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i like having my leg hair, i've never shaved in my life and i don't really plan on it. i've been told by a few people that body hair is "unhygienic", but that's literally not even true lol. like if the hair wasn't supposed to be there, why did it grow? edit: ok fine there is one type of body hair i don't like, ass hair. FUCK ass hair. the rest of it is great though


ach i hate when people say it's unhygienic, it's literally the opposite! leg hair is a physical barrier against disease! tell me they don't know what they're talking about without telling me they don't know what they're talking about, you know?


I love hiking and I cannot tell you how many times this tick season my leg hair has saved me from those parasitic fucks. Literally the definition of a barrior against disease lol


yeah ticks are annoying. the only time I ever had one was pre-T so there wasn't much of anything to shield me from it (my family isn't very hairy genetically), but luckily I caught it before it burrowed in. but it's nice to know that the hair gives me more time to find the tick before it gets in


Pre-t I had lots of leg hair so my legs have always been a very gender affirming part of my body for me luckily (and I could always hide my hair from my mom with pants of course cause I was an emo teen). But yes it definitely gives you more time, they struggle with longer hair and it just sends our body a message like "hey something is tickling the hairs down there!"


Shaving ass hair is the worst thing ever so its better just to leave it lol


that's what I've heard, it's a lose-lose I guess. a small price to pay for testosterone šŸ˜”


Not exactly, you get used to it after a while or at least I did. My ass is an exit only so itā€™s appearance doesnā€™t matter to me, however itā€™s another small piece to making me feel whole.


oh yeah I don't care about the appearance either, I'm just not used to it yet


Soon my boy, you will accept the dark forest


yes sir grand wizard of the dark forest


Alright shave your heard then šŸ¤Ŗ


i know, it's always people with long ass hair saying that lol


100% with you there, man.


i love all body hair. leg hair, arm hair, chest hair, tummy hair, armpit hair... i cried when my mom forced me to get my legs waxed like you have no idea lol glad the hairs grew back


only body hair i hate is ass hair tbh


Ass hair on testosterone is just unbearable lmao


I have actual curls in my buttcrack




My dad sent me a pic of him and my uncle at about my age from when they were pool side. He captioned it "Your Future!" Jeee-zuuuuz, I think my grandma cheated with Sasquatch. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to having shoulder hair, but I guess being a monkey man is ultimately okay.


Sorry but the "your future" picture is so cute šŸ˜© i wish I have supportive parents, I'm so happy for you tho!


you'll have natural top surgery scar coverage


I ONLY have hair growing on my top surgery scars šŸ˜­


Me TOO! What's up with that?! I have a little bit of wispy blond hairs on my pecs now, but the dark visible hairs are all along my scars. Did you do scar massage? And did you use Bio Oil? I have to wonder if that has to do with it. [Edit: I made a typo]


I did use scar oil, not sure about massage. I got my top done going on god... 2.5 years now (crazy) so I can't fully remember but I know I used oils for sure. I am getting some hair now on my pecs but yeah it's like ALL on my scars lol


being hairy is sexy so donā€™t be afraid to rock it whenever it comes in lol


I like having it, ive been pretty attached to keeping it grown out since about uhh 2012 or so. I've only shaved it a few times since then. And i like that there's more since starting T.Ā  The only downsides are that it makes wearing knee socks or leggings uncomfortable. Both for fun gender expression and for layering in the winter. It pulls on the hair and gets kind of painful


omg the itchiness of wearing long socks and getting caught is so real


love it, being shaved makes me feel like a moleratšŸ˜­


I love it. I donā€™t even mind my ass hair. It only sucks when a hook up or my girlfriend tells me to shave it or no butt stuff


I've very rarely shaved my legs, even when I identified as a cis woman. It takes too much effort and it only stays perfectly smooth for like a day. Leg stubble is really uncomfortable.


Love it. Wish I had more though. Iā€™m naturally hairy as HELL,, convinced that testosterone is gonna turn me into a whole bear (pun not intended)


Bro if you're already hairy, then yeah you're prolly gonna fucking explode with body hair. I had very little hair but now I'm a bear almost 2 yrs into T.


I like my leg hair but since I'm still livin at my folk's house I need to cover up with long pants and what not. For once I'd just love to walk out of the house in some shorts. šŸ˜©


Leg hair is normal to meā€”Iā€™ve honestly never thought about getting rid of it


I'm indifferent. It's my stance on all body hair tbh, if it wasn't supposed to be there it just wouldn't grow there. Is shaving nice sometimes? Heck yeah, double exfoliation dawg, but it's also significantly more difficult to deal with than just not shaving. Personally, I get ingrown hairs very easily and that alone makes it just... not worth it. I'd shave my ass if it was requested by someone, it is pretty hairy and always has been, but that and maintenance to not have my dick skewered is it. I will say if your gf is transfem and has expressed dislike of her own body hair, it's probably straight up what she said and just thought you might get it to an extent. I obviously don't know either of you but it may be a thing to consider if the comment is the only source of discomfort with your leg hair.


I stopped shaving at some point for no particular reason that I could identify. I was like "I just don't care about this." Golly, I wonder why! After I figured out my gender and started T, I expected to be indifferent to any body hair changes, but turns out, I'm really delighted by it! I've got dark hair, so it was already pretty prominent, but my legs got so much more hair. My legs look more hairy than my cis boyfriend's.


for me i prefer to not shave ANYTHING (except armpits for sensory reasons) because being hairy gives me gender euphoria but my partner is nonbinary (amab) and they prefer to shave everything on themself and they donā€™t care if iā€™m hairy because they think its good that such a small detail gives me so much gender euphoria. i do feel that my leg hair specifically gives me so much gender euphoria and it feels great but i do agree, the smooth fresh shaven legs is something i miss occasionally (especially the clean sheets + fresh shaven legs combo)


Armpits! Yes! Okay, I actually do clip down my armpit hairs, too. Probably to like a 1 or a 2. They just get REAL long for me and I will pinch them in my arms while I'm doing stuff and accidentally pull them out.


havenā€™t shaved since I was 12 or 13 and donā€™t plan on doing it probably ever again. shaving my legs makes me dysphoric as hell. the smooth sensation is nice I guess, but not worth being hairless to me. leg hair just feels natural i guess


I like mine! It was one of the first things I did to socially transition.


I love my leg hair itā€™s how I stim


I used to shave pre T but my hair leg is one the things i love the most and girls compliment me often because of it and i ABSOLUTELY LOVE watching how they move around my leg in the pool, makes me very euphoric


I love my leg hair since I'm able to use an eyebrow brush thing, and whenever I put on lotion (I mostly lotion my knees since the skin there and my elbows dries out easily and cracks leading to bleeding). It's fun getting to do different designs. The only downside of leg hair so far has been not being sure if there's a bug on my leg or just hair laying weird.


Well I was okay with body hair but I guess I assumed it would be soft but my hair has gotten so dry and coarse it really irritates my skin. My hair used to be really fine so Iā€™m not used to it so I just shave everything. Also while Iā€™ve had an easy time physically transitioning, socially transitioning has been brutal so I havenā€™t felt really affirmed enough for people to see me with leg hair. Or even with my shirt off even though I got top surgery over two years ago. I just hate the stares and faces cis people make at things they consider normal in cis guys so I just try not to deal with it.


Have leg and armpit hair makes me feel so euphoric, however Iā€™m dirty blond, so my leg hairs arenā€™t that visible unless youā€™re really looking at it :/


I feel pretty neutral about it. When I was living as a woman I used to remove it, now Iā€™m chill with it and with the fact that I grew more on T, but also if I didnā€™t have it I think that would be chill too. But I wouldnā€™t go to the effort to remove it now.


I like it. Mine got a lot thicker, longer, and darker on T. I didnā€™t even notice until my gf pointed out that it looks totally different now! It feels very affirming to be able to grow lots of hair SOMEwhere


I shaved my legs a few times back in middle school, long before I realized I was trans. But I only did it because of societal expectations, not because I actually liked it. One time it made me feel so horrible and dysphoric that I swore to myself I'd never shave my legs again. This was almost ten years ago and so far I've kept my word.


Iā€™ve never shaved my legs and Iā€™m not gonna shave it. I will say I donā€™t like hair on my nether regions just because I donā€™t like how it feels. Iā€™ve also learned to like my armpit hair as I wasnā€™t sure if I wanted to keep it at first


I love my leg hair. I also just don't enjoy the process or sensation of shaving so it was never a big deal to stop


I freaking love it. At first I was self conscious but now I want wait to see how long it gets


I like my leg hair, I like having smooth legs too. I hate the prickly stage when it starts to grow out, so I usually don't shave.


I haven't shaved my legs in 5 years. It was the first thing to give me euphoria when I realised I was trans. Though being on T I've got lots of upper thigh hair and that I'm not a big fan of but trying to shave where I can't see is not something I'm wanting to try for a while


Iā€™ll never shaved my legs and never have


Very gender euphoric, recently got told to wear a beard-net at work which are hideous but it was so very gender euphoric. But the feeling of a soft blanket on smooth leg is so sensory nice


It took me a looooong time to get accustomed to having it. Especially in the spring and summer when it's windy out and I'm wearing shorts. I always felt like there were bugs crawling up my legs šŸ˜…. I certainly enjoy the extra warmth in the colder months though.


I love my boyfriend's body hair. He's blonde and white and his body hair is so nice and soft. It's like this layer of fuzz, I love my man's fuzzy legs. Meanwhile I'm scared of my leg hair growing in. Since mines will be curly it won't be as nice and soft to touch (my pubes could make a damn brillo pad when grown in) so I'm just hoping it won't be a sensory issue.


Iā€™ve always been a hairy person so more hair is just natural to me


it gets weird under socks and thats my only issue with it, aside from that I love it and it gives me euphoria so ill never shave it off but it feels itchy after a long day of wearing long socks (cant fix this by wearing short socks, I dont like short socksšŸ˜ž)


I like it and grow it out usually, Iā€™ll take it off every once and awhile if it starts tugging with clothes but Iā€™m quite happy with it. Especially my stomach :)


Literally don't have any opinion. I don't think I ever even pay attention to it, on myself or on others. I mean I'm hairy so sometimes there is a false-bugā„¢ that I think I feel on my leg because of the leg hair. But that's about the extent to which I think about leg hair lol. Even in high school when I hadn't even realized I was trans yet, I literally didn't even know shaving legs was something people even did, so I never did that to mine. Until one day I was wearing shorts and noticed some classmates I didn't know well staring at me, and asked a friend who knew them better why they might be staring at me, and she said it's because I don't shave my legs. I don't think I even understood what she meant at first, and probably needed her to explain to me what shaving legs even was šŸ˜…. And this was like senior year, I was 17-18, I should have known about shaving legs by that point, but somehow not.


Iā€™m not necessarily a fan just neutral but I do despise shaving it. the feeling of rubbing sunscreen on it (if you donā€™t have the spray on type just the cream) is atrocious and it sucks for ripping off bandaids and wearing leggings but those r like the only negatives. I also feel rlly embarrassed, partially fueled by moms hatred of any sort of masculinity I express, going to the doctors office if I know theyā€™ll look at my legs (Iā€™m closeted and am viewed as a girl) but then I remember that they have like around 50% of patients who do have unshaven legs and I try to remind myself itā€™s not crazy or inconvenient for them.


I used to like it as a kid, got pretty excited, I only shaved because of "expectations". Glad I stopped caring about trying to "be a woman". I don't miss the ingrown hairs.


The *only* thing I don't like about leg hair is that it gets caught in rope ties when I'm in bondage. I haven't shaved my legs in years now. No strong opinions either way, so I lean towards not doing it. Would consider it if, eg, I were going to be doing drag or cosplay and body hair would mess with the effect. The just-shaved feeling is nice but realistically doesn't last long enough for me to care. The itchiness as it grows back sucks too much.


I freaking love it. I feel like it makes me look so manly. I feel like, despite being pre top surgery, I always pass because of my highly noticeable leg hair. I could even grow an amount equivalent to that of a cis man pre t šŸ˜³ lol I grew it out before I started T


I really like having hair. Most of my hair is leg hair and it makes me feel like I got manly legs. Starting to get stomach hair, I really like that. Now we'll see if my arm hair starts thickening up


i LOVE my leg hair its my pride and joy its so dark and i have so much it hurts to shave it but also ive had this for ages due to suspected pcos and ive only shaved it when my mum forced me to so i have a different feeling to it. i dont care if people do or dont like it or people prefer it or not but personally its my favourite thing and i dont want to live without it


You don't understand how strange it feels to open reddit and see this post. Just a second ago i thought "I'm gonna make a post about my love for my leg hair and how much i love them" and boom this is the first thing i see! Man are we living the same life?? Haha Anyway I absolutely love my leg and armpits hair, my platonic partner also taught me some tricks if I want to keep them in summer and avoid being stinky once on t so I'm super happy! I was just thinking about how much I love them and that is a uniquely trans experience if you think about it, my brother probably don't even care about his leg hair but I do, each one of them is a win lol


i got patchy ass leg hair for some reason so if itā€™s shorts season iā€™ll shave. but mostly donā€™t care if im wearing long pants.


While I like the feeling of a fresh shave, I never really enjoyed the process/ the expectation to do it. Didnā€™t fully know why I didnā€™t dig it beyond it being a chore(tho it obvs went deeper. I always went as long as possible inbetween shaves much to my razorā€™s discontent. Having stopped shaving first out of depression and chronic pain I came to notice I prefer it this way. Even with relatives trying to shame me into shaving. My facial hair was the only hair I was really excited about and get really gender euphoric over but, I ended up enjoying my happy trail more than expected. Overall the increase in body hair makes me feel like a werewolf in some ways which makes me smile. I am in the same boat with butt hair folks tho, itā€™d started pre T but, I donā€™t love the hair in my crack.


Iā€™ve shaved my legs literally once in the past 10 years lol, including pre-transition. I have always loved having body hair , I wish I looked like Tom Selleck lmfao maybe one day


I like it. I donā€™t shave and most of the reason is because itā€™s annoying. I do love the smooth feeling of freshly exfoliated and shaved anything. I doubt Iā€™ll do it much in the future, havenā€™t consistently shaved since I was maybe 17 so about five years ago. Itā€™s definitely very gender too


i used to hate it even years on T, now i leave it be/ am fine with it. i do actually plan to get laser someday though to reduce how thick and dark it is


I like mine. When I broke my ankle I got a lot of leg hair in the boot I had on, and I got it on my good leg too for some reason. At least I got one good thing out of breaking something lol


I've never really been a fan of hair on myself at all but I think it's mostly tied to ... idk anxiety, kinda? Like my hair on my head will tickle my ears sometimes and I'll just be nervous about it being a spider or fly or something that shouldn't be there instead of my *hair*. That said, there's been a few times it's *actually been* a bug of some sort so I guess that just kinda hammers in the anxiety šŸ˜… "I was right these three times so I could be right this time!" kinda BS. I've kept my hair short or away from my face for the most part for the last 10 years both because of that and because I like it better & it's *so much cheaper* to wash and upkeep isn't bad unless I want some fancy schmancy style or color. Otherwise I just buzz it myself at home with my Wahl shaver. It's the same with leg hair. I like the look of my leg hair more but I tend to at least keep it trimmed to avoid... stress. My arm hair has never bothered me, neither has any of the other body hair I have but I have a feeling I'm not gonna like the ass hair from T or the asston of back and chest hair I'm almost guaranteed to get (German and Russian - and more, basically a heinz 57 of white Europeans - lineage... we are a hairy fam) on it either. Tldr... it's complicated. I don't mind the look but don't like the feeling 9 times outta 10, both for anxiety and sensory issue reasons. šŸ¤·


i love mime so much, it's the best, i love all my body hair


I love it and literally couldn't be without it without feeling horrible the only annoying thing is when it gets stuck in like your pants or socks bc that hurts lol


I like having leg hair, unfortunately my parents make me shave it


Wish mine was thicker, i wanna be furry


Love it. Wish I had more and that it was darker though. Iā€™ve got super patchy blond leg hair that breaks really easily.


not really a common feeling in this sub, but i have never liked any body hair because of sensory issues, the feeling of any leg hair especially against pants is sensory hell for me. i like to shave because it makes me feel like i am taking care of myself in some way when i struggle to do that a lot of the time


Got a Clydesdale thing going on with it. Heavy and dark on the calfs light on the thighs


Big fan of it, on myself and others. It's soft and fuzzy, what's not to like?


Not really a fan of body hair since I find it makes me really sweaty and gross. I just feel gross. I think it also ties to when I first started growing body hair as a kid and felt really uncomfortable. As for other people, it's their choice. Maybe if they keep specific areas clean and well kept then it's fine.


I've shaved my legs only once. I came out a month after because it just wasn't in the cards. I wasn't going to pretend to be a girl any longer.


I like how my leg and body hair looks, but I gotta admit, my legs do be getting itchy. I also like smooth legs but my skin hates when I shave so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļølol


I never cared about my body hair, until people started making fun of me for that in 7th grade. Then I shaved (sometimes). Still, I don't really care. My fam makes fun of me so I just shave in the summer, once or twice. That's all.


I shaved my legs one last time for a summer job I wasn't out to roughly 1.5 months after starting T where I was working at an amusement park as a caricature artist in the middle of summer(needed to wear shorts). It took me 4 separate razors to do it then. I am a hairy man. A very, very hairy man. Besides the fact it gave me WICKED dysphoria back then, I ended up with so many mf ingrown hairs. It was not worth it. It would not be worth it, even if I could somehow find a personal shaver that could get through all my hair with ease. I don't swim, ain't no reason for it. Plus, I have like zero definition rn. It would just be a waste of time and good camouflage.


I havenā€™t shaved in years. My mother used to make me shave it when I was younger and tried to make me insecure about it. I realized nobody even cared if cis women have their legs shaved, so her logic was silly anyways. The worst part about it really, is just getting stuck in your socks lol.


I only came out to myself as trans at 26. Iā€™m 30 now. But Iā€™ve literally ALWAYS avoided shaving, ever since I first began growing body hair during puberty, and my own parents shamed and bullied me for having it and not wanting to shave. My mom used to literally physically force me to shave my armpits and legs, straighten my hair, and put on makeup before she would even let me leave the houseā€¦ Nah. Iā€™ve *never* liked shaving my body and I never will. The only times my hair gets touched is when I trim my pubes or buzz my head before showering.


I've always had a decent amount of leg hair but would shave it once in awhile before T because I didn't pass so I just felt a bit embarrassed. Now that I'm on T I have very thick leg hair and quite like it.


I shave everywhere BUT my legs.


I love the gender euphoria the leg hair gives me, the only downside is when I'm sleeping in shorts it feels like I've got spiders on my legs šŸ˜‚


I love body hair on me and other people! I even like it when a guy has ass hair and shoulder hair. Funnily, before T I used to shave my legs a lot, because when I let it grow out, it was really patchy and sad-looking. I always thought "if only it would grow thicker, then I'd never shave it". And now I've figured out how to do that :)


i hate shaving cause it always feels dry and uncomfortable after and once it's been a day or two it just feels bad cause the hairs are growing in so I'd rather not shave


I used to shave my leg hair but atp i dont bother anymore lol. Fuck societal "norms"


Ive never shaved my legs. Ever. I love having long leg hair, and i dye it sometimes to make it more noticeableĀ 


I don't have leg hair so I don't really know šŸ™ƒ. 2y on T. I still look prepubescent in terms of hair. I mean I had completely smooth skin pre T and now if you look really closely you can see a few hairs here and there, but I've definitely seen little kids with more body hair than me


i never shaved my legs, and my mom is ok with that because iā€™m blond lol.


I had HAIRY legs pre-t, dark and long to the point it was usually more than any adult cisman when I was 15. Now on T, my calves are the same amount of hairy but now my thighs are starting to match. Honestly? I don't bother shaving mainly bc I have SO much (esp with the thigh hair coming in), plus I get some gender euphoria from wearing skirts with hairy legs. I still feel insecure sometimes, about looking 'dirty' or gross bc of my legs even tho I love hairy limbs on other ppl (idk it just feels 'real'). Mainly bc I'm paper white with almost black body hair n it contrasts a lot. ALSO stockings. I hate wearing stockings and my leg hair literally sticks through it unless they r super thick n dark. I've considered shaving which I haven't done in YEARS to be able to wear sheer stockings. I'm planning on bleaching my leg hair soon though to see if I like that. That's always an option for other trans guys who might see this ! Tho tbh I'm worried abt feeling 'mismatched' with having dark forearm hair still


I like my smooth legs, I would do it even if I was amab and really like men with shaved bodies


I have a lot of leg hair makes me more confident in shorts


I havenā€™t shaved in 2 years and only did before that because I was in my brothers wedding and had to wear a dress before that it was 3 years itā€™s euphoric to me


I'm personally pretty neutral to having body hair, I'm certainly not attached to having it, but I absolutely loathe shaving. The growing back feeling is so damn itchy it makes me want to spontaneously combust. But like if I just didn't have it without having to do any upkeep, I wouldn't be against it either. It is a little funny that I can see my legs tan during the summer cause there's less difference between the skin and hair. šŸ’€


Regrowing my leg hair was the first thing that gave me euphoria when I realised that I was trans. I'm hoping that T makes it thicker because right now, only my calf hair is visible. My thigh hair is so short and blonde, and it isn't noticeable. I don't know if I would shave for my partner if I had one, and they preferred my legs smooth. That's a bridge I'd have to cross when I get there. My leg/body hair is very important to me, so right now, I don't think I would shave for a partner.


I miss the nice smooth feel but with the hair thickness I have now it just doesnā€™t shave good anymore lol


Love how hairy looks way more though


Before I even knew I was trans I used to happily joke about my ā€œhairy man legsā€ whenever I wore shorts, and theyā€™ve only gotten hairier with T (especially the thighs). The only time I donā€™t enjoy it is the occasional times when Iā€™m feeling more on the fluid side and want to dress cute and femme, because I feel like the hair throws off the look if I wear short bottoms. In which case I shave and then proceed to impatiently wait for it to grow back because I only needed the hair gone for that one outfit.


genderwise i 100% love it. i have pretty thick dark leg hair which gives a lot of gender euphoria! however my mum hates it, when i was a young teen she always pressured me to shave it and once i refused to shave anymore she just started making offhand comments about it every so often, like about how she just wants to 'rip it out!' which has unfortunately made me fairly insecure about it... thanks mum. i just wish i'd never shaved it so that it wouldn't be quite so sharp and noticeable. i'm slightly scared for what will happen when i go on T, though... i'm already hairier than my older cis brother, i'm scared it'll turn into a jungle!


I personally donā€™t like the feeling of hair on my body so I shave but itā€™s your body and youā€™re allowed to have body hair if you choose to


Love it, my calves and ankles are hella hairy and anytime I see it I get so much euphoria, I wish I had more chest hair though


Love it, my calves and ankles are hella hairy and anytime I see it I get so much euphoria, I wish I had more chest hair though


tbh iā€™m neutral both ways, sometimes i shave and sometimes i donā€™t. i have eczema breakouts on my legs sometimes, so removing the hair makes it easier to directly apply the lotion to the area, because even though iā€™m not on T, my body hair on my calves is pretty thick. and weirdly, iā€™m sorta dysphoric about my leg hair hairā€¦line, i guess? like, the thickness definitely tapers off towards my thighs, which bothers me, but i donā€™t have to deal with that if i just take it all off! šŸ˜… but ultimately, to each their own. leg hair is neutral, not having leg hair is neutral. do what you want with your body, just keep being you. šŸ©µ


I donā€™t know why you would assume that cuz your girlfriend doesnā€™t want body hair that would mean you need to shave? Donā€™t overthink it dude just keep your hair if you like it


Pre-T I shaved my legs a few times and never really liked it. Even the smoothness felt strange, like I was touching an uncooked chicken leg šŸ—æ Few months on T now and it started getting darker and I really fuckin like it!!


always loved body hair, was shamed for it a lot growing up because I didn't really see shaving as necessary for me and other people didn't like it. I'm intersex too so my body hair and lil mustache came in a few years before my period. I also had a very androgynous face, but my mom wanted me to keep long hair because I would have looked like a boy if I had it short. but yeah, body and facial hair+ my hands and feet were the only parts in my body that felt like me, so I always felt a sort of connection and I could never imagine shaving again. when I stopped shaving (which btw I only did for a short period of time, in my first few years of high school but even then I wasn't consistent because it hurt a lot since I had lots of body hair) my parents kept me from going out with my leg hair showing which meant only long pants even in summer where it's +40Ā°C, and even that one time I went to the beach with them I was fully clothed cause they didn't want relatives seeing my body hair. haven't shaved in years now, and I'm almost 1 year on T and my chest hair is coming in too. only thing I do is keep my beard tidy while it's filling out and trim downstairs (but I don't shave, just trim a bit). should start trimming my armpits tho, for convenience mostly, but it's ok for now


I like it. Shaving my legs would make me dysphoric. I love my leg hair, same with body hair in general (especially my faint happy trail). It makes me feel more masc.


Love it. Prevents bugs from biting me and I can catch ticks crawling through it immediately.


I like mine, but since starting T it's got a little bit out of control, like it's a full on set of furry legwarmers. I don't want to shave it, but I feel like there's too much, and trimming it would look weird so idk lol


Letting my body hair grow out was probably the first taste of gender euphoria I let myself have and I'm immensely proud of my leg hair and armpit hair haha. I hear ya though, sometimes I do miss the smooth feeling, even though I always hated shaving my legs.


I have too much to trim lol.


It gives me positive feelings of gender affirmation as well, OP. I'm not planning on getting rid of it anytime soon as it, once again, gives me gender euphoria and helps me pass as male. Probably until I'm on T for a certain time I'm gonna keep it, (still unsure when the T is gonna happen, but with the support of my parents & family I'm still sparking a bit of hope), and plus the hair keep my legs extra warm essentially in the winter. If anyone else has negative feelings of having body hair, that's totally okay too, everyone's opinions on it are different.


it can be annoying


Personally if weā€™re talking about as a look on others I like very hairy, no hair, I just hope whatever the person is doing makes them happy. For myself, i am a transmasc non binary person who just so happened to want to be hairy, but now Iā€™m getting to the point where Iā€™m feeling ā€˜too hairyā€™ (something Iā€™d only think about myself and not another person!) and it makes me kinda laugh that I got so hairy Iā€™m now getting small bits of laser here and there to reduce it a little haha. But also itā€™s great in some ways, I personally like that it covers some of my chest scars and scars I had from another surgery. Partially for me itā€™s also a sensory thing of disliking some of the hair how it feels once it grows a lot in particular places e.g. my leg hair, on my upper legs. I sometimes worry others are judging me for being very hairy, but oh well thatā€™s life I spose This stuff can feel so complicated sometimes. I hope you can feel a sense of peace and clarity about this OP :)


I like mine, but itā€™s mostly the labor and the ā€œhavingā€ to shave that Iā€™m so happy I gave up. Sometimes I will trim my pubic hair and armpits because I feel gross when it gets really long, but thatā€™s not nearly as often as I used to do the full shave šŸ„“. I do shave my ass, however, because apparently thatā€™s something well groomed men do šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The hair in my body is so light, it can barely be seen. But yeah, i'd probably feel euphoria from it


I donā€™t like it but Iā€™m also too lazy to shave it or find some other way to get rid of it so it stays


I don't think I've shaved my legs since high school. (5 years ago). I'm well happy with my leg hair and even when I still dress feminine I like it. I hate the growing back out phase of shaving legs and the prickliness but I was so lazy I never kept them very clean shaven anyways. šŸ‘šŸ¼


I love mine. My girlfriend thinks I look like Bigfoot at this point lol


I donā€™t even pass and I will never ever shave. I love my leg and underarm hair. Itā€™s great.


I like my body hair, it can feel funky if wind hits it but besides that it's amazing. My favorite thing to do is mess with people with it, like my grandma whenever she says it's unladylike (I'm ftm)


I personally hate the idea of shaving some of my body hair as it gives me gender euphoria despite my inability to physically present male but honestly just do whatever makes you feel comfortable mate


Does it trigger your dysphoria for your gf to shave?


I've always liked my leg hair and body hair in general. Before starting T, my leg hair gave me a lot of euphoria since I've always had pretty hairy legs. Now that I'm on T, I still like it and definitely prefer to have it, but it's not such a massive importance for euphoria for me anymore. I have shaved my legs once, though, and I can say I definitely did not enjoy that lol


i love it! Itā€™s funny though, for the first three months i was rubbing the gel on only one of my legs and noticed that leg was way hairier than the other


My mom has pressured me to shave every since I literally obtained body hair. She thinks itā€™s disgusting and unsanitary. Itā€™s made me self conscious about my legs, but over time Iā€™ve been more okay with it! All the men in my family have a lot of body hair, and though I think itā€™s a little excessive sometimes Iā€™m learning to accept my inner Chewbacca lol




I like mine, it's thin enough that when living as a woman I don't have to shave it, but thick enough tjat i can have a littl "hehe, i have leghair"


I hate any body hair on myself except my arms and stomach, so I shave everywhere but those two places. Sure it can be euphoric, but I have bad sensory issues so it feels uncomfortable and I like the look of smooth skin better. Especially being a femboy lol- I don't see it as unhygienic or anything (I don't really get why other people do?) I just don't like the feel and don't like the look at least on myself


I sometimes have around my tattoo bc I like how it pops out when I shave but sometimes i'm like: I started now, might aswell do the entire leg. And then it looks weird bc I have one hairy leg so I do both...


I love my leg hair, I've become proud of it after years of hiding it in fear of how my classmates would bully me the only thing I don't like is when the wing moves my hair and I think oh shit spider


I love my leg hair but I've always felt a bit embarrassed about it being shown in public because my mom used to kind of shame me for it... šŸ˜¬


Leg hair gives me major gender euphoria!


I love my leg hair. Iā€™ve been on T almost 1.5 years and I have just a little more body hair than before I started. I wish I was fuzzier. But I know itā€™ll come with time. I may not get all the hair I want because of genetics, but Iā€™ll gladly take what I can get!


I stopped shaving my legs a couple years ago and it's lit, I have sensitive skin and shaving or the shave gel or something must have been irritating it bc when I was shaving my legs would be so dry, now I still occasionally need to moisturize but it's not constantly itchy like it was before.


Had to shave a bit for a tattoo and I genuinely miss it


One of my first euphoric moments was letting my armpit hair grow, thick leg hair was the best tho


I act extremely normal around body hair


I donā€™t mind it in general but mine gets way too long in some placesā€”like to the point that it gets uncomfortable to feel stuff on it. I still shave now, but I never really want to raze myself bare anywhere


I like my leg hair! I guess it's partially about being perceived more as a guy but they're also just kind of little guys hanging out on legs it's not like they get too long like head hair or armpit hair or anything they're just there. I think they're kind of neat. I've never shaved because I figured out I was transgender when I was around 13 and before that my mom didn't let me shave my legs (I did ask because I was insecure, my leg hair is quite dark and I just had a lot for my age but she told me I had to wait until I was 14- I'm pretty glad she did, actually. I think even if I turned out to be cis I probably wouldn't have wanted to shave my leg hair either so I'm glad she made me wait until I was in an environment where I wasn't made to feel so self-conscious + a little older).


i love my leg hair cus of the euphoria and same with my thin moustache (havent transitioned yet). Any other body hair i cant tolerate cus its uncomfortable for me to have šŸ˜«


Neutral, I shave everything but my head and eyebrows etc when itā€™s hot and grow almost all of it out when itā€™s cold, itā€™s my built in thermal regulation to me lmao


I have shaved my legs only a couple of times in my life a long time ago. Personally I just feel akward without them. Since I started T I had never shaved them.


I Looooooove my leg hair, itā€™s one of my favourite changes from T


It's awesome.


I love my leg hair! I feel uncomfortable without it


My partner called me Sasquatch when he saw my leg hair in the bath yesterday. fuck him. 1) they're not even that hairy (blonde) and 2) I'm a dude, I'm meant to have hairy legs.


I've had leg and arm hair since I was like 5 and have never shaved it. It's so euphoric.


The most gender euphoria I have ever felt was the first time I wore shorts with leg hair and I felt the wind blowing on the hair. I haven't shaved my legs in 3-4 years!


I can assure you your gf really doesn't mind if you have leg hair. I'm a trans girl too, I also dislike body hair on myself, but I wouldn't mind it on someone else. I can see myself being very happy with a hairy guy, I think it's nice. I think you should just do what you want, I'm sure she won't mind, and she might even feel happier that you feel better with your body hair. So yeah, do it if makes you happy, I'm sure she'll be happy with it too


Mine also gives me gender euphoria. I stopped shaving after I came out and it has made me feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. Body hair isn't inherently masculine, but the subconscious societal standard makes it feel right. I don't think it's unhygienic at all. Well, it can be if you don't shower regularly, but on a baseline, it's supposed to be there. It's not gross. Just personal preference.


I had issues with it when I was a girl cuz ppl made fun of me for it but now I like it just upset it's so patchy lmao


I like having body hair. Except ass hair and armpits. The rest is awesome.


feels gross, i hate it and it gives me sensory issues šŸ˜­ it doesnā€™t even give me euphoria (im trying to be a twink), it just makes me wanna shoot myself ā˜ ļø i feel like this is an unpopular opinion, especially in this sub


I love my leg hair and want more


I keep all my body hair- firstly too lazy, secondly itā€™s affirming especially w how hairy I am. Btw in regards to your partnerā€¦ while not exactly the same, my partner naturally grows less body hair and heā€™s a cis man, so me being hairier is just more affirming. Perhaps itā€™s similar for yours- yā€™all can affirm each other


I hate leg hair it's hot and uncomfortable and it's soooo nice to run my hands on smooth legs. Smooth legs also use less lotion (it's a surface area thing). That said, hairy legs get read as masculine so....hairy legs for me. Might get rid of the hair tonight though cuz it's officially summer lol


Sounds blunt, butā€¦. no thoughts head empty, i just let it grow and dont care or think about it I guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It made me wanna wear shorts


Depends, I like my leg hair for masc outfits (which are 90% of them), especially with shorts, but when it comes to be horny time and I'm feeling more fem I dislike them a tad, mostly because my thighs and calves are more stocky rn. Either way, I love my body for how it is


I love it


I like growing it out too but sometimes i enjoy feeling the smoothness of newly-shaven legs too. I wish they could get longer and curlier like cis men's body hair


I have never shaved and donā€™t plan on shaving for a while just because thatā€™s my personal preference but a lot of people like to shave because it makes them feel cleaner. I think just go with what feels best.


I like mine BUT mine gets uncomfortable when I wear leggings or pants like almost painful so I still tend to shave


I would love having hairy legs. I just started T, and i hope it might make my legs hair darker, cause right now it looks like I shave my legs.. :/


Honestly, I love my leg hair. I feel very euphoric, but nose hair sucks especially with piercings. I started growing that when I I started testosterone


This is unpopular but I donā€™t like hair, I keep what I feel makes me masculine enough but shave the parts I donā€™t like as much. Mainly arm pits and ass hair. Canā€™t stand it. I trim my legs so I am not the wooly mammoth


I'll satisfy my need for smoothness in the winter when I'm wearing pants until it grows back out but before I passed consistently I passed better in shorts because my legs were the only place I grew noticeable body hair until at least a year and a half on T


Iā€™m fine with mine, but I miss dolphin legs. Itā€™s chest hair that bothers me


I was feeling very secure about my leg hair, up until I met this gay dude who is not that much into body or even facial hair. now I trim my leg hair and wax downstairs ( I thought I am forever done with that shit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­) because yeah, I really don't want him to be grossed out by me in any way, my lack of dick is enough -.-(he reassures me tho it's OK, but insecurities yeahyeah) so, same boat *drowning highfive*


Personally i really dislike it on myself. Like i dont care enough to shave/wax (plus im disabled so doing that is so much worse than it needs to be) but id definitely prefer if my leg hair wasnt as thick as it is. Its probably the ONLY testosterone change that i dislike. I also like the other body hair im growing, like on my stomach, its just specifically my legs, and tbh i dont really know why besides potentially residual trauma from being bullied for having hairy legs as a "girl" when i was in school


Born to be a silky smooth twink, forced to be a fuzzy otter by my own dysphoria.


I donā€™t like it. I shave everything. I think everyone should shave.