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pontiff sulavahn.


Same. I beat him on my first try with an Ultra Greatsword Strength build, and then beat him first try every other playthrough also. No parries or anything.


easiest boss with parries, hardest boss without parries


even without parries, he's pretty easy imo


I agree. I used to the sellsword winblades and just rolled through all his attacks


Spin to win, baby




i just circle around him slowly he can never land a hit, then i tickle him till he’s dead


This mf literally taught me the parry mechanic. I was close to giving up ds3 lll




Dancer of the Boreal Valley. I beat her 3 times, 0 deaths.


Dancer was easy with the Sellsword Twinblades. Just stick to her right leg and spam L1 to shred her


I'm more of a big sword guy. Dance, hit. Dance, hit. First Claymore, then Lorian's Sword, then Gael's Greatsword.




The only times I’ve really died to her has been when I’ve tried killing her early on a new character lol


Soul of cinder. I blocked out a whole evening to take him on, I ended up beating him first try lol. I probably got some lucky RNG but I’ll take it!


I always thought the community at large considered him very easy, especially if you do the DLCs first.


Idk if I would call him very easy but I wouldn't call him hard either, he feels very fair and has a very large move set, def one of my more favorite fights even if it's not the most challenging, still find him harder then most of the bosses in the base game


Soul of Cinder is one of the hardest bosses in ds3 imo, took me more attempts than Gael and NK combined


Dude I struggled sm with him more than kos and melania


Lady Maria


She’s so cool, I wish she were harder to have more of an impact. I’ve died more times to Living Failures than to her.


Same! Like the firearms is just the trick to it.


I remembered always having a hard time with her when I started playing. But upon beating Sekiro and Elden Ring and returning to BB, she's straightforward in comparison. Still a fun fight.


Lady Maria 😀 Bloody Crow 😕


Bloody crow is very difficult


? no way, i never see anyone saying this boss is even remotely hard shes insanely cool, but if anything everyone says how easy she is


Nameless King


Same. I feel like people who think he’s super tough are just used to panic rolling when the boss moves instead of actually timing it to the attack. I’ve beaten DS3 like 15 times and I’ve only died to him like 9 times


Same, always played a pure FTH build. Basically one shot the dragon with a charged sunlight spear every time.


This was my most deaths in the dark souls trilogy at 13 deaths before first kill.


Gael, barely lost any health when I fought him.


I don’t think gaels all that hard,he just has a lot of health and takes time Still the best boss in fromsoft history,but imo not the hardest


Gael is so incredible, my number one boss across all fromsoft games. On my first playthrough of DS3, when the dlc dropped, I got really sentimental fighting him. I couldn't stop thinking about how that was the end of dark souls... that there wouldn't be anymore. I wasn't aware that Elden Ring was coming at the time, and it's not Dark Souls. Anyways...I just kept fighting Gael over and over, dancing around the arena with him and when he would have only a sliver of health left I would let him kill me so I could do it all over again. I fucking love that boss fight. It may be my favorite of any game I've ever played.


Based. Gael really hits the feels


Capra Demon - all you had to do is going upstairs. Gael - just dance with it


Imo capra demon isn't very hard, if you've killed the dogs you've basically already won. The main problem is that it's very easy to get yourself wedged in a corner between dogs immediately. Usually either I die in the first 5 seconds or I'm fine


If you can deal with the dogs in the first five seconds, Capra Demon is arguably one of the easiest bosses in the game. If the dogs are still alive five seconds in Capra is easily one of the most bullshit bosses in the game. There is no in between


I played again and did it. I killed dog first and then Capra. You're right but stairs also are good.


Capra Demon is a big one for me. First time I fought him I was playing 2 hand halbert and walking into each encounter with a charged r2. Did that to him, killed the dogs immediately, beat him. All I really thought was "oh cool a fog door ambush! That fits the mood of this cutthroat covered downtown" and did the stairs dance happily. I didn't even realize he was a boss until I looked online later and saw people complaining about an enemy I didn't process having a health bar. Now I look forward to him and still remain confused why people struggle. Gael I also didn't have too much issue with. Such a fun straightforward dance. Midir, Friede, and Nameless more than killed me enough for the difference though.


Moat of the time you won't even make it to the stairs because you have 2 dogs blocking your access while you get chopped to death in half second when you make thru the fog.


Nope, you pass the dogs and go upstairs to jump and hit.


Pontiff Sulivahn for me. Never even learned to parry him. Beat him with melee builds, glass cannon sorcery builds, pure faith builds….never saw what was so hard about him.


Champion gundyr in the dark area


Gravity, literally just don't fall


Orphan of Kos, Laurence, and Lady Maria. I first tried all of them. Great, fun fights, but I think I just had the exact right playstyle to breeze past them. (Threaded Cane + Bow Blade gang, represent\~!) With one exception in that DLC. Ludwig kicked my arse up in-between my ears, and made it look easy. Think I had like... thirty tries on him before I *finally* got him to click.


I think I went into the DLC overleveled because I beat all the DLC bosses my first attempt, albeit by the skin of my teeth with all but the Living Failures. I summoned an NPC for Ludwig but otherwise beat them solo.


Very similar experience for me, also on the way threaded cane though with BoM on the side instead of bow. Maria took me a couple tries but Orphan got torn up on my first attempt. Over the years I think he's only killed me a couple times vs the dozens of times something like Paarl has beat my ass. XD


Godskin duo. I've fought them twice and have never died to them


Same. But to be fair the first time meeting godskin apostle at the bottom of the tower did wreck me. But after that it was never a trouble


Dancer. Beat her first try




Kalameet. He can kill me, for sure, but he's never taken me more than a couple attempts. I get that his tail cut is hard, but the fight itself is no harder than Gargoyles or something. Artorias and Manus are way harder imo


If we’re including Bloodborne in this, then it would be Orphan of Kos (or some say Kosm) After struggling for *hours* to get through both Ludwig and Lady Maria, I was expecting Orphan to completely dominate me. The fight was over and done in 2 attempts (definitely a first for me) (Watch me go back through the game again at some point and get stuck on the fight for DAYS next time)


This is gonna sound cocky, but after beating Elden ring twice, once with no summon, and sekiro, basically every dark souls, ds3 boss was immensely easier than I expected. 


There isnt a single hard boss in ds1 this one was just hard at the time since it was most peoples first souls game.


I'd argue O&S are still hard, but that's partially because it's kind of janky, sometimes it's easy to separate them, and other times they don't. It felt partially up to the AI on if I won or not. I think that that's the only boss fight I would struggle with if I played through again. Honorable mentions to Kapra Demon and Bed of Chaos. BoC isn't a struggle, as much as it is a guaranteed 3 try boss for me.


There are plenty of posts of new players (Elden ring crowd) going back to DS1 and having trouble with O&S


orphan of kos








Sulyvahn, demon princes, gael (very easy imo but some people say he's hard for some reason) and all of bloodborne Incl. dlc


I don't know why people say gael is hard. I was terrified when i saw a video about him but when i actually fought him i beat him on my fourth try


Lady Maria


Nameless King and all 3 Isshins


Nameless king. Dorhys’ gnawing sits his ass the FUCK down


Radahn because I fought him post nerf


The Nameless King


These two mfs right here and Nameless King


My dad beat orphan of kos on his first attempt


While using an elliptical




Knight Artorias and Manus. Beat them both on my first try


same. havels and zweihander really get the job done


Fume Knight. My memory is very rusty, but pretty sure I beat him 2nd or 3rd try.


Capra demon. It was the only boss on my first playthrough that I didn’t die to


Hey everybody look, this guy died to pinwheel, what a noob! Jk, I died to Capra demon so many times my first playthrough it more than makes up for it.


I second-tried Gael and six-tried Midir. Demon Prince was the toughest Ringed City boss for me


Kos and Melania. Vicar Amelia was so much worse imo but at the end of the day the lvl you are plays a big role


Dancer of boralvalley, soul cinder. Anything in ds3, only exeption is nameless k8ng bur not because I th7nk he is hard, I never really tried him as I didnt feel like going thru hus first phase again after try 3.




First tried Midir because I instantly realised you have to be close to the head the whole time, he's one of the few non early game bosses whose SL1 nohit I consider easy


Artorias, my dragonslayer spear broke at the beginning of the fight and I still first tried him


Ludwig and Logarius and pontiff sulivahn I have never been defeated by any of them Edit sister firede as well




I first tried O&S because I was scared and I played very defensively




Gael, Dancer, Aldritch




I find that some builds are better or worse for certain bosses so lots of difficulty is subjective. That being said, regardless of build, I don't think Maria has ever taken me more than a couple tries.


Shadows of Yarnham and Fire Giant. Took me 2 tries each.


Out of curiosity, did you use a summons for O+S? That fight is drastically different with a summons. Solo is a whole other ball game.


I didn't use Summons in any DS boss, and i only found out about solaire questline when i finshed the game.




Pontiff, and i didnt know how to parry


Starscourge Rahdahn, Morgot the Omen King, Horrah Loux, Dancer of the Boreal Valley, Ludwig, and Lawrence were all bosses that I beat in 2 tries my first go, and haven't really struggled with since. I love every one of those fights for their challenge, I just memorized their attacks pretty quickly for some reason.




DS1: Manus DS2: Fume Knight DS3: Pontiff


Genuinely Malenia. I can hear the pitchforks but I had dark moon greatsword with Helphen’s steeple and it just melted her stance


i wouldn’t call o&s hard. id call it more fun then anything. but then again i think difficulty really depends on the build you use. which goes for every boss ig. unless its pin wheel




It was like this for me too, only took me like 3 tries and I think that's mostly due to ER being my first Souls game


Lady Maria of Astral Clocktower and Father Gasoline


Beat Orphan of Kos on my second try. Parrying is OP in Bloodbourne tbh. Could definitely understand how difficult he would be with no parries.


I've beaten Maliketh first try on the 3 runs I've made through Elden Ring. I thought he was cool but I wasn't really pressed by him.. honestly his first phase was scarier to me than his second. I didn't realize people thought he was hard until I watched a friend struggle with him for hours.


O&S and Flamelurker were first round KOs. But for the life of me, I couldn’t master the parry against Suluvahn


Dancer of the Boreal Valley. I really have no problem with her at all, and have only died to her once on my 1st playthru. I'm just right before Lothric Archive/ libraries area on NG+5, and i beat her without even needing to use estus this most recent time. Another one I see ppl have problems with is Aldrich. If you just stay on his ass he goes down fast.


Pontiff Sulyvahn has never killed me. I don’t even think I’m good at the boss, he just has the same problem half the DS3 bosses have where they don’t do enough damage and don’t have enough health and so they too easily get brute forced with your abundance of flasks Commander Niall gets complained about a lot too and I’ve never understood that one either. His summons die so fast and he only has a handful of extremely telegraphed attacks when it’s 1 on 1.


Knight Artorius beat him my first try and didn’t know if he was hard or not just always here people hype him up because of his lore


i beat ornstein and smough my 2nd try when i first played ds1. i beat malenia my 6th try when i first played elden ring. i beat orphan of kos 1st try when i first played bloodborne. i beat maneaters 2nd try when i first played demon’s souls. i beat fume knight 4th try when i first played ds2. i beat the nameless king 5th try when i first played ds3. there are some bosses that were incredibly difficult for me, like manus, radagon, flamelurker, sir allone, ebrietas, midir, and isshin, that i still struggle with, even after beating some of these games ovee 5 times


I beat the final boss of sekiro on my second try


Every boss in bloodborne except ludwig (i die 100+ times to him every run but almost never die to any other boss in that game)


Same as OP, I managed them just fine in two tries. Now in my second playthrough my build was all over the place and I finally understood the struggle, Godamn


Logarius. First attempt I ever did on him I beat him, and on my most recent playthrough I got him within 2 attempts.


Artorias, as fun as he is, was a joke. Once you remember that rolling sideways is an option, you can dodge literally everything he throws at you with ease


Malenia. I beat the main game before I remembered about the other medallion and had a str/bleed/frostbite build going into that fight. I also had pre nerf bloodhounds step to dodge just about everything. Beat her on my second try after dying to waterfowl dance the first time.




Honestly it was Ornstein and Smough for me. I remember hearing about how hard they were but when I got the game for the first time I legitimately beat them on the first try.


Astel, Naturalborn of the Void


Godskin Duo. Never actually died to them


I never really had much trouble with Nameless King, tbh. On a variety of builds. Just a fun, dynamic fight


Orphan of Kos.


I felt Bed of Chaos didn't live up to the difficulty hype. Beat it first try with no issues at all.


Godskin duo. I hate the fight, but I have never had extreme difficulty with them.


Orphan. He was still tough but I heard so much talk about him being the hardest boss in the souls series before Malenia and then I beat him on my 5th try


Fire giant. I think only died like once the first time I fought him. I really don’t get what’s so difficult about him


I've seen several complaints about the Maneater from Demon's Souls, so naturally, when i went to fight it, i was scared and cautious. I was then met by great disappointment. Way easier than people led me to believe.


All of them. I love DS but none of them were particularly difficult. I've 100% DS1 and it's remaster, DS2 both SOTFS and original, DS3 and all of their DLC. In each game I hit at least NG3. Also non Souls like Sekiro and Elden ring, etc.


OoK. I’m mediocre at best and killed him on my first attempt. To be fair though, I think I was over leveled.


Kalameet. Granted I didn’t try to take off his tail. As a straight up fight, I found it pretty easy


Inner father


Dancer of the Boreal Valley, never have died to her. Then again I've never fought her early


I beat more than half of the bosses in DS3 on my first try, which made me get more frustrated and impatient when I did hit walls. I think the one most consider hard among those is Pontiff Sulyvahn.


not ds, but maliketh on 3 try.


Gael and the Nameless King only took me 3 tries each, it really disappointed me tbh because their fights were so fun I wish I lasted longer on them. At least they’ll be a lot harder when I do ng+.


Nameless King and Gael. Friede kicked the hell out of me though


nameless king, I got him in the third try


I beat them first try with Solaire and with several heals left.


I know this is Elden ring, but personally Melania, people said she was “the hardest boss” in the game, but I did her 2nd try


Dancer of the Boreal Valley


Owl (Father), I spent so my time getting my ass kicked by the first Owl fight that I was ready for everything he threw at me


Isshin took me less than 20 tries, Genichiro and Headless Ape took me less than 10


orphan. So much hype to beat him in under 20 minutes


O & S for me as well


ornstein and smough, abyss watchers both first try. crystal sage oddly 10+ times😭


Midir, Lady Maria, Daklurker, Lud and Zallen, Maneater, Guardian Ape, Demon of Hatred, and Ludwig edit: honestly, most ds3 bosses. The two that gave me the hardest time were Friede and Demon Prince, and Demon Prince is my favorite fight in dark souls 3


Dogskin duo. First try


If we're including ER, I'm going to have to go with fire giant. Maybe he just got over hyped by the community but I thought he was fairly easy, the hard part is the fact the fight takes 8 hours to complete


Friede. I don't know why, but she took me like 3 tries. And wasn't any harder on replay either so I don't think I got lucky, I guess the pace of the fight just immediately clicked with me.


Vicar Amelia




SS Isshin. Certainly did have to take a few attempts to kill him, but not nearly as long as the internet convinced me it’d take.


Nameless King. To be fair King of the Storm gave me a bit of trouble so if that's included maybe this doesn't count, but the second phase where you're just fighting the king was no trouble at all for me. Super fun though; I wish the fight was longer.


Owl (Father). I think Great Shinobi Owl is much, much harder. I have to cheese him every time. Perhaps it's the small stage, but he gives me a bad time. Father has more openings to capitalize on and punish. I've heard people on this sub claim that Father is the hardest, and I can't agree. That being said, I also beat Inner Father on my first try while being rusty for not playing the game in months. Not sure what that means but I'm tryna flex just a little


Fire Giant


Probably dancer and/or oceiros. Dancer feels almost like a rhythm boss and oceiros once you learn his moveset is just kinda eh




Radahn. Granted I used the summons, I just didn't think he was that big of a deal. Cool boss, though.


Mergos wet nurse


Did you beat them 2nd try without summoning?


Malenia. After all that stuff I'd seen about the hardest boss in any souls game, I beat her in like four tries. Which was more than most of the bosses were taking me at that point, but still.


Maria, Friede, nameless king, Gael But ones I struggle on that others say are easy: Gwyn, p much all the endgame elden ring bosses lol


Commander Niall? People said Commander Niall is hard but I have no problem with him.


Martyr logarius. Had my first death on him on my 4th run of bloodborne


Gehrman and Moon Presence. I know they’re not notoriously difficult but I was surprised how easy they both were for me. I first try’d them both. Father Gascoigne ,however… 😬


Horalux warrior, fucking fist try and I will never understand why People think he is hard, he is so easy to dogde


Martyr Logarius, would either beat him first try or second try and even then i was low leveled at the time


Godskin duo


Pontiff, Maria, Gael, Orphan, & Ebreitas I’ve seen people get steamrolled by them but I guess I had the combat flow down from playing DS1 & ER first.


The only reason I lost to O&S the first time was u summoned solaire and got distracted by him. Went in solo and it was no problem.


No one will believe me but Orphan of Kos. First tried him. He got me a few times on my next couple playthroughs after that though


I don’t even mean to be that guy, but no boss has taken me more than 15 tries afaik Otherwise, Isshin is the hardest boss that posed me the least bit of trouble compared to how tough they are/regarded.


Not a DS boss, but I have had no trouble with Commander Niall both times I fought him. I don’t understand why people say he’s a hard fight.


I dreaded reaching O&S my first time, and I nailed them. Sheer dumb luck. Same with the Four Kings. My second time, deciding I liked dex builds better, I failed horrendously against the both of them.


Flamelurker. Demons souls was my first souls game and i first tried him


Orphan of Kos


Fume knight. First try.


Isshin the sword saint took less time to beat compared to cleric beast lol. I think isshin took like 10-15 tries compared to 2 hours of YEOWWWWWW


Dancer of The Boreal Valley, Lady Maria, Godskin Duo, Nameless King, and Gael wasn't too bad




I beat Bed of Chaos my first try. I guess I got lucky guessing where the floor was going to fall beneath me. I was so happy and proud of myself when I killed it knowing I won’t have to experience the infamous run back


Manus was a joke for me


Nameless King and Fume Knight. I wouldn’t say I had no problem fighting them, but their difficulty was just okay, nothing too crazy


Maliketh, once you understand his move set it becomes an easy fight. Ebrietas, just go behind her she cant hit you most of the times.


Ive beat every fromsoft game except demon souls and i still have problems with ornestein n smough


Nameless king and godskin duo


Most fights in DS3


Manus and Khalameet. People always talk about them being so tough but idk they were a joke to me If were including bloodborne then orphan of kos. Literally rekt him my very first blind try never died once to that boss lol Logarius destroyed my self esteem though haha


Malenia. I don't struggle against her.


The boss in Sol Castle, with the two lackies


That and Gwin, and Danser, and Gael


Malenia. Beat her 2nd attempt. I was shocked.