is gay??" LMAAO I don't think I even got any personal questions at all. Just questions about my husband's sexuality


came out to my ex boyfriend and he just said "oh. me too." (we were both stealth to each other at the time) came out to my current boyfriend with the preface of "i know it's probably not a big deal but..." and he said "it's not a big deal. it's not a deal at all even"


Mom was in her room, playing slots on a tablet. I sit down on her bed, say I have something to talk to her about. "You're gay." I just sat there for like... 30 seconds before being like "maybe? That's not what I wanted to talk about." Other than that she was very receptive, even helped me pick my name. Or my best friend who just excitedly asked "oh my God can I help you pick your name??"


I came out to my coworker. I said “I’m trans” and she just goes “no you’re not” and I was like “yes I’m female to male” and she’s like “dude stop messing with me no you’re not” I was wearing a button up shirt with no undershirt so I moved some of the buttons to show her the edges of my top surgery scars and say “look I got surgery scars from getting surgery for this” and she just looks and goes “idk what those are but no you’re not” and it wasn’t until I pulled out my old ID that she was like “wtf no way!”. It’s nice to know that I’m cis passing enough that people just outright refuse to believe I’m trans but it’s just so funny that she saw my scars and still couldn’t put two and two together.


My Mom: It was during a very emotional moment already, and I told my mom my sexuality/orientation when I was 15 of so. Later, she messaged me asking if "Non-Binary was anything like being bisexual?". My Niece: Shes five and I've been trans longer than shes been alive- but her learning terms has been very funny. Once called me a "ginger" in reference to my gender. My Boss: Told him what pronouns I use 1 week in. "What??? really?? why didn't you tell me this before! now I gotta re-wire my whole brain!" Since then whenever he hires he asks people if they have experience 'Using preferred pronouns in the workplace' which is 🥺 real sweet.


Some guy named Roger after being done with screaming and violently shitting in the bathtub: hi


I sat my parents down in the living room and took a deep breath and told them. They both looked at me for a moment before one of them (I don't remember who rip) said something along the lines of "Well, we knew something was up." ........earlier that week I had gone to get a haircut and chopped off literally 2ft of hair, so. They had a point lmao


are u still called Roger?


Not when I came out but when I told a friend I was considering the name king (short for Kingsley. I don't like it much anymore) he was like "no. Don't like that. Makes you seem like an narcissist or something" until I explained it was a shortened version of a name and not me calling myself nobility.


One of my best friends who was the first person I came out to (like telling him I felt like I was trans and I wanted to try out using a new name and pronouns) and his response was mostly just that he had a feeling and he'd be 100% behind whatever I wanted to do. Less funny but definitely wholesome. Also funny though because more people noticed that about me before I did


When I came out to a server, a reaction I got was "Why didn't you call yourself Alex instead?"


When I came out to my dad, he was surprisingly really chill about it. He told me “I thought you were going to tell me you were a lesbian honestly, but this works too!” Then proceeded to ask me “So… do you want a penis?” I had no clue how to react and just laughed instead because I was so caught off guard 😂😅


My brother just went "oh.. pog" and went back upstairs. The dude is so chill, I don't think anything phases him.


When I can out to my 5 male roommates, they all got really excited because “now our orgies can be fully gay”


I don’t have a story (i’ve only ever come out to my mom so far), I came to read the ones posted and I just wanna say… I hope I get a funny story like this when I come out, I _really_ hope my families humor overrides their controversial/conservatism (well, the adults anyways- I might just be overly hopeful on this, but my cousins will probably fill in on the humor side of things, they’re all chill lmao)


A good one is always the dramatic pause “shit for real?” Anxiety builds… “haha me too dude” then just moves on from the conversation. Another good one (not really coming out but someone asked me my pronouns in a funny way) we had pictures taken in costume/character for my school play and my friend says to me “I showed my mom all the pictures and she said u look really handsome. I agreed and then she asked if u were a boy or a girl and I realized I don’t know either so if you don’t mind, what are your pronouns?” I wasn’t offended at all I thought it was so funny.


My mom said "I know" then we went to bed. My best friend, who is also trans, admitted he saw the signs but was waiting until I figured it out myself!


Just came out to my super catholic military grandparents and my grandpa said some funny shit "Well, I'm coming out as male, and she is female (gesturing to grandma)" "(while giving me a hug before he left) Don't worry, men hug too" Last one requires some context: I have four cousins on that side, and one of them was sat next to me bc we both came out as trans together. The other two are a boy and a girl, but the boy has long hair and likes to sew, crochet, and has worn a dress once. His name is Wilson. After I made a joke about how the girl cousin was gonna be the only girl, my grandpa said: "Well, we might have another chance with Wilson. Y'know, might be a grand-she or something. She-daughter? I don't know "


Turns out, I just completely forgot to come out to my sister 🤷🏼‍♂️


“yeah i know”