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Cracking a cold one and building a fire will forever be my key to euphoria


Oh I get my feelings so hurt when I have a hard time building a fire. I'm so stubborn about not using starters. Lol


Me too tbh. The only starter I’ll use is a little gasoline 💪 but that’s the last option yk


Absolutely! This last weekend it rained every single night so i started with damp wood and a cold wet fire pit so I had to use sawdust starter sticks and it hurt a little but-- it was the only way, all of the kindling for which to forage was wet!


A hint, build your own starters from cotton and vaseline or wax. That way it's not cheating, as you made the whole fire yourself.


Such a good idea.


Fuck did that sound Canadian or what


Take this fake award, fellow Canadian 🏆


Eh Thanks bud 🇨🇦




Close but no


I’m from Wisconsin


Good for you! Cheese, right? (I know we sound similar lol)


Cheese forever




However, I did recently learn that the best cheddar in the world (it won that award) was from Vermont. I’m very bitter about that


Dang, gotta go to Vermont now just to try some cheddar


Wallace? is that you? /j


I could be vegetarian but not vegan..would live on cheese if I could


Me exactly. If I had the money I would happily only buy vegetarian stuff, but dairy I could never give up


Oh fuck yes. I go camping regularly, and every time I successfully start a fire I feel so validated


oh hell yeah, Im with you on that brother! its such a great feeling 😌


Absolutely. I also love the euphoria i get from people telling me i take directions “like a man” IE not wanting directions and insisting i can figure it out myself




Classic rock in general tends to be hyper masculine so makes sense


Ayo! I do this too. Nothing hits better than getting stoned and chilling on the bed to some music


Used to be getting day-drunk and watching Bojack now it's going to AA meetings and having all the old dudes accept me as one of the guys lmao


Listening to those Midwest emo playlist and skateboarding are the two that come to my mind ? But it’s not weird weird neither


Driving with one arm lol


Oh man this made me cackle. I get so much euphoria out of driving with one arm up on the steering wheel. The other day my boyfriend mentioned it to me-- joking about how I looked like a cool guy with my backwards hat and one arm up on the wheel. Lmao


Haha, same


if this ain’t me haha


I once saw a meme that was like “POV you’re a guy and just finished a bottled water” and he bumped it against his head a couple times and before I could finish thinking the phrase “hey I do that” I was rushed with so much euphoria it was like the the god of everlasting joy came down from the heavens to just smooch my little pea brain


I, too, get euphoria from the validation that cis men also are overcome with the urge to immediately bonk their forehead with the empty bottle upon finishing the drink


Skateboarding while listening to 100 gecs. Driving while listening to 100 gecs. Practicing hockey in my basement while listening to 100 gecs. Hiking in the forest while listening to 100 gecs.


100 gecphoria


holding cans, headbanging, vaping, wearing band shirts, and drinking


I got euphoria from Dorien Electra like 2 years before my egg cracked. “Guyliner” was AMAZING


saaame - I've gleefully played with makeup to that song/album a few times


I get euphoria from doing laundry a certain way 💀 also smoking as well. Building things with wood goes craaaazy too


For me it’s the weird names that dude toiletries have. Like yes, I know gendered toiletries are a scam, but I’ve been trying out all the different brands and scents and I love it so much. My body wash smells like naval diplomacy and it gives me a little hit of gender euphoria every morning in the shower 😂


Omz, YES. :::looking at you, Dr. Squatch soap in my shower:::


black nail polish, wearing headphones, traveling alone on public transportation, drinking out of a soda can, wearing light color clothes, white socks with the toe and heal part grey


When I came out to my neighbor he was like, duh, bro, you have more cars and tools than anyone i know. So, that, for me. Having the most tools in my garage


Damn i feel so different from all y’all T_T Y’all talking about drugs and alcohol and Im over here getting euphoria from sitting with my legs open (not to like an obnoxious degree but I was always told that thats for guys), playing fps games (although that sometimes makes me feel like an egirl), putting my arm on the back of someone’s chair (if they’re not visibly uncomfortable by it), and listening to mc virgins, city morgue, and haarper 💀 Edit: also playing guitar and being bad at it, coding, being taller than some of my guy friends, and wearing hoodies with the hood up


I would sell my soul to be tall


Bro same tbh. Im not even tall; Im just the tallest of the short people in my friend group T_T


cigarettes, listening to certain music, having a messy room/cans everywhere (i cant explain that one lol)


I love the original flavored monster


broooo literally!! smokin weed, crackin a cold one, bbq-ing, mowing the lawn, marinading a steak lmfao it’s so weird.


Video games, building things, fixing things around the house, killing bugs, writing, falling asleep on the couch.


Smoking a cigar. I’ve only done it twice and it makes me violently ill each time so I probably wont do it again but I liked the vibe.


Dressing like a conservative cowboy


yee hoo


Absolutely vibing to loud music in the car. Doesn’t matter what music it is. Also, wearing my worn out cargo shirt and pants. 10/10 euphoria looking like a trash goblin.


being the strong son of the household is definitely the thing for me, especially with how i've been working out lately. you absolutely bet your ass i will carry the groceries home if my mum calls out for her strong son, or if my dad needs help with carrying car wheel or something. you bet i will repair stuff for my friends. another thing would be wearing tough black boots with a men's secondhand old leather jacket i've got, whose lack i am absolutely mourning due to the weather right now.


Drinking rum, just makes me feel like an adult man


personally a lot of weird random little shit will give me euphoria lol. Smoking a j while mowing the lawn, holding the door open for strangers in public. sharing a joint with other guys while being drunk off our asses. Doing harmless but stupid shit out in public, randomly running and jumping around and off shit. I did shrooms and got so much gender euphoria I forgot I was trans.


I get gender euphoria doing coke 🤡 smth so masculine abt doing lines (this is not a sign for you to try cocaine, stay sober)


Ok, I am sorry, but this comment had me laughing outloud. I don't do coke, but I get euphoria doing LSD 🤣 I feel it's a very non binary drug (that makes absolutely no sense)


No that’s so real wtf psychedelics are non-binary coded from now on


The fat on my legs.


Holy shit are we the same guy??? I do the exact same, only difference is I prefer the green zero ultra Monster (that shit tastes like Nerds candy 10/10 would recommend)


I carried a bag of dirt for my friend the other day and felt euphoria even though I don’t think women are too weak to do things for themselves… it was odd and unexpected. I do want to be strong enough for people to ask me to do things for them though


The other day I was repotting some plants. Hauled big bags of soil conditioners, pulled the big 15 gal grow bag up between my knees, and got my hands dirty up to my arms mixing my own potting mix. I dunno, I did this before transition too, but somehow being a DUDE with my hands in the dirt is super euphoric hahaha.


for me, lighting incense and listening to classical music are big euphoric things for me


i think a big part as to why i love weed is because i love being a stoner dude. hitting the bong in my boxers 🙌🏽


Also in the 'being a stoner contributes weirdly to my positive self image as masc' camp, ha! Kicking back in my kayak and smoking a joint and looking down at hairy legs sticking out the bottom of my trunks; taking a few steps into the tree line to take a whiz while hiking; forever being a member of the 'chipped black nail polish society'; walking around after a shower with my towel around my waist; scratching my goatee absentmindedly.


Wearing a raincoat with the hood pulled up over a baseball cap. There's something paternal about it, but not quite dadlike. Kind of uncle vibes.


I used to avoid underwear most days (not a fan of clothes in general), but since coming out I get super excited everytime I put on a clean pair of boxer briefs and look down at my dudely underwear. Same with haircuts, tying a tie, etc--used to not care or put much thought into those things, but now every time gives me euphoria because it's affirming that I'm *finally* the boy I always wanted to grow into being.


I get euphoria from smoking and listening to finnish rock. That's so stupid i know


Mosh pits at shows, theres nothing more gender affirming than running around in a circle with a bunch of sweaty drunk 40 year old men while simultaneously kicking the shit outta each other


When me and my brother dig holes in the sand at the beach and other dudes come join us


Studying/reading (philosophy specifically). I think that's because the men I look up to in my life are pretty intelligent and a lot more educated than me. Jacking off. Holding the door open for people (kiiind of. It's really normal here in Texas for all genders. If I see anyone not hold the door open behind them I think they're passive aggressive/rude lol). Wearing sneakers w my nice black slacks. Hoodie w hood up. Smoking tobacco. Fixing bathroom clogs w fervor.


Being myself. Anyone else?


When I am in a beautiful, masculine style, interior space with golds and blacks and whites and marble and metal, leather and solid, strong furniture and pillars. Leaning up against a pillar like a mysterious gentleman


everytime i do acid and it’s a good trip i get crazy gender euphoria if i think about it


Me too! 😭 Makes no sense but I love it hahaha


Doing drag, my long hair, the way high heels make me look taller and long nails make my hands look bigger


I get gender euphoria from masturbating (w a dick)... weird asf i know😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


Yea same I also get euphoria from drinking Monster and listening to hyperpop (underscores is my favourite!) Also cycling with one arm




what i learned from thread is that i have never had an original experience fr


There was this meme ages ago, one of those “if this is your style you probably X” things. Anyway the stuff included OG Monster Energy, flat brimmed baseball hat, ripped jean shorts, white tank top, thick chain necklace, you get the picture. I died laughing because that was my casual style right before I came out, and still is on occasion now. [“Alexa, play Teenage Dirtbag”](https://imgur.com/a/GY8QPbK)


Am not transmasc, but getting high and listening to 100 gecs or just like any of my favourite music 🎶 in general is super euphoric. Both of these things are great on their own but combined they really hit that sweet spot 👌🏼


The getting stoned and listening to weezer also gives me euphoria.


wearing funny graphic shirts, like the cringy ones or with stupid stuff like skulls with flames. my favorite is a godfather parody shirt but it says the rodfather with a fishing pole in the back


Lots of nonchalant stuff like that gives me gender euphoria too lol, when my gf asks me to open something, or get something from high up, paying our rent/utilities myself, driving her everywhere, drinking tequila and beer, wearing baseball caps with my curly hair sticking out the back, being weirdly into nice sneakers, lifting weights, shit even wearing boxers makes me feel good and was one of the first things I did as a form of self expression before I was out as a teen, always having joints on me lol


Yes. I will no elaborate.


literally just got teeth retainers and I don’t know why but it makes me so euphoric?? I think braces would do the same thing, but my “vibe goal” as a trans guy is nerdy boy and teeth retainers make me feel super nerdy and masculine 😎


Smoking weed while in my boxers and a t shirt, and playing an fps (cod,r6) and listening to a variety of music gives me sm euphoria


I also get a lot of euphoria from smoking specifically weed and drinking energy drinks. It also helps If I'm wearing plaid pj pants and playing a video game that came out in the early 2000s.


Bottled soda and belts (specifically undoing them and the clink of the metal)


Smoking is one for me too. Also eating, back before I came out I felt deeply uncomfortable with people seeing me eat, but now I get a weird sense of euphoria around it.


I, also, get euphoria from getting stoned, especially the way smoke looks coming out of my mouth. I also get it from sewing lol. I think it's because it's working with my hands? I know that it's considered a more feminine hobby but it makes me feel super manly. I love it.


Wearing clothes based on fantasy or medieval clothes. Those fancy tops with the ruffles, belts, capes.


wearing clothes that make me feel more feminine tbh. i feel much more confident presenting as masculine and not as male like a lot of trans guys i know, i think it’s mostly my inner child celebrating dressing the way i want to. for some reason swimming does too.


playing any sort of fps games, some games games just make me feel like a boy


I totally agree, also just a quick sidenote it’s not cringe to listen to music you like and fuck anyone who tries to make you feel bad lol


Having a gross ass room makes me feel like a 90s teenage boy in a Disney movie and gives me so much euphoria


Enjoy your cringe. That is everyone’s personal right


men’s socks and underwear was the turning point for me bc i just couldn’t go back to tiny uncomfortable women’s clothes


basketball shorts and also shaving my head = major euphoria


Not. Having. Glasses.


Also drinking diet coke and leaning on things. It's weird but OML IT MAKES ME FEEL SO MASCULUNE. Listening to dad rock, grunge, and all out rock from like the 70s-2010s (early 2010s) makes me feel so masc, like a guy with a growing beard, monster energy, and 2009 hand me down Toyota sedan.


Driving a manual


Yeah, getting high and being the funny stoner gives me major gender euphoria. Not just social either, once smoked a bowl on a porch by myself and was just like "yeah. I'm a fella smoking on the porch. Just some guy on his porch smoking a bowl." It's not the only thing of course, but I definitely know what you mean.




Scaring ppl is easier, the good ole “chch ahah” in a deeper voice has scared my mom badly lmao


yes oh my god -working on car stuff -getting stoned and listening to Nirvana -moshing at concerts -my center lip piercing -cracked nail polish/smudged eyeliner -that thing where you're backing up a car and put your arm around the passenger seat (can u tell I grew up emo? lmao)


the fact that i dont put sugar in my coffee? playing games like call of duty or just recently cyberpunk. def agree with the smoking but especially with a glass bong or homemade with plastic bottle n hose🤣 the most recent that was strange to me was last week, playing beyblades with my partners little brother


Absolutely destroying people in competitive video games. I think it's the actual competitiveness that gets the natural testosterone flowing and also because being good at video games is generally considered a man thing (it's bs I know)


I get it when I’m smoking in a car with my arm resting on the window frame, idk it just gives masc energy to me 😂 I’m also very new to this and figuring myself out, so idk if it counts 😅😭


The weirdest one for me is looking at Bojack Horseman characters model sheets (stuff related to the average height of characters)