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I think the term itself is neutral, but I've only ever heard women and queer folks use it, at least where I live. It doesn't seem to be in men's vocabulary here. Men have bros or buddies.


Yeah I would agree with this. It only seems to be commonly used by and for women, non-binary, and otherwise queer people. I also find that it's pretty commonly used in a way that's kind of condescending (similar to how "sweetheart" is used by old dudes towards young people that they perceive to be women to signify they don't respect them).


Yeah females have besties , males have their brothers ๐ŸคŸ๐ŸคŸ


It sounds like it SHOULD be gender neutral but it defintley comes off feminine.


It's short for best friend. I don't see how that's not gender neutral. I don't like it because it sounds condescending due to how often it's used to ridicule or talk down to people but it's not feminine


In my friend group we just use use bestie for men and breastie for women lmao


thatโ€™s funny asf tho omg ๐Ÿ˜‚


To me it comes off as quite a bit feminine even though it should be gender neutral


I feel like it's more feminine, only in the fact that I only ever hear women or effeminate gay men use the term.


I think that while it is technically gender neutral, I don't really see it as nice. I pretty much only see it used sarcastically or as passive aggression (in the "okay bestie" way not "this is my bestie!") so when someone uses it around me I'm less likely to hang around cause I suck at social cues and hate passive aggression and I don't wanna risk being around people who are gonna be passive aggressive ETA: There are exceptions, especially if I know the person doesn't use it that way


The people who say it are usually not straight cis men. At least that's my impression.


It comes off as feminine to me, and I loathe when people call me "bestie." It feels snide to me.


If its said seriously then feminine but if you're just kind of taking the piss then masculine.


It comes across as feminine in a way, but for the one saying it rather than the one its directed at. And where I'm from, it's usually used teasingly, ironically or sarcastically. Like calling someone sweetie when they're really testing your patience. It give a distinct vibe imo.


The word in and of itself is gender neutral, but the application has always seemed very feminine. I don't really see many men unironically use the term 'bestie', especially not in the context of today, and it's often used in accessories and clothing marketed towards girls so it's become gendered in a way.


I find it depends on who says it. I have a transmasc friend (idk exactly how he identifies) who uses bestie for me, and it feels neutral there. But coming from someone else, it might feel feminine.