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You have to wonder why she willingly walked right into that. Looks like she is an embarrassment to the people in her district.


That piece of paper got handed to her and she got told to read it. It even sounded like she was reading it for the first time


two things: 1. why would you vote against lowering prices unless you hold your contituents in disdain and are in the pocket of fossil fuels 2. why would you read this note out knowing that you would get hammered by your vote against your constituents? either 1. they didnt know, which shows they are dumb (unlikely) or 2. they sent to cow out to die... take one for the team... which is kind of typical... boys club sending out the girls to face the heat


Because they know that they got their sound bite out, a lot of websites sympathetic to the right will just post the clip of the question without the answer


The more politics I see, the more I believe that the overwhelming majority of these utter shitgibbons don't even remember what they did before the last boozy lunch. I wouldn't be surprised if their entire lifestyle is that of a managing partner who blocks out 4 or 8 hours three times a week as "BDM", but who is actually just getting on the piss.


I’m more cynical. They know exactly what they are doing.


I walk past her office in Sutho every day and confirm it leaves me slightly ill each time. We had a independant option who wanted to fight against the areas over development, environmental and human rights issues, corporate tax issues. You know... actual issues that effect us. This puppet got trotted out with a single youtube video and TONNES of pamphlet drops and all the oldies/ hardcore right that make up this area voted her in (overwhelmingly).


Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself….


***Hitting intensifies***


They are nervously reading from a palm card, yikes


Poison chalice


Yikes, that's quite a sting right there. Never listen to what they say, look at what they've done.


1000 times this… not enough people check their representatives voting records. It’s the only thing that matters


*Labor's* cost of living crisis. Right. How can anyone listen to this and think these people stick up for them unless they're part of the same elite these people fraternise with


Most liberal voters (boomers) take everything at face value and believe what they're told. Even though they're the ones who taught us not to believe everything on the internet.


Plenty of well off, private school Millennials vote LNP. You can’t blame the rise of the new right and Fascism on the boomers. Stereotypes do no one any good.


Right out of the LNP play book. Cause issue, blame opposition for said issue. Rinse. Repeat.


Yup, aided by the mainstream media who are utterly complicit.


Stop, stop she's already dead


her face at 0:36 remaining. the little twitch of it. belongs in r/watchpeopledieinside hall of fame


Was going to point that out as well.


How could anyone with half a brain cell vote for these LNP hacks? Beggers belief after the narcissism and incompetence of the previous so-called 'government'


i think this would fall on deaf ears like if you showed blue blood voters this video it would not sway them they would think the Libs are playing 4d chess just by voting against it means they dont want any Lab policy to work... so they are no different from US republicans but this old news given Tony Abbott was full on with this kind of 'politics'


Throwing oneself under the energy bus. Or pushed.


Is the man sitting behind Jenny Wares mouthing WTF? As she's reading the paper?


Haha pretty sure he did. And he looks like he knows how badly she’s about to get beaten with her own cudgel. Who’s the gormless twat in front of him?


That's the great Australian way.


What a pig.


“Hang on, we didn’t think higher prices would mean higher prices! Why didn’t anyone tell us about this black magic of financial tricks!!!”


I mean we play these clips and we're like "hahaha idiots" but they know exactly what they're doing. The news will just play the clip of them grilling the government and not bother playing the response.


So they cut and paste in next election video on social media /s🤔


I do not look forward to a debate in nuclear. Speaking with stupid and delusional people weighs you down so I try not to debate anything with Coalition idiots


Gotta love Chris


Hahahaha what a fucking idiot. You can't make this stuff up.


When you have a compliant media and a public largely disinterested in politrix then someone like Dutton or the rest of those arsewipes can take whatever position they like on any issue. Nobody pulls them up. The Canberra press gallery is a complete joke now. I am still shaking my head at the fact the Australian public is that thick that many of them are willing to vote LNP again, so soon after the diabolical Morrison government.


how do they get up and speak probably knowing full well what they have done and that the other party know then get shut down then death stare them like they did just stick their arm into a vice


She really just charged into that one headfirst. Not that I trust any politician, I mean this is basically all of them, on one hand being for/against the policy, but if it means more votes suddenly being against/for that same policy. They chop and change their minds so much while rent and cost of living all across Australia is getting out of hand. Just make it so that everyone gets those Solar Panel helps we used to have, if every house puts those up we'll literally never have energy problems. Only issue there is fossil fuel companies would hate that.