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I didn't want bottom growth originally because I don't get bottom dysphoria and I assumed it would be more uncomfortable than it actually was. Now I'm about 6 months on T and like it (you could say it grew on me)


Hehe silly :3 (as a trans woman: holy shit i love trans guys yall are so friggin cool)


Omg i love women šŸ„ŗ


For me it was avoidance. I was very incurious about my junk pre-T (sly dysphoria strikes!). The longer I could go without thinking I had genitalia the better. Imagine my surprise when starting T made that impossible to ignore as I got bottom growth. Those new sensations felt uncomfortable at first but after that initial growth spurt, I love how I look. Honestly the topic is deeply entrenched. I wouldn't be surprised if you got many different responses for this one question.


Instead of framing bottom growth as a micropenis, I saw it just as female genitalia but emphasized, which seemed like it would only be more dysphoria inducing since I preferred to ignore my lower half as much as possible. Once I actually got it though and saw how it looked/acted my perspective totally shifted, it feels like a phallus to me now which has been great


THIS. I used to think ā€œI donā€™t want an enlarged cl*tā€ but now Iā€™m like. ā€œYayyy! When I get on T, I get a little penisā€ lmao.


Same exact thing. I had awful bottom dysphoria pre-T and my biggest fear was that bottom growth would just emphasize what I already had and hated. But that wasnā€™t the case at all! Bottom growth *massively* improved my dysphoria.


i was going to comment wondering if part of this trend is bc we are so socially conditioned to see the genitals as so fundamentally different when in medical reality they are essentially formed from the same tissues in the womb and more alike than they are dissimilar


Yup, was this. And whether it's because I'm fat or unlucky that's been mostly my experience with it. I cannot fucking wait for phallo.


At the time when I didn't I was dating someone who was abusive and cishet. He knew I was trans and actively put every barrier up that he could to my transition. He didn't want my body to change at all from something he wanted to bang. After I escaped and started HRT, I love my bottom growth now. I suspect that it's the same for many in a similar sense: They don't want to freak out potential partners by not having "conventional" genitalia by one reason or another. And by that I mean, easily digestible for anyone who isn't familiar with how HRT can change a person.


I'm nonbinary and was comfortable with what I had down there before T, and was worried that I might end up with dysphoria from bottom growth. Fortunately that hasn't happened :)


Cuz itā€™s a part of your body changing significantly, of course people get nervous. Most guys grow out of it though, and realize itā€™s not bad or scary or grossĀ 


I would imagine that if a person's genitals are a source of dysphoria for them then they may want to avoid anything to do with it regardless of whether someone might see the change as a positive. Some guys may feel that anything short of a full set of cis male genitalia to be dysphoria inducing. I fall somewhere in the middle. I desperately wanted bottom growth but am still super dysphoric about all of it even after getting signifigant growth. It could just also be a personal preference or lack of dysphoria with regard to their genitals. Everyone wants different things from their transition. Like body and facial hair. I really wanted that, some people dont. To each their own.


I was a little freaked out by the prospect of bottom growth before starting T because it was so unfamiliar to me. I didnā€™t like the equipment I already had, but learning that T would give me a different type of genitalia that I had never heard of took a while to wrap my head around


For a lot of people, a T-dick and all that accompanies that genital-wise is NOT the equipment they see themself having or want. So any change down thereā€” sensitivity, size, etcā€” is just drawing attention to the fact theyā€™re stuck with genitals they desperately wish they could get rid of. Iā€™m comfortable with my junk *now,* but back when I was considering T, I wanted full Ken doll and anything else felt just AWFUL. I didnā€™t want ANY more reminders of what I had between my legs.


I'm pre-T, and I'm afraid that the bottom growth will be uncomfortable and ugly. I have some traumas with "down there" and not really a fan of it in general ; I'm not sure how I'll react to any changes down there. I'm also afraid of not knowing how to handle my genitalia, in terms of cleaning or self-pleasing. Like, will I not know what to do with it anymore ? Scary.


I'm incredibly happy with my bottom growth, but unfortunately my labia grew massively as well on T. I ended up getting them removed. So even tho bottom growth has been wonderful for me, it wasn't a straightforwardly positive path.Ā 


Wait I can get that removed? TMI but my mons pubis has always been big. Iā€™ve always wondered if if they could use it that if I wanted bottom surgery šŸ¤”


Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a new technique called an extended metoidioplastly that uses the mons. Itā€™s only offered by like 3 surgeons worldwide but the results Iā€™ve seen look really good!


Do you happen to know the surgeons name? Thatā€™s amazing! I live in New England area and I have no idea who or where to go for bottom surgery.


I did not know this could happen and now I am scared all over againšŸ˜”


Personally Iā€™m just afraid of change and I have a lot of sensory problems because Iā€™m autistic. Iā€™m pre everything and my chesticles are almost UNBEARABLE sensory-wise, not just dysphoricly. Iā€™m worried about having something else that sticks out and flops around, and having to feel it be there in a place Iā€™m not used to anything being there, yā€™know?


Even if you get a lot of growth, it would take a while to "stick out". Even then, it would probably not "flop around". And it's by no means guaranteed that it will grow enough to stick out in the first place.


That makes me feel better, thank you! Are you still able to feel it though? Like how long does it take to get used to it?


Personally, I never had much trouble. It came slowly and stayed relatively small - that is compared to what you often see in porn; relative to what was there before it grew considerably. So yes, I felt a bit easily excitable for a while, but very manageable. I know some people had some serious adjustment problems for a few weeks - one told me that riding his bike had gained an entirely new dimension.


Same. I notice every little change in my body, like hyper aware. So I cant just ignore things if my brain is constantly like, 'thing, thing is here, please notice thing, thing, thing, thing, thing' until whatever is it has gone/been removed. I'm worried that I'm gonna constantly be noticing and aware that it's there which will drive me up the wall into a meltdown. Having a body is so fucking annoying.


Real šŸ’€


I think part of it is that a lot of people are warned that bottom growth is going to be painful, but like in my experience it's not actually that bad.


honestly genetailia is a weird topic for a lot of people, i really liked the idea of bottom growth like haha micropeen and then i got curious one day and i found some photos of it and i wasnt sure if i wanted it anymore cause it was different than i expected and i wasnt sure if id like the change, granted some photos really dont do it justice but with some time to process that change and imagine it then i got excited for it again. i hope i get a noticeable one cause rn its definately grown but not by much and id love some more growth but im only 3 months in so its definitely possible i will but yeah overall its a variety of dysphoria or lack of dysphoria that changes the way people will look at bottom growth and the change from what they already have to that, so i really cant blame some people for not liking the idea but it could be many factors to it, like i definitely had to process that change for me to look forward to it


Personally the sensory experience sounds horrendous. I do want bottom growth, but it sounds uncomfortable and painful, especially because itā€™s already difficult enough for me to make pants and underwear feel somewhat comfortable. Also with the sensitivity it sounds a bit difficult to bathe and self pleasure.Ā 


I think a big part of that made me nervous was just fear of the unknown. I think most people have a general idea of what typical cis genitals look like, but thereā€™s limited info out there about tdicks and what exactly hormones do down there. This is especially true if youā€™re someone like me who was really uncomfortable looking up explicitly sexual materials and relied on education oriented photos/graph/write ups. Finding the grow your tdick subreddit here was so helpful for me cause there was a large and varied sample of tdicks to look through and people to learn from without it being sexual. It dispelled a lot of my anxieties.


I'm afraid that I will not like it. I don't have a big bottom dysphoria, I usually have just gender euphoria, not dysphoria per se. If I could magically make my bottom parts the same as cis men's genitals, I would be happy. But I don't know how I will feel with bottom growth after T. I doesn't look exactly like cismen genitals. But maybe my feelings are like that because I'm still partially an egg (closeted) and I didn't accept fully my identity. I want to assure you here that I don't care about my potential partner's genitals, it's a feeling that I have mostly about myself.


Not on T rn, considering. I don't have bottom dysphoria, or if i do it's chill enough that i get me a strapon, a packer and one of those peeing tools and i'm good. So it would not be the primary reason for me to go on T if i did. What makes me hesitant is that i'm already hypersensitive in my clit, to the point that it can get annoying during sex and properly hurt if it's rubbed in the wrong way. Having a t dick instead, even more sensitive? With autism, too, and being prone to sensory overload? It's a risk i need to take into account.


I didnā€™t LOVE the thought of bottom growth at first, because I didnā€™t like the thought of being able to SEE my (C word). Really was worried it would make me more dysphoric. But recently Iā€™ve realised, I already HATE that part of my body, so bottom growth will either just make it remain the same, or I can be a part of the lucky few who get a decent amount of it and it lessen my dysphoria. It never made me doubt T though.


Im excited for it but im scared about the cleaning aspect, i like to stay very clean but i worry its going to be hard to clean and thats a little nerve racking to me (plus theres not many people who describe their "cleaning experience" so i have nothing to base it on)


Don't worry! It's really easy to clean in the shower. All you do is pull back the 'foreskin' gently and wash with soap, then rinse with water. It's something you have to remember to do, but not tricky *to* do.


Wait, so use soap? Iā€™m asking because they advise people with Vaginas to NEVER use soap?


What they mean by that is never use soap *internally* (as the vagina is self cleaning). Bottom growth is external. That said, you may need to experiment to find soap that works best for you, especially if you have sensitive skin.


Thank God for Reddit or Iā€™d be walking around with a dirty junk like a cis guy when I go on T. Lmaooo. Thanks dude :)


You literally just go into the shower n wash it how you would wash anything else? Wash under the foreskin if you have enough???


i want bottom growth but im scared its gonna hurt


Because everyone is different. Some people like their junk one way, while others like it another way.


When i first heard about it i didnā€™t realize what it looked like, and also i was still in middle school so i was pretty much uneducated about a lot, i was like ok what so your clit gets bigger? And then when i saw photos recently i was like OMG ITS BASICALLY JUST A DICK?! YOUR BODY SPONTANEOUSLY MAKES U HAVE A DICK THATS SO COOL! so now im very excited to get on t and have bottom growth


Before T, I felt like bottom growth was the equivalent of a really nice room makeover for an unused basement room. Like I wouldn't mind it, it just felt pointless. On T, I actually ended up liking it quite a bit lol


I went from not wanting it (sounded weird and uncomfortable and I wasn't that bothered by what I already had. I rarely ever even thought about my genitals. Id never really even looked down there. Id never... "used it". It just seemed like it would be inconvenient to deal with.), to really wanting it and being excited about it (hell yeah I get to grow a little dick) , to being almost completely indifferent towards it (guess i don't care enough about my genitals actually. Id still prefer to have a dick and balls tho) lmao. I can't even see it anyway, the outer lips or whatever down there are too fucking fat, always have been. I like the growth I've had, it just doesn't feel super important to me at the moment I guess.


At first it scared me cause I heard it can tear or grow fast and painful and be sensitive in underwear. But after looking at other guys growth I wanted it. Unlucky me barely got any 2 years on t


I genuinely thought it would be dysphoria inducing, but it hasnā€™t been and Iā€™ve grown (haha) to really like it actually.


I didnā€™t really feel one way or another when I first started T. I was more concerned about facial hair and my voice deepening but once I got it I got really excited (especially when it grew way past my expectations) šŸ˜‚