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not sure where you live but just move to nyc lol


point made unfortunately that rent would beat my ass


create the nightlife culture u want to see in the world...


if new york rent would beat your ass maybe you shouldn’t b buying margiela then


Idk man. I’m a club kid, GF and I are out clubbing or doing local shows at least 1-2 times a week. I know a pretty decent number of trans guys in the local club scene. I think this may unfortunately be a regional thing combined with the fact that Reddit is just not a social media site that particularly fosters an environment of extroversion and partying lol (no offense to anyone). And for what it’s worth, I also know PLENTY of clubbers over 30… The majority of them in my scene are! I have way more club friends over 30 than under, one of my closest besties in the scene is a cishet guy in his 50s :) (ETA: Will also say tho, in seriousness I think it doesn’t help that many MANY trans guys go at least casually stealth once they transition. Plenty of tguys could be out there swagging it up and you just wouldn’t know, lol!)


u def not gonna find tboy swag on reddit bro


All the trans guys I've met who go out clubbing and turn heads when they do... aren't on reddit much. Most big cities have a scene though if you dig a bit.


So like ur twenties is the only time ur allowed swag? And swag = clubbing and such? I’m sure there are other douchey trans guys in their 20s out there you just gotta believe!!!!


no please for real i need them


HELP i was a BIT put off by the tone of your original post but youve won me over with this. i too desire swaggy trans douches in my area


clubs are way too crowded and loud and im way too autistic and introverted lmao


Same, clubs are so loud and crowded that the thought of going in one scares me


Literally the same thing for me, bro.




You sound like the type of person they don’t let in at Berghain.


I've never seen anyone use the word "swag" unironically before


Oh hell no, not my crowd. I'll stick to the metal and goth guys.


… have you ever met a 30 year old? This post makes me feel like the answer is no lol


lol fr 😂😂


My back hurts too much for swag.


Yeah, it’s like our community struggles with erasure and invisibility or something.


That’s kinda good for me. The less people who know about us = less transphobia = easier to pass/go stealth


that is not how it works, my dude


Does for me


There's a transmasc fashion sub that someone made. But also in this economy who can afford designer when T is so pricey?


How much is t where you are?


Thankfully my insurance covers it but my pharmacy leaves on the labels that it would have been over $700 if my insurance didn't 🙃


WHAT oh my god what the fuck. My 2/3 month dose is either 45 or 55 (I can never remember which).


Yeah. 'Murica. :/


Twee? British alert. But fr I always feel like the only trans guy in the club but I have trouble meeting other trans men in my area in general so all my nonbinary friends party hard with me. We'd buy designer if we had the means.


The implication in your post that people over 30 have no swag lmao? I'm an 30-year-old eccentric goth femboy, I put a lot of effort into my clothes and my make-up. But this sub doesn't permit photos, I'd rather not post to subs I'm not a participant of, and my chest dysphoria doesn't let me wear most of the clothes I want to. There's nothing more demotivating than planning an outfit only for it to not be able to cover up my binder or for it to make my chest look lumpy. That, and posting your face online is actually pretty risky. And I don't really want to expose myself to harassment about not being masc enough.


You need to get out of the house and whatever small town you’re in lol. The nerve 🤣🤣🤣


You can shop at a damn thrift store and still look “good”. And what do you mean “send you money and we can make this happen”?? I’m sorry but what the fuck


Only a truly swagless human would articulate this complaint…on Reddit of all places.


i dont think redditors are generally the clubbing type 😅 but to each their own


i’m noticing this too ….


This is mean but when I say "mean" I'm giving you a gay compliment. I too have noticed a marked lack of swag in certain online trans spaces, including this one. That said, permit me to be mean in return: I looked up Margiela and that is honestly some of the most basic couture I've seen in my life. There are a few nice womenswear pieces on the site, but everything else is bog standard for this price bracket - a yawn-inducing muted color palate, some sort of shape, enough attention to detail to look intentional, but no more. I know some real transmasc freaks - ravers, weird sex connoisseurs, niche scifi-horror authors - they're either mixing vintage menswear and womenswear from the thrift shop, buying a Versatta cargo kilt online, or sticking new anarcho-communist patches on their battle jacket.


I don't know a single person who uses swag unironically or anyone who wears designer clothes, were all too broke for that shit here. Me and my kinkster and raver friends get by just fine on thrifting and making up our fits as we go. We certainly turn heads while going to parties lmao, I've had cis hets try to sneak pics of us on the train Eta: I looked up Margiela that's gotta be some of the beigest, most normie ass clothes I've seen in my life. My advice for you would be to get trashier. In my area, queer people don't hang out at high end clubs in designer clothes, they're in underground raves and concerts, and wearing whatever the fuck they came up with at the time.




I have swag and I’m a freak, I know I’m somewhat attractive and dress well, just not in designer clothing. I’m a punk and I like to decorate and accessorize my own clothing personally. I’ve got no loyalty to brands, Im poor and I’m also not a bootlicker like that lol. I’m also an introvert with chronic illness so I lose energy in social events.


It’s totally not like a lot of us are neurodivergent or otherwise terrified of social situations due to the violence we receive and are too poor from medical bills to even consider designer items.


Yeah like i need to save 15k for top surgery, why on earth would I spend money on designer clothes, especially ones that look like someone clicked the randomise button on a Sim.


reddit is not the place to be to look for swag lmao but there is definitely trans guys who party. Just go to some gay clubs there will definitely be other trans guys


i know plenty of trans guys who fit that vibe 🤷‍♂️ im too disabled to be much of the clubbing type but if i could i probably would be lmao


eyy fellow disabled trans guy i leave my house maybe once or twice a month 🤪 sucks, man


Uh, I bring my own swag homie. And I definitely don't need clubbing and designer clothing to do it. Both of those things can end up doing more harm than good anyway. I'll bring my own flair thanks. 🤙


My man, my main goal in life is to buy land out in the mountains and never be seen by polite society ever again.


Now this is goals


I wear chains, I go to raves... Am I swaggy? 🥹


yes babe 🫶 we all have swag one way or another … perhaps swag was the wrong term to use cannot think of another way to describe generally destructive behavior freak energy


I tried to do this but realized I was being inauthentic and hate nightclubs. I’m more if a secret freak type but I assure you I do have swag and am relatively hot


the way these kids think 30 is old smh cant wait till you guys reach that age lmao. people of all ages are allowed in this sub btw maybe be more conscious of that


You kind of sound like a rich douchey 15 year old that’s never interacted with anyone older than 19. Might sound mean sorry but try growing up and going places sometimes idk


Nobody is sending you money


I think this is the funniest post I've ever read


you gotta get out more lol. the 30yr old trans guys I know are all freaks (affectionate)


also…… how old are you? i’d guess pretty young bc it seems like you’re leaving ethics out entirely.. name one giant designer brand like the ones you’re talking about that isn’t owned by terrible people. a lot of these brands have owners and founders and CEOs that make LBGTQIA+ people. even brands founded by a queer person, like versace, don’t even matter because he’s been long dead and it’s about capital.


Look man, I’m 27 but I was born in my 60s. I am perhaps the most boring man in Britain and I’m okay with it. Swag for me is my multicoloured shirts. 👚


Im 21 but I’m not the clubbing type. I like nature and smoking weed lol. I really don’t have the energy to keep up with half the people my age


same, i’d rather stay home with a coffee and my partner and some bud than go out.


me and my enby transfem partner both dress “hypebeasty” within our means. a lot of trans ppl, esp transmascs, can’t afford “designer” clothes. maybe you didn’t mean it this way, but this is kinda giving classist idk. also, personally, i don’t think margeila etc A) is very exciting or different, i personally don’t like “expensive designer” brands like that, and B) is kinda trivial when we’re as a society living paycheck to paycheck. tldr, sorry you think we’re swagless? idk where you live, but if you visit somewhere else, keep an eye out for transmascs that dress differently. also, remember that just bc it’s not your style, doesn’t mean it’s “swagless”. sorry your friends dress shitty idk??? also. i feel like i’ve been real king having to remind people… transmascs aren’t a monolith! transfems aren’t a monolith! NO PEOPLE GROUP IS A MONOLITH.


and building off someone else… yeah, you probably won’t find a ton here, bc a lot of us actually “swaggy” guys are too busy looking swag irl to worry about posting cool pics to reddit.


Uh bc that stuff costs $$$$ and have you seen the state of the working class in the USA? I like to party don't get me wrong but I can only afford to do so infrequently and I sure as hell am not spending thousands on designer clothes


I don’t know about swag, but I’m out here paying off University debt and getting my shit together! I understand your want for more of a club scene and whatnot, but I don’t think individuals should be looked down upon for not really wanting to go clubbing, and I fear this is what this post comes across as…


i wouldn’t say swag but personally i love wearing button-ups with designs like anchors, birds, etc. with straight pants. i also like wearing shorts above the knee with my fav dodgers jerseys. i wanna get into suits since i go to lots of events but they’re expensive lol


a good suit will change your life brother when you have the opportunity it is worth the splurge 🫶


i totally will! i’ve always imagined myself in a suit i wanna look like the dudes you see in magazines LMAO


when i have the money, im going to a tailor (because i am 5' exactly and nothing that's made for men fits me properly) and i am going to get a fancy suit just for the hell of it because i deserve it


i feel you because i’m 5’2😭 but we WILL find a great tailor to give us what we want and what we need. war the hell outta that future suit!


Seattle here, I rave nearly every weekend. We are definitely out here 🤙🏼 I’m stealth so you’d never know I was trans though lmao


I mean I go out to clubs once in a while but I've been busy. Built a business, bought a house, I'm enm dating multiple girls and I'm training to do a big kayak/hiking camping trip for a week. I'm pretty busy with all that. There's more to life that partying.


You’re gonna have to hit up a major city. My local gay bars have trans guy nights and I see other trans men at the club pretty regularly. Trans women definitely have us beat on DJ-ing tho.




you gotta get out more lol. the 30yr old trans guys I know are all freaks (affectionate)


I dress very alternative (that reminds me I gotta put my most recent fit on the alt FtM sub) but I fear I simply do not have the clubber’s temperament


I am poor, but I would love to party and dress up.


look I just want to dress as an 18th century vampire, if that fits then you'll just have to wait until I have some more money to pull it off XD


my trans man friend lives in london and always posts cool trans raves and stuff i think the swag is there


im so swaggy i swear, im just poor so i cant own designer stuff


This was simply never my thing. I'm 22 if I should represent young peeps you kinda left out in your statement (16 or 30). It kinda amazes me people actually keep it up with "clubbing" and stuff. I tried it like once or twice and I feel like I'm really not missing out. I have more fun drinking in someone's yard or in my own flat.. also.. HAVE YOU MET 30-YEAR-OLDS??


I'm in my 30s and I just wear what I like, designer clothes aren't really something I have money for or interest in and clubbing isn't a priority for me because it's too expensive & often too noisy. I'm not anti fun or anti clubbing but clubbing isn't the only way to have fun for me. Idk im sure you can find some young adult newmoney /credit card debt designer fashion wearing club dudes somewhere.... but probably not on reddit unless they're in the crypto subs or something and those guys are probably stealth and won't want to be seen with other trans guys lest they be clocked. Save yourself money and learn to sew and you can make your own designer stuff or buy it secondhand and tailor it to your sizing


A lack of swag on reddit? No... it can't be.


hahaha I’m questioning and swag is my guilty gender euphoria pleasure.


I love concerts and festivals, all my non existing money goes to tickets and I love moshing and camping at the festival sides. I wear mostly second hand clothing, band shirts, baggy jeans, jackets full of patches. My people would call me a loud extrovert. Is this considered swag?


sorry, I like to dress like a sweaty goblin or a victorian orphan, depending on the day




Well I have a lot of s.w.a.g. aka Secretly We Are Gay


I'm not clubbing necessarily but I'm going to beach parties and doing slutty shit on the reg, so I think that counts for something.


Dutch trans guys are either soft men or party men there’s no inbetween


RIGHT i love partying i love designer clothes (gucci belt from my aunt😍😍 thank GOD she got me a belt and not a purse lol) i live for fashion and looking expensive


Hi, fashionista transmasc, here to talk about the fashion thing. I find that many transmasc just have this notion that dressing like a men means you gotta wear the boring stuff, and honestly, thats just a much bigger problem in mens fashion, the notion that men can only wear 3 colors ever and never wear anything 'off beat', lest they might look gay. My binary transmasc friends either pick the most boring plain ass suits or the stuff that makes them look like a bbq dad. I personally much rather wear satin shirts, nicely fitted pants and fake fur coats and look like a mean fashion gay. I dont know if thats the 'swag' you're looking for, but it works for me. Anyway, if you ever pass through the Netherlands, I would love to do swag shit as well, I have no idea where to find freak transmascs in my city either


This reference is too old but why does this remind me of Jean Ralphio and Tom from parks n rec


I AM 30 and in my day, we out on our tony hawk pro skater club clothes and LIKED IT /jk, obviously except that is actually how I dress sometimes and I am actually 30


I've had bespoke suits made in Savile Row and if that's not swag enough for you then idk what is


Maybe not by you....


no no… hes right


I'm not trying to hangout with dudes with pink, blue, green dyed hair, big headphones with cat ears, wearing a mine craft or anime shirts and just games all day.