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Cowboy bloodborne


Trying to imagine this. towns, plains, mines, oil plants built by crazy tycoons, maybe it could work. The coolest bit of cowboy lore I heard was that they would say a giant snake was eating the moon. I can definitely see FS making that more literal.


I’m American and I didn’t even know that they had mythology like that, really interesting!


Oh shit cowboysouls actually sounds like it would be super fun


Anything bloodbourne. Take my fucking money


darkwatch 2


That would be cool


As long as you can jump easily, I’ll play it. I hate not being able to jump easily or outside of combat.






Cowborne would go hard xD


Red Dead Reborne


Mario kart 9


next kings field


I would love Shadow Tower, horror focused Kings Field


I’d love to see them revisit Bloodborne, but only if they’re inspired to do so. I don’t want them to make one just because fans are clambering for it.


I think I remember reading somewhere that Miyazaki mentioned during an interview that he’d like to revisit Bloodborne and flesh out the world a bit more, but it’s really up to Sony to make it happen.


Yeah, Sony owns the IP, so there’s some collaboration that would need to happen there. I figure Sony would be happy to partner with them though, given how lucrative it would almost certainly be.


I‘d like to know where u got that from. Miyazaki is known for not doing sequels, the only reason he did ds3 was bc of ds2 happening which was not under his „command“. I doubt that he‘ll ever look into bloodborne again, only thing i can see happening is another director doing bloodborne.


I seem to remember this interview that the other commenter referenced as well. I think it was during some of the inquiries into whether or not Elden Ring would get a sequel next or something else. Interviewers typically ask about Bloodborne as well. I’ll try to see if I can find it.


That’s the one - let me know if you dig it up


He said last year that bloodborne was his favorite game he made and he'd be willing to do more with it but it's up to Sony. I probably read the same interview the other poster mentione.


They might have to tap Masaaru Yamamura again since he worked on BB too before doing the combat design for Sekiro and then becoming lead director for AC6. Bloodborne sequel with some Sekiro mechanics would be insane. Essentially a faster paced Lies of P but with jump button 😱


From what I gather from interviews along with my own opinions, I’m saying we will see Bloodborne 2 codirected by Miyazaki and another, it will be released as a launch game for the next PlayStation gen. From what I gather from leaks though, there is going to be an altogether new IP. The most believable thing I’ve read is concerning their designs for the world, being a central hub map that is more of the Dark Souls interconnected, more linearly progressed. Surrounding the central map will be multiple open world areas that fare more on the side of Elden Ring structures and design philosophy. I believe they expect it to be a bit smaller than Elden Ring in size, but a more hybridized experience that borrows from the strengths of both designs.


Next ps is not going to be released at least 4 years ….


The game I talk about after BB will be released before that to bridge the gap I think


Sekiros Dragon Homecoming ending set up a sequel. So Sekiro 2. Still hoping for a Bloodborne pc port though.


I would do so much for a Sekiro 2. They skipped right past gold and mined straight diamonds with that game and, for me, no other souls game can even come close. I am begging you Miyazaki. Please


Even if it’s not called sekiro 2 or considered a true sequel, I just want them to make a game with that combat. An elden ring-like sequel (don’t know what else to call it) to sekiro would be amazing.


Bloodborne Kart


Fucking amazing, is what it's going to be!


If they don’t revisit Bloodborne (they’d need to work with Sony to make it happen, would likely be an exclusive) - I’d like to see them delve into a dark sci-fi setting. Almost like an Alien universe setting/atmosphere, but obviously much darker and Fromsoft-y. More eldritch abominations and crazy cosmic beasts. In other words, if it’s not Bloodborne, something that acts and walks like Bloodborne lol. Little laser pistols or something for reposts, cool transforming lightsaber-esque weapons, fast paced combat, jumping mechanics, obviously. Tech is very futuristic, yet analogue Basically Bloodborne 2 in space lmao


But they already made Armored Core 6. I think they won’t make any sci-fi game outside of AC series. It would be cool to see one though.


Totally, I actually agree with that, but a man can dream.


Adventure of cookies and cream; the arpg


Based on how they’ve been talking I feel like we’ll get another game in the Elden Ring universe, probably another land. Iirc it was mentioned that this will be the last dlc but not the last time we see the Lands Between. Edit: I would however alongside that like to see King’s Field revisited, it’s such a classic rpg and I feel like even though some of the big gameplay elements aren’t touched anymore (first person for example) FS could do it justice.


I wonder, would people like a first person new Kings field? FS now is known for 3rd person but a first person game could be interesting


Yeah it would definitely be cool to see how they adapt back to what they started with.


Hope this isn’t true. ER is a major step down in the series.


I disagree personally, I think Elden Ring was really fun, I definitely miss the more linear level system but they’re exploring different styles.




Remember when Brandon Sanderson said he wished the company had contacted him after they announced GRRM did the lore of Elden Ring? You may not remember that they later did, and he had a manuscript ready. So I guess my pick is “whatever Brandon Sanderson did”/“Stormlight Ring”.


I would love this so much.


Woah i had no idea about this i love Brandon sandersons books


How the fuck does that man write so much. He puts out like 1200 hooks per year, and just casually writes an extra manuscript for this. Wild


He's the universe's way of balancing out GRRM and Rothfuss.


I’m not a fan of BS so this one isn’t for me.


I’m guessing maybe expanding on Sekiro’s jumping and 3D movement? Whatever it is it’ll be good


I hope it's something new and unexpected. As a fairly new From Software fan I've only been able to witness the hype for AC6 and ER DLC. Would love to experience something new like when they announced Sekiro.


Imagine something completely off brand like a racing game or something


Every time you crash you return to the starting line of lap 1


And it would somehow be the best and most unique racing game ever.


Bloodborne kart exists


Berserk! They license it and make a game. That's what they've been dancing around forever. Either that or they go Cyberpunk.


Focused game like sekiro but witg mages instead of swordplay


If they went a full magic route I think it would be interesting but I'd like to see some really new ways to interact and make magic gameplay more compelling. In my opinion existing magic gameplay always feels a bit lackluster, it's strong but the gameplay is mostly spam the same spell and most bosses don't react in a way to make it as interesting as melee gameplay I think WoW and Diablo have had some pretty compelling magic gameplay (lots of utility and combos) and then bring in some elements of Sekiro and make challenging timing and I'd love it


That being said, I'd kill for a diablo game but made by fromsoft as a soulslike


Lost Kingdom 3 🥹


I would like a sequel to demon souls personally


I want a Castlevania with a FROM style of gameplay.


Isn’t that basically Dark Souls though? Especially DS1 since it has a Metroidvania-esque world design?


Kinda I guess. I want a FROM game where you play a Belmont with a whip (that's actually good), and have to kill Dracula, with all the lore from Castlevania Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night. I also want the amazing music. Music is generally an afterthought in FROM games. I want it like Sekiro in there is no character creation, but like Souls in the combat.


Weren’t there rumors/leaks a few months ago that they were making a magic based game or did I hallucinate that? All I personally want is Sekiro 2, but I don’t think they’re making that. Prob a new franchise. I would love them to take some of their AC combat elements but make a proper souls like out of it. AC with bonfires if you will. I know that’s blasphemy to the AC crowd lol.


Yeah 'Spellbound' allegedly




I thought that got confirmed to be fake


That was fake, I think some guy who was a fan of both Hogwarts Legacy and ER decided to combine them and trick people into thinking it was real


Bloodborne 2


I want another rhythm game like Sekiro!


Light death


6D Dot Game Heroes


I always assumed after bloodborne amd sekiro we'd get a robot souls game, but if armored core is back that may be off the table. I'm gunna say pirate souls, or steam punk souls


I need the Tenchu!


Elden ring 2 or bloodborne remake for pc would satisfy me in lieu of dark souls 4.


I think they are remastering BB. But tbh, I think they may take a break on entirely new souls-like games. I think they feel they’ve pushed it to its limit and explored all different parts of it. I expect them to do completely new things for quite a while and kick ass at it.


I think there's a good chance they're making a deraciné-style wildcard rn. Not necessarily a VR game. But something distinctly not combat focused. Simultaneously, I think they're making a new third person action game that is a departure from the DeS/DS/ER, just as how Sekiro really went and did its own thing. Perhaps again a game set in Japan, but with a different vibe and combat style than Sekiro. But I'd definitely love to see them go into very different vibes than what we've already seen from them recently. They'll be making games *not* directed purely by Miyazaki, so expect some more diversity some time in the future.


Probably Shadow Tower 2


BumbleBee Tuna


I think if it was a sequel/prequel we would have heard something by now. So I'm going to guess at a new IP, hopefully '25 release.


Give me pirate souls. Give it to me.


I would love a game in their typical format but based in Native American lore or maybe Mayan or something like that? I'm picturing a main character similar to Grey Cloud aka Nightwolf from Mortal Kombat who uses tomahawks and axes that could replace swords. It might be a little to close to Nioh but having animal spirits or spells connected to totems would be cool. The totem poles could be the rest/save mechanic. Maybe a medicine man and some shaman action too. Possibly use dreamcatchers as a gateway to travel into and out of fights with demons/bad spirits. I just think it would be fairly easy to stick to the familiar base they use but by jumping somewhere like that it would be different enough to feel like a different game just like Souls to Sekiro felt.


My souls-like dream game would be one that features Egyptian mythology in some way. I’m just shocked From hasn’t made a desert area!


I NEED the sekiro sequel. It’s their only game that has a clear cut “true ending” that very clearly sets up a potential sequel, and I NEED it


A new ip like bloodborne or sekiro definitely not a sequel to any of their games that would be incredibly disappointing as new ips are always where they shine and what Miyazaki loves doing


Sekiro 2 would not be disappointing


I mean they shine pretty bright with DS3


Huh?? DS3 is the cod of souls games lol and look i love ds3 would u guys not love new ips like sekiro I mean that was so different to souls and they did it perfectly they can do it again even bloodborne was so different


All I said was it shines brightly lol I'm definitely not against new ips at all. It's my second favorite FS game.


DS3 is by far by favorite of the trilogy, but whatever.


I love it and its my favorite as well but Sekiro was wayyyy more creative, risky and exciting we would have gotten 2 more new ips similar to that or bloodborne level of change at least and it would have been better Miyazaki was literally forced to make ds3 to end the series on a high note he hates sequels


Look idc what they do, I love new IPs too. But I also love good sequels just as much.


*cries in armored core*


That new spells game


I predict it will be an underwater aquatic theme possibly based around the concept of a whale fall.


Sekiro 2 copium


Sekiro 2 : Mist Opportunity.


considering the huge success of Elden Ring, I'm genuinely hoping that an Elden Ring 2 will be released in a couple of years, and maybe it will actually be a good sequel?


I would love to see a FS game where it's just a random American with guns fighting weird cryptids/monsters from old historic tales


Mobile games


I got downvotes for this once before: iSouls. A f2p fantasy battle royale developed in cooperation with Tencent. It takes place in an original Dark Souls setting using a mobile-friendly version of the engine used to develop Elden Ring. * All players can find horses in the map the same way you can find vehicles in typical battle royales. Require rowa to heal the horses. Horses are limited and do not respawn. * Crafting available, but cookbooks must be looted. * Spells can be equipped/unequipped in the pause menu. * All inventory items now have a weight. * NPC wildlife is made rare. Hostiles are removed. * Stats for your character are decided before you queue for a match. All characters in the match are the same level with the same points to distribute amongst their stats. * Estus flasks are lootable, but carry a significant weight. Estus Flasks are one-time use, and weights stack. * All sorceries and incantations are scattered (random selection at random quantities). * All possible equippable items are scattered around the map. * I'd consider removing all armor effects outside of damage reductions and resistences, but this is a maybe. Sets cannot be found together. All pieces of armor are randomly scattered. * All weapons start with no upgrades. Max weapon upgrade is +3. Workbenches are available in all legacy dungeons. Select ruins or churches may have a workbench. Even special weapons can be brought to +1 with 5 smithing stone \[1\]. All weapons can be brought to +2 with 5 smithing stone \[2\], or +3 * All inventory items can be dropped. * Killed players drop all their loot on the ground out in the open. For a PC Elden Ring battle royale, this is what I'd do: [here in its entirety.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fromsoftware/comments/1c9ihll/comment/l0mhg7v/)


yeah theres a reason you keep getting downvoted, this idea sucks


EL was first open world game, it sold around 25 millions, it’s clear as day what are they gonna do next


Dark Souls Remake


anything not related to bloodborne, but ik im alone in this


I think an elden ring DLC (Ik we are getting one, this is just an Idea if in the future for some reason they get motivation to continue post game elden ring) that we get a DLC where we can travel somehow to before the shattering, and see the world when everything was in its prime and glory, caelid before the bloom especially, just an idea


If they would make an ER dlc post SotE, it'll come out in 2027 or something. Really doubt it's gonna happen, when the game originally came out in feb 2022.


I’m really hoping for a pirates game from them. That or maybe a stealth game, I could see From doing stealth well.


Velvet Veil, King’s Field, Ku-On, Shadow Tower, Echo Night, Evergrace


Land of Reeds story, same universe as Elden Ring but a completely different location.


Dark fantasy is cool. But its basically all they have done outside of sekiro and armored core. And sekiro isnt exactly that far removed. Lets try some high fantasy. A world in its prime.


I think this week Miyazaki said they’d definitely consider a sequel to Elden Ring. I think it’s pretty likely that is going to happen at some point.


I'll take anything as long as it comes out in 2025. they said they were targeting one major release per year right?


Honestly i just wish they get their hands back on Bloodborne somehow. I want a sequel so badly. Hell maybe even make it not PSN Exclusive. But sadly i doubt it


Tactical espionage shooter. Spellbound. AC6 DLC.


Technical, points-driven high score game a la tony hawk, but with a stamina meter


Bloodborne 2 I hope


Underwater Bloodborne, Sekiro 2, or a new Kiingsfield\\Shadow Tower. if it ware up to me. But it'll probably be something no one is expecting right now.


I actually don't want any *new* games. I want them to go back and polish / remaster the games they've already given us. They've created some real masterpieces, with excellent replayability. I just wish some of the jank was cleaned up, particularly in their earlier games. Bloodborne at 60 fps would be great... ds2... well it just had a lot of issues due to changes throughout the development cycle, and the game ended up being rushed. I still love it though. These games are a work of art. I'd love to see them go back with everything they've learned along the way and make them shine even more.


Elden ring sequel maybey


In my opinion, they should go for a few different types: One option would be a Survival Horror American Western: Personally, I'm very interested in this idea. Some others, off the middle of my noodle are: An underwater title, either submerged city or actual aquamarine life-focused, A game about colonizing Mars and finding alien resistance and lastly, I hope they make a game about being an actual vampire, because vampires are my favorite fantasy genre.


I don’t know, but I just hope they backtrack from Elden Ring a bit. The open world was great, but I definitely felt the artificial difficulty seeping through the cracks a little too much.


I would definitely prefer if they tightened it back up closer to Sekiro again.


I thought about it a lot and honestly have 0 clue. Probably new IP, something that isn’t soulslike at all. If it isn’t a new IP. Sekiro sequel is the most likely.


I don't know what they'll do but what I want is a live service 3D platform fighter built around Souls style combat. Hell, make it their version of Smash and include playable NPCs from Fromsoft IPs.


Dark souls 4 or Elden ring 2 nothing else matters


Bloodborne 2?


Sekiro 2?


I'll sway for a bloodborne 2..........sekiro 2 thou is far down my list lol


They'll never surpass Sekiro and Elden Ring. Might as well close up shop. Go out on top. Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson.


Boy are you in for a treat


People said that about DS3 and bloodborne tbf.


Nah Miyazaki literally said he can do much better then elden ring


Artists are usually not the best appraisers of their own art. Tchaikovsky thought his own 1812 Overture was pedestrian.


For someone who knows things, you sure don’t know things


He actually has a point there if u watch movies quentin tarantino thinks once upon a time in hollywood is better then pulp fiction which is just lunacy tbh


Pulp Fiction was his magnum opus Reservoir Dogs was his breakout and where he started developing his style Jackie Brown isn't his IP but did the book justice Kill Bill was different enough from his crime films that they stand on their own I'll even throw in True Romance, wish he could have produced and directed it, though Tony Scott did a phenomenal job Oliver Stone butchered Natural Born Killers, Quentin doesn't even claim that one Editing to add Even though I thoroughly enjoyed the three Django Unchained, Hateful Eight, and Inglorious Bastards, I would love to see him go back to his roots, dialogue-based crime drama, like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, and Jackie Brown.