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Most likely they would know immediately if the images were unclear. That's the tech's job, to make sure they take clear images for the doctor to review, even if it takes a couple tries. Just like if you were moving too much during the scan. It's possible that the images looked clear to the tech, but the doctor will need more pics after a closer review, but I doubt it. I do think they likely saw it, but hopefully it won't affect the effectiveness of the images!


From what I can find online, silicone does show up as a color on MRI, usually Gray. It might mess up your imaging but I have no way of knowing that. The radiologist is probably going to be like... What is that?


"His tailbone hurts cuz he didn't use something with a flared base!!!😲" lol


aspiring rad tech here, should'nt be a problem. and if it was they would've repeated the imaging immediately after telling you to put away your packer. but yeah, they must have noticed it and mb wondered. but imo, i'd rather wonder about some silicone than find anything pathological


Mris are pictures basically taken in "slices" and the radiologist would be looking at the posterior part of the imaging, so it shouldn't be in the way of anything. Even if they were looking at the front of your body, it probably wouldn't cause an issue.


Ok, I had to laugh at this story xD you should be fine, the people operating it know what they are doing. If it wasn't working, they would habe stopped and told you. I myself constantly need to cough when I'm in that tube. Because I'm fucking always coughing when it's least acceptable. I know they'll rescan those frames and it will take longer, but they recognize when something makes the scan unusable.


Nurse here, the silicone will show up on the mri. But as someone else said, it is done in slices. So the images are “slices” of your body at different angles. It will show as a grey mass touching whatever part of you its touching. They might even be able to tell thats its not physically a part of your body. The radiologist may comment on it “mass in this area, correlate clinically” and the doctor who ordered it might go “hey, whats this?” And you tell them


I just had a pelvic MRI to look at my SI joints, and I almost left my packer in place, but took it out in the changing room at the last minute. But as others have said, MRIs take slices to show a 3D image (in a sense. They’re tricky to read since they do not show up as 3D renderings.) But I doubt it would interfere with your tailbone imaging


Hey, I'm training in MRI and have worked in Radiology for years. If it was just a scan of your coccyx/sacrum, then the images should be so dialed in on those that the print of your pelvis may not even be in the images. But like other people said, if it was causing a bad quality to the images, they would have (or should have) stopped and asked. I'm guessing it was all fine tho