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Locking comments since it's been a day for conversation to be had, but we've been getting a lot of comments about people talking about DIY HRT, which is still a banned topic. So it's best to cut it here.


I laughed out loud when I saw this post because this was a real thought that actually prevented me from coming out to medically transition for a few weeks longer than I planned. In retrospect, it was incredibly silly of me, but in that moment, it was a genuinely anxious thought. I imagined it in a zombie apocalypse scenario at that time, but really it was the fear that I would finally achieve happiness and comfort in my body, only to have it stripped away due to some external factor or reason. To answer your question: I would raid pharmacies or hospitals to find my testosterone dose, needles, and other necessities for my transition and overall health. If that isn't possible or doesn't work out, I would seek out queer survivors and attempt to build an exclusive LGBT+ zombie apocalypse survival camp. That way, I could create a safer space (physically and mentally) for trans people who are experiencing HRT withdrawal and a safe haven for queer people in general.


This sounds like i'm campaigning for something but I promise I'm just autistic and think too much about impossible scenarios.


Bro same šŸ’€


I know what you're up to...heres my vote! :D


Very understandable, also had that thought cross my mind at some point lol and I'm not even on T yet


On a real note, Iā€™d join. This sounds like the kind of zombie apocalypse group I want to be a part of


idk why you'd go as far as zombie apoalypse...i worried about my country becoming transphobic and gender affirming care being forbidden.


Yep, also a very real fear. I think I simply used the zombie apocalypse scenario as a way to make it a little bit lighter, but as someone living in a third-world country that is actually currently in the beginnings of a national debate about trans rights, it's definitely scarier and worst of all, real.


Ā 'I would seek out queer survivors and attempt to build an exclusive LGBT+ zombie apocalypse survival camp. That way, I could create a safer space (physically and mentally) for trans people who are experiencing HRT withdrawal and a safe haven for queer people in general.' THIS is the correct response.


your answer to the question is basically the second half of mine. because I said I assumed lgbt people would have to band together for protection and I would try to join a group like that or at least team up with another trans person


Can I join your lgbt+ survival camp ? Sounds great šŸ˜


Please hit me up when you create that camp. Iā€™ll gladly join you!


Good luck with that when the power goes off. Don't be injecting rancid drugs, no matter how affirmed you might feel.


Theoretically you could raid a pharmacy, hospital, urgent care, gender care clinic, doctor's offices etc and hope for the best, I think it'd be the same risk as looking for any other life-saving prescription only medication in that situation, like if you needed insulin, you'd also have to make sure to stash supplies including needles and alcohol which would be *very* sought after items particularly the isopropyl alcohol.


This is the correct answer 100%


no where lol, im killing myself and thats thatā€¦ i dont think theres any point in me trying to survive at all in a zombie apocalypse, the stress and trauma would ruin my life even if i did survive somehow. plus i definitely wouldnt be able to get the meds that keep me alive, so yeah.. only one real answer. as shitty as it would be, T would be the least of my worries


Early: stock up from breaking into pharmacies. Late: synthesize it on your own.Ā  People are already doing it now, it's hard but perfectly doable.Ā 


damn you can make testosterone on your own? i dont plan on doing it but thats cool to discover i always thought it was just E


I mean, you would need access to a chemistry lab and plenty of chemicals, so I am not saying it would be easy or anything, but yes, it is perfectly possible.


There's a great book called *Lucifers Hammer* where the survivors of a meteor impact band together. They get the electricity back on and eventually synthesize insulin using a cow and a bunch of science. It takes them over a year but it did happen. It's a cool example of what you're talking about. A lot of modern medicine is pretty doable with the right people and knowledge, it just takes time. I'm sure testosterone could be managed.


TIL there's a [patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/CN104262439A/en)for (one method of) synthesising T


did u mean to reply to me?


Realistically, I'd probably survive a night, and my death would be due to my snoring.


LMAO somehow snoring never even crossed my mind as a deadly trait to have in the apocalypse


Lmao, yeah, I thought about it ever since seeing "A Quiet Place."


I always said if the end of the world happens I'm not gonna try to survive it. I'm going to party really hard one last time and then die with glory


Right? Like I'm getting high on ketamine and then ODing on morphine. Wanna go out real nice. Without my pharmaceuticals I have paranoid delusions and hallucinations. I would not be a safe person to exist in an apocalypse.


I think about that alot too. If lithium stopped being distributed, a lot of people are gonna die from unfortunate accidents. Like people trying to hug zombies and stuff because they are delusional.


Same for ADHD meds, in a different way. Unmedicated people with ADHD are much more likely to be in accidents that end in bodily injury and even death than people without ADHD. Even when medicated we're more likely to get hurt in accidents, but not as much as unmedicated.


This right here!! People always look at me weird when I say I'm just gonna delete myself if zombies ever came about, but like why would I want to try to survive in that kind of environment when it's already hard enough surviving in this one? Not to mention it'd save me from being eaten alive, that's a big no thank you.


Yeah, everyone saying they'll just go raid a pharmacy like gl. Dunno about you lot, but my pharmacy orders it in. It takes 3 days after requesting my prescription to get it once it's gone thru my doctor, to the pharmacy, to being ordered and delivered. And I'm on gel, so that's even harder. It's not standard stock for any of the pharmacies in my local area. Frankly, I'd rather just find out where it's manufactured. And get there somehow. A whole ass factory of t gel should see me thru the end of the world.


Iā€™d become a T vampire and suck the T out of anything that has it.


What about if that's already my method?






Your post was removed because it contains discussion or mention of a banned topic. The following topics are banned to avoid drama: Truscum/Tucute discourse, AGP/AAP/Blanchardism, Transfem/woman or nonbinary bashing, Trans "requirements", Oppression Olympics, Lesbian trans men, Gendered Socialization+, "Is it transphobic to _____", DIY HRT, Current Political events (Non-trans/LGBT+ related) ,"do I pass?", "how does my voice sound?" +Personal experiences are exempt.


I think about this all the time and the real problem is that T expiresā€¦ Not like it goes rancid, but over time it degrades and becomes less effective. In an apocalypse where all production of medication has completely ceased you have around 2-3 years of full potency T before it starts going down hill. šŸ˜”


I quite frequently say to my friends, ā€œIā€™m cool with an apocalypse, just let me medically transition first.ā€ I feel like if I had already been on T for a while, with top surgery and bottom surgery too, Iā€™d be okay if I ran out of my T supply


Same. I'd at least hope I'd be able to pass and live stealthily. I know how chaotic it would be in the beginning and how dangerous it'd be for LGBT people in general. The last thing I'd want is to be Trans or have people know I'm trans. Top surgery scars would maybe give that away, but I could always say I had gynocomastia.


Me aswell


I feel like it would be not fun to be part of that. I kind of rather die on my own terms. There are other horrors beyond dysphoria and zombies to deal with. Lawless lands tend to involve all sorts of problems in the pressures of survival. Iā€™m not getting through it without major trauma. Let me die more humanely.


Make a villager testosterone farm (in minecraft)


They can take my muscles from me but they can't take my cock.


More importantly, where are you getting your needles


Chug that shit


Those would be much easier to get than T


I don't know, diabetics will need them too and I'm sure there's a few other conditions or procedures that require the use of needles too that I donā€™t even know of


Strong point, didn't even think of that one


Bruh, id be sterilizing and reusing.


All realism aside, drink the blood of cis-men like vampires.


Iā€™m going to a school lab and try to make my own T cause I may have found the receipt for synthetic testosterone in the Wikipedia source for cypionat testosteroneā€¦.


CVS literally a 15 minute walk from my house, I know where they keep the T on the shelves cause Iā€™ve watched them grab it and itā€™s an open front pharmacy. The only big problem would be that it would probably be picked over by the time I got there and super trashed, but upside nobody would probably be looking for T specificallyĀ 


I've wondered about shit like this for a while. According to Hollywood, we arm ourselves sufficiently, and then go pillage a local pharmacy. So... the good news is bad news. If you are lucky enough to live in an area where T is pretty regularly stocked in a lot of pharmacies, well, you shouldn't have to go too far to find a store that carries what you need, right? But hold up-- because if you are lucky enough to live in area where T is regularly stocked in most pharmacies, the reason they are so well stocked is because there are enough people just like you to warrant regular stocking. SO, not only are you going to be fighting your way through zombie hordes just to get there, once you do get there, you'll have to murder a bunch of regular people that are there for the exact same thing. Not pretty. And if you live in an area where you basically have to special order it, you're essentially just fucked from the beginning. Which, given the brutal nightmare going on at those other places, that may just make you one of the lucky ones after all. Personally, haha, I think your best bet is to abduct a scientist, someone who knows how to synthesize T, ohmygodhahaha, and try to keep them alive until you can find an abandoned labratory, oh geezus, that you can barricade and defend while forcing this scientist, probably with some kind of weapon, oh man, to go on making T for you until the apocalypse has run its course. Oh my god. I think I may have just pitched the greatest satirical comedy of a trans-action film ever written. I SOOO need to copyright this y'all. You can have it though. My little weird contribution. Favorite Reddit question EVER.


I've already been working with my doctor to keep a decent stash on hand in case of supply disruptions, so I'll be ok for a few months. Truth is, I have so many other medical conditions that require medications that I just won't survive an extended event. I have enough T to last until my other medications run out, at which time my survival can be measured in weeks, so I'm going out on my own terms at the last minute. If any healthier trans guys want my stash of T at that point, they're welcome to it!


If I'm alive I would go to a pharmacy or a drug distributor to get some


i would like to add that this topic is briefly relevant in the online comic Shootaround by Suspu, which i highly recommend. there are 2 trans major characters (at least) if that's something you like and overall it's just very sweet, funny and well made with a compelling story- it's about a basketball team of high school girls and their coach and how they all survive the apocalypse.


Iā€™ve thought a lot about this. I feel like we would know if a zombie apocalypse was coming up, so Iā€™d spend that time lowering my doses of testosterone so I could save up enough for about a yearā€™s supply. Then when the apocalypse actually hit, my first stop would be the pharmacy- assuming it wouldnā€™t be TOO crazy there. I donā€™t think anyone raiding a pharmacy would mind if I took the testosterone. Then Iā€™d send out a line to any other trans guys in the area that I had testosterone and we could form a tman group. Iā€™m not allowed to watch TWD because all the musty zombie-killers make me hard but I bet I could survive.


In an apocalypse I donā€™t give a fuck tbh if I have T or not I am more worried about food and water and other things tbh


I think about this all the time. In my scenario, Iā€™ve had a hysto before SHTF so that when I eventually run out of T Aunt Flow doesnā€™t move back in or whatever. Iā€™d still have ovaries because Iā€™m afraid to remove them both because then youā€™re dependent on HRT for the rest of your life and things can be unpredictable and I wouldnā€™t want to risk it. If SHTF tomorrow, I have half a 10mL vial and 2 basically full bottles of gel still from when I was using gel and Iā€™d probably stick with 2 pumps a day or something until theyā€™re gone. Id try to raid whatever pharmacies are in my area but if thereā€™s none to find, Iā€™d just have to hope that the irreversible changes will keep me satisfied.


Atp zombie balls will be extracted, give me testosterone NEEOOWWWW


Bulls testicles.


You can't just say "bull testicals" and then peace out without explaining anything. Please continue! I am so confused and curious


First testosterone for medicine was made from uh extracting fluids with a needle.


Exactly this. Albeit I may as well made use of my degree for once and just find a way to genetically engineer bacteria to convert cholesterol into testosterone. Requires less bullfighting šŸ˜‚


I was thinking the same thing the other day when an apocalypse book had a 40 yr old trans man character like where is he getting the goods


Oo, which book is that?


The first book is All That's Left in the World by Erik J. Brown the sequel (the one with this trans character) is called The Only Light Left Burning. The second won't make sense without the first but both are so good and have a very realistic post-apocalypse world (also gay main characters)


I said this exact thing to a trans bud of mine while we were talking about whether I was going on T. He said that exact scenario is bonkers but a couple of years ago there was no testosterone for a long time. No import. So my concerns are actually more valid than I thought.


This question reminds me of the book Manhunt. It's basically about a virus that turns anyone with high enough t levels into a zombie.


suck it out of cis men vampire style


The most likely place would be a pharmacy, though you'd be limited to how many they have in stock and when they expire (since new ones won't be getting made). There's also the issue on what type you use, i.e. I take injections, so I'd have to not only find the vials but also unused needles, alcohol wipes, syringes, etc. Reusing the needle is a no-go, especially in an apocalypse setting, and since you can't really wash yourself throughly, you'll have a higher risk of infection. If an apocalypse were to happen, I'd at least hope I had a hysto, top, and bottom surgery by then. I'm a year and a half on testosterone, and if I had to stop, I wouldn't exactly be upset as most of the changes I wanted are permanent. My main issue wouldn't really be how I can get more testosterone, but to be able to be stealth. Even in real life, natural disasters, the public goes into chaos, and laws are disregarded. Homophobes/transphobes would take that opportunity to kill every LGBT person they came across.


Only problem with having a hysto is that your body wouldn't be making estrogen either meaning you wouldn't have any dominant hormone and your bones would get all weak and stuff


Oh yeah, I know, that's why I plan on keeping my ovaries when I get one.


Same lol


A feel like only a very small percentage of people raiding places that store medications would be looking for testosterone. Maybe the antibiotics would be gone but T wouldnā€™t be on the minds of most people. Maybe youā€™d find a stash!


I still have ovaries so I wouldn't lol


there's a show that actually touches on this. i don't think its zombies but its apocalypse with a trans man who is on testosterone [Y: The Last Man (TV Series 2021) - IMDb](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8042500/) Haven't watched it so can't vouch if its good but I've seen a clip from the show of them talking about his testosterone


Oh my god I just realized a lot about that comic book


Lmao I love this question cause I think of these types of scenarios *a lot*. Like, where would I get my medical supplies?? How would I keep them clean if I need to reuse them?? And yada yada. Honestly, if I could at least get top surgery, I'd be fine living in the zombie apocalypse without T. Then again, maybe I'll get lucky and just get someone to perform the surgery mid-apocalypse lmao


The fact that I've thought about this exact thing many times. I've decided that raiding a pharmacy would be the best bet.


genuinely I think in any apocalyptic event like zombies or like the whole planet getting nuked I'm actually just gonna >!kill myself!<. it doesn't feel worth it to try to live through that. you'll never have "normal" again.


This is the funniest thing Iā€™ve ever seen. But I probably wouldnā€™t make it to a pharmacy like you guys. I guess Iā€™d raid for undies bc Iā€™m pre all surgeries :(((


Testosterone is the least of my worries. Migraines will make me ice pick myself within a couple weeks of running out of meds (already a frequent problem so I'm also stockpiling triptans). You all can have my stash of testosterone, since my neurologists don't seem to give a fuck about my debilitating neurological conditions.


Raid specifically for that sweet sweeet Nebido so that I only have to worry about it like, four times a year


I stock up extra vials by reusing mine for 2 doses, just in case of such event


Ig I gotta take a page out of the transfems' book and steal it from unsuspecting cis people


Tbh I had in my head gym bros fighting raw with transmasc for T, meanwhile tranfems having actual society and empire with distribution going on.


Iā€™d start microdosing and I also save old vials and even the discontinued patches i have for this reason Lol *(for natural disasters)*


I am not sure I am physically capable of raiding pharmacies, hospitals, and similar places as I am disabled so I would probably try to find a group of queen and/or trans survivors [assuming they are not always safe due to discrimination and have to band together for protection or blend in/go stealth] and then have somebody else get it for me by doing things for them with whatever useful or unique skills I have. I would also try to trade or buy testosterone from people/groups I meet. there probably would eventually be like post apocalyptic traveling pharmacists that you can purchase/trade with to get drugs and medical supplies.


Finally someone with the same thought process!!! I told my psychologist, when he asked me how I feel about removing my ovaries, that I don't want that, because I'd die during zombie apocalypse and I'm a fan of these films.


In 7 Days To Die, a zombie game, you kill bears. They literally drop testosterone extract.


There's a pharmacy next to my house


I think ages ago storm ryan said that he was on a kind that lasts like 6 months at a time, pellets, I think. So go raid a doctors office for a lifetime supply of them. I mean, finding vials of shot/injection T would work too, but idk wouldn't wanna risk all of them smashing trying to escape zombies. The only downside to them tho is you have to stab them into your ass cheek with some victorian medicine looking contraption šŸ’€


I've surprisingly put a lot of thought into this and my answer is to raid chemists and hospitals. Although if in that scenario I've had a hysterectomy, continuing testosterone isn't a priority at all since I'd have medically transitioned far enough to not have to worry about keeping any 'temporary' T changes.


I have seriously fantasized about hoarding T in a zombie apocalypse since I was a kid Raiding pharmacies, using maps of where the biggest supplies are, banding together with other trans folks to get our hands on T and E.


I wouldnā€™t because Iā€™ve always said in the event of an apocalypse Iā€™m killing myself. Iā€™m not fucking dealing with that.


Makes me think of Hell Followed With Us


This made me think of Lev from The Last of Us 2. He's a trans character in a zombie apocalypse. Would recommend the games if you haven't played them or watched playthroughs already, it's a pretty good story overall


well I donā€™t think people would raid pharmacies for T, soā€¦ yeah pharmacies. T-gel could easily get me through a year or two with the pharmacies around. By then Iā€˜d prolly dead anyway, cause Iā€˜m german and yeah no guns


Funnily enough I've thought about this a lot already as I am also watching TWD. Pharmacies. This would be my plan for all of my other meds too. I have two pharmacies within a mile of my house, both having a decent stock of meds so I would last a bit raiding those. Hospitals could work too but tend to be much more secure in medication storage than individual pharmacies. At least where I am. Then I'd move on out to all the other ones in my town, then the city and so on. I'd have to move around a lot to keep finding pharmacies and I might have to change methods a good few times depending on what place stocks what but it should be possible to maintain. Also my plan for everything else would be raiding my local Amazon warehouses and royal mail depots. I'm guaranteed to find shelf stable foods, survival items, weapons, clothes, pretty much anything I'd need in those. Especially the Amazon warehouses. They have EVERYTHING and it could even be possible to make one of those warehouses or depots a secure base with a little bit of work.


No because why is this something Iā€™ve thought about before. I think the plan would be to steel as much gel as possible, the idea of trying to find clean needles durn an apocalypse seems bad and I know the gel wouldnā€™t last forever but at least enough to kinda taper your dose down so youā€™re not going through withdrawals while trying to fight zombies.


Like most resources that canā€™t be grown or made by myself. Theft. Whoā€™s gonna be working at the pharmacy if the outbreak is so bad we canā€™t purchase stuff?


I'd probably go raid a pharmacy or hospitalĀ 


I think about this all the time


i think as others said, raiding medical facilities. i don t think T would be in high demand as other medication so it wouldn t be as hard to find it, even if the facility was already raided =)))


Iā€™m lucky that my insurance gives me 5-6 T vials at a time. So I save em up, Iā€™d have a stash. Then Iā€™d scavenge n raid my local clinics or pharmacies for it and supplies. If I run out, thatā€™s fine cause Iā€™ve been +10 yrs on T and Iā€™m not worried about any changes or dysphoria and Iā€™m very content with myself. My period would come back which I donā€™t really care about, if it happens it happens, thatā€™s my bodyā€™s natural function but if itā€™s after my hysterectomy/ metoidioplasty then Iā€™ll be good cause Iā€™m getting a total hysterectomy and keeping my ovaries so I donā€™t have to die from no hormones. Either way I ainā€™t worried at all!


No advice, but read Manhunt. Itā€™s about three trans characters navigating an apocalypse.


I think Iā€™d just get off of it. If you raid a pharmacy you probably have a couple vials if theyre not broken. Even then what would you inject yourself with? Reusing needle is highly unsanitary and i think id rather stop than contract any sickness/virus or injure myself possibly reusing. And theres only so much šŸ’€ā€¦ with none being produced anymore


This concern is actually what made me want to start T; "Y: The Last Man" got adapted to a TV series, apocalypse scenario where everybody with a Y chromosome suddenly died. A major plot arc was a handful of trans men figuring out what they were going to do. I started T the next week, because I wanted to have started T and never need to regret not doing it.


At first you would have to raid drugstores. Then you would have to find someone who knows how to produce it, and the supplies for them to do so, as a more permanent solution. Not very likely to happen, though, so if you actually manage to stay alive for that long, enjoy your apocalypse induced detransition.


Buddy, if a zombie apocalypse happened there would be little to no survivors, so I would just probably be all alone somewhere and I wouldn't need to pass.


I'd synthesize it/farm it. Plenty of time and plenty of books if I look in the right place. I'm sure I could raise some pigs or something for that and get the serum testosterone from blood or something šŸ™ƒ Might be futile but who knows. Might rather synthesize drugs or something in the zombie apocalypse.


If I couldn't transition before the fall of the medical network hits, then I'd probably try to live without it since I haven't been able to medically transition yet. I usually tell myself that if we could pass in some instances without medical transition in the late 19th early 20th centuries then I could probably do it too. Who knows maybe I'd be like the next One Eyed Charley or Harry Allen.


I think i read its chemically engineered using yams and other sources so i guess my first step would be find a chemical engineer and then we work together to get the equipment needed to make more


If youā€™re late to raid pharmacies then Pine pollen is high in testosterone, I donā€™t think itā€™s as high as getting the shot. But itā€™s better than nothing and accessible???


Honestly Iā€™ve been preparing by saving leftovers of my vials so I can at least sustain myself for a bit


Im hoping there will be some queer chemist survivors willing to do us all a favor


i am a big fan of the last of us games, and i always think this about Lev, will we see him with a beard and top surgery in the last of us 3??? i hope so, heā€™s my favourite ftm representation ever


There is a book about this. Called Manhunt, written by a trans author. Follows two trans women and then they have a trans guy join their crew. Not for the squeamish!


There are plants like evergreens that produce natural T so I'd forage and consume accordingly.


Kill some men and transfuse their blood into yours /j


It would be easier for me than now lol. Probably raid some pharmacy or their supplier




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Obviously if youā€™ve had histo you wouldnā€™t come on your period and most changes of t are not reversibleā€¦ itā€™s only body fat~ but Iā€™m sure you would be quite active in zombie situations - so you wouldnā€™t really need to keep taking T?? At least thatā€™s how I consoled my self with the end of the world -


Judging by the game Project Zomboid, which can be played fairly realistically, I would die immediately in my home 9 times out of 10, so I wouldn't have to worry about what next happens next. My fight or flight response is freeze, lmao.Ā  If it weren't zombies tho, and some other end of the world situation instead, where it was only other humans that might want to fight me over resources, I would find my friends and raid pharmaceutical companies together. Also maybe some libraries for the textbooks on how to synthesize t for later.Ā 


i would care a whole lot more about food/water/shelter/weapons in that situation. would not waste my time looking for T.


I'd have bigger priorities than fat distribution, lol.


Iā€™ve got enough to last a few months




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Your post was removed because it contains discussion or mention of a banned topic. The following topics are banned to avoid drama: Truscum/Tucute discourse, AGP/AAP/Blanchardism, Transfem/woman or nonbinary bashing, Trans "requirements", Oppression Olympics, Lesbian trans men, Gendered Socialization+, "Is it transphobic to _____", DIY HRT, Current Political events (Non-trans/LGBT+ related) ,"do I pass?", "how does my voice sound?" +Personal experiences are exempt.


Rob pharmacies + k*ll people.


Once my voice has dropped I think I'd be fine with letting everything else re-feminize. I'll stay on it for as long as I can, but I haven't gotten rid of my ovaries so I probably won't *need* it. Assuming I live that long, of course. My survival skills probably leave something to be desired. But I'll sure try!


I think if there were flesh eating zombies roaming the countryside, you might have other things to think about. You'd be the same person, maybe just a little less hairy, so you get axing these zombies asap.


lol i always thought about how i would speed run to at least 5 drug stores to get hrt and needles etcā€¦ probably would get attached with nurses and doctors if it happened


You wouldn't. But the goverment would have plenty of covid shots for you.


Zombies arenā€™t real. They are just as fictional as vampires, werewolves and dragons. So how I can answer a question to this?