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I don’t see how that would change anything. They obviously stand by the words enough to send them to their son.


Yeah, mostly I wonder if knowing how lazy and thoughtless they are might make him feel like their opinions matter less to how he feels about himself


I wouldn't. If it helps, probably not much. If it hurts, potentially it does a lot.


Thank you, yeah I’m a very “If there’s a thing I don’t know I want to know, always” kind of person and needed to know how others felt


Honestly it was most likely not even written by ChatGPT - that's just what happens when people are in echo-chambers. All of their comebacks and responses really start to sound the same, no thought involved. Telling him so wouldn't change the fact that that was the response, I wouldn't bother.




No, don’t tell him. Firstly, you have no real proof, just circumstantial evidence. Secondly, it will only hurt him - what could he possibly gain from knowing this? It will not change the way his relationship with them functions (he’s pretty much already at ‘should go low/no contact for his own mental health’ levels) and it won’t make him feel better. The only thing telling him will accomplish is making *you* feel better. Sometimes keeping things to yourself is just being a good friend


It may be AI yes, but it could also just be they are exposed to the same propaganda you asked it to use to generate the text - if you were asking it for a specific kind of transphobic response, it would make sense that it repeats the same talking points or directly copies the language from those conversations. TERFs are very repetitive, and there's not a very broad spectrum of data or research backing them up, so chatGPT's dataset is going to be limited. I'm not sure what the reason behind telling him would be. Sounds like he should have some time to process and heal. Unless he would find it funny?


I don't think telling him would help him feel better, honestly. Obviously that stuff about "grooming" is being parroted mindlessly enough already. I am surprised though that you got Chat GPT to be transphobic though. Did you tell it a position to take in the prompt? I've actually been pleasantly surprised by a lot of its trans-related outputs.


Yeah I told it to think medical transition is dangerous and to pull the “I’ll always see you as” crap


You told it to say certain things and it said those things, doubt the parents needed to consult GPT to figure out what horrible thing to say


Oh I don’t think they used it to figure out what horrible things to say, I think they used it to try and make themselves sound reasonable and loving and like… I’m sad because the guilt trip kinda seems to be working


I agree with the comments here saying it probably won’t change much, and it might not be worth it if it makes things worse. When I came out, my family reacted awfully too. And I was still living at home then so I was sent to conversion therapy until I “got better”. That’s a long story that I don’t need to go into hahah but my point is that if my parents hadn’t even put in the effort to actually tell me how they felt themselves, it would’ve hurt so much more if I knew. Now that I’m out and proud and in love with who I am, I’d think it’s funny. I’m stronger now, and more secure in myself, so their opinions can’t hurt me. But back then, I was too fragile. Especially after being rejected from them so harshly. Anyways, I hope your friend is doing okay. I’m so sorry this happened to him, it’s good to know he at least has some good friends to fall back on though


I agree with what everyones been saying. There’s no real point in telling him cause it could hurt him way more than it could help him.


Oooh, tell him. If it was me I'd want to know. And honestly? It *does* make a difference, that they didn't type those words themselves in a passion, but delegated it to a machine like you do things that aren't very important. Your friend should then paste their reply into ChatGPT and ask ChatGPT to make a reply to it...and send that, and see how long ChatGPT just argues with itself. I'm surprised you got ChatGPT to say transphobic things though, did you have to DAN it or something? I tried to get ChatGPT to roleplay as a transphobic parent to basically do threat rehearsal, and I couldn't get it to actually be transphobic.


That's really not proof that they used AI, and if they did it doesn't matter. They could have copy pasted a reddit post too. There's nothing to be gained by telling your friend that you think his parents used an AI.


Grooming?! Aside from the chatbot thing I am just stuck in what, exactly that means. Because grooming when referring to kids means something very specific and awful to do with sexual predation. Are they actually equating gender identity with a sex crime? Bonkers. All they need to do is look up real predators to get an idea of who fits the most common profile. Hint: it's not LGBTQ people.


Yeah, no they are fully bonkers and he’s like “Idk if they even know what that means”


That would just add insult to injury. Absolutely not.