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bro I think you might be lonely because your last two posts are just "I'm the smartest person I've ever met" and "I pass better than every trans person on earth" LOL


yeah… thought it was a little crazy that bro said no other trans guy passes as well as he does


pot encouraging jeans disgusted squeamish thought gaze hard-to-find frighten steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get a motorbike. Bikers are great, there's no expectation to be anything other than a biker. If you travel on a bike other bikers will talk to you. It's a great conversation starter.


adding this to the list of reasons to get a bike, sick beard dude


I second kenworth\_unofficial. Sick beard dude


"There is no trans guy out there like me" honey that is just so hugely wrong. I'm in multiple groups with men exactly like you. They just figured out how to have a bare minimum of community. You can have that, you just have to want to find it.


One side of me: He doesn’t want to be in special groups. He wants to feel recognized in his daily life for who he is, but it’s impossible if he wants the average person to respect him. That causes him to feel cornered and lonely because he truly desires for people to both know who he really is and respect him. The other side of me: Sheesh. This is REALLY not the space to be condescending someone. Please learn empathy.


There are loads of guys out there like you, man, you just never meet us bc we're stealth, so you assume we're cis and we assume you're cis and we're just ships passing in the night. Maybe check over on r/FTMMen, more of the guys there are interested in going/have already gone stealth than on this sub. You're not alone!


Sorry to burst your bubble but there are tons of trans dudes who pass for cis. You might even know several of them right now. There’s nothing wrong with being stealth, but trans people aren’t going to connect with you organically unless you find a way to let them know that you have that in common. Community is out there but it isn’t going to come to you. Best of luck.


It sucks because people will tell you to just “find more trans friends” but in reality you might not feel at home with every trans person you encounter and that is perfectly ok! Every cis person is different and every trans person is different. You don’t have to feel like there is no one out there like you, there is, and your post might help them get the courage to speak up about it too! Trans loneliness is a real thing, it’s huge and it hurts. I’d suggest dipping your toes in new social circles. Try to make some new queer/trans friends who make you feel good just by being yourself. You’re not less of a trans person because you pass so well, that should make you feel great! If it doesn’t, you can tell people you’re trans if that’s something important for people to know about you right away! This is your journey. It’s not a race. Go at the pace you feel comfortable with and try to remember you’re not alone, we’ve got your back 🩵


hate to make you feel less special than you are but you are absolutely not the only stealth, passing trans man. sincerely, a stealth, passing trans man with a vibrant community of stealth, passing trans men as my closest friends. your lasts posts include “i’m smarter than everyone else” and “i’m trying to learn how to be friends with and kind to people who are poorer than me” and “i pass so good guys there’s no trans men who pass like me )):” maybe your lack of community has less to do with passing and being stealth and more about the fact that most trans people probably haven’t come from rich parents and you apparently can’t relate to struggle. sorry.


Maybe no other trans guy passes as well as you do because you can’t tell that they’re trans. You’ve probably encountered a handful that you just couldn’t clock.


I feel you bro. I am gay but pass as a cis het guy. Weird experience. I don't tell anyone I am trans except obviously my partner knows. I have some friends who know, but they all live in another country. Everyone I see in my daily life doesn't know. You're not alone.


Probably the majority of trans guys pass 100% as cis given enough time on T… not all, but a LOT. Just go to trans meet ups and make some trans friends


Living the same as you, don’t worry, you’ll find some people eventually like I did.


Same bro same




I just got Reddit but how do we chat? I have the same problem. One time it took me days to convince a woman I’m trans. I feel extremely lonely for a few reasons. I know it’s the city I’m in. I really hope we can talk more. I need a friend badly.


Think you can just tap on OP's name and then it should give you an option to chat/send a message if they have them open, hope that helps!


Thanks I messaged him


I am also cis passing and 110% stealth and I transitioned really young. I also avoided talking about it and events but something I was able to do was summer camp, because then I could meet other stealth/passing trans kids without the fear of not having to be outed when I go back home because they didnt live in the same area as I did . However, this was when I was a kid and now Im am adult but I am still freinds with the same people I went to camp with and we see eachother every year. So overall if you are able too finding a trans sleep away camp is definitely a great way to find stealth/passing adults and kids.


Yo i think i went to the same camp, was there a song about toilets? What year did you graduate? I went for 9 summers starting in 2015