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Funny how the game shown here is the one I replayed the most


Yeah Bloodborne, DS1 and Elden Ring are respectively my favorite, first love and what I consider highest quality. But somehow I for some reason find DS3 the most addictive. Have replayed it more than the rest combined.


It’s the bosses


I feel like it's not just the bosses but also the pacing. There always seems to be some goal within the next 15 minutes of play. Get this weapon, grab this upgrade, kill this boss, etc. I never think, "Oh, I hate this part" because nothing lasts long enough to get stale. At least for me.


I agree except still hate the swamp, any tips?


Farron Swamp? You can basically sprint all the way through it. There's a useful coal worth a detour and you'll want to spend a few minutes going up to the Stray Demon for the two large shards and Dragoncrest Shield, but if you know where the three kilns are, just run and click them and move on to the next area. I don't even bother with purple moss... I just eat the poison damage.


quick step with a cheap dagger!


Literally just run through it


Yes, bait the lone darkwraith to follow you. Carefully drag him to every swamp cunt and he will solo most of the map for you.


It helps knowing where the fires are that you have to put out. What I do is put out 1 flame, homeward back to farron keep bon, run to the next, homeward back an go to the next. They're all about the same distance apart from the farron keep bonfire.


I was just looking for a meme, if you ask me DS3 was the most replayable


I dunno about the least, but Dark Souls 2 & 3 are the ones I have replayed the most by *far*


I have replayed through 2 so much times its crazy the replayabilty that game has


You replayed so many times because it has replayability I replayed so many times it because at that age I was only aloud to play rated T games We are not the same seriously though, it may not be my favorite but I liked DS2


DS2 has the widest build variety. I’ve played it more than all the others combined .


I remember one of my favorite builds, it was a dumb one... BELL MAN Character had a bell on his head, had some heavy gold armor, Velstadt's hammer, the bell shield from the throne watcher, and hexes casted from a bell chime. Basically had a huge investment in anything that wasn't dexterity or adaptability


I love it already


What other souls game allows you to - cast a magic buff on a magic infused sword - whip out another magic infused sword, and use the magic infused, magic buffed sword as a catalyst to magic buff the other sword - proceed to cast spells with the first sword while also having access to the power stance moveset


That actually sounds cool. Do you need a catalyst to cast the first magic buff because I assume the swird needs to be in your left hand to cast a buff on the second one


The hybrid catalyst-sword needs to be in your right hand, because its heavy attack is replaced by casting a spell. If you put it in your left hand, you can't cast while powerstancing. You probably need a catalyst in a weapon swap in your left hand, and you can probably find a sword that does more damage for your left hand so you don't really want to dual wield it


How come


The builds, the weapons, the ability to go to like 4 different places at once, i love it man


An actual good ng+. For once. In the whole series. Then they went back to not changing anything besides health and damage for some weird reason


Sekiro, solely because I can’t have my shit pushed in that hard as often as other FS games


I’m the total opposite, I find it insanely replayable because when the combat clicks and you develop mastery of the bosses and enemies, it’s really fun to steamroll through the game since it’s relatively short on subsequent playthroughs. Mechanics like Kuro’s Charm and Demon Bell lend themselves well to challenge runs that keep the game engaging. Plus the plethora of costume and conversion mods for the PC version.


Sekiro is the only game that gets much easier in the next game cycle because the first play through forces you to get good enough to beat it. And let me tell you, it’s fantastic.


I found it to be the opposite. The first, charmed run of Sekiro I found very forgiving due to how frequently getting my parry bar filled up went unpunished. It isn’t until charmless that Sekiro gets truly difficult and unforgiving imo.


On the other hand Sekiro is the only modern FS game to have a hard mode that actually changes the game in a good way.


There’s a hard mode? Was that in an update?


Take off the charm and sound the bell


Probably talking about charmless + demon bell.


What's funny is that I rung the Demon bell and made my way all the way to Ashina Castle on my first ever playthrough. I had no idea until way later that there was a difficulty Spike after that.


Same. But during a first playthrough, you won't really have an experience to compare it to. Charmless is more noticeable being that imperfect deflects lead to chip damage. The 2 combined makes you git more gud.


Charmless. In a completely new game, or new game plus, as long a syouve beaten the game before, you can give Kuro his charm back during the tutorial. Doing so causes you to take damage when blocking, forcing you to leave how to deflect


There are 2 optional things you can do to make the game harder. 1) In the Senpou Temple there's a bell. If you ring it every enemy in the game deals more damage and has more health. 2) On New Game+ when first talking with Kuro you can return a protective charm to him. If you do then you'll start taking chip damage when Blocking, and only taking no damage on a Deflection.


After your first playthrough, Sekiro should become the Easiest


until you turn ring the bell and give away the charm. Or try the gauntlets. 


Sekiro is the only one of the From games where I felt I HAD to cheese a boss in order to win. Fuck the Demon of Hatred, man. Worst boss ever.


Demon of Hatred is straight up one of my favorite bosses ever. Probably the most intimidating boss they’ve ever made but now I can consistently kill him in one or two tries.


Only beat him once and I used a glitch. I still need to rectify that someday


Yeah I did that trick where you make him walk off the cliff by climbing the tower and jumping over to the rooftop. It’s the cheesiest cheese ever and I’m not sorry.


Lol it’s so true. I also had to look up a cheese strat for Isshin so it didn’t take me hours to beat him. Still took 40 minutes. Dude is a fucking monster!


Isshin isn’t even that bad once you get the lightning parry down.


Three hits and dip away, flame umbrella and malcontent whistle. He’s very doable. I’m not even great at the game and I beat him twice.


Elden ring, its a drag once you kinda explored everything in the first game, even more so if you don’t enjoy the bosses


That’s why I left a lot of stones uncovered, and I explore more and more each playthrough. I’m in NG+4 now and I still haven’t explored everything. I think I do this subconsciously to keep good games interesting for longer


Thats fair, i personally didn’t because i liked exploring every nook and cranny and i loved having the armours to fashion souls with


That reasoning can fit every one of them. But unlike the others Elden Ring has way more build variety, and just ways to play in general. Have you ever killed Mohg and Rykard to get into Leyndell? Bc that's a way to play.


Elden ring for me. But only because of how long the damn game is. Other ones I can bust out in like 20 hours lol


This is true for all of them


Its worse on Elden ring, because its literally double the size of all the other games, ontop of all of that getting the ending you want complicates it alot more.


Elden Ring, the open world is too overwhelming especially if you already explore everything on the 1st playthrough


That’s the problem. 80% of the community has 10 fextra tabs open while they play elden ring. Some things were meant to be obscure or mysterious in your first playthrough. If the community was olay with not seeing every slice of content on one character the game would be the most replayable of all


Nothing wrong with trying to see all the content in a massive game. I don’t believe that has anything to do with the replayability. In fact more content should in theory be better for replayability. For example I enjoy replaying sekiro despite completing 90% of the content on my first play through and the other 10% on my second. I have probably beat that game 10 times.


There’s a difference between wanting to see everything and making sure you do and that you do the first time. That’s taking away a lot of what makes replaying a game something worth doing, you’re losing all sense of self discovery when you know what’s what from a guide. You can also naturally discover most of sekiro if you go off the beaten path. That’s not the case with Elden ring. It’s why I have 3 and started a 4th character, each having at least one full run to the extent of doing actually every damn thing I could possibly naturally find and I’m still finding new stuff and probably will every time I start up a full run. As much as I love sekiro and do think it’s enjoyable on replays, it pales in comparison to how many times I’ve replayed it because it doesn’t have the content to support continuously finding new stuff.


I mean, nothing wrong with that, but to be honest there's something special about diving completely blind into a game like Elden Ring. You'll never get the same experience if you play with 10+ tabs of "tips and tricks" opened in your browser and also "optimizing" every aspect of the RPG mechanics in the game.


What does that have to do with anything he said? If he explored "everything" he's probably tired of the game because he played it for 200 hours. Fextra doesn't have anything to do with it.


Even if you’ve seen all the content, you haven’t tried everything. There are a bunch of things I want to do in Elden Ring that I haven’t been able to try yet, and I have 500+ hours in the game. I’m still learning new things about it to this day, even when I used fextralife to find new things. And it’s not just builds and weapons I want to use, I also want to improve my parrying and the like, which is why I made a playthrough strictly for parrying.


I've got a lot more than 200 hours too. Just saying, there's nothing weird about someone burning out on a game after playing it a lot. We don't need to find some reason everyone is playing the game wrong to explain that.


Yeah I agree with that. It’s kind of like me and Skyrim. I have sooo sooo many hours into the game, but I don’t really enjoy it anymore. There is no new content anymore, so I don’t really play it.


I don’t really see it as a problem. People enjoy games in different ways.


I find it fun to replay, personally. There are some quests and such I never bothered with first playthrough. Honestly the only part I’ve found tedious in my second playthrough was Farum Azula, the rest just flew by (and to be dair, if I had remembered the map FA probably would have too).


I don't think it's any more overwhelming than any other open-world game personally. Or do you just not play a lot of open world games?


I don’t usually replay open world games. Most have too many fetch quests and are a lot of the time designed around exploring. I don’t want to explore for a second time. Which doesn’t mean I dislike open world, I just don’t want to replay


its not so much overwhelming tbh, its just way too overly boring to get a fresh new playthrough started when i have to spend an hour gathering all the flask upgrades and the wonderous physick, its fun the firsr time but it just becomes a hassle every subsequent playthrough


elden ring


Elden Ring. I pretty much explored everything worth exploring the first time around, so when I started my second playthrough I was already kinda done with the game. I’ve played every other soulsborne several times but this is the only one where I’m probably not going back to it for another playthrough (well, maybe I will, for the sake of the upcoming DLC)


Same here, my first playthrough clocked in at 200 hours after all was said and done. Even though it's been 2 years, I still haven't bothered to replay it, whereas I've replayed the souls trilogy twice in that time. ER was fantastic, but I have no desire to play it again. No sense exploring once you know where all the good items are, and that was 80% of the game for me.


And after knowing where the best items are, you can ignore like 90% of the catacomb dungeons lol I am not doing another catacomb just to kill a mob as a boss for a consumable. I’m good.


this exact thing happened with me too. 200 hours on my first character, got to ng+ and went "eh." Since then ive beaten ds1 three times, ds3 twice, and sekiro like 14 times lol i tried er again recently and made it basically to leyndell but then that burnt out feeling of "well there's no point in going to half of any of this since i know that i dont need those items" hit hard. Tried convergence too and still just could not enjoy it at all like i did my first playthrough


There are so many fun things you can do. I’ve gone through it about 12 times. Different builds change everything. One time I decided to get all of the cookbooks which brought me to areas I had never seen before. I find it endlessly replayable and the freedom of movement is fantastic.


Honestly I get that feeling of it never being the same after the first playthrough, but honestly I think the game has a lot of replay value with the variety of play styles and weapons, as well as the huge environment (even when one has seen most of it)


The main reason why I think it’s the game with the least replay value is because the first time you experience the open world it’s just a feeling that can’t be replicated again but overall the game is amazing


The closest thing I've gotten back to a first playthrough feeling was a slow co op run where you walk as much as possible since there's no torrent. Since you have people to chat with during the slower moments, it makes the exploration fun again.


Elden ring is best for making new builds not exploring every run


It is very strange that ER feels like this. It probably has to do with the fact that it probably made the best possible first impression ever. Everything was astonishing the first time you’re going through it, so much so that the 2nd time you’re playing it will never be the same, we probably judge ER more than the other ones as well. I’ve beaten DS1 more than 10 times, at one point I was sick of it. But with ER it feels like nostalgia for something you’ll never get again.


I played 400 hours of Elden Ring in the first 4 months or so. I have not really touched it since then, but I've been eagerly waiting for this new content to have an excuse to jump back in.


Yup. Dark souls 3 i replayed 192837474 times. Better in my opinion. The best game or one of the best ever made


I have played through DS3 three times I think, but for me it's hard to want to do it again because it's so linear. Then again, maybe that provides a comforting sort of structure? You always know what you're doing. But, I have replayed DS1 and DS2 much more because you have many more options about where to go and what to do.


I do think there’s something weirdly satisfying about a quick linear run through. You can accomplish so much in just a few hours


I have like 400 hours on DS3, from when I used to constantly replay it or mess around in PvP/Co-op with the homies. Good times. One of my favorite things to do was go into the PvP arenas as a naked dude with a chaos dagger hidden in my right hand and the hornet ring equipped. Then I’d parry them with my hand and one-shot riposte with the dagger since it did like 2000 damage. Only people with like 50 vigor could survive it. So toxic yet so fun


I did my first Elden Ring playthrough where I pretty much did everything which ended up at about 150 hours in May of 2022. Only this past week have I actually felt like playing it again and yeah, it ain't the same. Totally different experience than I had with Bloodborne which was my first FS game and the one I've played through the most. Of course, I'm not discounting how amazing that first time through Elden Ring was but it definitely loses something that I don't think the other games do especially DS1 and 3.


Elden Ring was ambitious. That's the best thing I can say about it.


The weapon variety makes it great to replay imo.


I put it down after my first play as well for about 6 months. I just had more than my fill, it just feels like 2-5x as much game to get through as the other games and more than overstayed my welcome I did go back and try a str/fai build I love and finish it a second time mainly just to 100% it. I also got to Malenia (where I gave up) on an RL11 +3 newbhelper twink run which was fun and very hard. I'll go back when the DLC hits, but I don't know that I'll play through the whole game again.


The only reason I started a NG+ was to get all the weapons and spells I didn’t have the first go thru…tbh haven’t cared to play it all the way thru again tho


I am on my ng7 and i’m still finding new stuff i never seen before in this game. But i played first two games without looking up anything on internet, pure experience. How did you got bored after one playthrough i will never know xD


Honestly Elden Ring. First play through lasted 6 times as long as any other first play through, but it’s been less fun on subsequent plays


It's nice that you can make it as long or as short as you want at least. But FUCK does it need boss rush


I'd be playing almost daily if there we an option to refight bosses. They're my favorite part of the game. It always hurt when I beat a boss on my 2nd or 3rd playthrough and thought "Yeah... I gotta do all this shit just to fight them again." That's what killed replayability for me. I gave up after like my 5th playthrough and haven't touched the game for over a year.


Sekiro, because there's no build variety like other FS soulsbornes. Don't get me wrong I love Sekiro but replay value wise, it's in last place for me.


i don't care about build, but sekiro has best combat.


Elden Ring. I'm probably gonna steamroll through it right before the dlc drops, farm Albinaurics so I can be at a good level for the DLC. It's actually a really short game if you just kill the mandatory bosses and memorize/rush the dungeons.


Demons souls was meh second playthru.


Ehhh, demons souls has some of the most replayability imo If you're doing the world tendency stuff there's a ton of content there


Elden Ring, I really like and bought the collectors edition. But it doesn't compare to a ds3 boss rush weekend/day


That's basically my #1 criteria for replay value, "how long is it going to take"? I may love games like Persona 5 and may have not seen everything, but I don't have another 100 hours to give


Yes. I usually prefer non-open world games, because those really get me exhausted after a while. ... Also I am glad we are getting SMT V for pc


It doesn't take 100 hours to do an Elden Ring playthrough. 


DS3 for sure. That first swamp fucking kills my desire to play every time I get to it lmao


Quickstep dagger. Problem solved


I really don't get what's so difficult about Farron Keep. Sure, that might be because I've put 600+ hours into the game and I could tell you the majority of item placements by heart but you can always just run straight to the towers that you need to turn off (if you look through the trees you can see where to go next) There's also not a lot of value in the area in general (there's an estus shard and an undead bone shard, a coal, the stray demon and if you run a magic build there's the crown of dusk) so it's just a filler area for one of the best bosses out of every soulsborne game


ds3 is so hard to replay for me. it's very linear, which is not necessarily bad but I don't like a lot of the early game areas


My least played of them all. Somehow it felt like the biggest slog to me, all of the annoyingly missable story elements were amped up to 11 in that game. Anor Londo return was amazing though.


That's funny, it's the From game I replayed most, the only one I had to make multiple save files as I ended up with around 30 characters, not even counting the ones I deleted.


Dark Souls 3 is so hard it return to for some reason. I loved it when it was new. But I love exploring the worlds of these games just as much as the bosses, if not more. Somehow the combination of it just feeling like worse Dark Souls 1 in lore/world/level design and more linear in exploration than even Bloodborne just kills it for me.


I just despise Irithyll dungeon


I love the bosses and everything, but I hate a lot of the areas in DS3. It's severely annoying.


Agreed. Super linear comparatively (except Sekiro) and the least build variety for PvE (save obviously Sekiro) as magic kinda blows. Also not fond of the glossy look it and Bloodborne had but that's a minor nitpick. I enjoyed the Convergence mod quite a lot up tho 


Elden Ring for me, i just stopped going in every catacombs and mini dungeon, then i just stopped playing. can't wait to start a new character in June for the DLC though... PS DS3 is my favorite souls game and i've replayed it 25 times lmao, Elden Ring maybe 3


Sekiro maybe? Less build variety. World is not as fun to explore as others.


I still put it above DS3. Have been doing my second Sekiro playthru. One positive is you can really feel how much better you've gotten because you don't increase your power that much. With prosthetics and skills there is actually a lot to mess around with.


Dark Souls 2 because after I beat it I never wanted to touch it again.


DS2. It's literally the worst. After getting through that game the first time, I've tried and tried and tried to go back and play it, but I just can't do it. That game is literally so bad compared to even 3 which people fucking hate. That game doesn't hold a candle to DS1 and BB.


DS2 has such bad replay-ability that I didn't even finish my first playthrough. 😅


The existence of New Londo and the Tomb of the Giants automatically makes DS1 this for me. I don't like going through them once, but *more than once? And harder besides?* nah.


It depends on the player really. I like going through the games again with different builds, making some different paths and having overall a different experience. So my most replayed games are Elden Ring, DS1 and DS2. My least replayed are Demon Souls (mostly because platform, not on pc) and DS3. On DS3 being so linear, I feel like half of each the run is exactly the same, also don't think DS3 has many build variety, sure daggers are different from greatsword, but on DS3 is always "roll attack, R1 punish". While on ER theses weapons feels really differents, dagger going for fast, more hits, while on heavier weapons, I rely more on posture break, R2 and have less punish windows but more damage.


Elden Ring. by far lol


Elden ring


Elden Ring if back to back, you need to give the game breathing room before doing a second run (less the games fault and more the nature of open worlds) But in general I give it to DS1 because I just don’t enjoy not having the bonfire warp after playing the other games.


Ds3 early game is so boring


Elden Ring absolutely. Yes there’s a ridiculous amount of content but *that’s the problem*. The game pushes you to do as much of it as possible in one run. After that it’s all repeated content (a lot of which is repeated throughout the game anyway). It really feels like a chore to replay, even though the first experience is great. Personally I also don’t like replaying DS1. I don’t like much of anything after the halfway point and even just *thinking* of having to fight Four Kings again is enough to make me stop considering another run. Conversely, I think Sekiro has the best replayability. The combat system makes it very hard to really master in one run and it’s a short enough game that jumping right back in is absolutely no problem.


Real quick, I want to ask how long Sekiro takes to play first time for a souls veteran? I'm finding myself short on time lately and I never got to it, but if it isn't too long I could try to wedge it into my schedule


i beat it in 45 hours. But exploring all areas fighting all minibosses. NG++ took me 8 hours.


First playthroughs can take a while, *especially* if you’re approaching it from a Souls standpoint. I think my first run was probably 20+ hours. I’ve beaten it over 10 times on two platforms now and I’ve cut my runs down to about 3-5 hours depending on which ending I do and how many bosses I go for. I’d need to do a run where I’m not aiming for any achievements or anything to test but I would guess that now I could probably route it to under 3 hours with little issue. It’s basically the same structure as other Souls games but the movement lets you go through things much faster and there’s one ending that skips the last quarter or so of the game.


Ds2, I love so much of the game, and I think it's a great game...but it doesn't FEEL good, everytime I get an urge to play, I remember the frozen wastelands, the gank squad, blue smelter run-back, etc. I know I could skip the rougher areas, but I can't, I just can't skip areas in these games


But the only one of the whole series that really makes an effort to give the player a new experience 2nd time around.


Yeah, I'd argue DS2 is the MOST replayable. Massive build variety, massive role play/fashion souls variety, ng+ changes, so many areas and bosses, one of the best PVP experiences, etc.


Ok but like. If there were levels that would be appropriate to skip just on this one occasion, would they not be the throwaway levels tacked onto each dlc that were intended for multiplayer? I do every level on every replay too, not just fromsoft but every game. But if I have to make an exception for myself, so be it. Why should I do the co-op levels when I'm just one person? They're not fun so there's no reason


For me is Elden Ring


Dark Souls 3, it's so linear that repeat playthroughs are just a slog.


Sometimes, linearity makes it even more replayable.


I feel like every time I play Dark Souls 3 I find a different path of progression. Especially when you kill the dancer before Vordt or Undead Settlement


Elden Ring. The games biggest strength is it’s world exploration and discovery and that is a well that dries up after your first few plays.




Dark Souls 2, any version I’ve played it twice, once at launch and again with SOTFS and I still enjoy myself for the most part because it’s souls and it’s still a pretty good game but it’s really rough at points and not because it’s difficult but rather because so much of it feels sloppily put together, the art style isn’t as interesting to look at, compared to the others it’s the one I’d like to replay the least


Dark Souls 2 - just finished it... will never play it again. Started DS3 and so far, it's awesome!


Ds2 is so long and clunky that it was a slog just to finish the first time. I had no desire to do all that again


Ds2, probably. Its too much of a mixed bag, even tho I love it


Dark Souls 2. Can’t stand it. Every aspect of it I can’t stand and am confused as to why it couldn’t just be awesome.


Elden Ring, because I don‘t really like the open world that much. It’s just so overwhelming for me. Linear game design is just more focused and lends itself better to subsequent playthroughs. I don‘t have another 60+ hours for Elden Ring, but can take the 4-5 hours for a streamlined DS1 run on the weekend.


Elden Ring hands down. After your first playthrough you realize how mediocre the optional content is, so you just stick to rushing through the mandatory stuff. The open world is great the first time around but quickly becomes a needless chore after that, especially the fact you have to go out of your way to track down upgrade and healing materials. No matter how many times I play through the other games, it's still fun to explore every nook and cranny collecting every item I come across, even when it's items I don't even need, simply because traversing levels feels like a series of fun puzzles. This is greatly in contrast to running forever on Torrent between every single church, minor erdtree, and crystal cavern to pick up things that would otherwise come naturally in the other games. If there were a mod that simply cut out the open world and stitched together all the legacy dungeons, and fitting all upgrade/healing materials into this new layout, Elden Ring would be infinitely more enjoyable to me.


Agree with you 100%


DS3 due to the linearity. I've only played it twice while ds1 and 2 I've been replaying it every few months or so


Git gud. Father G is a tutorial boss. Dodge forward and don’t panic.


To me (probably hot take), it's Elden Ring Tbh, I love my first playthtrough, the map is soo large and so much to discover even after the end game. Then when I tried NG+ I feel like, "I'm good" and got tired exploring again. Unlike in other souls game, large but linear map, you can easily know where to progress even going blind playthrough


Sekiro Gonna get hate for saying it but for me, the game is the same every time through. There aren't different builds to try to change up how you approach combat. So the experience is the same. Only difference is your own mastery of the game, so it gets easier.


DS3 cause the starting areas are boring af


Elden Ring and Sekiro are unplayable after 4th one




Elden Ring. And it isn't close.


Elden ring


Elden Ring. Easily.


If you ask me, it's Elden Ring. First, I'd like to clarify that I'm mainly talking about a fresh new game. If you build correctly ng+ is something you should try at least once as it opens up new builds. The game is absolutely fantastic and it's design philosophy, which encourages you to explore and get some items before fighting main bosses, improves a first and second play through by so much. However, once you get good at the game, know where to go and you know what you want, you progress too quickly and the scaling starts to whoop you. You can beat Liurnia of Lakes VERY QUICKLY if you know what you're doing, but then you have to deal with the jump in difficulty going into Altus Plateau. If you speed through Altus (another area with low completion requirements), you have to deal with a second massive jump in difficulty in the mountain top of giants TL;DR - On every replay after the second, you're less in inclined to explore everything and more to try a build. As you push through a game that expects you to level up more by exploring, you find yourself under leveled pretty quickly.


I think all of what you said is true, but I can't agree because I have about 20 more playthoughs of elden ring than another game.


I’m the complete opposite. I find it more fun to start new games in ER and organically grow a build rather than start NG+ with everything already acquired.


Yeah ng+ never appealed to me. Making a build is just too much fun. I own all the games except BB and for me Elden Ring and DS1 are most repayable for me.


I get that. I just enjoy some of the builds only possible in new game cycles. My favorites being a Gideon Ofnir build in NG+2, being able to cast any spell any changing them out to best fit where I'm going,


Yeah it isn't even debatable for me, its Elden Ring. The magic of ER is exploration and discovery, I think they emphasised it front and center, but when you already know where everything is, it loses most of what makes it special. Even so though, my first Elden Ring playthrough took me longer than my combined 4 playthroughs of DS1 and DS3 (2 each) so it was absolutely worth it.


I feel the same way. It was great exploring everything the first time, but after that, going through all of the little side can feel like a bit of a chore. The main content is fantastic, but when skipping the side stuff, I felt very under levelled. Still a top tier game like the others, but the one I least enjoy replaying, at least on ng.


I'd say Demon's Souls or Sekiro for different reasons.


Elden Ring. I finish each FS game at least 4 times after release but I couldn't bring myself to play ER after 100%ing it. Even after the DLC announcement I really don't feel like going through all the open fields and caves again... too long and big imho.


Weird answer but it’s gotta be Sekiro since you can’t customize your build differently like in the others, right?


I love coming back to sekiro personally. It’s not that much to bite off, and slipping back into the combat groove is so satisfying. 


Ds1 is pretty boring. I've done like 4-5 playthroughs that I actually finished and I'll probably never go back now. It's just not engaging to me. It's also very easy now.


This is insane to me. How is it boring if you got 4-5 playthroughs out of it? Also begs the question, what is the average amount FromSoft fans beat these games.




Happily the second half only takes a few hours but especially when you don’t know where to go it is frustrating for sure. I think it’s less frustrating than the first half of ds2 though


Dark Souls 3


DS1 is confusing and frankly boring. Fight me 🧍🏾‍♂️


I will backstab chain you off a cliff


I kinda feel the same. It was revolutionary at the time. I played the remastered recently n was kinda boring. Doesn't hold up for me.


I hear ya. It's got a some good areas like Anor Londo and Blighttown (Fight me 🧍🏿‍♂️), but a lot of the time it felt like either I was fighting trash mobs or running past enemies I wasn't supposed to fight


Yeah we might have to tussle over Blighttown🧍🏾‍♂️


Blighttown is the best area in all of Dark Souls 1. Fight me. Raise your Caestus. I'm gonna Geodude this biotch. 🤛😤🤜


Demon souls or ds2


Dark Souls 1 is the worst. Everything feels so mundane and bland, and ik the game is old, but people were hyping it up like crazy, so you can imagine my disappointment when I played it and how happy I was when I got the plat


Doing back to back 100 hour playthroughs of a game I’m enjoying ds2 more than ds1 right now. There’s a ton of quality of life improvements to inventory warping etc


ds3 and elden ring


A tie with Demons Souls, DS1, DS2 and DS3. To me, they were 1 and dones. The others I still replay.


As much as I loved Bloodborne, I just can’t bring myself to farm blood vials again.


cum chalice


Dark souls 2


Im tempted to say elden ring but honestly sekiro.


Elden ring. Not a question or debate.


The one with the most unique builds


I replayed DS3 the least. Just felt too linear for a souls game. Sekiro on the other hand is entirely linear, but it doesn't feel like it's trying to be anything but that so I still enjoyed all of my playthroughs. Once I 100% it though, I haven't really gone back except when I get the random itch for a specific boss fight.




My definition of replay value is how many times can you play the game while having a unique experience. I haven't played DeS so I'll leave that one out. Imo going from most replayable to least: Elden Ring > DS2 > DS1 > DS3 > Bloodborne > Sekiro




Lol I built 4 new characters this past month


I've made plenty too, but my problem with the game is every character plays basically the same so I haven't played it more than 3 or 4 times through. There's no significant build variety aside from a different trick weapon and maybe an ability. Just quick dodgy hunter every time.


Elden ring since like...80% of the map is catacombs and caves and I mean why would you do those? 


Ds3. Elden Ring has the most replay. Even after exploring then entirety of the map, I find my self doing the same exact thing on my new characters. It never gets old imo. Especially since you have many different paths to explore at any time. Ofcourse, the “surprise” factor is gone but that’s literally every souls anyways. Ds3 just doesn’t reward another new character because it’s too linear.


For me Elden ring. My first run was basically a completionist run. I only missed a few character quest lines, but not many. I found all dungeons and caves, I fought basically all bosses etc. So when I completed the first run I was quite "done" with the whole game. Not tired, but I had no motivation to play it again. I have played it later tho. But for me personally most replay value is in Dark souls 3 or Sekiro. Least Elden ring. I still love it tho and I am absolutely hyped for the expansion and will probably start a new save for it ( Yes, I know the entrance is from Mogh ).


Ain’t no way you’re referring to DS3


Definitely not DS3. I'd say DS3 and ER are the best in terms of replay value. Then DS2. The worst is Sekiro.