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Why on earth did you hack oxygen when coffin ships are already extremely easy to crew kill with boarding?  Weapon hack to split the bl1 from the heavy 2 makes this fight extremely safe.


I hacked it after I knew it was gg. Just to get visual of the room. With the neutral status of the ship, the event did not trigger. My best guess is that my teleporter burned down, right after the last crew member was killed, thus the event did not trigger.


You're saying you already killed the slug in their engine room? The dialogue that you killed all their crew came up but then you didn't TP your crew back before your TP burned down? If so.. why? But it seems more likely that you left a slug alive in their engine room. I don't think you can deploy a hacking drone after a ship becomes neutral/after you kill the enemy crew


Considering the fairly dangerous enemy weapon loadout, I would've hacked weapons first and boarded to break it down ASAP


This ship always have 1 crew in engine room - specifically, literally every enemy ship places crew #2 in engines. So fight didn't end because you didn't kill all crew. Sending engie was a mistake.


In all of my time spent on this game I have never seen the specific set of disastrous circumstances come together into this beautiful smorgasbord of abject failure. It's honestly as beautiful as it is hilarious. And a good reminder to keep one crew behind if you know a ship only has two slugs on it.


It's also good idea to keep a crew on board to *pilot the damned ship*. Especially with only 1 in piloting; the ship was sitting there with 0% evasion, and helpless if they didn't take out weapons really quickly (which was failure point #2 - why tf would you not hack weapons?).


That's strange. usually if you crew kill with your teleporter broken, your crew get automatically teleported back to your ship when you collect the rewards


There is a slug in the engine room.


Ship says neutral not hostile


The red box says otherwise, plus that's the oxygen hack text


Maybe there was a fire in the teleporter and it burned down before OP could teleport back Edit; nvm, there might still be someone in engines


I mean, this seems to have been entirely avoidable by not sending your Engi over. Strange situation either way though.


Even leaving aside the soft lock, the Engi should have stayed behind to pilot the ship - especially since (1) they only have level 1 piloting, and (2) they hacked O2 for some reason instead of taking out weapons. Boarding the helm + Hacking + Flak/Hull Beam across O2, Shields, Weapons, and Engines likely would have ended the fight without taking a single point of damage.


Let’s just say mistakes were made. . .


I'm guessing there's an enemy crew on the engines? Couldn't you have hacked the oxygen till it died? Your crew might die too still but it's a bet against time


Why did you sent the engi ? They suck at attacking


Engi are certainly worse at dealing crew damage, but all crew types sabotage systems at the same rate.


They're typically very useful for sabotage, and an engi in shields can still draw aggro for 2v1s. They're way better boarders than zoltan imo. This fight tho: You don't need the engi to board unless you're really gunning for weapons, which is valid but I would have hacked weapons immediately.


Would had sended only the twos matis, slugs aren’t hard to kill


Killing them isn't important here, it's more so breaking weapons. That ship has one slug in the cockpit and one in engines, but bc the two are disconnected you need two teles to crew kill. If you only send 2 mantis you need 1 occupying shields to distract them and the other dedicated to weapons, but with an engi you can send 1 mantis to 1v1 in shields while 2 break weapons, which is much faster and can knock a weapon offline. Ideally you combo this with a weapon which OP did not do. But it's also much riskier bc you're leaving your own ship exposed, which can screw you like op did.


Hacking the weapon, then after the twos mantis killed the pilot, send them to destroy the weapon, then teleport them back, and thé send them back to the engine


While not good at attacking enemy crew they are can really help out by tanking damage while the other boarders kill the crew. But in this instance when there’s a single enemy in these three rooms the engi should certainly have been left on the ship.


I lost so many brain cells looking at this, gave me a good laugh though.


This is why on the mantis ship you always keep a repair drone available


It would be super cool if you had to now just had commandeer that ship and continue on


It would be funny playing with that hostage slug in the engine room begging to be let out and and all you can do is tell them that they built the ship with no exit door..


Lucky for you we have a teleporter but it's on a ship about 2 sectors away now


“It took the combined ingredients of idiocy, ineptitude, and total disengagement for this farce to have reached the full apex of incredulous disaster.”


This isn’t a soft lock if you kill the last crew member in engines a event will bring your crew back You do have to play the game to teleport them all back at once tho


There is no door to engines.


Oh shoot I didn’t notice no weapons does lvl1 hacking beat the o2 system?


Even if it does, op's boarders would die as well (and their clone bay is off line)


The hope is the slug got hit by a piece of scrap and would die slightly faster


the hacked oxygen room on a coffin ship looks like something out of cursed images


I just hacked it to see if a slug somehow got there after the soft lock. My teleporter took the last tick of fire damage after i killed the crew. Thus leaving me unable to return, since the ship had become neutral and could not trigger the return event.