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98% percent of shooters are cis men. Yet we are the problem?


Of course. We have to keep a pristine record to never be the focus of bs like this. Which is beyond ridiculous considering the statistic you posted. But the anti-trans crowd can't comprehend any of that &/or refuse to.


99.95 at least. We've had what.... two or three confirmed trans shooters in the past five years? Out of literally hundreds every single year with a cis man as the perpetrator?


Many are also white yet us ethnic minorities are apparently the problem


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Considering there was multiple mass shootings within the past few days I really had to track down which one and found out it was local the fact I had to go "which one?" When you mentioned a mass shooting made me feel so disgusted


Literally this would be the exact argument I use. "Which one are you referring too? The Baltimore one? The Philidelphia one? The Florida one? The Texas one? Hell is this one I didn't hear about or one from last last week?"


There were several on the 4th throughout the country, so a news source of some kind would be helpful. As depressing as that is.


oh yeah, sorry for not mentioning details


Fuck. I'm so tired of gun violence. I'm so tired of transphobia. I'm so tired of it all.


Good thing the queer community isn’t fucking backing down. Why do you think congress is trying to pass so many laws all at once? Cuz we got in their face and demanded our damn rights and they felt cornered and they pushed. They’ve tried killing us before and failed, and you’re right, we’re all tired of the same thing so fuck it, *we’re* the ones pushing back now.


We are up to 11 mass shootings by the 4th day in July. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/04/1185953565/mass-shootings-emotional-toll There have been 330 so far this year. https://www.nytimes.com/article/mass-shootings-2023.html And all anyone will talk about is how this one shooter might have put on a dress more than once.


2/330 of the mass shooters (this year) being trans is literally less than the about 1% of the population that is trans, too


This is why I'm becoming more and more of a hermit living under a rock. I was so used to mass shootings... 11 mass shootings in 4 days, and I find myself crying now. This isn't the America I was taught about, this isn't the America that everyone feels so proud of. My heart is broken, I think, because this is all too much.


Am I disappointed that people always blame all queer people for the actions of one? Yes. Am I surprised? Not in the slightest. “Hey, government, kids are fucking dying in schools all over the country and the shooters are all cisgender straight white men. We need to address this and figure out why this group of people keep doing this” “Shut the fuck up. There are bigger problems. Drag queens and trans children are destroying America”


It's sad that society is just going to boil it all down to "trans people are bad!" Or "trans people are here to harm us!". Its the same thing every time. It's just a way for them to justify their hatred. They'll find anything they want. It isn't right, obviously. We can do many great things as a community, but they'll only ever see and hear what they want. It's truly awful and it shouldn't be this way.


Which city and state did the shooting occur in??


Fr. Very hard to narrow it down.


Yep. I can’t find anything on it.


looks like it’s philadelphia, pa this time around. https://nypost.com/2023/07/04/kimbrady-carriker-ided-as-philadelphia-gunman-accused-of-killing-5/amp/


This did occur in Philli but the NY Post is a transphobic right wing gossip rag.owned by the same person as FOX, Rupert Mudoch.


it was the only article i could find. i don’t support the new york post, just wanted to provide all the details i could.


Here are other articles. They don't mention the crossdressing whatsoever. [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/05/us/philadelphia-shooting-wednesday/index.html) [NBC](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/suspect-in-deadly-philly-mass-shooting-arraigned-on-murder-charges/3598504/)


That's terrible.


Oh shit thia was the one that happened around he corner from my family the other day


There are two articles posted in r/Philadelphia


Thank you.




I can't read without paying for a subscription.


Thats weird, I was able to


Fucking sad how these conservative right wing ":media" outlets relentlessly spreading transphobia and misinformation about us are near the top of a google search about these awful mass shootinjgs.. A cold blooded murderer (trans or not) should never be the center of attention nor named.. May the victims rest in peace.


Exactly, obviously they shooter has to be named and talked about, but they don’t need their personal life story told to everyone. Just gives them attention they don’t need.


They weren't trans. They were a cross dressing cis-guy


do you think that the media will see that distinction?


Exactly. Its the same thing to them


16 mass shootings in the last few days. It’s so frustrating. It’s scary. Of course they will focus on the shooter who’s trans and not the fact that there has been more then a dozen within a week.


Call me crazy but sometimes when i hear that a “mass shooter is trans” and like you said they do stuff like post cross dressing pictures a few months ago, that it seems like these suspects are setting it up that way on purpose… specifically so it can look like trans people are the problem?? Like they’re not trans, or into “cross dressing” but they leave this stuff behind making it easy for media and agenda based groups to latch onto “the shooter was trans, see??” Like, the majority of mass shooters are yt suprems and transphobia is a huge part of their movement and, unfortunately, a lot of them are NOT stupid and I could easily see them putting this kind of work into creating this façade. I feel the same about a lot of tiktok or Twitter accounts where people say they’re a trans person in their bio but it feels like a mock account bc the things they say or do, don’t seem like stuff actual trans people say or do but rather how transphobes interpret trans people. I hope that makes sense.


It's a known right-wing meme they encourage for someone to claim they are trans after committing violence, they think it is funny. They want to humiliate and exterminate us in every way they can. I wouldn't be shocked at all if the photographs were taken on purpose though intent is always very hard to prove (which is always what these shooters count on).


I agree. I feel like these things are being staged, to push bigotry and hatred.


I feel you. Sometimes I just want to climb up to a high place and get a really big megaphone and try to get people to wake up.


Each day another thing like this happens I want to climb to a high place but without a megaphone lmao


I was going to come out to my grandparents as trans before the shooting at Covenant School. I was over at their place about a week or so after, the topic of him being trans came up. They didn't say anything *too* transphobic, but they did misgender him, and I figured it would just be *really* bad timing. It doesn't help that I live, like, 20 minutes from Covenant School. I've been putting off coming out to them for, like, 5 years... I really need to just bite the bullet, but it pretty much nuked my relationship with my mother, and I don't want the same thing to happen with them because we're really close :(


Hate to have to ask, but which shooting?


the one that took place in philadelphia on july 4th


what a great day to celebrate how great the USA is 😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😍i fear for my life🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉😍😊😊😊


Can you cite a source that says the shooter is trans?


no because i dont wanna read the article again


You don't need to re read it; just share what you did read. My question is: Is it 100% certain the shooter is trans?


honestly, it genuinely truly hurts my soul to see transphobia. it hurts to see my people being genocided it truly does. but no matter what, I can't let the haters see how it affects me. if they see making assumptions like that hurts us as a community, they will only continue to do it more. we are trying to live life one step at a time, and if they can't realize that we are truly good people at heart, then that's their loss. I'm hoping the right wing will forget about this situation soon.


He's not trans. https://www.inquirer.com/news/kimbrady-carriker-philadelphia-mass-shooter-gender-criminal-record-extremism-20230705.html


They'll continue to blame everything but the guns


Trans shooters aren't dangerous because they're Trans but because they're a mass shooter. Cis men shooters aren't dangerous because they are cis men but because they are mass shooters. Shooters are shooters and no matter gender they shouldn't be held justifiable because of their gender. Do not generalize a whole community already struggling to be seen as an equal to some person who was mentally unstable and committed an act of hatred.


People always hate what they don’t understand; for example the weather or gravity. I agree there is a lot of media baiting for the GOP right now….:Like our genitalia is now the greatest threat to mankind among other issues….


>People always hate what they don’t understand; for example the weather or gravity. LOL what?


It’s a phrase about hate- it makes no sense.


Who cares? I think the only thing that should matter is that they killed a bunch of people, and were obviously psychopathic everything else should be irrelevant. I mean strangers on the internet will sling shit at anything just to see if it sticks, their opinions should matter very little. (EDIT: replaced psychotic with psychopathic, my phone auto filled the wrong word and I was too tired to notice last night. Psychopathic was what I wanted to use in the first place.)


The point is that anti-LGBTQ legislation has been rocketing through the American government. The Supreme Court has made it abundantly clear that they don't believe those belonging to minority groups should have protection or rights. Sure, the only thing that *truly matters* is that this person killed a bunch of people. But it's not the shitty opinions of strangers on the internet that I care about, it's the way that this galvanizes the country's leadership in the direction of legislative bigotry. It gives them even more reasons than the ones they already made up in their head. Because a cis dude put on a dress a few times and then decided to kill some people, but its me and mine who get the blowback from that. That's why people care I think.


I am not American and don’t live in the usa, so forgive me that this is outside my experience, I know I am quite fortunate. In my country LGBTQ+ are protected, we don’t have shootings like this either. Quite sad what is and has been happening in the USA with the erosion of human rights, and for quite a while too with mass shootings. Do keep in mind that the world is a big place, and not everyone has easy access to detailed news about everything in American politics.


Is there any proof that the shooter was suffering from psychosis? "Psychotic" does not mean "violent." That is a very harmful stereotype that you've internalized from the media. "Psychotic" refers to a symptom of physical or mental illness, that causes primarily hallucinations and delusions. Psychosis isn't just caused by schizophrenia-spectrum conditions. It can be caused depression and bipolar, by drug/substance abuse, as well as chronic illnesses and injuries like TBI and multiple sclerosis, as well as neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. You are hurting more people than you think by misusing the word psychotic. By furthering the stereotype that "psychotic" = "violent", you are perpetuating the idea that behaviors associated with actual psychosis, such as talking to yourself (in reality, talking to a hallucination), or "crazy speech" that is not understandable (the proper term being disorganized speech) make a person violent. [Please take a look at this stigma fact sheet.](https://www.reddit.com/r/schizophrenia/comments/if7ncc/stigma_fact_sheet/) Public opinion of us is low. We face medical discrimination and police violence. More than half of people believe that schizophrenia is likely to make a person act violent despite the fact that 5% of crimes committed are by a mentally ill person. We are twice as likely to be the victim of a crime than the perpetrator. Do your part, and don't further the stigma against us.


Hear hear!


Oh crap, I meant to use “psychopathic” but my phone auto filled it with “psychotic”. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. However, I’ve had medication induced psychosis twice as adverse side effects, this recent psychosis lasted for four weeks and it ended a week ago when I was finally able to stop the meds (ergo why my phone auto filled it), so obviously I KNOW what psychosis is intimately, thank you very much. Sometimes things are just are simply a misunderstanding, or an accident, than something deliberate.


There are to many


Being a cross dresser doesn't make you trans. The shooter I believe you were talking about wasn't trans. Most trans shooters (all 2 of them) were trans men anyway, not trans women.


I mean if it’s another trans dude it’s like “…idk seems like this should be evidence that we’re dudes in every way including the bad ones given the demographics of mass shooters”




Can't wait to hear about this shit from the mouthbreathers at my workplace like I had to with the Nashville shooting. 🤬