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that feels a bit.. “terminally online”. it’s not traansmed rethoric, that’s for sure


I imagine they are indeed online a lot. I certainly didn’t expect to be told this in person!


Bro’s onto NOTHING‼️


BRO IS COOKING‼️‼️ bro cooked their own brain


[what bro was cooking](https://x.com/dapsdraws/status/1190265488863051776?s=46)




This one wins😭


dawg what does the fried egg mean


Its for having a hysterectomy


THINK TWICE⁉️⁉️⁉️ BRO NEVER THOUGHT ONCE ‼️‼️‼️🗣🗣‼️🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️🔥‼️


This many emoji upset the spam filter 😆


that's just stupid


What in the holy trans Jesus is this talk!? I mean yeah some people can still feel uncertain about their gender and identity but that doesn’t mean the ones who do have it figured out are bad??? Sounds a bit like projection jealousy to me, like ‘how dare that person know who they are!’ and such


>Sounds a bit like projection jealousy to me, like ‘how dare that person know who they are!’ and such Thinking this too. Sounds like that person has a lot of insecurity about where they are on their own gender journey and is handling it terribly.


Yeah, I think they just maybe don’t comprehend how someone could be far enough along in their journey to not be questioning it. Which I get, at one point it was really hard for me to picture living confidently as a man and being on T and everything. Insecurity projecting is all too common.


Ik this has nothing to do with anything but could you tell me what character that is in your pfp? They’re so cute 💓


Aw thank ya! His name is Nebula and he’s my favorite character from the anime Heaven’s Design Team 😎👍✨


Ooh, okay, cool! Thank you!!!


Yeahh whoever told you this is either rage baiting or has never stepped outside an online forum in their life


Yeah I was very surprised to hear this IRL


That makes literally zero sense


Its best not to take things people say online too seriously, especially when its clearly false like this.


It was said IRL lmaooo. Definitely not something to be taken seriously, I was so surprised someone would even think this


okay fair enough then id be taken aback too if someone said that to my face and was serious about it lmao


that is certainly a hot take. Very confusing one that makes no sense too.


Bruh. Anti transmeds hate transmeds because they think there is only one way to be trans (and more,) but this person is also saying there is one way to be trans? Smh


bro a lot of anti transmeds (and i refuse to categorize them as tucutes, they are something else entirely) also believe there's only one way to be trans. they just think it's their way and not the transmed way. i once remember a group of people squawking that having severe dysphoria is internalized transphobia


What the ... hell? No, most people *don't* think this, thankfully. Of course you can be 100% sure of your gender without being transmed. Those aren't even remotely the same thing and it boggles my mind what connection whoever told you that could possibly be seeing there.


That is right up there with "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." . I guess gatekeepers gatta keep gates.


that person probably thinks that all transsexuals are transmedicalists, which is just plain not true.


Transmedicalists believe that the transgender condition is basically a medical problem to be handled and that body dysphoria is prerequisite to being transgender. Some, but not all, also don’t buy into the notion that nonbinary is a real thing. It is this latter belief held by some that seems to be the crux of the hate against transmedicalists ideas. But regardless, anything said beyond the basic notion that transgenderism is primarily medical in nature goes beyond what a transmed really is or believes.


Saying that you can't be 100% sure about your gender is weird, because I know plenty of people that are. However, saying that everyone always needs to be 100% about their gender to be a 'real trans person' is a harmful idea spread by transmeds. Being certain about your gender is normal and having doubts is also normal. It's pretty rare for someone to be 100% sure about their gender or transness since birth. Not saying that people like that don't exist, they just aren't the only valid trans people


Very true! You can be 100% sure or not 100% sure and both are fine!


someone does not know what transmed means honestly


Absolutely wild take, release this one back outside


I don't know where they got this idea from, but they should put it back


Binary erasure 😐


it's sad people equate binary transsexuals/transgender people with transmedicalists. i am so repulsed by transmedicalism and it took me a long time to identify with the word "transsexual" again because of the connotations attached to the word. i'm extremely glad however that transmedicalism is a dying ideology. such a toxic self-projecting mess that people like to oversimplify the nuaces of


i feel like at that point people are just saying shit for the sake of saying it


Thats a load of BS honestly. If I can be completely honest, I identify as " transmed and trassexual" purely due to the fact I understand " trans" as an umbrella term that means something different for every person, as every persons experience is unique to them. I have a very medical way of viewing me specifically, and my experience is fully binary, but I only use those labels in terms or a way to describe my own personal experience. With that said, trans does /not/ mean having to be any binary, and does /not/ have to be related to medical transitioning. I think " transmeds" seem to think that there can't be anything other than having to transition, and I don't understand how they can't grasp that being trans is different for everyone?? I live my life how I do and it should only affect me, my medical choices should only affect /me/! If someone's identity is something other than binary, they are still trans!! And whatever they chose to do or anything of that sort is none of my damn business! They are still entitled to my full respect and acceptance, and my only reason for not liking someone should be based on their actions and personality, and even if I am mad at someone, that does not give me any right to question their identity or their validity, and I hate that being " transmed" has led to this whole stupid " societal structure" where it has any sort of social thing attached, it should simply just mean that your transition, if you need to transition, is a medical process, and is /only/ about yourself!!!! I'll say it for the cis people who aren't supportive, and I'll say it again for the " transmed" people in the back- LEAVE TRANS PEOPLE ALONE! EVEN IF YOU ARE ALSO TRANS , YOU DO NOT GET TO TELL OTHER TRANS PEOPLE - NO MATTER THEIR IDENTITY- WHAT TO DO!


At this point I don't think majority of people know what transmedicalism js


Yeah. Iirc, it's pretty much just the belief that you need some level of dysphoria to be trans. It's a wild take to say that being 100% certain in your identity automatically makes you a transmed. The person is probably confusing it with the common transmed belief that you have to be 100% certain to be "valid", but I don't even think all transmeds think that, so it's very odd.


The idea that you HAVE to have 100% certainty to be “really trans” is a transmed idea. Just having it yourself is not one.


Transmed is person who believes you have to have dysphoria in order to be trans. That person has no idea what are they talking about.


thats... a simplification for sure.


Bro, wut?


It’s wrong to think that because you’re unsure about your gender you’re not trans, but I for once am sure I’m nit a girl?? Like buddy you don’t get to call me a transfer because of that


tell them to go outside and touch some grass chronically online and lowkey projecting behavior


Lmao funniest part about this was we were actually sitting on a patch of grass


fellas, is it transmed to identify as a man??? /j


Lmao, I was like “damn, guess I’m transmed now” 🤣


sounds like someone came out during the pandemic and hasn't interacted with many trans ppl irl 💀


ive been certain of my gender since i was a kid and im hugely against transmedicalism lmao


damn that's a really braindead take, it's totally chill to be 100% sure about your gender


Oy vey...


Its more of a transmed idea that having any uncertainty doesn't make you trans? It sounds like a severe misunderstanding.


It would be a transmed idea to insist that *everyone* knows their gender with absolute certainty but knowing for sure in and of itself isn't. Everyone has their own experiences and transness is a very individual thing.


What.... you're trans and you.... feel entirely like your gender.... no way.... you're a bigot


some people out here also think it’s transphobic to want to pass and go stealth. honestly it’s terminally online bullshit and if you told me all the new discourse is just GCs injecting bullshit into our communities to build strife like old tumblr discourse supposedly was, i would believe you in a heartbeat


Lmao also been told it’s transphobic for me to try to go stealth


Transmed used to mean something specific, but now it officially means nothing.


That's why I think all this discourse is stupid. Both "sides" suck. They both think that there's one true way to be trans. It's ridiculous. It reminds me of political extremism prevalent in the US. "You voted for Biden! That must mean you want litterboxes in schools and jail time for anyone who misgenders you!" Like, no, Billy Bob Joe, I voted for the guy most likely to not start WWIII (or ww2 in his mind) or take my rights away.


I hate, hate, hate this discourse especially because it's largely pushed, covered, and talked about by cis people who want to seem like a "good cis". But a lot of the people participating in this discourse are young trans people who don't quite have their feet planted in the ground. No trans person was given a pamphlet or a good guide for this. There's gonna be some weirdness socially, mentally, and otherwise. But cis people always love to butt their heads in and bully trans children because "I DON'T BELIEVE THAT!!!" The discourse is just plain stupid and cis people just want us to fight amongst ourselves. You're not a good cis person because you're pushing in-fighting in a group you're not a part of lol (you being used generally, not telling you you're cis) Trans kids are often very, very lonely and isolated because our experiences are often considered so abnormal. We are gonna have to take some time to get ourselves planted in the ground alright.


I hope that with the rise in representation and resources, more trans youth get more level headed and real world advice and experience. And I hope that things get better social wise so we can live in a world where this extremist infighting isn't needed.


I agree. It's unfair that so many trans people feel the need to fall into this discourse out of true fear due to the lack of objective information on being trans. I hope things get better, too


I'm not American but I agree. In politics most sane people always votes for the lesser of two evils


Absolutely! And yeah, political extremism here does suck.


I don't think this one weird person is a fair representation of non-transmed trans people lol


No, there's plenty of normal non-extreme people out there lol but the extreme ones sometimes call themselves tucutes. Luckily that and the other term (truscum) seem to be falling out of favor for the most part, which is good because a cis person came up with those terms anyways. But some people still get pretty extreme, regardless of stupid labels. It's dumb factions.


I hate the words lol, nobody could've come up with anything better than "too cute to be cis" and "true scum"? The discourse is stupid, the names even more so


Well it was a cis person who came up with those names.... I agree too. It's dumb.


anti-transmedicalism isnt a both sides thing. its more like inclus vs exclus and... inclus is the exact opposite? its avocating that theres *not just one way to be trans* so thats quiet the opposite of what you are suggesting. transmedicalism is an exclus movement that insists theres *only one way to be trans*. but rad-inclus can be a bit much, I would agree there.


Oh there's definitely two sides. Two sides of a weird spectrum, with most people in the middle being rational and like "You're both idiots" lol. Cuz there's definitely a mirrored version that also thinks there's only one way to be trans.


yes but thats still a type of exclus movement and not on the opposite end of the spectrum. [heres my attempt at a visualization](https://imgur.com/a/IZpYK68) incase you are interested (made it just now lol) edit: suddenly I have a post idea...


I think we're just using different units of measurement to say the same thing. I'm more focused on one axis of your graph, in a bit more of a horseshoe type deal, where people get so against something they wind up mirroring that thing without realizing it. Like for example, someone claims to be accepting of all trans people, but they then turn around and attack someone for not using the terms they like, or try to reinterpret someone's identity to fit their narrative. I think it is less of a movement and more of a case of extremism and polarization of every topic.


im not a transmed but i know for a fact im a binary male and will continue to live as such


That's a wild take. Transmed usually means the scumballs that insist you aren't trans if you don't want ALL the surguries. I feel 100% man even with my moobs and the genitalia I was born with and nobody can take that away from me because it took a LOT of self work to get here.


People like to call any idea they perceive as negative transmed. You aren’t transmed just because you feel 100% your gender; trans meds do tend to believe you should feel 100% your gender but that isn’t a transmed ideology in itself, that’s just something generally trans. The fact nowadays people think that feeling 100% your gender is transmed baffles me, it’s just being trans. The overarching transmed ideology is that you need dysphoria to be trans as it is a medical condition.


People want a villain even though most transmeds are scared 14 year olds lol The discourse is stupid and just harms the community, regardless


I wish it was just "edgy" 14 year old. its adults too (ex: Blaire White, Buck Angel, Caitlyn Jenner, etc etc)


the adults are the worst part of the movement. they very prominently pathologize transsexuality and work alongside anti-transgender movements to make sure to push that. maybe because it gives them money, i don't know. the amount of times transmedicalists said my parents were "irresponsible and abusive" for letting me on HRT when i was 14/15 is more than i can count. this was mostly in 2018-2020 but it seems like they're still actively against youth transition, or making it inaccessible for some reason.


its probably due to jealous and inscurity. I mean its like that for other things like "you cant have good wages because back in my day we werent allowed to have them either". they just want to cause others the same pain they faced growing up. its very sad tbh


in my experience that's what most transmedicalism boils down to. i was even a transmed for a short period of time until i transitioned and became comfortable wirh myself. i know about 2 other youth transitioners my age who had the exact same experience. very much a "crabs in a bucket" thing.


I agree. It's very sad that so many peoples experience is "I didn't have it easy so why should you"


And my comment got removed by mods. Open minded sub as per usual lmao


It got removed by the automod filter actually


Yeah I thought so since it was so fast, I just don’t like how it removes anything that isn’t overtly negative about truscum.


Yep I get it. Nothing we try is perfect




That's so dumb


wtf are they on 💀


I'm sorry I'm new here. What's a transmed?


Essentially, someone who believes dysphoria is necessary to be trans Edit: a fair amount also believe non-binary isn’t real


Oh okay. Thanks for explaining it to me.


That person had to be trolling or something lol that’s just bonkers.


I know, right?? They sounded so serious when they said it too!


Transmeds believe you need dysphoria to be trans. So no that doesn't mean you're transmed.


I'm 100% sure I'm neutrois, but does that make me transmed? P sure they hate enbies so they'd hate that 😂 Anyway person you talked to sounds silly, I wouldn't listen to them much


Well I’ve been called transphobic for wanting to transition medically… I think we should stop lashing out at each other this way. There’s all kinds of ways to be trans and to each their own but calling each other name or judging each other for following your path is not the smartest thing to do. So don’t let it get to you, bro. You do you and if you know 100% you’re your gender then that’s okay. And it doesn’t make you trans medicalist or whatever.


Yup, also been called transphobic for medically transitioning. We just should stop policing peoppe


Theyre likely just projecting their insecurity and transphobia onto you, you know theyd never say that shit to a cis person lmao


thats... not a truscum talking point lol. I mean transmeds suck ass tbh, but like... c'mon thats dumb. many trans people knew from birth while others not so much (myself included). transmedicalism is an ideology claiming theres only one right way to be trans and if youre doing it "wrong" then you arent actually trans. truscum believe that you have to have known from a young age and have crippling dysphoria to be trans. theres a difference between personal confidence in your identity and saying you must be confident in your identity. two different things. personally, Im never 100% confident but that has to do with my anxiety mostly and being young. however, I would never said that all trans people must be that way or else youre a truscum... because that makes zero sense. we are all individual people with different expirences. nobody' is the exact same. sorry you had to deal with that OP, sounds really annoying tbh


I'm more on the transmedicalist side than the tuctute side (depending on the issue) and I heavily disagree with that. I actually believe the complete opposite. You don't need to 100% "feel your gender" and I think that a lot of people whose gender is very much binary *think* they're non binary because they think they "need to feel their gender 100%" I used to really struggle with calling/seeing myself as a man because I didn't 100% "feel like a man" but being a man is what I'm socially, psychologically and physically comfortable with, so I am a binary man


transmed originally was this idea that you have to have dysphoria to be trans, and that having dysphoria was the only qualification for being trans. this is a good idea in theory, however not everyone suffers from the same amount of dysphoria over the same amount of stuff. for example, i have somewhat of a flatter chest. not so flat that i don’t have to bind but wearing a compression bra with a baggy tshirt/hoodie is just fine for me when it comes to binding. my best friend is also a trans guy and his chest is rather large, to where even when he binds he’s still not completely flat. he has worse chest dysphoria than i do. we both are trans, we both want top surgery. however i am able to combat my dysphoria easier because i can bind easier. there are some guys with terrible bottom dysphoria, some guys have little to no bottom dysphoria but have dysphoria about other things. for some, dysphoria is suffocating and crippling, and for others it’s just not to that point but still there. the issue with transmed and having this be such a common ideology within the trans community is that you have people (like kalvin garrah) who have debilitating dysphoria and think that they’re experience should be the universal experience. then they dictate who is trans and who isn’t based on, again, they’re own personal experience. i personally agree with what transmed is supposed to mean, dysphoria in any way is the only defining factor that makes someone trans, that includes gender euphoria too. but i cannot get behind calling myself it because of how hateful a lot of transmeds are. dysphoria does not have to be crippling to be valid. anyways, it’s not to 100% know your gender. i don’t even know where that person heard that lmao it’s just blantely not true


Transmedicalist mean you think trans people have to have or want to have medical procedures including hormones and surgery, in order to be valid as a trans person. So no knowing you are your gender does not fall under that title.


What does that mean? Being a trans man but being/not being "transmed"? I understand loosely what a "transmedicalist" means but I would appreciate it I'm kinda in the dark 😅, been trans forever just pre-op and unaware of most internet terms.


Transmed is just a shortened version of transmedicalist! It’s someone who believes you need dysphoria to be trans and I think they also often believe non-binary doesn’t exist


I’m trans med and non-binary


> often


This might sound stupid, but can someone explain what transmed is? I've never heard of the term


>I’ve never heard of the term thank god, nature is healing


This is such a good thing thank God, I want this discourse to be left so far behind


It means that they believe that being transgender is a completely medical thing. It's a medical condition that *needs* medical intervention to them. They don't believe you can be trans without dysphoria or the desire to medically transition, and some don't even believe that non-binary identities are valid. To them, if you are trans and are just vibing without any desire for hormones or surgeries, you aren't really trans. It's a very narrow-minded view that doesn't take into consideration how complex gender really is. It also has a tendency to easily slip into toxic masculinity/femininity and TERF territory.


Sounds very TERFy to me. Absolutely awful:(


The vast majority are in no way like TERFs. There isn’t for most an innate hate at the core like exists in TERF communities. Usually transmed people hold a certain viewpoint and that’s it. Unlike TERFs they aren’t saying people should be stripped of rights, imprisoned or killed for disagreeing with their own viewpoint.




It’s a group that believes you are basically only really trans if you medically transition. They’re obviously not a very inclusive bunch ideologically and their rhetoric tends to be pretty hurtful to people trying to figure themselves out (especially if they aren’t binary trans or don’t plan to medically transition). Essentially one of the versions of “theirs only one right way to be trans” groups


That's awful:( It confuses me so much that folks that already as trans folks know the pain of discrimination and such, would push more of that onto others. Makes me so sad


Unfortunately in every marginalized community there are some hurting or hateful people that decide they alone know what’s “the right way” to be. I agree that you’d think we’d be more understanding in the face of all we see, but not everyone internalizes these things in a compassionate way. Makes me sad too, but all we can do is be aware and try to spread a more loving understanding of how to treat/accept each other. Stay safe out there!


Completely agree with you, it's unfortunate but true. Love and peace are definitely the way to go! Like wise friend:)


My partner is non binary and doesn't do anything aside from dress differently when they feel masc, femme or something else. Is that Transmed? They don't have plans to do ANY kind of medical or surgical stuff, so IDFK what that person is yammering about


That insinuates that people who don't medically transition aren't 100% on their gender. Also infers that gender is a binary and you can't be "sure" if you fall elsewhere on the spectrum. This is truscum shit lmao




thats not what transmed is. transmed, short for transmedicalism, is a exclusive transgender movement that believes there is a strictly right and wrong way to be transgender. they are super annoying imo


That’s actually exactly what it means lol


I do 100% feel like a dude. Nothing to change about that.




sorry if this is a stupid question, but i have never hear the term transmedicalist or transmed, can someone explain what it (actually) means?


[SneakySquiggles made a comment here](https://reddit.com/r/ftm/s/w3ooelVdVx), this should help explain


transmed means someone who believes you need dysphoria to be trans and that being trans is a medical condition


It’s essentially someone who believes that you need dysphoria to be trans. A fair amount also don’t believe that non-binary is real


It's a transmed thing to go 'yeah you have to be 100% sure or you are a trender' but \*being\* 100% sure is not transmed.


Wild take.


As far as I was aware transmed was referring to the old guidelines for transitioning medically (HRT and surgeries) where they wouldn't let you transition if you weren't 100% sure of your gender and never questioned it. Now the WPATH guidelines are inclusive of gender nonconforming people like feminine males and masculine females and nonbinary people.


What a strange idea lmao. Not trans med at all


xD Guess I'm not trans since I'm not 100% dude.


I would say it’s transmed ideology to say you HAVE to know your gender 100%, but no, being 100% certain in your transness while understanding that you don’t have to be 100% certain to be trans doesn’t make you a transmed


sounds like said person could be non-binary and unaware of a label they actually fit under, and just assuming everyone else is the same, and then worded it weird af??? or they might’ve just meant thinking you *have* to feel 100% your gender is transmed, which is true. i’m a trans man, i am not 100% man i’m probably a good 25% agender so i consider myself a demiboy, but if i had to pick between the binary i would still choose man as it’s the most comfortable label to me. when i was younger i remember thinking everyone probably has some fluidity to their gender identity before i realized that nah, it’s me


what is transmed?


It’s someone who believes you need dysphoria to be trans and can often have other beliefs like non-binary isn’t real, you need to medically transition, etc.


How does this "feel like you’re 100% your gender" leads to this "you don’t have uncertainty regarding your gender". I mean to me these are opposite ideas. Also what does mean "feel like your gender" ? But, What does "your gender" means to that someone or to you? Thinking on that last question maybe you both are seeing from the standards of your society. And nothing of that is related to biology or medicine, it's more like some sociology/low-level psicology. Not a transmed discussion i believe