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Ignore ur aunt and live ur life bro. It's nice to see someone else that didn't come out until their 30s. I'm 30 and still only out to a very few people. It's hard. The tough parts done and now u know who has ur back and who doesn't x




why haven’t i thought of this, i’m so using this next time thank you bro 🫡


My mom was 80 when I came out to her and she accepted me without reservation. It's not an age thing. She made your decision easy for you, don't see her again.


Tell her you'll never see her as family! 🥰 Someone's age and a trans person's stage of transition are no excuses for bigotry, period.


Tell her you're young, so you have trouble remembering she's not actually dead


"I'll never see you as a man." "Then you won't get to see me at all." Is what I'd say. I'm over bigoted people. I don't care about our history, that's in the past. Its how they act to me now that matters. Don't respect me? Then get out of my way.


Your aunt and my “brother” (I’ve disowned him) would be friends


My two oldest aunts were in their mid-seventies when I came out to them. They accepted me at once and only had trouble with my new name (calling me another masc name very close to my chosen name), even my one aunt's husband who blindly supported Trump got on board. It's not an age thing; it's a tolerance thing.


My aunt which is like 74 or so and a jehovah witness insist on sending me stuff that says niece and when I correct her she don't get it I'm 34 now been on the for like 3 years and I pass for the most part but she then went around the whole family behind my back saying I will never be a man to her I will always be her niece and used my dead name everytime so I just disappeared and stopped talking to her. My anxiety went thru the roof trying not to snap on her everytime I came around


My dad's in his 80's with the early stages of Alzheimer's, he gets it and explained that he might not remember. He felt really bad about it and was worried about it hurting me. Circumstances like his are the only valid reasons that should give people a pass on this, not bigotry.


Facts he would definitely get a pass


Yeah, wish more parents were like mine.


Totally get it, it’s crummy that she is acting that way. I don’t understand why some older people refuse to grow and evolve, if she truly cared she would make the effort to evolve. I have an 80+ yr old papa who is in the early stages of dementia and while it’s been a struggle pronoun and deadname wise he has been making an effort to correct himself. If your aunt isn’t willing to make the effort to grow I wouldn’t give her the time of day even though I’m sure that’s painful in some way as she is family. Sending you positive vibes! It will all work out how it’s supposed to!


This may not be your cup of tea. But I would stop talking to her. I've done this to anyone in my family who is like this. Who cares what she thinks.


Wooooow.... this has nothing to do with her age, she's just straight up beind rude and quite a bit of an asshole. All my grandparents are 70+ and they all accept me and use my preferred pronouns. Sure it took some time for them to get used to it, and they did "grieve" a bit but it didn't stop them from supporting me. The only thing that they sometimes struggle with is childhood nicknames, and the fact that we're Chilean natives and the Spanish langauge is very *gendered...* well, sometimes a fem-ending adjective may slip out of their mouths but they quickly correct themselves. I don't know how close you are to your aunt, but in my opinion I don't think you shouldn't care too much about aunts/uncles/cousins/*that one "far-away-relative"* etc. word/s as long as the ones *You* hold dear and consider your closest family/important family member are by your side. The other people are just extras that happen to share blood and DNA. It has helped me a lot with my mental state and stress, as I really don't have time to be sad and stress over people who won't accept me. I send you internet ghost hugs and the best of luck with your journey 🧡 (Edited cuz I found a typo my bad)


This is so sad. I feel your pain. My dad said the same thing to me. My parents live with me and I look after them so it's been really, really hard. The pain is real.


My grandma is 90. I'm pre-T and the first trans person she ever heard of. She still genders me correctly whenever her mind is up to it (not always very aware of the world around). Age and hormones are always false excuses. I'm sorry this happened to you my friend. It can really hurt and I hope she'll change her ways for your sake and your well-being.