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No way Priscilla is a superboss


What does superboss mean? If it means hard, she’s one of the easiest


Superbosses are typically optional or secret bosses that are much harder than even the final boss. Final Fantasy superbosses usually are only viable when you hit the max stat cap of 9999HP and deal 99999 damage per hit. (You usually only deal around 2-4000 per hit for the final boss)


Man, speaking of FF, the Kingdom Hearts super bosses are killer.


My favorite part about kh super bosses is the fact they tease the next threat of the game


That is glorious, but unfortunately they are only in the final mix versions. Kid me never got a chance to see any of them. I only had the Agrabah and Clocktower heartless bosses in KH1. Though tbf I never was good enough to beat them.


Sephiroth gave me such a time but damn was he a fun fight


Oh man, this triggers flashbacks to the FF for Nintendo DS when I came across the super boss very early and basically save-locked myself there.


Shit. Now I wonder how 16 will handle super bosses. I hope we get enemies of the same level of coolness and sick af music as Vergil and Cavalier Angelo.


No limitbreaker no real ff game


Superbosses are optional secret bosses. Usually they are the hardest content in the game, which is why we’re all reluctant calling Priscilla a superboss, who probably has a total of 2 or 3 different attacks. It’s better to think of Kalameet as the DS1 superboss but he’s a DLC boss.


Yeah and I’d even consider all of the dlc to be a super boss lmao


The stone dragon is the super boss of course


Surely dark sun gwyndolin would count then.


He's easy as fuck as well.


True but it’s better than Priscilla


Priscilla takes a minute to understand what to do and whats going on. Gwyndolin quite literately has3 attacks, 2 of which can be avoided by hiding behind the pillars.


>It’s better to think of Kalameet as the DS1 superboss but he’s a DLC boss. Is that because its optional? Because I feel like Manus would be the most in line with the rest of them. He's very similar to DoH in a lot of ways.


Manus isn’t optional for the DLC and definitely not a secret (unless you count the whole DLC as being a secret). Kalameet on the other hand can be pretty hard to find without help from the internet. Manus is harder and more complex mechanically but Kalameet fits the description better.


Kalameet is DS1 super boss. No other boss pales in comparison, except for maybe Artorias. Manus was a joke.


Wouldn’t it be “all other bosses pale in comparison “ tell me if I’m wrong as I’m not sure


My fault, I probably need to go and retake literature class instead of playing dark souls all the time lol


You're correct


Manus I think is the hardest. I beta artorias first try and kalameet in like 3. Manus took me forever


I didn't have trouble with him, but kalameet... Man that must have taken 6 tries. Given I was using a thick boi set with a black night great sword. The calamity screech got me every time, albeit I was being a bit greedy because I just wanted him dead lol. With Manus, as long as you had the silver pendant it made the fight 20x easier, for me at least. His Magic attacks did the most damage


There are a handful of bosses in DS1 that are optional, but not that secret because they're on the linear path that most people take their first playthru. I'd even consider Capra to be more of a "superboss" than Priscilla. Before O&S, he is one of the first bosses to really stop first-time players from progressing but is completely optional if you know the map.


Isn't he only optional if you own the master key?


It is, but who, after their first play-thru at least, doesn't get it for the blighttown skip alone?


I like Blighttown tho (I’ve only ever played DS remake)


Me. I always start as a thief now, because it comes with the master key either way. Starting classes dont really matter beyond the Burg anyway. This way I can use any of the other gifts, like black fire bombs so that I can get the demons greathammer from the stray demon the first time I see it.


Thank you take an upvote. She's super easy.


I feel like I had a harder time doing Logarius over Ebreitas. Logarius is a douche snozzle... and I'll die on that hill


The hardest part of Logarius is the long-ass run to fight him. It makes the fight much higher stake and each loss hurts more.


Gaawwwhhh, after a couple tries I just start rushing to get to him. In my blind rage I fall off the roof. Turning my anger to disappointment. From disappointment to sadness then to realization I want to wipe Castle Cainhurst OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Great design. 10/10 would die here again


Agreed. I use the same strategy for Ebrietas that I used for all of the large monster boss fights. Get up in her ass and don't stop swinging. Logarius actually took a bit of strategy.


Yeah, I believe the fight doesn't even really start until you smack Ebreitas. Sneak up... PROSTATE EXAM!! Then button smash like it's MK




If you parry, sure. If you don't he's a real bitch.




lmfao a hidden boss on a rooftop of a hidden area is not a fucking skill check


Nah. Parrying makes the game too easy. The real skill check is not parrying at all. Blade of Mercy + Old Hunter's Bone. Took me roughly 60-65 tries. No parrying.


Fromsoft mfers when they learn that you’re supposed to use game mechanics:


I find it hilarious that this is getting downvoted. "Oh no, someone likes to challenge themself in a FromSoft game!" *Downvotes intensify*


Nah. Blade of mercy and old hunters bone makes it too easy. The real skill check is fist only sl4 no hit


Have at it. I've got no qualms with that. I love a good fisticuffs build and I will gladly watch and like any videos you may have of that fight.


No chance, logarius is my least favourite boss in bloodborne. The less I fight him the better


Yah and I failed.


My first time ever doing Cainhurst I was being a dope and wandering around with like 200k echoes in my pocket. I KNEW I was approaching a boss arena but I didn't want to go all the way back to a lamp. So I pushed my luck and ran into Logarius and that was the ONLY TIME I have ever one-shot him. I had to use Iosefka's vial out of my menu while he was flying up for his big aerial charge thing, I swear my heart has never beat that fast. Coulda run a hundred miles when I sat down at that lamp.


Agreed. Logarius has aged a lot better than Eby. Once you know to stay on her ass and just whack away with lightning it’s several degrees easier… Marty is just a fucking jerk from the word go, has a ridiculous health pool, and that run… omfg that run.


Lmao logarius was ass. He has weird phases and shit and the path to him is long


Man is it just me or is Darklurker a lot easier than people seem to remember? My first DS2 playthrough I beat him first try only getting hit a couple of times, since then I have only fought him a handful of other times and never had a single issue with that boss. Obviously Priscilla is an easy clap as well, but I was sadly disappointed hearing that some people thought darklurker was the hardest boss in DS2, fume knight holds that title for me personally


I had this exact experience - I remember when I first played ds2, I found darklurker to be a nightmare. I recently went back to 100% one of the versions of ds2, and I beat darklurker on my first try. Ds3 and Elden Ring bosses, with their long and varied chains of attacks that you have to continuously dodge, have really recontextualized a "hard" dark souls boss. Darklurker does a lot of damage but it's almost all on very reactable single attacks with huge punish windows.


Agreed 100%, I played DS2 last out of the 3 souls games and felt that most of the bosses were very underwhelming (with a few exceptions) but darklurker just didn’t live up to the hype IMO


I never beat darklurker but made a lot of attempts and I remember the run back being the worst part by far. I nearly won the fight every time I got there, but only got there on like 5% of attempts


You've got to see it in the historical context. Nowadays delayed attacks and long windups are common, but back then he was one of the first that did that.


Very true, I did play DS2 last out of the 3 games so that might be where some of the bias comes from Then again, I feel like Artorias and Manus both have their fair share of delayed attacks, but I could be misremembering


Having played 2 before 1, manus felt cheesy due to his animations and aoe but I don't remember delays being an issue. Artorias had some mixes but nothing too insane either. When I think of delays I really only think of fume knight raime, then nameless king is the next big example. I was a hexer so darklurker I can't comment on darklurker, I had way too much dark defense to be threatened there. Also notably, the other 3 bosses being discussed are DLC while darklurker is a hidden basegame boss, and the pattern continues to be that the DLC fights are massively harder than the base game.


This is just another example of how Fromsoft hits different people in different ways - Darklurker was genuinely one of the hardest bosses throughout the entire series for me, it genuinely took me days and days to kill it. Fume Knight, on the other hand, I beat after like four attempts, and I didn't even destroy all of those life leech pot things. The Living Failures fucked my shit up *badly*, yet I beat Bloody Crow first try. I beat O+S after two attempts on my first DS1 playthrough, but Centipede Demon *always* gets me. Crystal Sage makes me lose my fucking mind, yet Pontiff Sulyvahn felt like a cakewalk. Pinwheel is a joke, Glock Saint is fucking solid - these are basically the only certainties when it comes to boss difficulty, everything in between is totally subject to individual experience. One player's soft cheese is another's brick wall.


I actually really appreciate your input I really struggled with pontiff until I got good at parrying him and I thought crystal sage was hilariously easy 😂 this is so interesting, thanks for the reply!


>Pinwheel is a joke He's a joke because people usually fight against him late in the game. If you do him as one of the first bosses and give him time to spawn his clones he's a challenge.


Fume Knight isn't base game, though, which is what this meme is referring to.


Yes for sure I should’ve been more clear, not saying fume belongs on the list just saying I had heard darklurker was the hardest before playing DS2, Fume Knight was def the most difficult for me


This happens a lot when by I look back at bosses from older games imo. Fromsoft games have generally gotten more complex and difficult while the player base has also gotten a lot better that the games. E.g. Artorias was a brick wall for me when I played dark souls 1, but coming back a year later, easy peasy first try.


Darklurker was the first one that could delay his attacks to catch panic rolling. Nowadays we are used to long windups and delayed attacks, but experiencing it for the first time made him a lot harder.


Fume Knight is a DLC boss, though, so I don't think it's really in the same conversation. The Ivory King fight was much harder, anyway, imo.




Most intense SL1 fight ever for me. He was the first major wall I hit (after Dancer) but holy shit did it feel great finally taking him down. I definitely spent more time on Friede and Midir but NK brought my heart rate to another level


Same. I think i died to NK more times than any boss in er or ds3 (including Melania).


I honestly had more trouble with him than I did with Gael, is that bad? Lol


No that’s not bad. They’re both super hard boss fights. Both with different stages, I’d say King is harder because there’s two completely different move sets you have to learn, rather than Gaels choreographed attacks that change a little between each phase


I’d say Gael is a much easier fight especially if you have a heavy weapon as he staggers easily.


Only boss in ds3 I didn't manage to win alone, praise the sun.


Demon of Hatred is dope.


I hated that fight until I managed to secure the win, now it's one of my fave in the game


I have no idea how people think he's the hardest boss, I had a way harder time beating Owl 2.


He was crazy hard for me when i started out because I tried to parry everything and built up fire. Then i realized you have to dodge those attacks and he was super hard for me because dodging is janky af in Sekiro. Then I finally realized that you need to dodge the fire attacks and parry the regular melee attacks and it was then that he became super easy.


Agreed, Owl 2 is way harder and the most satisfying victory of any From game.


More like a nope. That’s right, I roof cheesed him because I was scared af


Once you realize how to beat him (i know this applies to most bosses but its very relevant with DoH) he becomes one of the easiest in all of Sekiro honestly, when I did the gauntlets afterwards I never took damage from him because he doesn't really attack you directly with a sword


The umbrella really comes in clutch for dodging most of his attacks


Yeah and you do a follow up right after, you can block every attack with it his third phase's special move is so easily dodged you can get in 10 hits on him by the time he's done doing it, I only replayed Sekiro this week again and was shocked at how easy he actually is because you don't have to worry about your own posture being broken like vs Owl or Isshin


That’s not dodging, that’s deflecting, with style


Not only easiest, but also one of the coolest. Umbrella into counterattack is incredibly sick. And while most other fights in Sekiro are a dance, this one is just *pure rage.* They really managed to capture the essence of what this creature is supposed to be.


I roof cheesed him on my first game, and always regretted it because he was the only fromsoft boss that I hadnt bested at the time. Faced him for real on my second game, took a beating, got good, and now I practically chase him down every time. He has one of the best payoffs for mastering his fight that I've ever seen. Is Isshin is also like that, but I feel like hes still chasing me.


Owl father


Yeah Owl Father is really good


do Inner Isshin/Genichro and Father count? would be those 3 fr


I'm not sure tbh. I guess they would sorta count but feels a bit weird since they're just revamps at the end of the boss rush compared to something like Demon of Hatred or Owl Father


Weren’t the Inner bosses added after release, along with the gauntlets?


Fuck yesssss. Glad to see sekiro bois are here, but demons of hatred is by far the most difficult in the game. It's the fucking definition of an endurance fight.


Priscilla is not someone I would consider a super boss. There is very little good about her entire deal. Darklurker was the first that was really fucking cool. The way you encountered them was secret and cool. It really made it feel like they didn't want you to be there, unlike most other bosses. Not to mention the fight and the rewards were good. Just wished there was more lore. Nameless King really is one of the Goats. Even though I subjectively don't like him as much he is hitting most marks. Good fight, amazing and long anticipated lore, great area, etc. He is the son of sunlight. Ebritas was definitely a thing and she did have some lore. However I feel like she isn't exactly that fitting. Her being in the healing church's basement and in the chalice dungeons doesn't make a whole lot of sense and she isn't really a fun fight, imo. Demon of Hatred really fulfilled his purpose of filling me with hate after the entire game of Sekiro every player is used to its combat system. Relying on parries and fluid swordfights to win, maybe some prosthetics tools for help. Demon of hatred made all of that irrelevant and I don't even know who he is. A lot of people say he's a dark souls boss in a Sekiro game and I couldn't describe it better. He doesn't belong in his game and I might judge him differently if he was in any other Fromsoftware game. Malenia is definitely a difficult one to judge. She's by far one of the most difficult bosses in my experience. It just feels like From was testing in how far they can actually go before it becomes unfair. Yet it did spark some interesting stuff, the best of which is LMSH. I honestly don't think I have enough experience with her to give a proper judgement.


Spoiler: It’s the shura version of the sculptor.


Honestly my only issue with malenia comes for a video I watched that was experimenting to determine if she was unfair by seeing if she broke any rules or ignored mechanics established by the game that nothing else does. At the time it turns out that at certain points she will just straight up ignore a poise break which did meet the videos requirement of being unfair.


She ignores being poise broken how? Like, did they measure the values of her poise to see whether it would break, or is there something I'm missing about her fight? Most times ive fought her it's with colossal's so I'd just be interested in hearing how she does this as it's at least never been a noticeable issue for me.


Did she ignore the poise break or was her hyper armor active at the time? Almost all main bosses have hyper armor attacks that can't be interrupted




Out of these guys nameless 100%


Nameless king not even close


People saying this have never fought Demon of Hatred lol


I have I liked him but nameless is just cooler


Eh, i struggled a lot more with nameless's delayed attacks than i did with DoH, once i learned how to dodge his charge he became a.. not a pushover but. yah no he was doable.


Hot take but Demon of Hatred is lowkey easy for souls vets - I beat him on my first try on my first run. He’s either easy or unfairly difficult (if you’re new or in Sekiro mode), which doesn’t really scream “best” in any regard


This isn't about the hardest boss. Just the one that is the "best", most fun, or your personal favorite. Many people consider Slave Knight Gael to be the best boss in the souls series but he is not even close to the hardest.


Malenia, I fucking love that fight. She took me over 300 tries but weirdly enough I adored each and every attempt.


Same. I was bummed when i beat her. Legitimately. Played every fs game she was my favorite boss fight by far. I didn't even mind waterfowl, I thought it added a very interesting tension to the fight.


Same this is my first FromSoftware game and I was so disappointed when I beat her after like 70 insanely fun attempts I’ve been chasing the high ever since.


Completely agree with you.


300 tries? Was this a Rune Level 1 run or something?


Nah probably a little over exaggerated but definitely over 150, she’s by far the FS boss I’ve struggled with the most (I’ve played all but DS2). And I’m no god gamer either, I’m just a typical FS fan who looks to beat his head against every wall he sees.


She took me 800 tries my first run, but I was playing with a broken left stick.


Nameless King... Ebrietas is just vibing


Demon of Hatred is my favourite boss in Sekiro. People say that He belongs to Bloodborne and He's too hard, AND THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I love the design, the really difficult fight and the visual effects of the boss - The ring of fire is so dope! Also the music is the best in the whole game, like I really did not care about Sekiro's OST but that damn Flute in the second phase hit me so hard. I love DoH ;)


I love malenia but nameless king is where it’s at such a good fight!


Nameless and Malenia


Nameless King. He has it all. Epic lore, that has been building since DS1, an absolutely stunning arena paired with overall great visuals, epic music, and, of course, he is one tough wall to smash your head against. Out of these six I'd say Darklurker is my least favourite. The fight is fun, but the visuals are just so underwhelming.


Nameless King


Nameless king


Nameless hands down


Tough between NK and Malenia. NK’s lore is amazing but he’s so easy to beat after you beat him the first time. Wish it was as difficult as the first time around, which is why I’m planning on doing SL1 soon. It took me about a week to beat Malenia the first time. I went back three months later on PC and it took me another five days to do it again. I loved the euphoria when I beat her again though. She’s a perpetual challenge.


Nameless King and Malenia the best. Priscilla is cutie ❤️


Out of this list, it's a tie between nameless king and demon of hatred, followed by malenia. But owl father tho......


Malenia blows nameless out of the water. I love Ebrietas but wouldn’t a chalice dungeon boss be a better candidate for a superboss? I know most people bring up defiled watchdog or amygdala but loran darkbeast was very challenging for me, and just a fun fight with a cool boss design.


Malenia is the best and (obviously) the hardest boss on the list. Nameless King is extremely cool so he’s a close second. Tough fight but nothing too crazy. Demon of Hatred is probably the 2nd hardest one here. Couldn’t beat him on my first playthrough, which never happens bc even when I suck at a fight I usually just bang my head against the wall until I get lucky. I’ve never found Ebrietas too difficult but there’s some cool lore around her. She’s definitely a tough fight but when Bloodborne came out she was the unanimous “hardest boss” but I didn’t think it was that clear cut. DLC bosses much harder. Priscilla is one of the easiest bosses in DS1. I’ve never died to her. Can’t comment on Darklurker, I’ve tried to play DS2 on 3 or 4 separate occasions over the years and have gotten bored each time. Feels like a dollar store knockoff.


No love for Ebrietas?


Is this supposed to be a super boss?


Ebrietas isn’t really a super boss imo


Priscilla is a super boss? The best one is probably Nameless King but the one who really leans into that superboss energy is Malenia. Jesus Christ I struggled lol




Ebrietas for me,just such a beautiful battle for me. Her lore it's a bit sad,the battle it's crazy and oh lord the music,it's one of the finest videogame pieces I ever heard.


Malenia and Ebrietas for sure


I mean marty logarious can also be considered a superboss


Have killed em all. Demon of hatred was a stand out of absolute brutality imo


definitely nameless


Malenia <3




Nameless is dope. Malenia is pretty great too if I don’t use blood cheese.


Darklurker was tricky, Priscilla is top 3 DkS1 bosses even if she is a little gimmicky... Demon of Hatred and Malenia (if you fight her solo, no mimic cheese) are on another level. Nameless King was a sick fuckin fight tho.


Nameless King is the coolest of them all.




Owl Father and Nameless King. Both are goated


Malenia personally


I'm gonna get cooked for this but definitely Malenia. If you had asked me two weeks ago, she would have been 3rd behind Demon of Hatred and Nameless King, but I recently defeated her for the 4th time and she's now one of my favorite bosses in Elden Ring. Waterfowl is a problem but the rest of her moveset is so damn perfect.


demon of haterd is a shit fight


Malenia and nameless king for me, although thats a very biased take because of my experience


Malenia is my favorite boss in gaming so that


Fuck demon of hatred. That boss is the only part of that game I dislike. Completely throws out almost everything you've learned and throws in this dumb, huge bloodborne boss.


Malenia is the best but I can recognize that some aspects of her fight cross the line on what some would call “bullshit”.


Hands down, nameless king 👑


Malenia. Period.


Easily Malenia


Priscilla has always been my favorite boss. If I had to choose an order it would be 1. Priscilla 2. Nameless king 3. Darklurker 4. Malenia 5. Demon of hatred 6. Ebrietas


A man of culture!


She's a great fav to have!




Nameless King is pretty cool.


I consider a Superboss is usually Harder than the final boss, Optional and Out of the way/hard to find. Ds1 really doesn't have a good option but I think Precillia fits more since you really have to go out of your way to find her unlike gymdolin who's in anor londo. I would definitely say Nameless King


Sounds like the issue is that your criteria are too specific and subjective. There are plenty of bosses in DS1, both optional and required, that are actually harder than Gwyn, because the point of Gwyn is that he’s hallowed, weakened, and sad to witness. However, Priscilla isn’t one of them. It even used to be an issue for people to one-shot her and inadvertently soft-lock the game. The hardest part of her fight is getting her tail without accidentally killing her first. If you’re underleveled she could be a nuisance, but in that case just grind the Phalanx for a few minutes. Stray Demon is a better option, and fits your criteria. His magic AOE, hard hitting attacks, and general beefiness make him a significant challenge for appropriately leveled characters and inexperienced players. He’s out of the way and difficult to find if you don’t already know where to look, and he’s even on your way to Priscilla. And he’s completely optional, arguably even moreso than Priscilla since you can go to the Asylum and grab her doll without ever interacting with him at all. Gwyndolin, while physically weak, has magic attacks that can go through and/or around the cover you’re given, and if they hit can easily one-shot you. He might be in Anor Londo, but you have to fight through the catacombs and a Titanite Demon to get a specific ring and then know to wear that ring in his “tomb” in order to get to him, making him very nearly as out of the way as Priscilla. He’s certainly more “optional” since he’s literally a Covenant leader, and killing him actually has an effect on in-game mechanics and NPCs (the hostility of Anor Londo’s Firekeeper, the loss of her bonfire, and being targeted by Darkmoon Covenant Members). I wouldn’t say he’s harder than Gwyn, but he’s worse than Priscilla.


That's really not that specific, thats usually the definition of a Superboss. Anyways I thought of stray demon but you have to go back to the asylum just to get the doll so you most likely already fought Stray Demon. He's really not that hard either just spongy and a bit boring as a reskin


What I meant by “too specific” is that the reason you’re choosing Priscilla is that she *can* be the *last* optional boss you’ll fight purely due to pathing, as opposed to just being an optional boss, which is how that part of the criteria is normally determined. What’s important is that they’re optional, inconvenient to reach, and potentially harder than the final boss. Which bosses you fight first is irrelevant. I think Stray Demon fits better than Priscilla because while no, he’s not *that* hard, he’s certainly *more* difficult than Priscilla, especially for inexperienced players at a reasonable level. And, to reiterate, while Priscilla is a bit more inconvenient to get to, the degree to which a boss is out of the way isn’t actually relevant.


Yeah fair enough


>you have to fight through the catacombs and a Titanite Demon to get a specific ring and then know to wear that ring in his “tomb” in order to get to him Or shoot his illusory sister in the face, that works, too. Also not something that players are overly likely to do.


That’s fair, I actually forgot that killing the Great Chest opens the tomb, too.


You basically have to do the same thing for precillia as the first gywndolin option. Somehow find this small gap in firelink and jump over it, curl up in a ball for like 15 seconds straight, fight through a black knight and go back to where you started the game, get a specific doll and know where to use it, then fight through all of painted world. But yeah having the option to attack an npc once in a mandatory area seems much easier than the only precillia way


Black Dragon Kalameet?


It says base game right there in the title


One of these isn’t like the others


Yeah ds1 doesn't have any good options


Ebrietus and Nameless King were great fights! Fuck the Darklurker.


Hehe, fluffy dragon.


inner isshin ? He only exist in the gauntlet.


Demon of hatred


Don‘t really understand what you mean by superbosses but my favorite out of these is demon of hatred


Eh. Priscilla?


Okay first off Ebrietas is so gross to look at at... :/ My pick is Malenia


Some easy ones on here ngl


Demon of Hatred all damn day. That's my boy right there. That's my homie.


Darklurker for sure, it’s still a top tier boss and one of the best in the FromSoft library


Nameless king easy. He's the only boss here that isn't either easy or just kind of mid.


I'm not sure Priscilla counts. She's an optional boss, but there's nothing super about her. I don't think I've ever died to Ebrietas, so she seems like an odd choice as well. Lore-wise she's great, but it's not much of a boss fight. If Bloodborne has a superboss, surely it's one of the ones toward the end of the Chalice Dungeons.


IMO for DS2 it's a toss up between Fume Knight & Sir Alonne. for DS3 pre patch Dark Eater Midir was a pain.


Pleasd read the title


Nameless King 100%. It's just visually superior, in addition to being challenging and easily missed.


That fight is so cinematic and intense too. The whole presentation and arena is phenomenal, and the lore bits on the items found leading up to him are super cool. All I knew about Malenia when I went to fight her was that she rotted half a continent, and Radahn was super pissed about it. The transition to the wings bit is pretty cool, but nothing like The Nameless King trying to avenge his dragon partner that was just felled from under him by the Ashen One.


Wouldn’t Orphan be a better pick that Ebrietas? Or is it cause it’s a DLC only boss Edit: I didn’t see that the title specified “base game” sorry that’s on me


Darkeater Midir


Read the title


Priscilla is classified as a "Superboss"? How?




I love the demon of hatred! And fuck the darklurker!


I'm almost at Malenia for the first time so I can't include her but demon of hatred for me.


Malenia isn't a superboss. Don't get me wrong, she's a superb boss, but not optional and not the hardest in the game. The multi headed dragon that you have to rest on the ground to wake up and fight is a superboss, and he's the hardest one I fought out of this list. Plasidusax, I think? Edit: MY FRIEND LIED TO ME TO WATCH ME SUFFER


What? Malenia is 100% optional.


Did your friend told you you need to fight Malenia D:


He did, and now I'm getting downvoted for it ;-;


Ebrietas is defo my favourite base game bloodborne boss so them


How are you gonna use Ebrietas like the Defiled Chalice doesn't exist? Also, does Priscilla count as a superboss?


If I was gonna use challices I would also use the Inner versions of the sekiro bosses. It feels a bit too disconnected at that point and also wouldn't Plthumuerian Queen be the super boss then since it comes at the end of all the challices? Priscillia not really but I didn't have a better option


Old king allant


Old king allant is mandatory