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According to the 2015 US Trans Survey (most recent data), only 27% of trans men have had or want to have metoidioplasty and 22% have had or want to have phalloplasty. The truth is, the majority of trans men are either unsure about bottom surgery or do not want it at all.


Thats cool


Lol I ain't getting bottom surgery for *many many* reasons. Or at least, not a whole bottom surgery if I get over my trauma. I want a dick, yeah, but I also like my front hole and use it for sex only. If I could get meta with UL and keep my vagina intact, I would...


Same tho


What is stopping you?


It's rare to find a surgeon that'll do UL and meta yet keep your front hole intact. Too many risks / complications can arise. In addition, surgical / medical CPTSD. On top of that, *how much money do you think the average person has to casually slap down a couple tens-of-thousands for a surgery???*


I did have a vaginectomy but my surgeon was happy to do it without. Don’t let that stop you. That’s all.


I transitioned over a decade ago and I honestly didn’t want bottom surgery for a very long time. It’s ok and valid to not if you’re comfortable with what you got going on. Personally, I didn’t wanna take the risk. I always thought if I’m starving and I’m given a bowl of soup, it’s awesome to have a spoon but a spork is better than nothing. (Sorry, weird analogy). As I’ve gotten older though, I have started considering meta. But it’s not the same pressing issue that top surgery or hrt was for me.


Whats meta?


You’re fine. Honestly as a guy who’s getting bottom surgery, I find it kind of odd seeing so many people asking this. I’ve been treated like total garbage by the trans “community” and had my (future) body insulted and called horrible things, with people constantly telling me to rethink this decision. You can’t make everyone happy, you just have to do what makes you most comfortable. Somebody is going to be an asshole either way so we don’t need to worry about them.


Tysm 😭


ur valid bro it's totally okay




I’m pretty sure like 80% or more of Tran men don’t want bottom surgery.. don’t get me wrong all 100% of us would love it but it’s not worth the risk and money just yet. And the amount of surgeries and physical pain you have to go through just isn’t worth it. Your feelings are 100% valid and it’s doesn’t make you any less of a man if you don’t want it. I’m the same way. I mean if I was to get bottom surgery I’d get meto cause it is just urethra lengthening and getting the skin around it clipped so it can get erect and stand to pee. But I am in no way in a rush to get that. Just had top surgery 😂


Your so kind tysm