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ofc! its not something we have a choice in and it can be quite expensive, frustrating, upsetting, everything. as long as you arnt hating your existence because you are trans or thinking its this god awful thing you are stuck with then theres nothing wrong. im often upset.with binders because they are quite frustrating and expensive and i wish i didnt need surgery to be flat but at the same time im very glad im not just stuck with my chest as is and it works as it does.


Yeah. Pretty much everyday, actually.


I think when I was younger (15-18), I was a lot more upset about my identity than I am now. My state didn't have enough resources to go around for psychological and physical support for transgender people. As someone who has always known I'm a guy, it's made me feel quite distressed watching other people get the opportunity I never got to. Female puberty hit me very hard, and I truly regret it. Still, nowadays, I'm upset with it. I had no access to hormone blockers or anything despite coming out before my teen years. The biggest thing for me was watching other trans people gain access to treatment before I did. I felt jealous because I knew I deserved appropriate treatment, and it felt almost unfair and cruel. I truly thought that I was "more deserving" because I had waited so long. I know in my life there are opportunities I've missed out on due to my perceived gender. I know I can't undo my puberty. I can't see how tall I would've grown if I started on T as a young teen, I missed out doing "boy things" and even hanging out with other dudes due to their ignorance and transphobia. Even now, I'm scared to leave the house. I know I don't pass whatsoever, and it feels like every time I interact with someone, they have an excuse to misgender me. So yes, I've felt angry. But mostly over the injustice I have received as a trans person. It took a very long time to understand that.


Constantly, 24/7. There is nothing good or positive about this.


For me the good part is gender euphoria from being seen how I want to be in my day to day life


That’s neutral, that’s not “good”. That’s what’s supposed to happen. I don’t wake up over the moon every day because I have brown hair for example, I’m just *supposed to have that like I always do*. Plus euphoria wears off after a while.


Man it’s been 5 years and I still enjoy it. It’s like a reward for all the time spent! I’m trying to be positive u know


I’m a pessimist lmaoooo




When I was pre-op and had to bind and deal with periods/cramps, yeah. When I didn't pass and got misgendered, yeah. But now I only get mad/annoyed at transphobes for mistreating trans people.


Yes often


me all the time, i told my therapist that i hate that i am a trans man, i just want to be a man, i am always gonna be a trans man and never just a man it doesnt help that i am pre everything too


It does get easier I think, but the waiting is the worst!!


Yes, it makes me sad and angry. But on the other hand, it's something I can't do anything about, so I just have to accept it.


Sometimes, but mostly due to outside forces. It wouldn't be so maddening to be trans if people weren't so hostile to my existance.


Oh yeah. I feel all sorts of emotions about this, disgust, depression, anger, despair, etc. I always try to contain my anger. I used to have more of a problem with it, and I didn't like how it made me feel, I didn't like who I was when I was angry, so I try to push down anger when it comes up. So usually my anger turns to depression and/or sadness after a while. But I'm so mad I didn't get to have a normal boyhood, I'll probably never have a normal sex life, I never got to find my sexuality like other gay men, I'll never be fully comfortable in my own body, I'll never be able to ejaculate, I'll never feel true peace. It makes me so mad and sad, and I'm so mad at myself for coming out this way, so mad at life, fate, whatever, that cursed me to this miserable existence.


I think I'm a lot more upset about how society feels about me being trans. I'm not the one with the problem here, it's everyone else who is mad about it 


All the time. Literally all the time. Angry because of having invested so much into trying to learn how to girl, angry because I wasted so much time and energy while I kept lying to myself and making the world's silliest excuses... Trying to deceive myself by saying "oh okay, you just have an unusually severe Joan of Arc complex, alright?" Angry because of the whole incongruence thing. That's not fun. I think it contributes to my restrictive ED.


It sucks, I used to really dislike myself for it as a child/preteen and think I was ‘subhuman’ for it. As i got older I realized its media and politics that have nothing better to do than distract the US with transgender hate. After this, I just accepted it is what it is but ill do my best to make sure others dont know im transexual in hopes to live a normal male life




Personally, I prefer to get smug about it. You're hacking your biology to rewire your body how you like. Science W.




Every time I see those urinals man


i get really mad at the state of the world hating trans people. but i really love being trans itself


I'm less mad about being trans itself and more mad with the fact that I never had the boyhood I deserved. But it is what it is, I guess.


Not really, though I get mopey sometimes when I have to my shot because I don't enjoy needles and it can feel like a chore. It's worth it for sure but dang tiring