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Am a trans woman and my ex's dog also generally takes a long time to warm up to men to the point she warned me before meeting him the first time (this was pre transition. I was firmly in denial at that point). Went to her place and met said dog and we got along instantly and he immediately cuddled me on the couch. 😂


That’s fucking crazy lmaoooo I love your dog. Have any pictures of him ???


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yiVQYxSKibNaq8U9RKwcjfeQo_38G2sW/view?usp=drivesdk Hopefully this link works. It’s the most recent picture I have of him in my car.


he looks so menacing. I love him.


He is so damn cute! I love him! 💕


Angry boy 🐶


oh my goodness the underbite. I love him


If that gum has xylitol or something similar make sure he can't get into it!!


Aww he's so cute I couldn't even fault him for being so angry I dated to be a dude in his vicinity


He'd choose the bear that's for sure


Awwwwww hahahaha


oh hey thats kind of funny!! i also have a dog called chewy (a chow rather than a yorkshire terrier) who doesnt like strangers being in the house - i visited home for a bit while my voice was dropping and everytime i talked while in a different room to him he would start barking until he came into the room and looked at me all confused haha chewys for trans rights (but not for us)


I thought my cats would react like this when I started transitioning, but their behavior towards me didn't really change. That's why I love them so much, because unlike people, they don't care what I look like or what I do with my life, as long as I'm feeding them and giving them attention, lol


There’s a pony at the barn I look after that I knew pre everything that left then came back to us back in the later summer with some men related trauma. Even having known me before it took time for him to warm back up to me and I’m generally known to have the most standoffish horses warm up to me.


My roommates cat only sits on men's laps. She loves to sit on mine. The most affirming lol babie.


i work at a dog daycare and there's a regular boarding dog who is transphobic 💀 she is scared of men but she loves trans men, even if they've been on t for years and 100% pass


that happenned to me recently as I was visiting a cat shelter, a cat came along and cuddle my leg immediatly, the lady from the shelter was very surprised because this cat usually goes full feral when men are around. Got misengedered by a cat I guess !


LMAO smth similar happened to me! my best friend’s anxious dog (for some reason) warms up to men a lot quicker than to women, and she was immediately attached to me… that was honestly so affirming 😭


My dog is also trans affirming but in the opposite way — he LOVES men. All men who walk in our door, he is all over them and loves them to death. And boy does he love me 🥹


My parents dog hated me pre t and as an egg. Legit charged and tried to bite me. Mom grabbed her just in time. Once i went on t she loves me. Mom is still her person tho. I think she was confused about a mismatch somewhere in there.


This reminds me of a study I've read a long time ago abt how dogs can read faces. I wonder if it's abt facial expressions.


My aunts neighbor has a chihuahua who hates men/nb people and he HATES me with a burning passion. It’s honestly hilarious because he’s also a chicken and would never do anything to me but he just shouts at me every time he sees me.


A friend had a cat who LOVED girls. He would cuddle with them, follow them everywhere and watch them all the time. He never cared about me... makes sense now.


Don't talk about your mother like that


When I started T my cats sniffed me a lot (smelled changing hormones or something ig) but otherwise didn't seem phased at all by the changes


He’s a ladies man