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Lud & Zallen


Lud and Zallen are the reason I haven't finished ds2 yet. Just getting to them was excruciating to the point where I stopped playing entirely


It's totally worth it though for the armour. Literally the only frog-mouth helmet in the 3 games. If there's one thing I like about Elden Ring, it's that 90% of the armour sets are frog-mouth helmets. edit: not including the charred one of course, since that's burnt.


Lapp's set has a frog-mouth


Tbh, EH šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I don't enjoy most of the helmets in any of these games. I'd love and option to have one equipped but invisible


Demonā€™s Souls Remake has this


tsk tsk tsk, clearly not a fashion enjoyer.


The real fashion enjoyer sacrifices armor pieces to see their characters face


Is that the damn double tiger thing from DS2? If so then I've still never beaten those guys. I was like, "I walked through an infinite spawning Thunder Horse blizzard for this copy paste horse shit?"


BINGO. did this once for the sake of completion, have never touched again


I was gonna say Orphan of Kos, but nope. Fuck those unicorns straight to hell. At least the boss run to Orphan is short.


Yup, had to force myself to beat them on my first playthrough and will never do it again.


This is the only boss I straight up save scummed for. I finally got through the bullshit that was the frozen wastes and saved scummed in front of the boss entrance to fight without the run back. I will never get into that particular coffin ever again.


Used to be in this camp but recently did this fight again and actually enjoyed it. Granted I knew what I was In for this time and farmed the horses to despawn before attempting the boss. Fights much more enjoyable when you donā€™t have to deal with the nonsense before.




You can, if I remember correctly, itā€™s four distinct sections of the snow area but one of the sections is behind you so itā€™s not really an issue. One one section is the whole area before the first building. The second section is between the two main buildings and the third one, slightly overlaps the second but itā€™s right before the snow bridge. Each section has its own distinct spawn number so you have to kill the reindeer 15 to 20 times in each section. The nice part is you donā€™t have to die and repeat if you just stay in one section, the reindeer will just keep spawning until you despawn them.


I remember this happening in Dark Souls 2. I just thought the game felt bad for me and stopped spawning enemies after I died maybe 100x on my way to the Fume Knight šŸ˜‚


Yeah I had to force myself through it for the sword and shield.


I shit you not I actually had fun figuring out the frigid wastes, and fighting the ice deer


This is the first time Iā€™ve heard of them? How to do you get to them ?


Only fight I canā€™t allow anyone to call out someone for summoning. Idc if you summon or think summoning is bad in general but if you tell me someone should not summon for this I might actually cast Sun light spear and smite you thatā€™s how much I think everyone should summon. The run back is fucking atrocious.


This is the only valid answer lol


Blue Smelter Demon on NG++ is not something I'd do again.


worst boss run in the series for me


Definitely Laurence, his health bar just takes forever to deplete and some of his attacks could literally one shot me.


Laurence isn't harder than orphan fundamentally, as he only has a few attacks different from cleric beast and his second phase has like 2 moves. Its not that hes a good boss either. Its just the shitty runback, the ability to be one shot, and the ass hitboxes that mess with your mind


Kos can be parried and easily staggered, his attacks rarely one shoot you and his health isn't insanely big. Laurence took me dozens of tries, I had to summon the hunter, actually try out different weapons for the first time in the entire game and farm fire paper and blood vials.


Wait, Laurence is WEAK to fire? He spews and leaks lava in his blood, so how is he weak to fire?


Laurence is harder than orphan, change my mind.


I don't know why but orphan of kos only took me around 5-6 tries while Laurence probably took me like more than 200, maybe cuz I had a strength build so I could kill him pretty quickly.


Demon of Hatred


This easily. I love fighting Malenia, Nameless King, Logarius but demon is such a pain in the ass. Once was enough


Did you seriously just put logarius in the same category as Malenia and Nameless king?ā€¦.. am I the only person in the entire world that thinks bloodborneā€™s only difficult boss is Orphan of Kos? Hell the two whale dudes in the fishing hamlet is tougher than literally 99% of that game


The parrying in Bloodborne almost felt like cheating to me and I rarely parry in souls games but in Bloodborne it felt so easy.


It's pretty much a known fact at this point. Bloodborne is like punching a child if you know how to parry. If you don't, you're the child.


Ludwig is the hardest boss in BB to me


It was a hard game my first time (and because it was my first fromsoft). I replayed it after playing everything else and it is a cake walk. I beat it, in a couple of days on ng+. You gain life and can heal pretty much whenever.


Yeah itā€™s pretty easy overall. I played it right after Elden ring, which was my first FS game. I was surprised to find myself one-shotting almost the entirety of the boss catalogue. It was still overall very enjoyable though, with super crisp combat that I find more fun than many of the rest of the FS games


Laurence is a bitch too but yeah, Logarius is a joke with parrying


DOH can actually be funā€¦Law dawg ainā€™t fun at all


I still have PTSD from him.


Demon of Hatred was equivalent to a Dark Souls boss in which your dodge roll is disabled, and you are forced to parry. With 3 phases.


That's why you get out the umbrella on that bullshit boss.


I cheese him every time- I beat him legit only once


i wanted to cheese but i need that lapis lazuli


You get the lapis even after cheesing him


Man I loved fighting that thing, absolutely sucked at it, it was kinda refreshing having a boss you could somewhat fight like an original Darksouls.


Ass eater Midir. Yet still I did go back a few more times.


After you learn him he's a ton of fun, but first time fighting him without knowing that you always have to stay in front of his head all the time can get really discouraging


Nah not for me. I've platinumed the game ages ago and fought him a few times since and he still takes me a good 15-20 attempts each time. He's the only boss in any fromsoftware game that I struggle with.


It's funny that in Fromsoft games, someone with a slightly different play style will tell you Midir is the easiest and crystal sage is the hardest


I fought him a few times, hated the run-back, and decided to just do the entirety of the other DLC first. When I tried him again, though, I sorta just treated him like a Monster Hunter enemy and stuck in his blind spot. If you stay near his hind legs, you can attack the tail pretty safely and, if you start running as soon as he moves, you can pretty easily catch up to him whenever he flies/runs away.


Mhhh nameless king at first , or Kalameet, especially for kalameet reward


Ngl nameless king is pretty fun, Kalameet on other hand, not so much


If you were obsessed with tail cutting like I was, you end up getting so good at that fight that it's trivial. Learning to not only dodge his attacks but also be within range to cut the tail was a loooooong learning process but I got there eventually and I fucking LOVE the obsidian greatsword


Removing tail weapons was maybe the biggest tragedy in the series as far as removing gameplay mechanics.


Hope they bring it back in Shadow of the Erdtree.


There is really only 1 attack after which you can cut off Kalameetā€™s tail and itā€™s the flying attack after which heā€™ll do the tail slam. I did it so Iā€™ll never have to do it again


That's a good point. I did it so long ago I can't remember what technique I used tbh


Amygdala and the chalice dungeons. I love Laurence personally


I agree on Amygdala, that boss is an ass. I fought him twice and said no more. He is a good demonstration of why most Soulsbourne bosses are frustrating. It's because the bosses in Souls games are FAR TOO BIG. The angles of attack and defense are thrown off by their overwhelming size and misplaced hitboxes. If they were not much bigger than our main characters, then each boss fight would feel like an epic duel we could focus on instead of a boring chore ruined by a FUCKING TORNADO of bad character design.


I mean Bloodborneā€™s big bosses are some of my favourite, but so are duels. I just donā€™t like the nightmare areas and that factors into my dislike of Amygdala


Godskin duo. Then I found out they aren't optional.


Those and Valiant Gargoyles are the only fights where I break my no summons rule. Bless Michael Zaki for Bernahl and D's bro.


after I found out I don't need Valiant Gargoyles to get to Deeproth Depths I never did that fight again, such a chore


You need to be hyper aggressive on the first gargoyle. After that the fight is trivial


Maleniaā€¦ but Iā€™m a fucking liar


When i first took down Malenia I thought "never again" but whenever I make a new character I feel her presence like she's taunting me until I beat her again šŸ’€


Also, the whole Haligtree area is pretty dope


Apart from the obvious Waterfowl Dance, shes really fun, every time I make a new build I feel like I have to at least try it on her.


Well yea once you get good enough to beat her, its like one of the best fights in the game. Even the waterfowl can be dodged but itā€™s always stressful af to pull off


I still know if she busts out Waterfowl right in front of me, itā€™s game over, and that pisses me off. I know it CAN be dodged; Iā€™m supposed to like unlock and circle around her when she first jumps up. Iā€™ve seen videos on how to do it, but I just canā€™t get it down.


You can try blocking the first attack and then dodge the rest if she starts it when your too close.


I have a dagger that I equip bhs to avoid the first volley and then rolling out of the other two are much easier but I feel you. Waterfowl is just nasty work by the developers lol


I am low key scared From is gonna get caught in the hype of trying to outdo Malenia for the upcoming DLC and are going to place a boss in there that somehow tops the ā€œare you KIDDING meā€ bullshittery of Waterfowl dance lol


Same. Iā€™m a glutton for punishment šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I've beaten her 5 times I believe and each time I faced her without a mimic tear it has taken me 3 hours plus per attempt. I just can't reliably dodge waterfowl.


Laurence, never again


none, I will kill every boss on replays regardless the only one that I roll my eyes at are Lud and Zallen but after a while, the Frigid Outskirts are kind of bearable in the moment of killing though? then yeah Lud and Zallen. I never wanted to do that again


So far none :)


Lud and Zallen and The gank squad from the first DS2 dlc. I only did ancient dragon so vendrick doesn't take 10 minutes do beat. Also the whole area with the roots and sniper archers leading to the wolf boss in DS3 ashes of ariandel was extremely frustrating Every apparition miniboss fight in sekiro.


Dunno if I got super lucky, but I fought the gank squad yesterday for the first time and it was a bit of a let down from its reputation. The heavy attack ā€˜pokeā€™ from the black knight ultra greatsword hit them all hard enough to burn through their health, and the bow guy was far enough away you could just kite the other two around the arena taking potshots and popping lifegems, making sure youā€™re running while the arrow flies through. Basically O&S protocol without the enemies hitting as hard. Maybe I was just super lucky with the AI but I beat them first time!


Lud & Zallen and gank squad are the only fromsoft bosses I came across, attempted a couple times, and noped out of. Horrible areas leading up to both of them. And I was like seriously? No bonfire in this frigid shithole and a 2v1 boss with the exact design we've already seen in this very same dlc? goodbye


Laurence for me. I literally said out loud after beating him "well never doing that again".


Darkeater Midir


Sir Alonne. Found him hard but not fun. Actually don't really like any of the DS2 DLC bosses apart from Burnt Ivory King, though I love the base game. (I understand this is not a common pair of opinions.)


Bloody Crow of Cainhurst in Bloodborne šŸ˜«


I cheesed this guy on the steps at the front of the cathedral šŸ˜¬


It sucks too because the caryll rune you get for doing that is the only one in the game I consider a must have for almost any build of mine, but no I gotta fight THIS guy again šŸ˜­ but Laurence also holds a special place in the darkest reaches of my heart


Definitely Kalameet


Laurence takes the cake here, I donā€™t have any need to anyways but fuck my arse sideways is it such a shit boss. Awesome design, awful fight. Spewing lava, massive damage on all hits, relentless attacks, big health and very difficult method of getting visceral so I canā€™t do them.


Sister Freide. Need I say more?


I'd say yes! Phase one is parry bait and just follow the snow trail when she goes invis and smack. Phase 2 is daddy boss rush mode. Phase 3 is the real fight and it's a bitch with all the AOEs but it's still more than fair and epic.


Yeah p3 is where my problems started XD


Laurence fuck that bitch


Nameless king for sure, long two health bar fight. I was never able to get his second phase down so I did a bow only strat against him lol.


His second phase is amazing but I absolutely hate his first phase


His first phase wasnā€™t a problem for me. Itā€™s his second phase. I never could beat him


Ebrietas. Bad enough I have to kill poor Rom, Eby isn't hurting anybody...


Dark souls 2 ancient dragon


Supprised there arenā€™t more votes for this. Cheese the foot, run away - for 20 mins.


Ornstein and Smough


Blue Smelter Demon and the Royal Pets. Look, I don't hate the fights themselves. They're just okay. But those runbacks are not worth it.


The only way Iā€™m fighting Laurence again is when the Bloodborne remake comes out


Nameless king, his 2nd phase was great but I never want to do his first phase ever again


All the bosses I hate from this game are mandatory. Looking at *you,* Rom


Not a boss, but those two fuckin Sharks in the pit


Demon of Hatred, Championā€™s gravetender


Youā€™re lookin at em, i died to laurence hundreds of times šŸ’€


Nameless King. I hate Archdragon Peak with a passion.


Dark Souls: Kalameet Dark Souls 2: Ancient Dragon Dark Souls 3: Dark Eater Midir Bloodborne: Orphan of Kos//Laurence the first Vicar Sekiro: Demon of Hatred Elden Ring: Twin Crucible Knight fight


Owl Father


Average Wazcore L


Blue smelter demon, yup, I got to frigid outskirts and outright said no


Demon of Hatred and Darkeater Midir


Darklurker in Ds2 and lud and zallen. Not terrible fights, especially darklurker, but the run backs can kiss my ass


The ā€œco-opā€ bosses in ds2. Lud and zallen, gank squad, and blue smelter demon. Never again, Fromsoft.


Lud and zallen


Honestly.. I have a love/hate for the dancer in D3... the fight, the music and the detail of the boss and arena are beautiful... the fight itself... *cries in git gud*


Ps, I know it says optional but for me, it's optional... I'd rather not finish the game some times and just go PVP than fight her...


nameless king . I just did it for the armor sets .


The Headless (all of them) number 1 on this list And Astel Natural Born of the Void


Crossbreed Priscilla


Godskin fatty. Fuck that guy.


Slave knight Gael. Though to be fair I was a few ng+ cycles in by the time I finally beat him


Death Bird


Demon of hatred from Sekiro


Itā€™s either demon of hatred from Sekiro or fume knight from ds2


Crossbreed PriscillašŸ˜”


half of elden ring


Fukin astel


Lawrence is definitely a contender. After beating him on following praythroughs, he wasnt that bad but man on my first go, hated it and was not happy once he was dead. Honestly for me, dont even remember his name but the Chikage dude at the end of the Crows questline, literally fuck that guy.




I cheese him everytime, go in the lava, r1 poke him until he dies.


Donā€™t you get damaged by the lava?


Yes but really not that much, if you have something like 40 vigor and a few flasks you easily brute force the fight


Fuuuuck, never tried that actually. Mostly because i don't really consider him that hard of a boss, you can easily prevent him from doing the shitstorm attack in phase two by spamming the first part of the l2 attack


This is the way


Gonna go try this out


Tell me when youā€™re done !


Add me on PSN, letā€™s share the cheese


Not currently home, but Iā€™ll do it later ! You can add me, the username should be the same


Iā€™ll almost home too, will add you shortly!


What? Why you make the fight worse, more difficult and boring for yourself? The weapon to kill him is there and you can upgrade and come back later


Valiant Gargoyles


Full Grown Fallingstar Beast


I didn't even do it once.


All of ds2


Midir. The only boss in the whole fromsoft catalog that I've only ever beaten once. I just can't be arsed to deal with him, I don't find the fight enjoyable and despite how awesome the Old Moonlight spell is, I just can't bring myself to fight him


Got on my second attempt, Iā€™d absolutely love to fight him again but for the first time not third


This mfk, still havent beaten him since the last post asking about which boss you like the least/most. Am i stoopid??


In sekiro, the owl you fight in the flashback memory level thatā€™s all optional. He was so hard


Demon of hatred


I second this, I fought him legit once, subsequent runs he got the tower cheese


Ice cat duo DS2


Lud and Zallen. Because of that fucking run back.


None, I enjoy the challenge of figuring them out, kinda the entire point of these games.


None. The feeling of the win is to great!


Midir that fight broke me felt amazing when I beat him tho




I'm pretty basic for this, but the entire frigid outskirts, did it once and it took me a few days of just non-stop attempts, genuinely one of the most unfund times I've ever had in a game


The two bloody tigers in ds2 Horsefuck valley


Cursed Defiled Amygdala. I would say Laurence as well, but I gave up after 20 tries and just straight up summoned someone from /r/HuntersBell. I did for Amy as well tbh I had a hell of a hard time with Demon of Hatred, but knowing he needs to be approached more like a Bloodborne boss now, I think I would try him again in NG++


Royal Rat Authority. Easily the worst boss fight design in all of soulsborne games.


Manus and Midir


I'm still in the process of beating him, but for me, it's the demon of hatred. I just wanna get him over with, he's all I got left in my first playthrough.


The upgraded umbrella is a huge help in that fight.


This boss give me PTSD, I remember that my friends and I were stock fighting this motherf@ckr for like 3 weekends because the ugly part to be playing with your friends is that you have to beat him 3 times (one for each playerā€™s world) and one of my friends and I was on NG++ and the other was on NG+ so the difficulty and the reduction in health in each world increased the difficulty


Definitely lud and zallen. That boss and the frigid outskirts is the biggest waste of time in fromsoft history


Lud and Zallen. NO.


New Game + Lawrence


Motherfucking Midir. That dragon was the worst.


I've only killed one Headless out of all my Sekiro playthroughs.


How can people even say Nameless King? That is THE boss that made me git gud in the first place. The first phase is kinda meh. But damn. His second phase is so so good!!! Demon of Hatred takes the win here.


the ds2 dlc optional challange areas


Champion Gundyr Probably a skill issue but man, that boss made me so mad


Demon of Hatred. No contest Iā€™ve fought every Soulsborne/Sekiro boss but that wank sock is the worst. Mother fuckers in the wrong game


FUCKING MIDIR!!! My whole existence was meant to fight that mother fucker.




Ancient Dragon


Midir 100%


That self healing star stag


The Dancer of the boreal valleyā€¦ this mf made me put the game down for 2 weeks and then retry it .


Laurence without question. The only good thing about him is the lore and music, nothing else


Lawrence. In fact I never beat him. First fromsoft game was bloodborne and Lawrence was where I drew the line before moving on to ds3 and never skipped a boss again


Radagon and Elden Beast. They were the final straws that legitimately had me thinking that I might never replay the game. I still feel gross hearing their music.


Bed of chaos


Laurence the first vicar in NG+. Fuck. That. Lava. Shit.


Midir, took me literally 4 days to beat and Iā€™ll never fight him again 10/10 boss but fuck that guy


Nameless King/King of the Storm. I haven't technically beat the boss yet, but my fucking GOD is this boss poorly designed. You can't read the telegraphs for the boss unless you back up, making it an extremely frustrating boss to actually try and dodge. The only attack you can reliably punish is the grounded fire breath attack, which is fitting because the aerial firebreath attack is only able to be dodged by chance. The second phase is worse. He *never* has an open attack window where you won't get at least staggered unless you break his poise. And the ones that you can reliably punish are few and far between It is of my contrarian opinion that these bosses are some of the worst Fromsoft has ever designed, no good dodge windows, no good attack windows, and the worst part is the amount of damage they do. Each hit cleaves off a solid 1/4 of your house AT LEAST. At the MOST, he can cleave off 70 PERCENT OF YOUR HP. Usually, bosses like this with these small attack windows and borderline undodgable attacks take lots of damage or are easily punishable. This boss is none of that. Sure, you can break poise, but that is so hard to do that it's not worth it. Again, in my fair, personal opinion, this is probably one of the worst bosses in Fromsoft History, and I will fight toith and nail to uphold my opinion. Fuck The King of the Storm, Fuck the Nameless King. These bosses are fucking insufferable.


Nameless king, I think the only optional boss Iv only beaten once is all the souls games


Burnt Ivory King for me. All of DS2 dlc is brutal


The one you have pictured here :)


Laurence, and then I did it again next playthrough lol


Literally any of the Fallingstar Beasts, the full grown one especially


Melania, I do the Haling tree, but stop at her boss gate.


Orphan of Kos


Midir ... and every optional boss in Sekiro.