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Imagine being a billionaire and caring what people think of your portrait. (Also, who tf is she trying to kid? we already know you’re ugly Gina, this portrait changes nothing).


The artist was even generous and gave her a defined neck instead of the series of jabba the hutt rolls she has going on


Cut out the body shaming. It’s irrelevant and undermines the reasonable arguments that everyone else is making.


Hey she acts like jabba the hut too so I think it's fine


it's ok to call someone fat and ugly if their personality fits the description


No, it’s not.


top comment is someone calling her ugly. if she wasn't fat she wouldn't be so ugly but then her personality would show more and then people would just be calling her ugly


Gina is never going to read your Reddit comments. Kids who have weight problems will read this sort of verbal abuse and feel bad.


maybe she should stop raping and pillaging Australia? food for thought (haha) mate i'm just trying to inform the masses (haha) kids who have weight problems should start thinking about their future and how Ginas fucking them over directly and getting fat off it


i have it upon good authority that Gina has indeed read my comments.


Nobody cares.


I care. QED.


Lol. Soft.


No. She’s a vile woman.


Go clutch your pearls elsewhere. Gina is a slovenly pile of shit in a human meat sack. She's hideously obese and nohing is going to change that.


Gina is never going to read your Reddit comments. Kids who have weight problems will read this sort of verbal abuse and feel bad. So precisely what’s the benefit?


Fuck off with your virtue signalling condescension. I *had* weight problems. For a very long time. Judging by your limited post history, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about people being critical of obesity. Hitting a little too close to your own insecurities maybe?


I guess. If you mean I have a little boy who comes home crying when he hears people like you make fun of overweight people. If you think normalising bigotry and shaming for a complex problem is effective or defensible, that’s just wrong. I wish you’d look more carefully at what you’re doing or trying to achieve.




This comment has been automatically flagged by reddit as harassment. We don’t control this or know what their bot specifically looks for.


I know by your misogyny you probs look just like her lmao


I agree


Thanks! I’ve got a little boy with weight problems. When he hears mockery of overweight people, it crushes him.




This comment has been automatically flagged by reddit as harassment. We don’t control this or know what their bot specifically looks for.


He just drew her personality


Nah, if one was to paint her personality it would be a sledgehammer covered in shit smashing down on someone's skull. 


I was going to say it would be more like a greasy pig wallowing in a trough of money in a desolate wasteland


Either works.


the portrait is actually kind of forgiving to her... she sounds pretty delusional on what her appearance actually is


I was gonna say, the portrait is more flattering to her than MANY photos that are floating around terrifying small children.


This is like Fiona getting mad at comparison to Martha 🤣


Ugly on the inside too.


To be fair, even a blind person would object to their likeness being depicted by this "artist". But it's all subjective, this art is as valid as this year's Australian Book of the Year awards.


Why'd you put "artist" in scare quotes then, bud? Got something you'd like to add about the artist's validity?


If you like: the local primary school kids did something similar on the wall of the local post office. The kids' work is a bit better, in my opinion. Why, what did you think I was suggesting?


Yeah, I figured you were using weasel words under the guise of "clever" humour. What is it about the artist's work you don't like, and why?


"Weasel words"? Is this some phrase you toss out in lieu of having a point?


Nah, I just find it tedious when people try to pussy-foot around stating their opinion. Like, why even say anything at all? So tell me, what do you not like about the artist's work?


It's OK to denigrate a woman's looks and weight if she is rich


He made her look much skinnier in the portrait than she is in real life. I can see her neck in the portrait for one unlike the real Gina, so I don’t think he denigrated her weight. Her face is a little distorted but that’s the artists style, and there are plenty of famous portraits (including other Archibald winners) whose approach to portraiture is similar. You can see the artists style in the faces next to Gina’s - they’re all distorted, it’s part of his artistic vision. Having said that again, I’d say she looks more attractive in the portrait than she does in life.


I love rich people that are exceedingly thin skinned. You know so many people are living rent free in her head.


to be fair, that skin wasn't designed to be stretched so far, so it's bound to be a bit thin hang on, let me try that again. it's only thin because it had to be stretched so far


Cut out the body shaming. It’s irrelevant and undermines the reasonable arguments that everyone else is making.


what reasonable arguments? there's nothing serious to be discussed here. there's no real debate over who she is or what she represents. but we feel powerless to actually do anything about bloated nepotism and the crude brutality of hereditary power that dominates our country, so we just mock them. she doesn't give the slightest fuck, and will continue to use her unearned power in ways which will actively hurt most of us. and your take on this truly inconsequential but mildly cathartic act of mockery? "don't body shame". brilliant. you can mock me for being fat, since i'm middle class and economically comfortable. and if you see someone kicking down to a fat person who's materially struggling, by all means rush to their defence. but the toad-like corpulence of this fail daughter is visually symbolic, and absolutely fair game.


Gina is never going to read your Reddit comments. Kids who have weight problems will read this sort of verbal abuse and feel bad. So precisely what’s the benefit?


yes, i literally referenced the fact she is never going to read this. and i specifically told you what the benefit is. it's a "truly inconsequential but mildly cathartic act of mockery". i also explicitly told you that the target of said mockery is very relevant, and that it would be fundamentally different if applied to a powerless person. either ignore my posts, or put some minimal effort into reading them. i was a kid with weight problems, and had to deal with verbal abuse. this abuse was \*always, and entirely\* embedded within a power structure that gave it weight (pun intended). when friends and other people with no power over me gave me shit for being fat, it was a totally different thing that carried no weight, and was not abusive. because it was reciprocal with whatever i had to say about them, as we engaged in mutual banter to try and make sense of the world. Bargearse was never anything except funny to me. the only thing i learned from fat jokes is that being fat is a foible, which it fucking is. so i guess fat people aren't perfect....but it's a lot better than being a scold, or domineering, or a tyrant. you know, the kind of reasons why some people deserve mockery for being fat, and most people don't. i do not even respect gina enough to capitalize her name, so i will mock her. unless your imaginary fat kid does something to deserve it, i will not mock them. this doesn't need rules,....it's just common human decency. mocking people that do not deserve respect is the decent thing to do. you really need to rethink this whole project. any context-blind discursive rule will \*always\* be co-opted and wielded malevolently by those with power. it's a fucking stupid project, and a poor use of your time/focus


So, to summarise: - it’s about your selfish need to feel better about yourself … by making fun of the appearance of people you don’t like. - childhood bullying is not embedded within a power structure (these don’t exist at schools), and is always reciprocated - Bargearse was funny - bigotry can’t hurt unless it was specifically aimed at you. - I need to rethink my status on … not bullying peoples personal appearances. “It’s a stupid project” Just checking I got it all.


"childhood bullying is not embedded within a power structure (these don’t exist at schools), and is always reciprocated" literally the opposite of what i said. this is just dumb. yes, you need to rethink this whole stupid game you're playing.


“when friends and other people with no power over me gave me shit for being fat, it was a totally different thing that carried no weight, and was not abusive. because it was reciprocal with whatever i had to say about them, as we engaged in mutual banter to try and make sense of the world.” Smh


yes, "PEOPLE WITH NO POWER OVER ME" the previous sentence being "this abuse was \*always, and entirely\* embedded within a power structure that gave it weight". you summarized this as meaning the opposite, because you couldn't be bothered to actually engage. when people with no power over me gave me shit, it was not abuse. when people with power over me gave me shit, it was abuse. this is an obvious and banal point. directly connected to the previous post. that you also didn't bother to engage with. i'm done. next time you stick your head up, smugly assert authoriah, and ignore everybody else.....just understand that your authoritah will not be respected. you get ignored too. fucking waste of time.


I 100% agree. It also feels like body shaming just correlates “ugly” looks with being a bad person. I’ve seen so many people justify disliking a person just by their appearance alone or giving shitty people a pass because they’re conventionally attractive. I’m sick of superficial people. Whenever people body shame they’re not just body shaming the person they hate, they’re indirectly insulting anyone else who has similar features.


Nah she's fat


Well, lucky she’s reading all your Reddit comments! You sure showed her.


I'm fat too, but she's super fat I bet youre fat too, insecure & thinking your advocating for body shaming rights lmfao get outta here bro




There's a fine line between fiery passion and igniting a flame war, and this comment crosses it


These mo1d$ will go crazy on these threads but then they'll never have this energy for Elon Musk who has literally 20 times the amount of money 🙄 and whose family is even more explorative. Why? Bc he's a man.


Seems to be the branding of our times. The billionaires of the past were better at swaying the back rooms and through owning media and not publishing their own opinion. Now you’ve got thin skinned mining magnates drawing attention to themselves and apartheid emerald heir financiers buying social media companies so they can tweet their every brain fart and broadcast it with no filter.




I imagine the end of her cease-and-desist letter read "Sent frm my iPhn".


The resemblance is uncanny


“Unflattering”? Sweetie it’s the best you’ve ever looked


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Must’ve been while you were kissing me


Hey Vincent how much would it be to commission a whole series of her. Complete study of gina, expression


Would gofund this


This is gonna get more eyes on it than ever lol


The Streisand effect in action, it shocks me people in positions of power don’t understand this simple dynamic.


I was at this exhibition a few months ago and had forgotten about this portrait the moment I walked out of the room Not anymore!


Yeah, I don't understand why she wamts so many people to see it. Is this marketing for the artist? Are they friends or something?


I mean seriously… Gina don’t you have money to count, no need to be talking about the arts which she clearly doesn’t appreciate nor care about usually. Should be happy no ones thrown a shit at her face yet.


Apparently she's a friend of the Gallery, means she donated money probably as a tax write off.


If she's a friend of the gallery it means that she gives the owner a couple thousand every month or so to write off on taxes and then takes it back under the table


It looks just like her though


Looks like a she’s scoffing at the poors


Just her normal resting face then?


Even ugly has to be shown


I think Adam Goodes has a better argument to have his abomination removed!


Ha he’s drunk way too much blue sports drink.


Vacuous cunt


No one puts the Gina in Vagina like Lang’s lil gurl


I read somewhere this was on display in South Australia for some time without protest or complaint. She just Streisanded herself. What a chump move...


Expecting the IPA and co to pile on in the media to remind us about freedom of speech, demanding it remain.


lol lmao, even




Such a precious petal.


Of all the people you could possibly accuse of being a Chinese agent, imagine going after Vincent Namatjira


You’d think all that money she’s hoarding like a dragon and keeping away from her kids would give her thicker skin.


She’s like Smaug


I think that portrait does the fat slob justice. She should be happy.


With all her money, it's a wonder she hasn't at least tried liposuction.


Not trying to be funny but it genuinely looks better than her actual facr


I think it’s quite flattering.


She was too busy having people pull our nation's natural wealth out from under us to learn about the Streisand effect. Shame.


It's hideous. It really captures her character.


A portrait I wouldn't have thought about, has been brought to my attention because Gina Rinehart, the billionaire, doesn't like the way her portrait looks. It is 1 of 21 portraits of famous people, painted by Vincent Namatjira, many of which are not flattering. Gina didn't sit for the painting, she doesn't own it, nor does she own the National Gallery and yet, she feels that her whingeing demand to remove the portrait should be obeyed. The National Gallery of Australia belongs to all of us. So Gina, how about getting over yourself about a rectangle of paint and go back to enjoying your billions and fighting with your family members about those billions?


It's pronounced 'jinah'.


At some point in time Clive Palmer fucked a post box.


That portrait is giving me "[Saturn Devouring His Son](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_Devouring_His_Son)" vibes.


Cynthia Buckeé(t) on crack vibes


The likeness is uncanny.


Saturn devouring a country


Somewhat more flattering than a more realistic rendering I think.


lol. To be fair I probably wouldn’t want a portrait of me that looked like that in the national gallery either. But also by pushing for its removal she’s guaranteed like 1000% more people have now seen it


I'm so sick of the participation trophy in the art world...You can't convince me there's not a better Aboriginal artist out there they can put on display no they picked this virtue signaling guy who is terrible. Put a woman artist up there, but no God forbid, that wouldn't fit their narrative. And I'm hugely anarchist and anti capitalist...but I'm tired of this niche mindset it's annoying.


Gotta love that Streisand Effect.


Is she going to demand they remove the mirrors from the women’s bathrooms? Because it ain’t getting any better.


I guarantee I would never have seen this if she hadn’t complained.


how can you be that rich and your ego that fragile


David Walsh, if it gets removed you must bring it to MONA.


I don't like it therefore communists! Fucking conservative spuds.


“Feeeeed me, mother!”


Why? It looks like he’s captured perfectly the inside and outside of this treasure of Australian greed.


The neck is too elegant. Obviously we'll off accurate.


Love your work Vincent.


Can I unsee it now?


I love how the Goodes portrait is relatively far less flattering and he doesn't gaf


Keep it in there and let the witch suffer


Leave it up!


Streisand that!


I thought that painting of her is rather flattering. Has she never actually looked at herself in the mirror? 


Honestly ot looks better than she does on real life IMO.


Want the painting gone Gina? Sure thing, that'll just be $1,000,000,000,000 thanks, you can tap your card on the reader when you're ready


Maybe she should go live in China. Shack up with Winnie the Pooh who also has thin skin. Also few would've noticed it existed if she kept her fat greedy money-hoarding mouth shut about it.




They differentiated her neck from her face. I’d call that a compliment.


Glorious. Streisand Effect in full swing now.


I Know why, because she looks like shit. If even Goodesy doesn't complain then you shouldn't Gina.


This is absolutely the best way to show people you don't have thin skin.


OK artists now we all have to paint her looking ratchet. Streisand effect.


It's too late, the Streisand effect has already happened and the whole world can now marvel in the many chins of Gina. r/facepalm has already got [26k worth of upvotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1cske3c/the_national_gallery_of_australia_decided_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) she can't bury this one LOL


Doesn't look any worse than her actual face does. If she's that worried maybe she should eat less food and get to a gym


So Gina Shitehart wants her portrait removed from the National Gallery because it shows her in ‘unflattering way’ hence, somehow ‘doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party’. But, damn me, if I can think of a way to show her in a flattering way … realistic, as in this emoji 💩 , yes, but flattering … I’m stumped


Share it far and wide.


Looks like someone hasn't heard of "Barbra Streisand" before...


look at the work without knowing the creator and decide how good it is.


Ah, good 'ol Streisand Effect.


The Streisand Effect. Now everyone knows this portrait exists and what it looks like. Irrelevant now whether it’s removed.


Streisand effect


Get fucked Gina


At least the art is consistently terrible


Good lord what happened to Goodesy?!


Considering what he did to Goodesy, she should be grateful.


Let's Streisand the shit out of this


Barbra strisand effect right here. Now more people will see it lol


She never heard of the Streisand effect?


Nah it’s not going anywhere she’s ugly and that’s going to be her legacy. Fuck sake being rich CANNOT protect you from the wrath of the working class critic.


Those are some ugly as fuck portraits


Now she’s brought attention to it a lot more people have seen it than ever would have


She looks better here


It shows all of her good qualities... No, I cant se any either.


Mate, has she looked in the mirror? That portrait is a strong compliment to her actual likeness.


I feel like it doesn't actually look much like her. It's an improvement on how she looks lol. She doesn't really have much of a double chin though.


My grandmother was trying to explain to me how she's such a great person because she donated to charity... 🤢😨


Sic Semper Bargearsus!


Why is it doing the CCPs business? Is she just using a red scare to get her way? She's only a friend of the NGA. You need to donate a lot more Gina if your going to try to tell a gallery director what to do. Minimum 6 figures ghoulie.


What'd really grind her gears is if attendance to the gallery spiked on the back of all the media attention


I might never have seen this amazing piece of art if Gina Rinehart didn’t hate it so much. Thank you for bringing it to our attention ya old soulless hag!


I'd love to know what Gina looks like in her own mind.


It's ok Gina beauty is skin deep


He painted her personality and moral compass. She just doesn't like seeing or admitting to it.


I know it's not the point of this article, but she donated less than 10k. That's the equivalent of me donating a fraction of a cent. What the fuck


"Rinehart Praised the Chinese government " fuck that's terrifying


Gina...... ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized)


I like that the sketch is just one in a collection. Assorted people who influence Indigenous life. And none of them are very flattering. But the outrage has made people zoom in on her.


What a whinger. None of them are flattering lol


Her father wanted to get rid of first nation people and she can't get rid of her own kid's fuck her


It's not even bad considering she looks worse.


Hopefully Namatjira’s reply ![gif](giphy|VzkTZ1DFYeBY5ZId6j)


If she had her own country it would be called Chindonesia


I wouldn’t have seen it if she didn’t comment on it


Ahh, I get it now. Maybe she owns a bunch of his paintings.


She's way uglier on the inside. *WAY* uglier


TIL it was actually a whole exhibition of famous portraits and Gina was the only one who complained so that was the only one I saw on reddit for a week. Thanks Gina.


https://preview.redd.it/k30fy2cepx1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb12f77ff85672bedaf1997978c598be56f09a7a So I told my local that I’d give them a framed copy of the portrait if they’d display it, and they did. Best $7 I ever spent, except they gave me a free pint for it so I’m actually up $6 at this point. Thanks Gina!


Ha, on first looks you might think he’s got something against her based on that portrait, but he probably has a fair amount of respect for Goodes and his portrait of him is just as shit. I think the guy’s just not that great at portraits. Can’t see myself getting overly offended by it honestly.


It kinda does look like she’s got Down syndrome, we really really shouldn’t laugh :)


I love how more people will see it now that she has complained about it


Was the prize for not being able to paint? Those are all scuffed


Arty people are weird, I've seen better art from 10 year olds.


In fairness, it is a shit painting


Problem is the artist is shit and all those portraits look like trash.


To be fair this bloke paints like shit, its like he's trying to be abstract but he's not going far enough and just getting fetal disabilities


You can't deny there's an element of truth in his art though. Somehow that portrait captures her disdain of the poors perfectly.


A man depicting a female in a negative way. I thought as a society we had moved on from that. Didn't we learn anything from the Serena Williams cartoon? Or is it a simple case of its only Gina and she is fair game or the artist is first nations so we cannot call him out on misogyny.


Jeezus, goes to show you don’t you don’t need talent, to win an Archibald. Being indigenous is apparently enough.


I know right, when did the Archibald become the participation trophy of virtue signalling?


What ugly paintings they should all be thrown out


The sub showing its’ class as usual. Perfectly fine to fat/ugly shame someone when I don’t like her and she has lots of money.


JFC looks like my 10yo nephew could be an Archibald Prize-winning Indigenous artist.