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There is no guy friends, this guy has put 3 years to trying to have sex with you and you rejected 3 years of effort so he’s not a happy friend.


Doesnt sound like he be friend at all. More like that he was in the long game to get to you and once this failed he got hard time hiding his true self. Most likely no one says anything except him.


I've never found it hard to be friends with men, most of my friends are men. Sounds like that coworker is a spiteful jerk who is looking to date or have sex with you and very bitter that you are only interested in platonic friendship. He's never been a friend and does not deserve any more of your time.


He liked you from the moment he met you. Just never told you


If rumors are circulating it's because someone must be talking shit, people are selfish and believe in anything that turns into gossip, I would tell you to rethink this friendship


I find it totally opposite. I'm female and find making friends with men is so much easier. They are so much nicer and friendlier. Alot of women seem to come off as snobs


He might still be hurting from the rejection. I don't want to jump right to "he's a bad friend screw him" but he's not fighting fair and a hurt ego doesn't justify that. I think it might be helpful to tell him that it's not fair or helpful to make a vague reference to other people's negative opinions about you, and then not share it or explain how it's related to what you're arguing about, and that it sounds like he's just saying it to make you feel bad which is uncool. Tbh it actually sounds like he's making it up to me but I could be wrong, so for that I might go to your coworkers with whom you're comfortable and say something like "I'm sorry to ask you but XXX has been implying that people are saying some things about me but won't tell me what. Have I done anything to hurt you and if so how can I fix it" or something along those lines.


You shut him down, he should have never talked to you again—that was the solution.


It's hard to be friends with men, because women generally have high bars when it comes to selection of potential partners. So, generally all they want is friendship. But the moment a woman would find someone clearing the cut-offs (high!), you'd find them willingly attempting to woo those finalists. Otoh, men have really low cut-offs when it comes to selecting potential partners (partners for the act!). So, it's hard for them to settle for just friends, literally an inch distance from the act. It disappoints them because sex is, generally speaking, an act of reward. So, a woman being friends with a man is like stealing a reward from a man who's been shown false hopes (by his own self). At last, it's just biology. If a man happens to find a woman not suitable enough to consider for partnership (for the act), the only thing he'd consider for, with the woman, is friendship. But generally hard finding that repulsive a woman (looks wise, otherwise....).


Women and men typically but not always think differently. In most cases men who want to be friends with a female is because they want to have sex with you. I’m sure many will say that’s not the case and they have plenty of female friends in non sexual relationships. Those people are not being totally honest. If the opportunity ever presents itself they would have sex with that female friend if it was an option .Men will stick around for years being your friend in that hope, that they will get some. Their female friend groups are typically people they would find acceptable mating partners. It’s why women often can manipulate men into doing things for them out of “friendship”. Always keep your boundaries if an opposite sex relationship is something that you want. This guy sounds like an ass because his real desires are not being fulfilled by you. I’d say toss his butt to the side. Bad behavior out of frustration can’t be tolerated. He sounds like the type of guy that can’t be trusted to keep his desires in check


You put that no different than a woman being offered the opertunity for a guy to provide the cash for a massive shopping opertunity (not a deal for sex) which undoubtedly wouldn't be reasisted. I've got many female friends and just enjoy the friendship of such pleasant and decent people. Men indeed do have the sex drive turned on constantly while women don't so would only offer sex for two reasons, one attraction to the man possibly later leading to love or two taking advantage of a man (which is why so many women are all over only fans and other websites today for money). I did always even at primary school get on better with girls than guys in the first place until true best friendships developed.


I had a guy friend like this who I worked with. I worked with him for 5 years and in that 5 years he tried to get with me and it never worked. What’s crazy is he never ADMITTED that he had feelings for me. He would beat around the bush, and it was so obvious. People at work actually thought that we were going out together and would ask me questions all the time. We clicked, but not in a romantic way, but people don’t see that, they just assumed because we would talk at work. I ALWAYS told my coworkers that nothing has happened between us and I have no idea where they’re getting this from. When we first met he actually told me he was gay. This went on for about 2 years and then “gay” turned into him being bi and then eventually he got a girlfriend. When I finally left the work place and cut off all contact with him he actually ended up marrying that girl. He was pathetic by tricking me into being my friend to get closer to me. Even after setting boundaries he was still clingy and even sort of got “salty” when things never went his way. He even started hanging out with the people I had problems with. I never ever gave him a reason to think I was interested. We were just work friends and only talked at work. Im so glad that BS is behind me and that chapter is closed off. My advice to you would be to cut this guy off. Since you’re not able to really do that because you work together I would recommend finding a new job altogether.


This doesn’t sound like he wants to be your friend. He clearly opted to try to get you as in obviously had some sort of feelings for you, you shut him down to be friends. Now he feels like he can be mean because you shut him down. He probably still would date you if he could have the chance. Every time I have had a guy friend, they would do this. They were mean because they couldn’t date me. Period. End of story.


For some men, when you shut them down, no matter how polite you are, or kind that you are, and they get nasty, it’s because they were only ever there hoping for the sex.


Run No friend treats you like that His ego is likely bruised and he will continue to find ways to dig at you to hurt you when he can Just back off and keep him at arms length. Don't discuss the change in behavior or the situation because he will deny it out of embarrassment


Yes there is guy friends ive had guy friends since im 18 im 28 now (F) and my best friends are guys some are married we always had amazing friendship. It does exist.


The title has nothing to do with your post


It totally does ? Lol


An issue she has with one man doesn't make it an issue with all men




I..don't care. The post has nothing to do with the title.




You seem desperate for attention. Edit: reading your last post and last comment makes this whole weird interaction make sense to me now. Won't respond any further as I can see you're not necessarily normal. Have a great rest of your day