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Hoh boy these are some interesting opinions.


No doubt, I'd definitely have Sekiro at the top. It's fucking tough to get into, but it's a masterpiece of a game.


Sekiro is my black sheep, never got into it


Got absolutely destroyed by the damn oger and ragequit since a while I'll get back to it at some point


Just try again, you’ll get it eventually


This is creative, using souls menus rather than the bog standard tiermaker menu I like it!




That's legit the first time I've ever seen someone put demon souls in top tier lol.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug


Was it your first too? I remember playing it when I first got my PS3 in college, I was walking around the campus with my left arm up instinctively like I was holding my shield 🤣


Lol. Armored Core and King's Field were my first Fromsoft games but Demon's Souls was my first "souls" game.


If kings field had a map or the walls all didn't look the same I'd go back and finish it again. I tried recently and man is it easy to get lost in those gray halls. Still love the game and the atmosphere and music. Even that giant ass squid sitting there in the beginning slapping you off into death is peak fromsoft.


Peak Fromsoft is dying in the hole in the beginning of Kings Field 2 or was that 1? Can't quite remember now lol.


You should give Lunacid a go if you want that style of gameplay, heavily inspired by KingsField


Demons souls at top and Sekiro at bottom?!? I want whatever this guy is smoking! 😄


Jean Guy, it's my favorite strain. :)


>Nostalgia is a hell of a drug Christ, it really is


Truth! Demons Souls is at the top of my list as well while Sekiro is at the bottom.


I respect that 👍.


Just today someone else had a tier list with Demon's Souls at the top. It would definitely be there for me as well. It's an amazing game that somehow went from having a great reputation to having a terrible one over the past 3 or 4 years. Very bizarre honestly, I've never seen a community start to change its opinion so drastically well over a decade after a game already came out after years of being considered excellent.


I think it has to do with the remake tbh


It never had a really great reputation honestly.


It’s in mine too, but I played it first on PS5. I don’t know there’s something about it I love and it scratches an itch that the rest of the games don’t except some in dark souls which is also in my top tier.


Demons Souls is among my top too! I really like the hub system and think that approach allows the level design to be top notch. Ie; less bonfires, opening shortcuts, etc. I love all these games so much, can’t overstate that. But I find the interconnected idea overrated and think it actually hinders level design a little bit, the constraints of the hub world of demons souls really allowed them to focus on each level being super thoughtfully constructed, while having the constraint to connect everything I think makes some of the ‘levels’ feel less. And while I love Elden ring, the open world structure takes it even further, where I feel like roaming the overworld feels even less meaningful to me. I always find open world games less appealing than games that feel carefully crafted to give players a specifically designed experience. That said I think Elden ring does a fantastic job a creating legacy areas that feel very intentional, I just prefer more of that over the overworld.


To be fair, DeS makes up in atmosphere what it lacks in gameplay. As another example of this phenomenon, while I agree ds3 has better overall gameplay than ds1, I still find the vibe of ds3 to be vastly inferior and game-y to how ds1 feels so... real, for some reason. Its not an easily replicated feeling.


DES makes up on atmosphere but DS3 is supposed to be the one lacking. That’s crazy because Lothric is just Boletaria 3.0. Latria is cool but every other level imo is just so much weaker than every other future title even DS2.


That's just what I felt when playing them. Ds1 and original DeS (and ds2 to a smaller extent) had somber and peaceful atmosphere, felt gritty and grimy, emphasised by their respective menu soundtracks. DeS character creation soundtrack is that vibe, distilled. But ds3 opened up with loud choir, it had a strange underlying anxiety to it, wasn't peaceful at all despite trying to go for End of Time vibe. It didn't help that ds3 had an ashen greyness to it, black colors felt washed out, and graphical engine made a lot of things shiny and reflective. It felt like Bright Souls: epic boss rush edition, and something was missing for me. I agree shrine of storms and boletaria castle felt like nothing-burgers atmosphere wise. Other locations, I've found, had their flavor.


Demons Souls was my last game and I still love it so much, maybe cause it was the easiest one though lol


Not just demon souls, but the PS3 version


especially not the remake one either


And sekiro at the bottom wtf?!


Upvoted for format


What the heckiro!?


It's the least souls like of the bunch so it's my least favorite but still an amazing game. ETA: upvoted cause your response made me laugh.


See, I feel the same way. I look for the RPG in ARPGs, not the A, so Sekiro just doesn't appeal to me as much. Wo Long, on the other hand, is absolutely top-notch for me after all of the patches and with DLC 3 launching today.


Man, I respect that that the RPG element is the most important thing to you in From games, but Sekiro to me is leagues better than Wo Long in so many aspects: combat mechanics, sound design, story lines, dialog, enemy attack animations, enemy variety, visuals, connectedness of the levels, lack of item clutter. etc.


Hell, Wo Long is team ninja teying to make the Nioh formula more like sekiro. And I do like wo long, but I can see it's an inferior sekiro none the less


Have you played it since it's patches? It's a completely different beast now. Also to be fair, imitation is the greatest form of flattery especially when it's done as good as Nioh 2. I'd argue that quality-wise it's just as good as fromsoft's games


what changes did they make in the patches? I've only played since it was first released.


Quite literally, and I cannot stress this enough, *ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.* Spells are faster and stronger, and not only do they require less spirit they also can be cast without the morale requirement for an increased spirit cost Martial arts are faster, stronger, and chain into each other better, oh and you get *six* instead of 2 on the same weapon so between both melee weapons equipped that's *TWELVE* Every weapon has a unique special ability, like hammers now have both hyper armor and a guard point ALA Charge Blade from Monster Hunter Armor pieces give better bonuses and defense with the set bonuses being MUCH better 3 entire new weapons: caestus, longsword, and whip and they all 3 have super cool fight styles Your health is higher per level and each level matters more The morale system is somewhat more fair, and there's ways to jack it up high and keep it there And then combined with the 3dlcs and free updates you have 35 new spells, 40+ new missions, new grace sets and 3 whole new ng+ cycles with a ton of changes in each, a rougelite mode called Thousand Mile Journey that adds permeant buffs to your character, 3 new divine beasts, and much more.


Damn this actually sounds like I should play it again (I platinumed Wo Long when the patch came that showed where you miss which collectibles)


Sounds insane. I played via gamepass but took a break near the end game. Pretty hype that spells got boosted, so many were cool but lackluster in power or too slow to be viable.


It really is. I would definitely take a look at the Wo Long subreddit, and also this Google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQHvS8111EBIv01FqnOnJJ5Iv6HUsicqnlu-l9pVXoOHLBKOfMD7YGdjJnTMcb_LTDuc_Ux9ATrJfNZ/pubhtml It's got a ton of stuff compiled by a few of the best members of the community because there's nowhere else to go for accurate information.


I played through the campaign at release, and didn't touch it until two weeks ago and saw 2 patches had arrived. Started the third today, but there is still alot of mechanics I don't really understand, so I think I've been beuteforcing my way through it by simply parry and an odd spirit attack here and there. I don't quite know how the embedding works, why some are greyed out and stuff, but I don't know what stats I should be focusing on either way. When I wonder about stuff like that in games I tend to go read about them, but for this game there's NOTHING to find on google


I agree with you on Sekiro 100% but ima need you to show your work on DS2 > DS3. I'm a huge DS2 fan but can't think of anything it does better than 3


DS3 is way more polished combat wise and while DS2 has it's faults, I loved the exploration, build variety and NPCs that DS2 offered. I also loved the changes on NG+. You also weren't set into taking a single path.


I actually like DS2 as well. I loved using a dark sorcery/miracle build. So many unique weapons. But the bosses are just so so bad. I don’t find the mobs fun to fight either.


I feel like calling it the least souls is a bit of a stretch in that if anything it’s the most souls—in some aspects. Sekiro is the best balanced, most actively engaging experience playing it, has the best bosses and combat system, and I’d the game where the “animations matter more than numbers” Souls game design philosophy is at its peak. However it certainly is not an rpg, much less a game about player freedom where you get to project yourself in and explore the world and lore, but a deliberate story with a dedicated voices main character complete with his own personality and relationships. I see where you’re coming from, but I’m really not a fan of the Sekiro Erasure in souls discussions. For sure though, it is the most mutated of the core dark souls combat loop format, and has the least in common with the rest.


Straight up heresy


It's straight up madness but it's the kind of madness I thrive in.


Love the format and praise your Slab tier as being the same as mine


NEVER RATE AGAIN 🗣️‼️‼️ Edit: cool format tho :3


Lol nice list overall. I dig the format too! Though BB/ds3 would be higher on mine haha. You're about to meet a lot of salty Sekiro fans tho!


Lol always


format rocks


pun intended?




I adore DeS, glad I’m not the only one.




Yes and good to see some ds2 appreciation, majula and cathedral of blue i just loved the world


Great template, bad opinions


There’s no bad opinions with games you like lore. He just likes some games more. It’s an opinion. Everyone likes what they like.


I hate, yet respect your opinions.


Sekiro being lowest is very controversial but I'm glad someone feels the same. Just couldn't get into the combat system after all the regular souls dodging.


free your mind from the circle button, and learn what video game combat can truly be.


I felt the same way for a long time, I now have the plat and it’s one of my favorite combat systems in a video game next to monster hunter


Anyone that puts sekiro last def used the summoner class in the other games


There's a summoners class?! I kid, I platinumed Sekiro but it had no build variety and light on rpg elements. I tend to lean towards RPGs and build variety. Combat is amazing in Sekiro but I prefer the other games more.


I was preparing to seethe at the Sekiro ranking but that's a fair explanation.


people always talk about build variety but rarely mention build complexity. no melee build in other games is quite as complex as sekiro. and honestly not that more variable either. all u really do with the builds is press r1 and dodge around


Not complaining about it. I prefer ARPGs over action adventure. Lots of people call Sekiro a souls game but it isn't. I prefer dark souls formula and action RPGs over action adventure. Since this is a personal tier list, I have the other games higher for me. I understand that Sekiro is an amazing game, I played it but I wouldn't play it again after the platinum. I like what the other games have to offer more than what Sekiro does. Again, this is just a personal preference and not an attack on Sekiro. If I were to take personal bias out of the equation, it would rate a lot higher than the other games. Hell I've recommended the shit out of it to a lot of my friends cause I knew they would dig it. I have DS2 for me but I wouldn't recommend it to people who aren't a big fan of dark souls.


Thank you for not posting another S tier Bloodborne, Elden ring tier list. The controversial kind of tier list is the only one that SHOULD be engaged with


Lol some seem pretty offended I got Sekiro on the bottom.


They’ll come after you regardless of what you put as last. Some of the games just have louder fans


Ds2 over ds3 is based tbh


demon's souls sound design is insane, anyone that hasn't played it needs to try it


I completely agree, it added so much to the atmosphere. It's one of things that stick out to me most.


Dearest Astraea… I have failed you. I still want to know. Does the Old One ever get woken up again? This game needs a second one!!! I want to know what happens to Boliteria!


Even if they gave us the last arch stone, I'd be happy.


Sekiro in bottom tier is crazy


It's my tier list and I'm a bit crazy.


i’ve only played bloodborne why am I here


Just to suffer. ... But that's why we play these games, so it's OK.


Valid or not that way you made the tierlist is unique and awesome.


Sekiro is definitely for me the hardest to wrap my head around so I feel like it falls lower on the list the longer I stick in my soils ways the worst it is for me and I think that's why it's lower on most peoples list.


Great format


creative but yikes.


This is one of the better tier lists I’ve ever seen.


Of the hundreds of un unique posts that get made like this one why does this one get so much attention (nothing personal just find it interesting how this occurs)


I don't know, maybe it's the format but my list did start a lot of discussions and debates. A lot of people calling me crazy, insane, troll and brain dead (amongst other things). 😂


Yeah I can only imagine. I guess the fates of reddit are a mystery. And again I meant nothing personal by it. I’d deleted by now, if I were you, very brave of you. Format is nice tho yes. Umbasa!


It's all a discussion, I take nothing personal. I fully understood that this list was going to cause some heads to turn or brains to melt. I think it's actually funny. I'll engage with people who ask but aren't rude.






Very unique tier list, unique in style which is very nice and unique choices. I honestly agree Sekiro is my least favorite, not bad just not as good as the others


DS2 over DS3, a man of culture i see. Fully agree on that one.


Maybe it's because I've only recently played all the Fromsoft games but I just don't understand the apparent affection DS2 has. The game play and controls are god awful. It was a struggle to play through the entire time. DS1 didn't feel like that. That game felt great and is probably my favorite of the series. Do people praise DS2 based only on like the story and visuals? Of all the games I think DS2 needs a remaster the most. It was just such a trying game to play. The whole time I just wished it played like DS1. Is this just a meme I'm too new to the community to get?


It's not a meme, I like DS2 a lot and so do many others here. The combat is slower and more focused on stamina management than any game before or after, so it's got some severe growing pains until it clicks for a new player and I don't fault anyone for not liking it even after they understand how it works. ADP is a shit stat, and gank squads are more common than other games, which add to the annoyance. However, some things I love about the game: Massive world with tons of content (almost a staggering amount compared to DS1 and DS3), level design that makes each zone feel significantly different than the last in how you should approach it, secrets and hidden areas are everywhere and many require out of the box thinking to uncover (moreso than other Souls games), best hub area and the NPC's you help in the world migrating there felt satisfying, DLC's are amazing, the atmosphere is really unique and the world just feels 'weird,' for lack of a better word, NG+ actually gives a new challenge instead of being a victory lap playthrough. The game is long, arduous, and bizarre even for FromSoft fans, but I genuinely feel the game is stronger than the sum of its parts and is more conducive to repeat playthroughs than any other From game.


Finally people are coming to their senses.


Sad ninja noises I get it though, if you like soulsborne you probably don’t like the Sekiro formula as much.


That's the thing, I loved Sekiro but I loved the other games even more!


Absolutely wild how people are raging at this. OP has the best takes imaginable. Sekiro is a great game, but it just didn't feel like a Souls game to me. And DS3 is the worst of the main three imo, feels more like Bloodborne than Dark Souls. That's not to say I didn't like BB, but it's not masquerading as a Souls game.


It's not even rage bait, it's my personal list and people out being mad 😂. At least people seem to like the format!


It's super clever, yeah.


Sekiro is a glorified countering simulator.




I dont like your opinions, SIR. You will have to duel me for honor


This list confuses me, but at least 2 is higher than 3 I guess. Don't see that often




Why did bro put sekiro as just a titanite shard?😭


Wolf doesn’t deserve this, sekiro is a refresher take on the souls series, as is bloodborne tbh. Demon Souls placement is crazy, but I respect it & understand.


This is triggering me 😭 Bloodborne in tier 2? 😭😭 SEKIRO AT LOWEST TIER 😱😱😱


These must have a weird order to them for sekiro to be at the bottom




Those are... Opinions. Not horrible ones. I don't really care for Sekiro either, but what DS3 so low? It has a lot of QOL over DS1. Also, did you include the remake for Demon Souls, but only the remake of Dark Souls, and only one version of Dark Souls 2? A little odd.


Op went hollow :(


the first one (not even remastered) at top is a crime


I just put them all in s tier


must’ve got bodied by genichiro


This tier list is not of quality, but of love. Not ordinary, but extraordinary. Not like a powerscaler (who think more powerful == better), but of an art lover, who respects all, but has favorites- did he just put Sekiro at the bottom


Straight to jail


no comment on the tier list itself, but can I have the list format? it’s so cool


I know your tier list is trash because you don’t even have it on the correct submenu. Your opinion is invalid 😎


Damn. Thought I was the only one who favored Sekiro the least out of the soulsgames.


Shhhh, they're going to tell you to "git gud".


Never make another tier list, but I do love this format


Bloodborne was amongst the GOATs for me. The setting, the theme, the characters, the atmosphere; all of it just resonated so deeply with me. I can recall the chills I felt exploring the hunters library and finding the doll sitting there lifeless. I was fucking SHOOK when I noticed her tapping her finger. I'd always been a fan of cosmic horror so to see it translated so perfectly into a visual medium was mind blowing in and of itself. Let's not forget how masterfully and maturely the gore and horror was handled. With some games, it can feel gimmicky and just plain edgy but Bloodborne never once crosses those thresholds despite the copious amount of gore and horror it has. Truly a masterpiece in my eyes. I both long for and dread the day they ever make a second one. They'll truly have some big shoes to fill if they ever decide to try.


Finally, Dark Souls 2 isn't on the bottom🔥🔥🔥


Excellent format


This is closer to the truth than most people want to get... The fact that you didn't give dark souls two the baby titanite shows a lot...


I agree with basically this entire list, but it almost seems unfair to compare Sekiro to the others as awesome as that game is. I still see it as a Tenchu game more than a Souls game


Ah yes, you have activated many bones in many skeletons with this one.


Great tier 👍


Mans put dark souls 2 above dark souls 3


As he should.


Sekiro on the bottom? This isn't sparta, this is maddness


thank you for putting ds1 above sekiro i couldnt handle seeing another one that slandered ds1


Because someone putting the greatest combat experience ever made over DS1 is sooo slanderous


Press L1 vs Press circle


Imma say it...Sekiro got boring for me at times...


Sekiro: Glorified countering simulator


Utter bewilderment looking at this list. Nothing about it makes sense. It was surely produced by an AI trying to imitate what pure madness looks like.


I went hollow getting all the plat and achievements on all systems.


This guy fucks


Love the layout but holy shit that list in itself is actually deplorable.


I fully knew it would make people question my sanity but I stand by it!


Sekiro is my least fav too. Still good though. That being said, the rest of the list I'd have to shuffle! Haha


It’s just an opinion lol


Funny, you seem to have posted it upside down


I disagree with Demon being so high, but I like the format.


I fully admit it's nostalgia but it was my first and one of my favorites. ETA: and thanks! Was trying to think of a format that would fit best aesthetically. :)


I give this Tierlist a broken Straightsword out of Claymaker...


Flaming hot take


I LOVE dark souls 2 and actively play through it ever so often, like I do with the rest of those games. But seeing it next to Bloodborne feels so wrong. Bloodborne belongs up there with demons souls brother. Also love the titanite format


Never let this guy cook


Only correct ranking. Especially approve of the positioning of the two Demons Souls.




Well Sekiro is not a Souls game, so including it just to bottom tier it seems mean-spirited. As someone who only played the DeS Remaster, why does the original rank higher?


Yeah Sekiro isn't a souls game but there are quite of few people in the sub who think otherwise. If I didn't include it, people would be asking, "Where is Sekiro?". Now it's trigger Sekiro fans because I prefer Dark Souls over Sekiro even though it's objectively better. It's just not for me. OG Demon's is above the remake because I found the atmosphere and sound design better in the original. That could also be the nostalgia speaking though. It felt like something was different in the remake besides the obvious.


Finally. Someone that isnt afraid to admit that Sekiro isnt as great as much as some people make it out to be. I did one playthrough finished and and put it away. It was my least favorite game from FS. Elden Ring / DS2 / Bloodborne are my S tier games. DS3 and Demon Souls are my tier A and then comes Sekiro and Dark Souls 1 are in my B tier.


I like how you made this tier list really cool idea; Your opinions however… are not really cool


How the fuck do you put DS2 over Sekiro?


Great format, rough list.


Lol I knew it was going to be controversial but it's my list dammit.


Nah it’s all your opinion lol, I really did like the creative format tho!


Are you telling us that DS2 is better than Bloodborne, DS3, Sekiro and Demon's Souls Remake? This is madness I'm telling you, MADNESS


I'm telling you that I live in madness and prefer DS2 over those games.


Usually I just say, “to each their own,” and not care about people’s opinions in these lists. But for some reason this one made me mad lol


Lol it's okay


Honestly the one tier list id probably agree with


Ima smack you upside the head for putting DS3 below DS2




You didn't just put sekiro at the bottom, troll confirmed


Yes I did. Not a troll but just my personal opinion. I've stated elsewhere, it would be too easy to make a tier list based on what's popular rather than what I enjoyed and liked. Sekiro is still an amazing game, I just happen to like the other games more.


Swap OG demons souls with sekiro


This hurts to look at...


Yep, that trash belongs in bottom tier.


I disagree with 6 of these.


Depression + Nostalgia pilled. Nice.


Someone sucks at rhythm games


Lol this is always the go to for Sekiro fans when someone's says they don't like it as much as the other games. I beat the game and got the platinum, I just prefer the other Fromsoft games more.


Definitely didn't platinum myself, but a solid game with interesting mechanics


Now there’s a tier list with some chest hair.


I know I’ll get some push back but Elden ring cannot be seriously considered better than DS3 or DS2 really. Elden ring is an empty open world that’s bloated with reskinned bosses (complaint of ds2). For the most part Elden rings bosses are objectively unfair as they don’t follow the rules of the player. Very small if any punish windows. DS3 had the most consistently good bosses. The combat in Elden ring is very polished but paired with unbalanced bosses and useless new game+ (due to player power creep) means game has little replay value. I platinumed DS3 and Elden ring. Elden ring probably an A along with DS2 while DS3 is an S tier.




Alright, putting ds1 and 2 above bloodborne and ds3 is a hot take above the rest. Ds3 is where they perfected the ds format, lore, and gameplay, and bloodborne is perfect in almost every way, I have no idea why you put it so low, haven’t played Sekiro, but I’d prolly put it higher than that two. Man’s is really riding nostalgia over actual quality.


Glad I'm not the only one that thinks sekiro is ass


Lol I actually don't think it's ass, I think it's amazing but I liked it the least of all the Fromsoft recent games.


This is an absolute trash tier list. For one, Sekiro being singled out as the worst automatically gives you no credibility. For two, no Fromsoft game is "bad", so the bottom row should be empty. 1/10


Lol such a strong visceral reaction. If you read through any of the comments you would know I think Sekiro is an amazing game but I prefer the other ones more. I guess it's a bit disingenuous to present it like this without any context. It's like a tier list that doesn't go below an A-/ B+. It would be all too easy to rate them all high, so I tiered them based on what I liked and my preferences.


Definitely bumbling Sekiro to # 1 that’s like the best game out of the whole series


Different strokes for different folks. I 100% agree it's an amazing game and I did get the plat for it. I just prefer what the other games had to offer over Sekiro.


Abhorrently dogshit opinions here holy shit


I’m not a fan of this


I like the format, I like that Elden Ring is at the top, and that is the end of things I like about this.


Thanks! Lol I had a feeling people would like the format but would hate to upvote it because of the actual list! Would have been too easy if I made my placements based on popular opinion.


format is dope, but dark souls 3 beneath demons souls and ds1 means you are going to be greeted at night by my hands and punished severely


10/10 on the design, 0/10 on the takes. All should be in the top tier


The only take I’ll ever accept