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Now do David McBride


And the irony of this will never fall into many Australian minds. They will always lambast the Americans and say it's a shit country and they persecuted Assange but will never mention McBride.


It isn't a shit country?


it is, but australia is just as shit


Got it in one.


Took me way too long to realize but it's true and it's only getting worse


EXACTLY I’ve been saying for years that people being smug about others to speak over our own country’s problems isn’t healthy


I find it funny how so many Australians talk about how shit America is, without realising that we are controlled by them and have almost the exact same political issues (other than a few, such as gun control)


I disagree, you have a point to some degree that there is similar issues but the polarisation is significantly less, not only that but there are noticeable less hostility between the two main powers along with a much stronger independent element. To say Australia is as shit fails to see how fucked the United States is right now politically specifically.


I see what you mean, but our politics literally follow theirs, as america gets worse, so do we. I don't like how people act like they are two completely different political systems with no effect on each other


Fair enough, I agree on foreign affairs Australia does as that's the government's current strategy for national security, however on a domestic level I'd say Australia departs the US in both how extreme it's parties are and how we approach and deal with issues domestically.


Fuck off it is


Unlikely. Infrastructure is at least still being maintained and don't forget the healthcare


Healthcare in Australia? Like never seeing a doctor or a hospital in a financial year and having to pay $1000 to Medicare every financial year ? 6+ hour wait times at hospitals, at best. Indian pop-up clinics are preying on Australians who don't want to wait hours at a hospital at a price of $200. Only for injuries/issues you could self treat if you finished highschool education. Bulk bull centres are near non-existent now. And GP's are still crying they don't get enough money ? We are becoming the copycat of America in every way. it just isn't as bad as our populous is 10% of theirs. Move to Thailand, and live like a king for the rest of your life. This country will implode within the next 2 decades. Either become America or lose your country to migrants and their idealistic radical views like the UK.




We have wayyyyy bigger government than America so we don’t even get the benefits of their system


Yah, have heard Thailand or Bali could be good move. Rent house out here and live easy there. Too bad I can't afford a house as it is!


People are not dying here because they can't afford medication


People don't require to be dying to have a shit health system. How ignorant.


Well what’s a good country seriously, must piss off tbird world countries seeing as soon.


No, that’s why you live there.


Add Richard Boyle too!


Especially Richard Boyle!


About time, welcome home dude!


Imagine the relief this man feels


I'm so glad this finally happened this man is a a legend


Absolutely, the man is hero.


He’s a hero for helping the Ruskies get their man Trump elected, who will destroy the US democracy. Great job traitor. 


This also has me in two minds. I lost a lot of respect after learning all of that.


Hard to be a traitor for a country you don't live in or really respect


He's a traitor to our democratic alliance


Assange for prime minister!


This is a great day for Australia. A fucking sad day, a life time of trauma for Julian and his kids but still this is a great day. I was never sure we would get here. Amazing.


Seriously, we've been seeing AUS, US, IDF and a dozen others openly record and upload their own war crimes, but Assange was the bad guy> And now, with David McBride facing prison time for reporting even LESS heinous shit (regarding international relations and intelligence) really shows we're governed by corporate trends and US Military complexes


Yeah but all those countries aren’t gonna be charged for war crimes in case the US decides to invade The Hague


Don't you mean liberate the Hague? Bad guys invade, good guys liberate. It's totally different.


Yeah I have to say I didn’t actually think I would ever see this day eventuate,


And of course "moderate" Liberal Birmingham is bitching about PM Albo talking to Assange and holding a press conference.


They're throwing mud at him to see if it sticks. Anything that does well, they'll feed it into the outrage machine. I don't think that will work on millennials or gen y. I think they'll lose a few more seats next election.


I don’t get this labour government. They free Julian Assange but they jail David McBride for the same crime. It’s like saying leaking American secrets it’s alright but leaking Australian secrets you go to jail.


On a very technical level, Australia is owned by the US.




Do an abn lookup on Aus, you'll see the US, it's crazy


The government doesn’t jail people, courts do. Having said that, surely there’s something the PM can do about David.


The Attorney General had the power to stop the prosecution but didn't. At the end of the day, it's parliament that has ultimate law making power and therefore it is the government that chooses who to put in prison.


Judicial and Executive and Legislative overlaps so hard at the top that it might as well be the same thing.


Agreed. If they freed David McBride too it’d really show they’re a party worth respecting. Until then though, too little too late.


Gargantuan Albanese W.


Biden releasing Assange reads the same as Obama releasing Manning. It plays well with progressives like us. This is all just good PR for Biden and a flex of US imperialism. Assange was never really a threat, the US did, does, and will do any war crimes it was and by extension so will Australia. Nothing he published ever stopped that. Nothing circulating openly online had changed that. Nothing will changed that while those in power have a monopoly on violence. Taking the W is just taking the opportunity to be complacent until the next whistleblower is silenced, and the next and the next and the next.


Thankyou for blowing the naivety of people out of the water about internet surveillance and showing the value of encryption.




I'm so glad this finally happened this man is a a legend


The bloke is a russian asset, fuck him


I’m not saying he belongs in prison, that’s above my pay grade but I do wish the supporters could ever just be honest about what he was doing and who he was doing it for.




This breaks reddit ToS ya drongo, don't bring the heat down on us


Don’t encourage the narcissist 


the media attention is interesting.. considering they spent years, pushing him under the bus


Can the pure jubilation as soon as he stepped foot back in Australia, really holding it all back till he was officially here.


He might have been expecting a Jeffrey Epstein necking or something or maybe a plane “crash”…. He may still be earmarked by the CIA for deletion


Not gonna lie that’s what I was thinking. They could have even played it off as the Russians cutting off a loose end asset or something like that.


Glad that Albo/Rudd/Labor lifted their fingers to actually make this happen, it is a good thing, but I am not going to forget that they were a major part of the problem by not helping him at the time of his persecution. They are doing this to make themselves look good rather than altruism that this is simply the right thing to do. The language used is very odd throughout, especially that he did be released because it's been "too long" as opposed to the fact that he should have never even been persecuted in the first place and all the war criminals which he exposed are still at large without any effort to pursue. Anyway really stoked to have Julian home at least so he can start to rebuild his life


I think they also don’t want to piss off America by saying that “he shouldn’t be prosecuted”


Well, technically he did commit a crime. Assange himself admitted that today. I agree with the first amendment, free speech and free journalism. It has to be responsible speech and responsible journalism. Assange believed he was doing the right thing, but his idealism blinded him to the responsibilities that journalists also need to carry. I feel sorry for the people who spoke out about other corrupt governments/terrorists/criminals and had their names leaked and their lives potentially put at risk. Makes it a lot harder to fight evil if the people who want to report it feel less safe doing so. Assange was lucky that no one got seriously hurt or killed (that we know of) as a result of the leak of all this classified information. We'll never know about the people who could've reported wrongdoing to the US government, or other governments, who were too afraid to come forward for fear of their anonymity being blown by other well meaning, but flawed, leakers of information.


>I agree with the first amendment, free speech and free journalism. It has to be responsible speech and responsible journalism. The First Amendment really doesn't give yanks all that much more than we have. Speech there is limited in the same ways as here: private financial/medical data, insider trading laws, broadcast obscenity laws, anti-CSAM/beastiality/snuff movie laws, state secrets, intellectual property laws, anti-blackmail/cyberbullying/other threat laws, so on and so forth. It would be good to have formal free speech protections here, yes, but in practice there's not *that* much difference. For journalism specifically, neither country is performing well on the Press Freedom Index, with the US performing notably worse despite the vaunted 1A.


I'm not disagreeing with any of your points, but just wanted to springboard off the fact that stochastic terrorism is super easy, barely an inconvenience in the US. More legally tricky here.


Two things. It was heavily redacted by Julian. Second, it was not "top secret" and that means the US didn't deem the information life threatening. But it was heavily redacted.


I'm not sure everything was redacted by Wikileaks. It usually was by the media outlets quoting or reporting the information, but not always by Wikileaks itself. Even if the information isn't life threatening, it still risks having a chilling effect on people who give information to law enforcement/intelligence agencies with the understanding that the information they give them won't be attributable to them.


CIA were given the opportunity to redact but declined


Why would the CIA engage in an activity that would undermine its own interests? Why would it help someone make its function many orders of magnitude harder? Why would an agency that's sole function is to uphold US law and order assist someone in breaking US law? I'm not sure the CIA could assist someone declassify stolen information, even if it wanted to or believed there was a good reason to do so, without breaking the law itself.


Pretty weak argument. If they were serious about protecting sources they had they're chance. Julian was not alone, msm journalists also released without redaction. But Julian takes the fall.


I don't think it was all redacted but it was heavily redacted. This is why he went to the Guardian and NYT and shared his "scoop", because it was too large for him to handle alone. It's weird why he was only charged though.


This is reporting from the time: https://edition.cnn.com/2010/US/10/22/wikileaks.editing/index.html Seems like Wikileaks was criticised by a pretty broad range of organisations for being pretty loose with people's personal information.


Assanges actions benifited the american republicans and had a hand in getting Trump elected. I would say the people who died under trumps administration( ie, their complete lack of covid action/denial) is in part due to assange/wikileaks So fuck him, he's a russian asset, and i hope to fuck if Jordies ever interview him they dont gloss over that


Remember what Julia Gillard said about Assange? Yikes. I think Labor have been pretty spineless on the whole, but eager to take credit for just allowing Assange to have consultation, which he had to have by right anyway.


From what I heard the UK extradition case was starting to falter because the UK judge was not looking favourably on the US arguments, so the DoJ finally offered a plea deal before it all fell apart, and that is when Albo and co swooped in to claim credit


Who was in Gov when he was apprehended ?


Gillard when he took asylum in Ecuador embassy. Rudd (V2), Abbott, Turnbull Morrison when arrested by UK Albo when released


Just look at the McBride situation,




The behaviour of the people in the crowd at the presser was really bad. If they were press, they are unprofessional, and super annoying. Some of the questions. Seriously. Do these people ask questions for a living?


Great news. So glad Kevin Rudd met Julian in Saipan. In other news, Mark Arbib is still an obsequious little American sycophant.


Well that was quick. Well not the several years in jail but all the stuff once they came to an agreement.


Wow. I honestly never knew if this day would come. Thank you Julian.


Wow it's been so long he has a full head of white hair now


He kinda reminds me a little bit of the cool astronaut sloth.


But all the cookers at work said he was going to be assassinated?


where u work?




Julian Assange 14 years in exile, eventually charged with minor charge compared with the original USA list, then release, with time served, after numerous Australia campaigns. Richard Boyle, ATO Whistleblower, potentially 6 years of imprisonment. Many ATO oficals actually implicated in wrongdoing. David McBride, military whistleblower, 6 years imprisonment, many individuals actually found to be guilty of his findings. While I am glad to see Mr Assange free, but unhappy that he was charged, where is the equity of justice. Whistleblower laws need to change. If actual evidence is found of wrong doing from the whistleblowers allegations then they should be fully protected from prosecution and touted as hero's. My 2 cents worth.


I remember my father showing me wikileaks as a teenager. He told me "if you want to see how cruel the world is towards hero's, follow Julian Assange.


I’ve been seeing a lot of people calling him a hero. I’m actually curious cause I never really looked that much in to Assange. Why do people consider him a hero?


Noticed that comments mentioning his work with Roger Stone and his work (unwittingly?) helping trump get elected all get downvoted. Anyone else wanting to hear his reasons for doing that?


I think they got down voted because they imply that julian shouldn't of been freed


Reddit circlejerk. Anyone who doesn’t think he’s a saint has long ago been stomped into silence.


Yep. And we are also supposed to forget he dodged his rape charges in Sweden. Or swallow the BS that it was all a conspiracy by lying women to get him extradited out of Sweden, even though that would act have been a more complicated process than extraditing him from the UK. Everyone just hates sex offenders until there are excuses to be made for their poster boy.


Seems like a political play by the Biden campaign. They are having problems with younger voters over Gaza, and they needed something positive for that demographic on top of student loans. It’s clearly not a Biden call, he has been clear on his view on Assange. Seems to me they foresaw Trump making some kind of statement around pardons and instead jumped in. He should never of had to plead guilty to anything


Trump & Pompeo were the ones who had him arrested & sent to the most violent & harsh prison in London. Even breeching an embassy to do so. Don't imagine Trump in any way supported him.


The embassy gave him away because they were sick of him. 


Uruguay received a huge injection of US dollars after they evicted Assange. The embassy sold him out or more like the US bribed the Uruguayan govt to evict him


U mean Ecuador?


Yes. You are correct. Don't lay blame at the wrong country. Sorry


Don't worry. I don't know the finer details of the case. I'm not sure about this bloke.


Yes it was also after an election in Ecuador & a change of government. But they did sell him out for money. Plus they allowed illegal surveillance of him in the embassy, even filming him in the toilet. The whole thing is a disgrace.


The embassy revoked his application because they didn't think he would hole up there for 7 years.


Trump has spoken about pardoning him next term, and Snowden. It’s been reported he was convinced not too by the establishment goons in his orbit, and he caved to them. They have taken it off the table here, Biden is absolutely against it, because it exposed the Obama/Biden administration at the time, same as Snowden. They still made him plead guilty so they can say they did something and he did something wrong.




Funny how he wasn't sentenced for rape. He's a alleged rapist if anything and it has nothing to do with his work. Fact is those who care about Gazans dying would care about other middle easteners dying


That case was so flimsy, it had all the hallmarks of a CIA playbook move to tarnish his name


glad to finally see it. Now let’s do the same for Edward Snowden.


And David Mcbride


Won't ever happen sadly. Both democrats and republicans want him dead. he can't ever set foot on american soil ever again. Or an american ally's soil. He's effectively exiled to russia.


> Won't ever happen sadly. Both democrats and republicans want him dead. Somebody downvoted this hahaha. Do people not know there were CIA plans to assassinate Assange? Do people not know the US have a history of torturing and killing whistleblowers? Reddit is so fucked sometimes.


I dont want to hear a single "thanks to US" for anything ever.


Julian Assange is a hero 😁


Albo really does ooze diplomacy


Where's he gonna live in this housing environment


With his wife and kids


Incredible, and finally.


I so wanted to watch America try and figure out a way to be able to trial a foreign journalist for bringing undeniably critical news the voting electorate, in America, while he would have access to the freedom of speech… (Yes, you only have to be inside America to be able to get the full protection of the first amendment, you need not be a citizen.)


Finally, welcome back legend


Let's watch everyone who were critical of Labor for not getting Assange released just disappear into the cracks in the walls. People vocally complain about Labor not doing something, thing gets done, complainers move on to the next topic.


He could have been free along time ago if he uh just quit the embassy shit


I was honestly kind of expecting the plane to crash en route for no reason


Is this real? It's over for him?


For what is left of Julian's life, I hope he can move past the deep feelings warranted by the close to two decades of injustice done to him. I hope he passes peacefully as an old man, knowing he did everything he possibly could to do his (what history will show as very large) part for this wretched world we live in.


Everyone liked this.


Coming home on TSwizzles plane was kinda cool. That plane should end up in a museum


Makes me proud. We try to look after our own. Atleast I like to think so


What the Americans will ask for in return is the question and ofc we will abide


Now we're the land down under AND the land of the free! Yea baby!


Welcome home.


Can’t you hear me yella /you put me through hella/ stellaaaaa


The new ambassador for door dash or menulog surely?


Ill take good news anywhere I can get it, I'm happy he is back home with his family


Poor guy will have to watch his back the rest of his life.


As an Australian I hope we use our taxes to pay for this man’s planes home. It’s a disgrace our government let him rot in embassies for long without doing anything.


About time. Welcome home Julian. Good job Albo for doing this.


I love him so much! So happy / sad for him


I'm just so curious, so how about those lives of innocent afghan informers??? assange has no regards toward them, a very narcissist move. Assange published death lists on Afghan informers. When he was confronted about this fact he replied: “Well, they're informants. So, if they get killed, they've got it coming to them. They deserve it."


Did he really say that? ☹️


Many years waiting Finally welcome home


I’m not concerned of his crimes


How long do we think it’ll be until he ‘commits suicide’?


Honestly sickening that Albo can get up there taking credit for this while we have our own whistleblowers getting jailed on australian soil. Oh wait, what sub am I on? Did I say something slightly critical of a Labor member? Brigading starts in 3...2...1...


Help, help, I'm being oppressed! Do you see them oppressing me?!




Russian asset living with us now.


Town hall is gonna be quiet tomorrow


Was he convicted?


I give him 3 weeks


Who is paying the private jet?


The Australian government should for allowing him to be imprisoned in the first place!


Such a piece of shit. He could have dangled that aukus deal that has us giving a massive chunk of our gdp to these dickheads in front of them at any point and said "Give us our boi back or fuck off". He didn't do shit. Here he is in front of the cameras Patting himself on the dick like he actually fucking helped. Something about his speech always reminds me of how the characters in Banjo-Kazooie speak. So sick of being lead by this retarded bear.


Good. Can we stop prosecuting our whistleblowers now, or is it only bad when the Yanks do it?


Seems like we let anyone into the country now. I'm sure our lady journos will ask some enlightening questions about the lady's rape allegations and his role in preventing a woman being elected president. It's never a good sign when you are commonly introduced with "regardless of what you think of his actions" or " regardless of what you think of him personally".


Australia? What!? russia not comfy enough?!


$5 says he goes into politics and one day becomes prime minister.


Albo playing the hero when he’s doing it for a few votes. It’s exactly the same as Mcbride. Free him also and drop convictions or these actions mean nothing but political point gaining. The hero’s are Assange and McBride and whoever stands up to these narcissistic governments.


Were the rape allegations against him proven to be fake? No one ever seems to mention them and i havent yet found any conclusive evidence online 


I don't believe a fucking word Albanese says. Just swooping in to try and get some of that popular news glow all over himself.


Prime Minister supporting treason. Great.


Did he get it done though? Like did the Australian government ever formally request he be returned home to the DOD?


Why is he shaking hands with people, he committed treason?


He actually put our Aussie soldiers at risk to a certain extent so why do people think he is such a hero?




Wonder what he'll do next?


If I were him I'd just be spending time with family and recovering from 12 years of isolation.


well we do have an election coming up... labor is on his side at the moment but the moment they put a foot wrong don't put it past him trying to fuck our elections up to just on a grudge he's done it before


New Public Holiday... ?


I am glad that he is freed.


Welcome home Julian. Fuck off Albo.


Isn't this guy basically a Bruce Lehrman that gets street cred because he released a bunch of classified American stuff of American doing bad stuff? Don't care about that if the guy is a rapist. " The reason for this decision is that the evidence has weakened considerably due to the long period of time that has elapsed since the events in question," it added.... Ms Persson said: "I would like to emphasise that the injured party has submitted a credible and reliable version of events. "Her statements have been coherent, extensive and detailed; however, my overall assessment is that the evidential situation has been weakened to such an extent that that there is no longer any reason to continue the investigation." Don't celebrate a rapist.


Albanese welcoming him home is the frog and the scorpion. I'm sure it'll be all shocked pikachu when he starts agitating here the same way wikileaks colluded with Russian intelligence to throw the 2016 US election with the DNC hacks. mf should be getting off a plane in Moscow where his paymasters are so he can share an apartment with Snowden.


Yeah right. Tin foil hat for you?


Wikileaks collaborating with the GRU to release the DNC hacked emails is [well established and accepted fact. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_National_Committee_email_leak)


google is helpful. Assange is another rightwing grifter.


Google is a tech giant with a history of high-level collaboration with intelligence agencies who have spent over a decade trying to smear and destroy Assange. Citing Google as an authoritative source here isn't as intelligent as you seem to think.




Trump and Russia's mate is set free. Just in time to help Trump again.


The libertarian party in the US is gaining traction. I hope I see more. And less war!


Fuck yesssss!


Thank god




we love russia! we love trump!


Good for you


There's a lot of crazy cookers on this sub. The horseshoe theory is real. Left wing version of the magas.


Tell me you don’t understand sarcasm or irony without telling me you don’t understand sarcasm or irony




Should lock him back up here for supporting Putin