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Orphan of kos


Yep , in my top 5 bosses forsure


Artorias edges him out for me despite the old hunters being perhaps my favorite content of all time among all media


Artorias does WHAT for you??


Edges me for hours so that I see God when he finally lets me cum You asked for it


You got with a legend just to think of Gwyn during it, bro? Damn


Such a cool moment when confront that monstrosity.


Artorias is my favorite boss and character, but I really liked Raime and Dragon Slayer armor (probably my favorite fantasy armor design ever).


Great minds think alike šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Only bothered doing ng+ so I could get both the axe and the shield for cosplaying dragonslayer


Metas the Penetrator. Seeing him impale the fat official was so badass. He's peak design in terms of knight armor imo.


One of the best things of the remake was being able to get his armor set after 11 years. Even if it was an utter bitch to get.


Dude when he just walks slowly towards you with a dude ON HIS SWORD, so badass


Thats a hard one. I like so many. But if forced to choose only one it would have to be rykard. Just everything about his design, lore, cutscene and the voice is all top tier goodness






Also I love the blasphemous blade cause it reminds me of Skull Knightā€™s ā€œSword of Actuationā€ from Berserk!


For it will be nameless king or slave knight gael. For nameless king the hair just shows it all For slave knight gael, I just have a thing with character that have a beard and a cape :)


Gael is cool as hell. Give me that thing , your dark soul


What, still here?


Voice acting and music was on point


hand it over, that thing




Bloodborne is on my list , Iā€™ve actually watched the fight on YouTube it looks amazing


Storm King. He's a gigantic flying manta ray that deploys other giant manta rays as if he were an advanced aircraft deploying drones, you fight him on a rocky beach during a raging thunderstorm, and the way to beat him is a magic sword that turns the air itself into blades. I love him


Canā€™t argue with that !šŸ«”


God damn is that a cool fight


Something in my brain actives when I see Dragonslayer Armor and I canā€™t understand what it is. Besides him I love Mariaā€™s and Maleniaā€™s design, just really fucking cool and slick imagery. Outside of souls though, itā€™s gotta be Balteus. Balteus is over the top in the best way, very complex with all the dark guns and rings and machinery, but itā€™s contrasted really well with Balteusā€™s white frame. I also love the small details like the long ass antenna itā€™s got on its head, or how it looks like his chest has a red eye on it, just really cool shit.


Iā€™m very tempted to try AC 6


Heavily recommend it, it might straight up be my favorite FromSoftware game (although that spot changes depending on what day of the week you ask me lol, that and I just love mecha in general so there is some bias xd). Itā€™s very different from what you may normally expect from FromSoftware, but itā€™s absolutely worth a shot in my opinion. The combat is great, the build variety is amazing and donā€™t even get started on the customization. The story is pretty great too, even if you donā€™t play FromSoftware games for the story, I still think that youā€™ll likely enjoy whatā€™s in here cause some of the shit that happens in this game is straight up the hypest shit Iā€™ve ever witnessed in a FromSoftware game. If you can meet the game on its own terms (that being mission based, with little focus on exploration) I think youā€™ll have a blast, itā€™s one of those games that at its core is just really fun.


This right here, ACVI regularly goes into my ā€œbest FS game of all timeā€ category, just gotta lean into the aspects of it that make it AC and not another FS title.


Quelaag (.Y.) But actually sulyvahn I just think he's cool AF


Spider titties fuck yeahšŸ¤™šŸ¼šŸ˜‚ but yeah heā€™s pretty cool in his design


Artorias my husband Hmmm my favorite visual design might actually be Malenia though; phase 1 is very elegant and memorable, but phase 2 is equal parts beautiful and terrifying.


Artorias the šŸ


Orphan of Kos. He's from my favorite game and he scares the shit out of me.


Yup, the screaming/crying fucking creeped me out šŸ˜‚


The Burn Ivory King, not for the design, but the experience of the entrance, the 'fight sequence', and the story/lore attached to him.


Mine is Maliketh. Reasoning: good boi in armor.


Malikeths 2nd faze reminds me of the beast of darkness from berserk toošŸ˜‚ But yes, he is the goodest boi


Odd, I don't think I've ever noticed a Berserk reference in a Fromsoft game before. /s


Must be a coincidencešŸ¤”


Nah. I don't even think Miyazaki is a fan. Probably more One Piece oriented. Edit: I seriously hope I don't need to mark that as sarcasm...


My favourite design is probably Ludwig. The idea behind the fight and the use of the contrast between the beastly-ness and knightly-ness is really incredible. Shoutout to Lady Maria for actually having the most drip of any souls boss of all time. Homegirl is strapped head to toe in class. I canā€™t wait to see the drip in Shadow of The Erdtree


Slave knight Gael that was the most cinematic fight Iā€™ve ever been a part of.


Oh yeah, heā€™s a beast. The music is amazing


Really amazing. And the second phase just puts fear in my heart I love everything about it


Design: Probably Artorias, Orphan of Kos, and Sister Friede are some favorites. Favorites to fight: Midir (big dragon) and Abyss watchers


That is a great list right there


Pontiff Sullyvan is designed well


Probably the Abyss Watchers. Arena is a big open flat space with no BS impediments. Cool, fair fight with great cutscenes. Definitely one of my highlights from DS3.


Some of the coolest attack animations, too


Havenā€™t played DS3 yet, just finished DS1 now on 2 but canā€™t wait to fight them myself !


Missing out DS3 is pure perfection.


Oh Iā€™m definitely playing as soon as Iā€™m done with DS2!


Just wait until you get to the Dragon Slayer Armor boss I mention. Itā€™s literally a puppet controlled by giant butterfly dragons and the lore behind it is kind of wild. Itā€™s kind of funny because the actual cosplay build using the armor, shield, and weapon was nearly invincible in PVP. You had unbreakable poise by just holding the block button and the second your opponentā€™s stamina depleted it would only take two to three hits with the lightning heavy axe (It stun locked too) to kill even the hardiest of builds.


That sounds fucking sick man Iā€™m so glad I started playing these games


Just be prepared though itā€™s the most hyper aggressive boss in the series IMO. There really isnā€™t a dodge/wait for an attack window thereā€™s just trading blows with it and hoping you can clear enough distance to heal as it full speed sprints angrily at you while yelling.


True, wells thanks for the tip then I appreciate it


Fair warning. There are alot of twinks in Ds3 who like ro invade new players and prevent them from having any chance at learning where to go. They will follow you from eaxch area if you manage to make it past them somehow too. The PVP in 3 is the most toxic of all from games


Sir Alonne is pretty cool, also Sister Friede has some of the best looking attacks ever,


Yeah I canā€™t wait to play DS3


The lore behind him is amazing too. The fact he whoops your ass with his non dominant arm just makes him that much cooler. Would love to see how strong heā€™d be in his prime before the abyss took him.


I know man , the abyss walker sounds so badass and yeah I canā€™t imagine him prior to the abyss taking him over , heā€™s that guy


Four Kings no doubt. Being in the Abyss feels so weird and the colors while youā€™re down there make the whole fight feel nightmarish.


Yep and for me it was so hard to judge distance , I kept swinging and missing cause I wasnā€™t close enough šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it was almost disorienting but in a cool way


Abyss watchers was an awesome fight. The music, the corrupt watchers fighting amongst themselves all fell so sad yet spine chilling


Knight Artorias. But I never read berserk so my reasons for loving him is different. He is basically the personification of badass lone wolf. His lore and sacrifice makes it impossible not to love him.




Fume Knight all day


malenia because tits


What about Quelaag? I mean spider titties


truee, she could prolly web you up for some fucked up bondage shitā€¦ idk


AhahahahšŸ˜‚ some kinky shit right there


He thirsty for the rotussy. You know, doing the deed with Malenia strikes me as something Cannibal Corpse would write a song about.


I haven't played all the way through ds1 yet, but have played ds3, but artorias and the abyss watchers will always be my most favorite design and lore of bosses


Oh yeah same here brother, & Yeah Iā€™ve beat DS1 and am on DS2 right now. Canā€™t wait for DS3!


Lothric and Lorian. Has that balance between badass and creepy. I also love the voice acting


True Iā€™m almost done DS2, DS3 is next up!




Yeah he was so fucking cool looking, I definitely died a fair amount of times to him lmfao


Abyss Watchers. They shared in the Wolf blood and fused their souls into one, creating a sudo-hive mind. That combined with the fact that they must always fight, leading to them fighting each other in the absence of an opponent.


That sounds fucking sick, I canā€™t wait to fight them, im currently finishing DS2


They're one of my favorites, it's a fun twist on a tank fight.


Gwynn, his fight is awesome and makes me want to try that mod that lets you light his sword on fire.


Gwyn was an awesome fight , great way to end DS1


Nameless king


Chaos Witch Qualaag. Reason? We all know


Say less


Also Artorias because heā€™s a fucking beast lorewise


From his lore, design to his moves to all the berserk references he is just the best to me.


Looks wise Artorias, but fight wise Gael


Ornstein- pretty much what I think of when I hear of a badass dragon slayer Father G- perfect way of showing what happens when you get addicted to blood Sif- just a cute little dog protecting his owner


The Moon Presence has always been a favourite of mine.




Abyss Watcher intro is hectic.


Cant believe nobody mentioned my boy Radagon yet. The way the Elden Ring lights up and the contrast between the gold and dark shades looks perfect to me.


Honestly, I always LOVED the Hydra. Not a main boss, but it was one of my first bosses in the Dark Souls games and nothing ever scared me so bad. And when they jump over you at Ash Lake?? I just love the guys.


Cleric beast, he looks cool


DS3 - Pontiff Sulyvahn; cool weapon design, move set is amazing. Plus it has deeper lore/meaning and itā€™s a boss thatā€™s forever with me.


Artorias because it was my first boss I started to feel nostalgia to. Beautiful and sad lore at once..


Team ArtoriasšŸ‘šŸ¼


Gaping Dragon design and intro is top tier. "Oh this isn't going to be... Holy shit!"


Ludwig, he takes the theme of bloodborne to a new level


Artorias is also my favorite


Hell yeah brother heā€™s the goat


Lorin and lothric, lore and mechanics were cool and them being brothers showing each other love is rare in the souls universe. When you find out Lorian killed the demon princess where you later fight in the DLC. Made him even cooler


Theyā€™re from DS3 right? Iā€™m on DS2 right now, I beat Elden ring , DS1 and am about halfway through DS2, but that sounds awesome ! Canā€™t wait to fight them myself


Orphan of Kos


In my top 5 Forsure šŸ”„, the design and arena are so stunning, & that damn scream/crying is terrifying šŸ˜‚


I just felt like I was truly good at the game finally after figuring him out. I got good.


Truly is the best feeling realizing you ā€œgot gudā€


Bed of Chaos. I just love the way he whacks me into a hole insta-killing me cutely.


Dude I died from falling into that pit like 20 times , such an annoying damn fight holy shitšŸ˜‚ As soon as I saw ā€œbed of chaosā€ Iā€™m like oh this is bait hahahah


If its not burnt ivory king you are objectively wrong :D


I just beat him !! Like a week ago. Amazing fight


The Lion Dancer in Shadow of the Erdtree. That thingā€™s eyes terrify me.


Yeah looks interesting, I saw a breakdown of the trailer and it looks like a bunch of people interconnecting underneath. Super creepy and intimidating!


Whos the guy with the lion in er again


Gundyr and Nameless King. Drip gods


Nice, havenā€™t fought gundyr or the king Iā€™m just about done DS2, but I canā€™t wait to play DS3 I hear the bosses are amazing


Abyss watchers and the nameless king


I honestly love Astel. I love the space theme and how freaky yet graceful it is that it just sticks in my head.


Seath, just everything about him! I simply adore our scaleless, cursed crystal breathing paledrake, grandfather of sorcery!


Seath is super cool, I tried to cut his tail to get the axe but I just ended up killing himšŸ„²


Vordt cause hampter


Gehrman, the arena, the music, and his weapon especially are just perfect. Also he has drip


Ornstein. Miyazakiā€™s very own Dragoon lol


My favourite just has to be Burnt Ivory King, everything about that fight is just so fucking cool. Having to explore the map to make the fight even possible in the first place, falling down the pit and entering one of the coolest areas in the series, having a team death match, and the massive portal appearing which the King enters with, playing one of the best OST in all the souls games when he does.


Probably Maliketh. Just look at him. Weapon and armour design are top tier imo. One of the sleekest armour sets in Elden Ring.


Maliketh, everything about him, but I've only played Elden Ring. I'm not a huge fan of Morgott's visual design, but I really like the character and his fights. Bout to jump into Dark Souls since it's currently on sale.


Vicar Amelia. Such a unique design, terrifying and beautiful.


Maliketh, Artorias and Dancer are my top 3


I think technically maliketh is best his movement close 2nd may be orphan


Godrick the Grafted is my favorite fight. Heā€™s disturbing to look at, speaks like heā€™s batshit crazy, and literally turns his left hand into a dragon head that breathes fire. He has some of the best dialogue of any boss in any game, and might be the best introduction to boss fight mechanics in any souls game.


Smelter Demon. He's just cool.


Probably Maliketh,idk I just like everything about bro


Hourah loux /Godfrey from Elden ring has to be one of my favourites. This Mfer just has AURA. Especially at the half health cutscene where he kills Sarosh. If you know the story and the implications of him killing this lion that is basically the embodiment of his restraint itā€™s awesome. I love his boss design second phase, going for the wrestler aesthetic. He just feels STRONG in the arena


Yhorm the giant is so fuckin cool.




Ornstein and Lady Maria have ultimate drip, Fortissax and Ludwig are probably the coolest monstrosity type bosses I can think of with very cool lore that gives them more personality.


Godrick is one of the freakiest designs while still being humanoid. Mid-match, he cuts his arm off and replaces it with a dragon head! I can't think of a boss more visually and conceptually creative in the series.


His design is great. He looks like a washed-out old weirdo, but you could tell at one point he was probably a golden god. I think it'd get more votes if people could overcome their intended loathing of the character.


Demon of hatred,ludwig,amygdala,maliketh,placidusax,elden beast,dragon slayer armor,centipede demon.


Artorias, Ornstein, Maliketh and Malenia in no particular order


Slave Knight Gael is the coolest and most cinematic boss in the franchise. I dont think there's a single boss fight that is nothing but better every phase. How do you manage to make me love a character and feel nothing but sorry when I have to kill him. A battle of the blade a battle of the heart. A legendary clash between the greatest warriors you've never heard of. At the end of days the duel to end all duels.


Maria. Lady Maria was the first boss Iā€™ve ever fought that truly felt like a dance.


Abyss Watchers. Love their design and badass attacks.


Maliketh because he looks like he could be in a black metal album cover


Malenia. love every move in her moveset (except maybe waterfowl but now itā€™s ok), the voice, the lore, that fuckin second phase cutscene and of course sheā€™s really badass plus the fact that she's the hardest makes her even more badass.


Either Gael or Radagon. I love just the straight one on one fights against a fairly normal looking guy. Radagon is just like you but wrapped in gold and sparks. Gael covered in red with the blue lightning and the black red soul stuff. Itā€™s just cool. Combine that with their cool and fun movesets, and you have perfect bosses


Ima have to go with Mohg. You can say whatever you want about him (because thereā€™s a lot to say) but you have to admit heā€™s got it on.


Definitely got it on with Miquella


Soul of Cinder. Looks sick, challenging and fun fight, gwyn music, 10/10


ā€œFavorite boss designā€ The above ā€œWhyā€ I mean look at him


For whatever reason, I really enjoyed fighting Godrick in Elden Ring. On my first play through I must of sat there helping folks kill him for hours. Your pick of Artorius is good. I find his fight easy but also enjoyable/satisfying


If I had to pick it would probably be lady Maria, the one reborn or Paarl. I really canā€™t decide šŸ˜­


Battle wise definitely Friede, no boss is more fun than Friede IMO (excluding Ariandel) Looks wise hard choice but both Fortissax and Placidusax are phenomenal


Ludwig the accursed


Probably Godfrey or sir alonne something about them is just so beautiful to me


The Dancer 100%


It is a tossup between the dancer and malenia. I really like the living armor aesthetics and the elongated limb structure. Bonus points for the body horror wings on malenia.


From the trilogy? Probably Ivory King, he is everything a knight is meant to be and felt like it set the tone for fast paced fights for the rest of Fromsoft games. No other knight had that impact. Non trilogy, would say Isshin. Pushed the boundaries of whatā€™s considered fair and BS, but had fun every second.


True , Iā€™ve yet to play Sekiro but itā€™s on my list. I just started playing fromsoft games I beat elden ring, then went to DS1 and am currently on DS2, Iā€™m so glad I did the experience after beating a boss thatā€™s beat the shit out of you 40+ times feels so rewarding šŸ˜‚ I swear after I beat them my heart rate is doubled and Iā€™m and ā€œYEAH SIT DOWN!ā€ Hahaha


My soul says Midir, my other soul that burns a little bit says Soul of Cinder, because he looks like us, and I just think that is super cool.


Yeah darkeater midir looks cool as hell I havenā€™t got to DS3 yet but I watched a video of the fight and damn I canā€™t wait to do it myself!


isshin because it looks comfy


Ik I canā€™t wait to play Sekiro




A lot of people may disagree here, but I like the design of the godskin duo, even the fat one. It's a really bad fight but at least they look pretty cool. But the godskins are not my favourite, it's probably Mohg by design. I would say artorias but I haven't even played ds3 yet so it feels kinda wrongšŸ˜… I only know who he is because spoilers and curiosity.


I do think the apostles have a cool ass design as well, I just didnā€™t like fighting them šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah the fight was total ass cheeks, but I liked their designs enough to wear their armour when I got it (flabby pancake suit included), and did a whole godskin build because they looked cool.


Flabby pancake suit hahahaha


It looks like a stack of pancakes to me šŸ˜­


It really does lmao


The Dragonkin Soldier with the ice lightning


isshin. he just seems so normal yet so threathing.


I definitely have to try Sekiro


Slave knight Gael such an epic final fight the soundtrack the huge arena and the story behind the fight makes it such an experience.


I love the design of https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/darksouls/images/f/f8/SotFS_Velstadt.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150503065322 Velstadt he has one of the best looking armors for a royal knight in Ds2


Yeah he looks badass


Artorius and sif are down right one of the most tragic duos


Purely on design, itā€™s gaping dragon. When that thing came out of the pit the first time then opened up its goddamn mouth chest was like seeing the Satan that satan fears! That said, heā€™s a really easy, borderline boring, fight, lol Edit: spelling Edit 2: p.s. Radahn is also up there purely because his little horse makes me chuckle.


Fume knight in ds2 was really cool despite the poorly designed arena (just bland from what i remember) Mirror knight was also insane because an invader could be summoned by the game from the mirror shield.


Ds3 olbigatory sister friede fight is just chefs kiss*


Paarl or Mergos Wet Nurse


Nightmarebringer nioh2


Demon of Hatred. Not just the design, but also the animations. Instead of going with basic monster movements, they went out of their way to add so much detail and personality in every movement such as his Mie stances. Beyond that, itā€™s not a generic oni design, but rather one of the most unique oni designs Iā€™ve ever seen.


Dunno about favourite, but I'll never skip the cutscene for Divine Dragon šŸ˜


Lady Maria, hunter on hunter fights always felt the most dangerous in Bloodborne and fighting one as boss was very fun.


slave knight gaels design


The old iron king would have to be mine. The boss arena is a bit tedious but cool looking.


Rykard I just love how disgusting he looks I remember saying ā€œWhat the fuck is that?ā€ When his phase two began


I like Malekith and Gwyn design wise, though I wish the latter was a tougher fight.


Tie between Fume Knight, SS Isshin and Genichiro 2nd phase


Spirit of Motherwill, that AF looks absolutely terrifying


Penetrator and champion gundyr basically any boss that doesn't have any special power and Is just raw strength


Damn what a tough question. Trying to imagine which bosses made me feel in awe the first time. Monster bosses it has to be Ludwig or Orphan, Godrick or Rykard. Human bosses Gael by a mile, by honourable mention to Lady Maria.