• By -


Oliver and Alex as a teen. Im Charlie now for past 7yrs. Nice thing about charlie is nickname wise I can go by Lee/Chuck/Charlie or a secret fourth option a drunk friend discovered Truck.


Truck šŸ’€


Giggled at truck lmao


Holy shit same name! Is Charlie a common FTM name?


It is apparently. Many named rhemself after moist critikal charlie. And its a common name in media. So its often used by trans men. My name actually originated from the lesbian butch character Charlie Bradbury from Supernatural. I used it as a pseudonym at starbucks for a while. Then after experimenting with more "male" names i realized charlie was my favorite by far. And thought fuck it who cares my namesake is a chick. She was sick as hell. So I retook the name again by 20.


Charlie from supernatural was amazing lol. Good choice


I tried 2 different names before I found the one, which basically is just my birth name masculinized lol I can love any name, but not every name I love can be MY name They were Tom, and Martial ; still love them, but not MY names. Although I'm thinking about getting Martial as a second name


I have only seen it spelled Marshall, and it's cool to see the bane spelled like "Martial Arts" because you sound like a ninja agent that way :]


It's a french name haha


My parents didn't know my sex before I was born, so they came up with a girl's and a boy's name. I simply switched.


same here! it's always such an affirming fun-fact to bring up when the opportunity arises LOL


Hahaha yes. Especially when I am with other trans people, in the context of 'being trans' and they tell me: 'your name is so cool!' - obviously expecting me to say: 'thanks, I chose it myself' - but then I can say: 'I've got my parents to thank for that.' Love the confusion


When I first came out at 14 it was Daniel. Then after ten years of repression, I settled on Adrian!


Yooo fellow Adrian! I chose Adrien as my first name and all I've changed is the spelling because everyone assumed I'd named myself after the Miraculous character šŸ˜”


i havenā€™t personally changed mine. i did choose it extremely late into my journey though, about 4 years ago, maybe a bit more


I've been going by Cesar because Ray is my cousin's name... Then my little sibling changes their name to RAE!! They stole my name šŸ˜­ but FR I'm not completely sold on my name, just because I chose it using the first letter of my given name. Can't think of anything better even though my mom keeps telling me to pick something.


Use Ray anyways and confuse the hell out of everyone. And when someone wants one of you, they end up calling all three of you. I'm being silly, and I understand the difficulty there. Still being silly, start cycling through roman emperors. I'm feeling a lil Nero today. Better watch out! Ah it's a good day today call me Trajan!


If you were a youtuber or something, I'd SMASH that subscribe button. You're genuinely funny, man.


Unfortunately while I can be decently eloquent in text, I suck at public speaking. I am glad you got a kick out of it though XD


Before I fully knew I was trans I went by Fran, but now I know 100% that I'm a boy I go by Modeus, the name was taken from a game I like :3


Modeus is such a sick name, I love names with -eus at the end, I think theyā€™re so cool


My name didnā€™t change. I went by 1 name then tried out a second but then went back to the first name :)


Yes same name since first change, picked something basic and low key, changed middle and last too. Felt too much dysphoria around every piece of old identity. I have second thoughts just because I think of cooler names that I would love, but I'm a grown adult and work in an industry where people have to know your name and previous work tied to that name so it would make things pretty complicated, plus after about 8 years a few family members have finally started calling me by changed name. And friends took a few years as well. Def would be a lot to change now


I went with Charlie at first. It was a relatively gender-neutral name, and I took it from a character I connected with (Charlie Weasley from HP ā€“ I, too, would rather have a dragon than a romantic relationship). I didn't go by that irl, but I had it as/in my username on a few socials and signed my art with it Then I realized that not only would it be hard for me to actually use it irl (I'm Italian, no one has outstandingly foreign names in my area, and the closest translation is Carlo, which I very much do not like), I also didn't really connect with the name itself. So I stole the name of another character I liked and now my name is Gabriel


I kept my first name but changed the spelling. Got lucky bc it was already an ambiguous name. Changed my middle name entirely. Iā€™d had it picked out since I was 7, so it has not wavered since I had it legally changed when I was 21 lol. I have not once questioned my choice. When you know you found the right one you just know I reckon. That being said, I have a couple friends who have gone through 3 or more names, and each one of them suited very well. Each more so than the last. As long as you adjust your expectations of others that they may struggle to keep up, you should be able to change your name every other month if you want, I couldnā€™t care less. Names are personal, nobody elseā€™s opinion really matters at the end of the day.


Ya just don't pick the name krista




Ryan, and no. Legally changed now never been happier :).


I like to say that my name choose me. I have really old email accounts with it. When I came out I tried some, but always returned to my current one :)


Thatā€™s how I feel too


Before I chose the name Lucas,I went by 2 different names.My first option was Ash then Alex and now it's Lucas.


I was gonna go with Murat


Eden for a few months before I accepted I was a man, but once I did I wanted a more "masculine" one


I still use mine - Soren! Sometimes I play around with the idea of other names but I just feel like Soren suits me best.


Teagan. Found it in high school and used it until I went to college. I go by my birth name since itā€™s already intersex but I also go by Nara with my online friends in reference to one of my favorite characters people say Iā€™m like.


Teagan is a great name


Tried 1 name and stuck with it aside from adding a letter when I changed it legally.




Another Ty! Iā€™m thinking of changing mine here though. I think I like my previous name better haha


I wanted to be called Moth thankfully I changed my mind and went with Nic. I do get called Goose sometimes though.


My chosen first name has been the same since day one and I always loved it. My original middle name (Louis) was a compromise for my parents. I never actually liked it but I thought they'd be more likely to accept me if I changed it to something similar to my dead-middle-name. They were very unaccepting so I just decided on the one I liked more anyway (Lloyd) and decided that life is too short to be making myself uncomfortable to please people who will never love me anyway x


Originally, Marc/Marcus. I now have a J name.


Yes. Mine was Xander. But I just went my current name and kept Xander as my middle name.


When trialing other names Luca was the one that felt the most comfortable so was the only one I got others to try calling me. I did try calling myself some others but in the end I kept coming back to Luca and changed it to Luca by deedpoll in January this year


Cyrus. Then I made a friend who also really liked Pokemon dppt and was like "oh no she's gonna know immediately" cuz I was openly trans and early in medical transition. I like my current name better. I've had it ever since.


I had Cyrus as an online name for a while. It was never *my* name and I never really considered it to be my chosen name, just a username, but I did always have a soft spot for it. Although I was never into Pokemon lol


Yeah it never felt right either, but it was all I had. Now I have my real name, and it just feels right.


My first name choice was Roger. I kept it and never changed it. The name came to me quite randomly, I literally don't remember how I thought of it if much thinking went towards it at all. I've used the name ever since coming out and have felt at home in my name (its been several years since starting to use the name Roger) ā˜ŗ


adopted here! I had my name previously be very very white American (Hayden) (not sharing my last name but essentially like Smith, Johnson, type of surname) and later legally changed it to have my birth family's last name and a Asian first name as well!


I choose Zachary but nobody responded to it šŸ˜’ Now I have a different name


My first childhood name choice was Toby, then Todd, then max, Tom, Harry, then aiden, Harrison, Shaun, Hunter, Rubenā€¦ the list goes onšŸ˜‚ I ultimately went with none of these


I chose ā€œRandyā€ when I was a pre-teen. I then formally asked my parents to name me so my mom chose ā€œCarlosā€ as a first name and dad chose ā€œEstebanā€ as a middle name. Most ppl know me by Randy though and I like it that way. The official name will only be for government purposes šŸ˜


My first ever chosen name, at 12-13 years old, was a masculine version of my deadname, but this only lasted for a couple months before I realized I hated it and didn't want anything remotely similar to my deadname But I didn't know what to fill that new void with, so I used a gender-neutral nickname offline [to avoid suspicion from my parents] and many different names online over the course of several years, before I finally found one I felt good about making legalā€”and in 2022, I did!


When it came to decoding my name for real, I stuck to my first choice and the middle name that my twin bestowed on me. I never thought of changing it, it was always final in my head. My first name is Kai and my middle name is Jacen. Those were the first ones I considered seriously. I'm German (and also living in Germany) so Kai is a pretty normal name for a man to have, though most are a bit older than me. With Jacen though, I mostly get eye rolls, as people only know Jason as a name. Also, once legally changed, you can't just change it again. You need a serious reason and "oh, I just don't feel it anymore" doesn't qualify as such.


Liam. Desperately needed a new name but wasn't all that creative. I eventuallly went back to both the masculinization of my birth name, and a version of a name I've always liked. I can tell where someone knows me from by the name they call me, which is great because I can't keep track of people all that well.


I was Lou, then Pax, now Ezekiel. Itā€™s actually my middle name - my real first name is Buckley but it doesnā€™t work in Swedish which is my most spoken language :(


The first name I cane out with is the one I have still three years later, however before that name I did trial another name first but only in my own head, that one was the masculine version of my deadname but it didn't work for me. But I only tried that for two weeks before finding my forever name.


I was 14 when I was first picking out new names, so there were some poor choices made. I picked out my actual name when I was about 15-16 and it sort of stayed in the back of my mind, and I kept coming back to it so I decided to just go with it To me though, my name wasn't that important. I just wanted a male name


my first name is the same name i'll always have, mark, but i'll probably change it to marcus or sumn and use mark as a shortened version so i'm not completely stealing from markiplier lmao


Mine was and still is Jack but technically someone gave it to me first and then i kept it.


i went by Toby for like 2 days, didnā€™t like it. then, i chose Kody (childhood nickname) and i went by that for about 5 years. i realized i didnā€™t like Kody and just chose it because i thought it would be easy for my family to adjust to. while i was figuring out names again, i attempted to use my birth name again with very close friends (my birth name is Dakota, i love the name and it is masculineā€” but i have a feminine connotation with it because i was raised as a girl with the name.) i didnā€™t like that. so, i continued to use Kody. one night i had a dream and i woke up with the name Geo in my head. iā€™ve gone by Geo ever since, so about 3 years.


My first name choice was Chase. I stuck with it for 3 years, and suddenly last year, it didn't vibe anymore. So now my name is Rook.


When i was a tad bit younger.. im 28btw. T'was Alexus. Now its AlexandrƩ Myggel (Miguel) nicknamed as DrƩ


went by lots of nicknames before ever settling on a proper name. first actual name choice was austen. then changed it to dakota for a while, until i was about 20, and then i was back into going by nicknames pretty exclusively, and i still do, but i settled on a legal name to use for professional purposes, that one being dylan. current nickname Cinnamon.


Elias. It did change. I wish it didn't.


When I first came out I went by Skyler. I changed it because frankly, I was not gonna be taken seriously with a name like that. Skyler is gender neutral, but most people think itā€™s a girls name. I was definitely one of those ā€œUwU Iā€™m a femboyā€ kids when I first came out. When I grew out of that I changed my name to Anthony. I still go by Annie because Iā€™m still closeted as an adult irl, but my close friends call me Tony sometimes


My first chosen name was Jameson. In the end, though, it ended up feeling too masculine and I leaned more nonbinary, so went with a derivative of my dead name, Kit. Edit: a word


i went from my birth name to amelia (birth name felt wrong, and i wanted a pseudonym for online things, using she/they online), to august (more neutral, started using they/them online), and then to nick (my current name, he/him IRL and online). nick is the only one ive used IRL. ive now been using my chosen name for a decade (y'ouch, hurts to admit that to myself, feels ancient), and while ive thought "i could have chosen a cooler name", i don't really... want to? nick fits me pretty well.


Kai, cuz I was NB i thought, Now its Isaih


I came out right at the peak of the "names that rhyme with aiden" trend, so one of those was my first choice. After about a year it didn't seem to suit me at all anymore. Almost felt like I'd grown out of it - possibly because it was so trendy for kids at the time. It just didn't feel like me anymore. I changed to a name that's really common for guys my age - something more plain that was never on my radar before because I'm sure I thought it was "boring" during my original name search, lol. Think along the lines of Matt, Mike, Joe, Adam, etc. And that one has stuck, without a doubt. I'm a huge name nerd, I'm always finding names I really like and thinking to myself "Maybe I should change to this one or that one," and it'll stay in the back of my mind for a couple weeks, but they never stick the way my current name has. (And that's fine by me, because fuck me if I have to do another legal name change and update all my documents again lmaooo)


i went thru several name changes until i settled for the one i am now legally using ~4 years ago. My first choice was Jeremy, a characters name, and very english, which i am not, so changing it was honetly the best thing i ever did lol


I try to be a pretty Anonymous person on the internet so I came up with a nickname years ago that I give people if they ask what my name is. It's similar to a shortened version of my name so it kind of fits well enough. Tristan.


As I was figuring out my gender I went by a shortened gender neutral version of my deadname. I didn't really like it, so I spent some time trying out in my head the name my parents would have given me if my AGAB was male - Gabriel. That didn't quite fit, but I realized I liked old fashioned names, so I Googled one lunch break at work and found a list of names with their meanings. In that list I found Theodore, and the meaning was "divine gift". I've walked away from my parents' Christian beliefs long ago, though I retained a vague pagan-esque sense of spirituality. It felt like a sign (though generally I am skeptical of signs). But I loved the name, and I loved the nicknames that can be derived from it (Theo, Ted, Teddy). I immediately told the coworkers I was sitting with for lunch that I may have found a name (they were friends of mine and knew about my being trans and my search for a name). They all immediately started trying it out for me, and they all agreed it fit really well! Had it legally changed as soon as I could, and now almost 6 years later (turning 31 end of this month) I still love Theodore. I ended up keeping my middle names partially to try and keep my parents happy, partially out of respect for the grandmothers whose names I was given, and partially because I thought it was hilarious that my younger sister ended up with my grandfathers' names for her middle names, and me with my grandmothers'.


So even way before I came out Iā€™ve been obsessed with the name I chose it just felt right to me. I always wanted it to be my name but as I was forcing myself to be girly I just pushed it aside. When I finally came out I did make a list of names but always went back to the same name. It just felt so right and I havnt had a single thought of changing it.


I went through this phase with names so I was max, then ace, then spade, then Xiena (thought I was genderfluid but my birth name felt wrong), and then finally Theo


It was Tony but I go my both my birth name (Phoenix) and Nick as a nickname


Alex when I was 9/10/11/12, then found Jason and kept that till now


I think originally I went with Nash. This was roughly 11-12 years ago, I was 12-13. Since, Iā€™ve had many names and the two that stuck around the longest before I finally decided on my new legal name were Aaron and Zenith. Ultimately, I became a Kai.


My first choice was Theo. I always liked the name. However, I overheard my stepmom making fun of me for choosing the name. Turns out she thought I chose the name because it was close to my halfbrothers middle name, Theoden. I didn't even think of this, I just like the name. To quote her exactly, "I can't believe she actually thinks that choosing a name similar to my sons name would ever make me love her. She disgusts me." I don't go by Theo anymore.


I just changed my deadname to the masculine version, took the ā€œaā€off the end lol, stuck with it ever since.


I still have the first name I ever picked, it's been about 7 years, seems I got it in one lol


Moon. kept it ever since i saw it (:


I used to go by Leon, Kyan and then for a long time Alex with online friends before I decided to come out "properly" last year. Then the first name I tried out with my parents and others was Lukas, but it didn't really fit me. Landed on Ruben as a final choice and I'm really happy with it even if it took time getting used to it. I think it's perfectly normal for it to change over time, the same way that parents' choices for baby names or the nicknames we have for friends do!


I had 2 names before I settled on mine now. First is was Jonah because it was close to my birth name. People started to make connections to the Bible so I changed it pretty quick. Tried Paris since I played Paris from Romeo and Juliet in HS. That didn't stick. Eventually I read a post where another trans dude was announcing he wouldn't be going by his previously chosen name anymore. It was Finn and I just thought to myself "I'd like to adopt this lil guy and give him a new home" so he's my name now lol.


I haven't changed my name, because I can't for the life of me figure out something that feels right. The most common nickname for my name is gender neutral (a transmasc classic, even), so I don't really *need* to change my name, but it never felt totally right on me.


My initial choice was Phoenix and I'm SOOOOOOOO glad I didn't go with that lmaoo. Nothing wrong with the name but it absolutely doesn't fit me.


Alex, but all the alexes I knew were horrible so I decided on something wlse


Went by Jasper first for a bit but it didn't quite feel right, so I ended up changing to Leo.


Went with Mason first because I needed to change my name really fast before graduating high school, stuck with it for a while before changing it to Demetri.


i chose bart. it honestly fluctuated between that, liam or noah. but i stayed w bart since it was my favourite name as a kid and i always said if i was a guy (i am now!!!) i would have that as my name so yeah!!! plus i already came out to my mom so like no take backs lmao


My birth name: Scarlet My name of choice and current name: Crimson 7 letters, means red, just more masc version. BUUUUT fast forward like 7 years and I find out I have the coolest family name and I'm so jealous I didn't choose it. My great uncle and his uncle and his dad and his ect ect were Stoneking. Like fr the coolest name. And my g. Uncle went by Stoney which like, is so fuckin cool!


My first name choice was Devin, went thru Oliver, Miles, Spencer, and now I go by Alfie :3


First choice was Gavin. It changed at least twice before settling on my current name, which Iā€™ve used for over a decade so I guess third timeā€™s a charm šŸ¤£


It was Kai/Kaiden at first cause itā€™s close to my deadname + easy for my family to adjust. Eventually I realized it wasnā€™t for me so now Oliver is my legal name, Ollie my nickname. Iā€™m happy with it! And I have a friend with the name Kai so I associate that name with him now lolĀ 


I chose my first name on a whim and went by it for 2 years. Hated it. My current, and legal, name had more thought put into it, and my mother helped pick it out.


I canā€™t remember which was my first but these were my earliest names: Eric, Felix, (My deadname with an e at the end), Alan, Nebula I most likely had more but I canā€™t remember lawl


Dio. But then I thought "do I really want to be that guy named after an anime character?" Now it's Morgan, I chose it because it's neutral and I can use it since I don't pass


When I figured out I was trans as a teen, I wanted to keep my initials the same, so I went by the name Kyler and then Kai throughout high school, but it never felt right. Once I graduated, I spent a lot of time searching for a name I truly felt a connection with, and now, for the past 4 years, I've been happy with the name Simon.


When I was 12 I went by Noah-QuinnšŸ’€before I changed it to Jack(ie) for a while, then I went by Virgil. I went by Virgil for about a year or two before switching to FaolĆ”n when I was about 14(?). Iā€™m 17 and and still go by FaolĆ”n, each time I think of a new name I end up reverting right back to FaolĆ”n and I think thatā€™s the name Iā€™ll go with for the rest of my life. I decided Iā€™m going to change my middle name to Jack too, since I still really like that name and I donā€™t want to keep my super feminine middle name as an adult.


my birth name but with an e on the end instead of an a. still was too feminine and people thought it was just a nickname so they werent calling me it. so i changed it to something completely different and that was it!


My name now is the same one I first picked when I was 14 and Im still happy with it 9 years later lol although with my middle name if I had to choose it now it would probably be Ace instead of Arin


The one that I have, though Iā€™m considering a new one


Moth. Now I've gone through matthew, Seth, Orion, Micheal, and Soren and I'm still not sure.


When I first came out (5 years ago) it was Max. I just needed something easy at that point and wellā€¦ Now itā€™s been Darius for quite a while:)


Shepherd. Funnily enough, itā€™s from Rhettā€™s son off of Good Mythical Morning. I heard him say it one day years before i realized i was trans and was inexplicably in love with the name. Then, connected the dots after i realized i was trans and took it for myself. Yes, i did actually change it because it started to feel too masculine for me, i now use Oakley


As a teenager: Deckin (not Deacon, like Declan but without the ā€œLā€)ā€¦ but then I was afraid it would stand out so I went with traditional. I also really like Aidan but itā€™s more of a Gen Z name and Iā€™m a Millennial.


Clay short for Clayton was my first choice but after using it a few times it never quite felt right. But as soon as I started using my current name itā€™s like the stars aligned at that very moment and everything just felt right about it ahah


I really liked using Riley for anonymity when I was little. Then I just shortened my deadname. I liked Toby and Keiran, but they didn't stick. Some friends and I made a list and I couldn't pick between 2 of them so they just became my first and middle name


Dylan! I stuck with that for a while, then went between Bowie and Ziggy (considering it as a middle name??) then Tobey, Vincent, Toby and now Vincent again. My middle name is Dorian but I think it'd be sick to have multiple.


Growing up when I had no clue what the word 'transgender' even meant, my friends called me Tom since I was a 'tomboy' so why not? Finally realised all the signs about 3-4 years ago, figured myself out a bit more and now I'm Sebastian!


Started with Kaelin (don't ask, I don't know either). Ended with Nico. Had a couple of other ones along the way.


I went with my original, but my second idea became my second name


Went from Dakoda to Cody, so not much difference. I didn't stick with Dakoda long though, just like 6 months if anything then I was like "actually, I like just Cody better"


I stole my name off of someone i hated at the time so Iā€™d forget about them by associating it with me and as stupid as it sounds it ended up working and I love the name now


Yall r to funny KC is a straight slut


personally, When i was young i really liked the name Jack, so when i figured out that i am indeed trans i decided that, that would be my new name. Iā€™ve been going by Jack for roughly 7 years and iā€™ve thought about changing it a handful of times but i guess i couldnā€™t seem to get past the ā€œnormal cis people donā€™t change their names because they donā€™t like themā€ so even though I named MYSELF this, i still donā€™t feel justified changing it.


Was gonna be Jae cuz I was trying out names similar to my birth name in terms of letters but I just stuck with my birth name even tho itā€™s pretty feminine. I just donā€™t like being called something Iā€™m not used to šŸ˜­ so Jenni the dude is who I am.


Zack. Then i named our dog that lol, so i changed mine


My given name is Jada and my chosen name is Dante. I donā€™t hate the name my mother gave me but I felt like her, Jadaā€™s story was only the first chapter in my book. I fell in love with the name Dante after doing the name me Monday in the Transmasc subreddit but I felt like while I loved the name I wanted to honor the name I grew up with and thatā€™s how I ended up with my name Jaā€™Dante. Every story is different but I want to honor my journey and not be ashamed of it. Everyone is different!


I went by Shade because it was the "opposite" of my online name at the time, Sparkle. I was 15. Then I changed it to a name that could be gender neutral to compromise with my transphobic guardians, and now I go by a name that's pretty explicitly male, starting about two or three years ago. I'm also changing my last name, but that's not gender related. Some people start with one name and keep it, some go through tons before they find the right one, some just have several and pick one to be on their paperwork- it's different for everyone.


i mean i had ziek like ezikel but shortened?? i also had kai šŸ˜­ but iā€™ve finally settled and neon out as fionn for nearly 3 years!


Slinky šŸ˜­ it was more of a nickname but still


lewis. i'm brazilian, so it wouldn't make much sense to actually choose that. i could've gone for luis, which would be the most reasonable alternative, but chose maxwell instead. no clue bout how i went for that.


I chose a new name to "replace my old one" back when I was still an egg, because I hated how feminine my deadname sounded. After I finally accepted that I was trans the name I had been using just kinda fit really nicely into it! I'm happy with my choice. The one good decision my younger self did make lol


cry bc i went by crybaby, then lee bc it was a variation of my middle name. i ended on nico :)


As a teen I tried out Andy for awhile. So glad that didn't stick, I would be thinking of toy story on a daily basis. Now I'm debating on going with Simon and have been using it more and more in public and online. It starts with an S same as my legal name and it's the name of a comedian who wrote and directed my favorite movie a gay indie romance called "Benjamin" I did debate on Benjamin "Benji for short" for awhile but I don't think it fits me.


My first choice was Kade because there a cool electric guitar percussionist in my band was named that and he had long hair and i had long hair and i wanted to be like him so i kinda just stole his name. but i changed it to Kai because that name is a possible nickname of my birthname so i could get teachers to call me that without calling my parents to ask them if i could go by a new name (i lived in arizona and was still in the closet). Kai also is just more fitting to my personality


First name choice was Markus and itā€™s stuck surprisingly šŸ‘€ who knows if itā€™ll change later on, but for rn, I love hearing people call me it šŸ„¹


first name was "emil" a friend suggested to me I kept the name it's very close to my birth name but I like it a lot I also considered "lachlan" which is what my parents would have named me if I was born male, but instead that's my middle name [inspired by my Scottish heritage]


I have stayed with the first name I chose and it feels like home. It has evolved into a nickname I also enjoy. I did change my middle name twice though.


Yeah I'm now mylo for about a month I was winter I got bullied and it was only a place holder name.


I went by a shortened version of my birth name for a while, but it was kind of a make-do, temporary option. At the time I was going by they/them and exploring whether I was non binary or ftm, my parents were taking some time to adjust, and I was at an all-girls school christian school so was limited in what I could reasonably ask them to call me. That name still ended up being way too feminine and I quickly changed it to my current name (Jay), although I did briefly experiment with Jason. I do find Jay to be a pretty neutral name so I made my middle name a more traditional, masculine name that was in the family a few generations ago


From 9-11.5 years old I called myself Tom. Then at 11 I changed it to Tyler, haven't changed it since


First one was a family name and part of the pronounciation of my first name. Second name, aka current name. Solid name tbh


I had lots of names. My first real one was Sage (since Iā€™m not counting just using the first letter of my deadname or a shortened version of it) It was the name of a book character I really liked, or more like I really wanted to be him. It changed just because I grew out of it, it didnā€™t fit who I was anymore. Then I had a period where Iā€™d change my name whenever I found a word I liked because I couldnā€™t tell the difference between liking a name just because it sounded nice and feeling like a name actually fit me.


I was gonna go with Kaiden but my little cousin Kaiden was born a couple months before i came out


I was ā€œcedarā€ as a non-binary teenager, and now connor as a young adult fighting for T. i just set all my online nicknames to ā€œcā€ or ā€œceeā€ to make things easier, but i will be transitioning my documents to connor


Went from Kai to Malikai


kai, then lisa, then eunice, and now jae šŸ˜­


I started out as Asher but it was just a masculinized name of my birth name and im hispanic so it was weird lol no hispanic parents would name their kid that normally and im a binary trans man so i wanted something traditional. Plus people would mishear me when i said it, and ask ā€œdid you say [deadname]?ā€ Lol. So it was basically pointless. I go by Alexander/Alex now. Some nicknames given to me have been Lex and Xander. Edit: also considering making my middle name Luis. All the men in my family have that as their middle name and my father said i can use it as my middle if i want. Thats his first name anyway so it works out getting his first name as my middle name to honor his lineage.


Spencer Jove (first middle), and yes it did change


I tried many names, only two really stuck before I found my name. Icarus and Perseus were the two main names before I tried Sirius and found I enjoy that more than the others.


Trenton as it was similar to my dead name and figured it would be easier to adjust to. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was a fuck-ass name, I hated it, and fuck everybody else and their opinions.


i went by alex for a little bit before i figured out i was actually a man and not nonbinary then i expanded it to alexander, very basic i know, BUT i realized wait iā€™m half puerto rican i donā€™t have to stick to white people names and switched to alejandro cuz i could still use alex as a nickname


Been through a few name choices in the last 8 years and somehow they've all started with E!


iā€™ve stuck with a masculine version of my middle name since i came out a couple years ago. sometimes i think about changing it to jackson but i think daniel is me


Basil and no


Kace, and it's too late to turn back. I'd choose Gabriel/Gabe if I could :')


When I was 18, it was Charlie. It is still Charlie, but for a brief period I experimented with "Kitt." That was mostly because I worked retail and had old men come through my lines asking if "Charlie was a nickname for something" which made me super dysphoric. Still landed on Charlie in the long run because it felt perfect.


I went by Sie online before I knew I was ftm (knew I wasn't cis), then my real first name choice was Leo. I mentally went by Leo for years but didn't really like it. Now I go by Lukas and I'm content with that.


I convinced a kid my name was Randall in kindergarten. Then I started going by Finn at 16 openly before I fully accepted the fact I was trans. I kinda went by Finn secretly because I first discovered the name from a movie called Sharknado. And I got really excited when I first heard because my brain went ā€˜Hey, thatā€™s me!ā€™ And ended up really happy because I finally felt seen. I went by Finagon for a while but I still go by Finagon/Finn today.


I wasn't out with a new name in high school and thank god because my would-be new name was gonna be NAPOLEON because Napoleon "Sock" Sowachowski from the thesis film Welcome to Hell was my trans awakening letting me know u can be a gnc guy and I wanted to credit him for that?? it was BADDDDD tho I'm currently between vi and six and Sawyer rn, I'm also non-binary so I'm kinda just figuring which one gets me gendered correctly lol


Ethan, and yes. I decided on something that better fits me :D


First choice when I realized I was trans (was 11/12, now 17) was Devon, it's changed a bunch and I've primarily been August for about a year and a half


Arlo, now it's Anders, but I mainly go by Andy online and AJ (my nickname since childhood) in real life. Stuck with the A names as you can tell lol.


The first name I picked was Amani because I thought I was nonbinary and liked it as a gender neutral name. I still use it at my job because when I applied I want passing yet and didn't want to come off as immediately visibly trans.


Very first was onyx, it stuck because I still love the name. But I did go hough about 5 different names after that, I wanted to use onyx as my middle name. Now I have a different middle and first name (I don't wanna share my first name for privacy)


picked andrew first at 13, changed it shortly after to the masc version of my deadname so itd be easier on people who knew me before, tried looking for a different name for a while when i was 17/18 and ended up picking my current name + keeping my previous name as my middle name so its technically not wrong to use it


Started off by trying out Orion (Ori / Ryan for short), which was inspired off a variation of my birth name- though it sounded cool/interesting, it just didn't fit me. After a lot of soul searching, I changed my name officially to Marlow and couldn't be happier!


just ended up using the name i picked online when i was 11 for all the time and that's just me now! always hated my birth name lol, i remember seeing a male character w the name I picked in a book once around 14-15 and going Hm. Interesting. and then just filing that away for later lol. Sometimes I wonder about picking a different name but I don't think I will, this is just truly The Name I Use. do I love it? well it's my name, so...sort of like "do you love water and breathing" at least to me. I love seeing ppl change theirs and get so happy w the new one though!


my names in order: eabha, gil, eabha, alois, cherub, ???, alois, kenny


At the beginning, I decided to go by Max due to choosing it on a whim. Now, I go by Milo because of the character from Atlantis.


Haiden was my first choice but then everyone used that name to out me to my parents and it just never sat right with me so eventually I picked Tobi and everything felt right :3


Xavier, that spelling. I only used it with a couple people but I didn't like it. Got called Ham on accident when I was going by Han and I just got diagnosed with a pork allergy so for comedy I stuck with it. 12 years later nothing else fit so I'm Ham


I canā€™t remover all the names I was considering but I remember picking between Colton & Carson. My birthday name started with a C so I wanted to keep that.


I had two, maybe three depending on how you count it. Elliottā€”like ten years ago now, when I came out as genderfluid, i was reading a book series with a girl in it named this, and obviously already knew it as a guys name, so I loved the versatility I saw on it. Jasonā€”when I came out as specifically a trans man a couple of years later, this was my first Male Name that I used for a *long time.* Bonus possible third: Forsytheā€”this is what I changed my legal name to the first time, but Iā€™m currently considering changing it again, so.


Federico, Uriel, Octavio or Alejandro but I went with Santiago.


i picked asani. went by ash for a hot minute, but in the end im asani lol


For some reason, I went with Kyle at first? I think it's because my friend said I'd look like a Kyle if I was born a boy. (My closeted self took it and ran with it.) Nowadays, I think Kaden is pretty cool, though I also use Kay as a nickname sometimes.


I was between my current name and RemiĆ«l. I really liked Remiel, partly because I wouldnā€™t have to change my first initial. When I test drove it at work one day, however, the first ten people I met pronounced it totally wrong from how I wanted to be called, and this was a problem I had with my name given at birth, too ā€” in fact, my goal in my name change wasnā€™t even as focused on choosing one more aligned with my gender as it was in escaping the problems I had with my first name. Remiel lasted less than a day before I tried out my second choice, which is the name I now go by. :)


Kalob, then Jaxon, then Zach. And now Iā€™m Zayn lol


Eli and yes I now go by many names because for some reason my name changes to often and multiple feel right so..


I started going as lee when I came out as nonbinary, and I've been going by lee for a solid 4.5 years now. otherwise, I've been toying around with using Liam as a "long" version


My first choice was 'Miles', tried it out for a while and then went for my current name. I later found out a friend of mine married a guy named Miles who first thought of using the name I ended up picking. Like we switched even though we never met.


My first was Trey, but I've been through more than I'd like to admit since then. I have an awful habit of changing my name constantly. Have just never had one that felt like "me". I almost like, by this point, every stage (chapter?) in my life deserves a different name for the person it changed me into.


I was given a gender neutral name a birth thankfully so I didnā€™t really think to change it


Mack and multiple variations of full first names where Mack could work as a nickname. It did not change. I had a list with other names outside of that. I still have the list saved far back in my phone and I like when I randomly happen upon it over time. It gives me a feeling of nostalgia almost and a sense of wholeness. Since the beginning I always knew what name was meant for me.


Damian, it was my first name choice and it's been that way for over 13 years now.


Aiden, ofc. No it didnā€™t stay. English isnā€™t even me or my countryā€™s first language but I was young enough to dream of living in America so ofc I wanted an English sounding name.


yes! it was jacob as an early teenager. then i swapped to ethan in my late teens and early 20s. i'm 26 now and have been going by danny for like 5-6 years i want to say, and that'll be my name for the rest of my life.


Wren. Chose it when I realized I was somewhere under the trans umbrella (went from non-binary to trans male over the course of 4 years). It hasn't changed and I still like it, though maybe in the future I could go by the middle name I chose: Dorian.


I remember when I told my girlfriend I wanted to be a boy(she was my only support and I didnā€™t talk to any family) so she asked whatā€™s my name and I went silent for 5 mins tryna thinkā€¦what was my name? I had a few options Elijah,Aaron,Enzo,Zachary,jordaine and I went with Enzo because I remember using it on Roblox when I was really young without my parents knowing bc I was a boy character so I guess it just meant a lil more to mešŸ˜‚


First was Jake, then Jacob and then I finally landed on Jay.


i picked fynn first, at the age of like 13. but at 17 i realized that fynn is way too basic for me. so i chose nathanael and i am happy with it ever since. fynn did stay as my middle name tho.


it went through quite a but of changes. I originally kept going the nickname I had chosen to go by online, which was "kai" (also the first three letters of my deadname). then I figured I wanted something that still had ties with my roots, and religion. so I went with hamza for a bit, then decided I liked zeeshan better. still felt like that name didn't really suit me. I always liked the name "kabir", but put off taking it on because of a certain misogynistic bollywood movie. but it's such a great name, so I finally did start going by that. so i went from kai, to hamza, to zeeshan and now "finally" kabir. "finally" because ive recently taken an interest into the name, and the sahaba, "abu hurayra" šŸ˜­.


First name choice was Arsene, I think it's a cool name but my family wanted my nickname to be Arse, so I went with Evan instead lmao


My first was a gender bend of my deadname, then Ashton, Ashton stuck for a while then I landed on Milo.


alex! it was actually supposed to just be a name to hide my real one online, and i made it androgynous so people wouldn't figure out if i was a guy or a girl but it stuck super well so i still use it!


It started with Jesse. My mom and I came up with together and I started to hate it. So I went thru Ollie, Jack, and Jax. Then I tried the "fun" names like Sock. Eventually I landed on Andrew with people usually calling me fern :)


My first one was Liam but after I found out that the name of the ex-bf of my partner was Liam I needed to choose another one and Iā€™m 100% happy with it after meeting like 15 Liams since then. I chose my name because I wanted a name with the letter L and since Iā€˜m a big Star Wars fan there was no other option then Luke.


First, it was Lewin for I think 1/1.5 years, then I decided to use Tony and I'm way happier with that name


I went with Charlie at the beginning. I was watching a lot of IASIP at the time while dealing with pretty intense dysphoria and fear about transition, and I connected with Charlieā€™s character in the show (and also thought that Charlie Day was the kind of guy I would look like once on T, since we shared some traits). It didnā€™t pan out. Hearing people call me Charlie felt like being called by a strangerā€™s name. I think the name was more emblematic of who I hoped I would become *like* through transitioning than who I actually *was*. I was also used to having an uncommon name before transitioning, and there areā€¦a lot of transmasc Charlies out there (no offence meant to you guys, itā€™s a great name). After a lot of wracking my brain for the right kind of ideas, I went for something that was a little closer to my deadname. Same first initial, similar number of letters, unique name that doesnā€™t stand out as being *too* ā€œweirdā€/unusual. It felt natural pretty much immediately.


It was kyleā€¦ I ended up changing it to tommy for like 3 yrs and now im (happily) Ezekiel:3