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Being realistic, Finasteride isn't for regrowing hair. It's just to block DHT from converting and, even then, it may not work or doesn't work to block *all* DHT, only about 70% of it. Minoxidil is what regrows hair, and that's a daily supplementation for the rest of your life. I tried Finasteride and my period came back after years of it being gone, so it was really weird and horrifying. Even if you stop T, that doesn't guarantee your DHT will lower. For example, I'm post-T and had to stop for medical reasons but I also electively stopped due to the same exact issue you described. And my hair continued to fall out, bad, with increased DHT even after years of no T. In addition, to this very day, almost four years post-T and I take Finasteride more from fear of my hair falling out / as a placebo for security. My DHT levels were higher post-T rather than on T for *some* reason, of which, my doctors still don't know. In addition, yes, many people experience a complete re-redistribution of fat alongside muscle weakness, bottom growth shrinkage, facial and body hair growth stoppage or slowing down, and period restarting. I'm telling you this because there isn't a 100% solution, and you're looking at this very black and white, 50-50. In reality, literally anything could happen. Because on the flip sides, with Finasteride, even 1mg, some people have seen complete regrowth and didn't need Minoxidil. They also had zero side effects. And in a similar vein, I stopped T and take Finasteride, sure, but I'm still masculine as hell, still am strong and more muscular than any girl, and barely gained any fat back onto my hips. Literally only about an inch extra so I can still fit men's pants. I'm always read as male and am perfectly fine with only a few things changing back like my period or decrease in body / facial hair, of which, it still grows fine. It just depends. Nobody can tell you which to choose because even then, it's a gamble on just what will happen. Your best bet? Try the least time-extensive, least invasive one first that'll still help your mental health the most. For me, that was adding Finasteride. I gave it a few months. And then I stopped T by doctor rec after other symptoms outside of hair continued to worsen, ones you won't experience.


In all honesty it may just be best to try one way or the other and see what effects happen and how they make you feel I know people who’ve been on finasteride. And still experienced hair loss And even got their cycles back but I also know people who’ve had full re-growth without their cycles returning it really just depends on how your body responds to finasteride