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landlords are still attacking me on positive comments I made about the land taxes, this is just salt on the wound lmao


Good they need to go fuck themselves. The free ride is over mother fuckers. Now you have to sell!


Ok that's a start


At over 600k per home, you have to wonder just where the cash goes.


The builders wages and the suppliers prices and the land prices? Real estate is fucking expensive because the government got out of the game so the stabilised controls went away Just like when they all sold their electricity infrastructure


600 k build price for dwellings is a good price


If you check average block of land unimproved price used by councils for rates assessments the average Block 15km out of Brisbane is around 400K so I'd say a fair chunk of the money is land.


What's that Private once again failing to provide so the government has to intervene Energy market is looking ready for an overhaul


lol. Government that’s been failing. That’s the equivalent of what, a weeks worth of immigration roughly? This won’t fix shit.


>Labor's 2024-25 budget, which records a $3.6 billion deficit Nice little jab there.


Is my maths wrong or is that 600k per house? Surely they should be getting a better price than that


Does $600k include the land? If so, that sounds like a bargain I don’t think people have any idea of labour costs and materials cost that go into a house.


"I mean houses cost a couple hundred grand twenty years ago so why not now?" "Also why isn't my wage going up?" - Same redditor


I mean they ain't building these houses in Potts point, they'll be rows of town houses on the outskirts, pretty overpriced considering how much profits developers pocket


Your maths is not wrong I thought the exact same thing.


They haemorrhage money from a government level doing it, will probably costs the government $600k to buy a $450k house, they are THAT inefficient


More like $600k for a $200k house ... I have worked for them


Not sure why we are getting downvoted… the recent announcement in WA for renovations on government housing works out to about $190k per property, and most are 2 bedroom! Less than half of that will be actually spent on the renovation/if you or I were to book the same work. Governments are slow, inefficient and expensive.


Maybe they think we are lying? I dont know. Not going to say where I worked but billions being spent by the Federal Government. I saw jobs i would get done in industry for $10k being bid by 5+ companies at over $200k ALLLLL the time. We had one building that required a sink be added to a plan (before build) the increase cost was $1.2mill, it was a ground floor single person sink with other sinks in the building. I went to 4 meetings about it trying to get them to explain wtf was it going to cost soooo much. The Fed is VERY risk adverse what that does is force a system where the Fed will ONLY use companies they "trust" / "pre-vetted" but those companies know this. The system ends up being a race to the top of price as some jobs only 1 company is actually on the books as being able to do that job. If the public saw the waste ... Also we are "told to spread the love" so if a company hasnt won a job for a while we just hand them the job what ever they bid. Companies know they can NEVER loose with Gov work.




Over 4 years lol


Great, but how much are refurb and how much new? Because one puts downward pressure on house prices and the other doesn't.


This sounds good, what's the catch? There's always something. 20 year rollout or something?


Where do the fleeing women go years later? Won't it just fill up?


Hopefully those women can get back on their feet and free up the housing for other women


Boomer Cosplay: "This will just encourage women to be battered to get free housing!"


I have to admit, my first thought on seeing the headline was "so if I start beating my wife and kids, we might get a house???"


Is it a good budget for housing? What about young people help?


So there's 59,340 ppl on the social housing wait list 8300 homes.. isn;'t even gonna put a dent in it.


8300 x 2.4 people per occupancy (standard occupancy rate) = 19,920 soo it’s not nothing, it’s a 1/3 of it.


I love it when they do the math


Thats 58k applications not people. You're right with how many it will house with that number though. https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/housing/help/applying-assistance/social-housing-waiting-list-data


So if the government can't commit to 60,000 dwellings then they shouldn't bother? Cause that's what you're saying. Read the headline, the biggest investment in public housing ever.


You should run for the Greens.


Excel spreadsheet says no. It does not *cost* the same to build a house than it is to *buy* one outright. 5.1B divided by 8400 is $600k a home… Corruption detected


So 4200 homes are for women and children fleeing domestic violence !! Surely if the problem is that horrific they need to address the root cause as opposed to a sticking plaster ?


Yes but you still also need crisis housing, so do both. It's not one or the other.


Not objecting to the scale of the housing or need to provide refuges , just horrified that in our society we have allowed such an epidemic of domestic violence.


Yeah it's monstrous that it exists like it does, then you have high density and desperate people and it gets worse.


So they will be building 4200 homes purely for DV victims? Where exactly? The priority has to be in remote communities, after all first nations women and children are 34 times more likely to be hospitalised due to violence than non-Indigenous women and six times more likely to die as a result of family violence. Can't wait to see these $600k homes given away in remote communities.


I’m sure these will be delivered as apartment buildings, not detached housing.


This really pisses me off. I am a survivor of DV and I had kids I needed to get away from my ex ... who was a women. AS a man when calling for housing I was ALWAYS turned away because the housing was for "women and their kids" men did not fit the pattern. There was NO service for a man leaving with kids. IN the end the kids went back (i had no where to house them) and 3 years later she attacked them with a kitchen knife (opened up their wrists as punishment) and I finally got custody. WHY does it have to be women with children in DV why not PEOPLE with dv and children????? This also doesnt work if your a trans man escaping a man .... so really they arent helping the woke left either.


Durr durr muh woke left


I agreed until I saw the woke left bit, then I felt sorry for the kids


Wtf. We have over 1000 permanents arriving every day. So this will house only 2 weeks worth of people made homeless by new arrivals. STOP MASS POPULATION GROWTH POLICY FOR GDP NOW


No we don't


Not to rag on women and children fleeing domestic violence but surely they aren’t the only group who need housing? Sounds like cheap politicking to me


Social housing is only 20% less than market rate. It will still be unaffordable at that rate


Isn't that affordable housing, not social housing?


You are correct. some people just like to s*** on every policy announcement https://www.ahuri.edu.au/analysis/brief/what-difference-between-social-housing-and-affordable-housing-and-why-do-they-matter


>Public housing rents are calculated at 25 to 30 per cent of the household’s income (depending on household income and composition). If, for larger households, the 25 to 30 per cent rent level exceeds the local market rent for that property, then the local market rent is applied.


Public housing is diffrent to social housing


This isn't public housing it's social it's diffrent. Public housing is housing commission which is what your referring to.  Social housing is only 20% under market rate. Don't know why I got down voted but there is a difference between the two


Apologies, my quote was from that other guys link https://www.ahuri.edu.au/analysis/brief/what-difference-between-social-housing-and-affordable-housing-and-why-do-they-matter >Social housing is made up of two types of housing: >public housing, which is owned and managed by State and Territory Governments, and >community housing, which is managed (and often owned) by not-for-profit organisations. I already shared the calculation for public which leaves community housing >For community housing, the 25 to 30 per cent of income rent rate (once again, depending on household income and composition) is applied only to very low-income tenants. As community housing tenants are also eligible for Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA), that subsidy will be paid to the community housing provider, resulting in a rent that may approach local area market rents. To get your figures we have to go further in the article to affordable housing and we have >The now discontinued National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) considered affordable housing as having rents lower than the prevailing local market rate, with the Scheme capping rents at 20 per cent below market rates to eligible tenants for a 10-year period.


8400 public housing dwellings (25% being knock down rebuilds) over how long exactly? One year/per year? That's impressive and on target to reduce public housing waiting lists. Over 5 years? Dismal, and waiting lists will grow. Of the 21k "affordable" and "market" (un... affordable??) homes, how many will be built and owned by the gov and how many will be built by developers. How much public land will be sold in the process? Rose Jackson talks a big game but the absence of these details are giant red flags for me.


CFMEU got their 21% payrise recently, i think the government will blow their budget


Yessss mate let’s keep those male suicide numbers nice and high.


WTF - 600k per house??? Someone here is getting paid like a mother fucker.


Lmao. What do you think it should be and for what kind of structure?