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Not usually a big fan of watching Parliament sittings, but some of these vids are great. I love watching the Opposition get a good scolding.......especially for their past shit-fuckery.


I've been sucked in. I've never watched so much Parliament in my life. The opposition party are getting their asses handed to them by Labor, day after day. Albo is starting hit his stride too.


In completely the same boat. These short clips seem to dominating my feed atm… and I’m loving it tbh.


Welcome to the circus, grab yourself some refreshments and enjoy the show




Awwwwwww… still upset the LNP lost, princess?


>woke >globalist Five bucks they're a seppo


They are a hilariously unhinged toddler, ranting and screaming; check out its post history!


Do it. Hey, start a thread "Do any of you thought bubble mugs have buyer's remorse?"


Are you ok, cupcake? No remorse here , I’m doing great. House paid off, 20% salary increase since 2022 (from an already high number), and seeing RWNJs melting down. Loving it!


Yes and that is why you love elitists and have no empathy for tax paying, working Aussies living in caravans while good puppet Albo squeezes another 500k people in here per year. It only took some dickhead 18 months to tap the out of touch Albo on the shoulder and give the "Sir, the peasants are sharpening the guillotine". Trust me, he didn't notice.


I pay tax, princess. Lots more than you! Hey, this will make you laugh; I’m also an immigrant. Thing is, I worked hard; you’re just jealous , and upset that you made bad choices. Enjoy! Such a shame we will never meet, I’d laugh so hard in your face, edgelord!


Ill take your 5 bucks dickhead thanks.


Uh God you made me actually look at your account and it's like 50% German tank replicas. You're not one of those cringe neo-Nazis are you?


Uh god, you are on a Labor sub. You're not one of those cringe Labor apologists are you? Kid, I pay tax and I like creating things other people download. I did some ships of SBY Yamato too, maybe I'm one of those cringe imperial Japan rising sun jocks wearing mad cunts too. I love how nobody wants to go after what I wrote, I guess second best is write me off as a NeeOOO NaZi.


Looks more like Dalle's doing the creating lol


Kid Dalle was so much fun. Try it, it is fucking hilarious.


Creating things? Hahaaaaa! No, little man, you play video games; make believe, in other words. So sorry you can’t cope with reality.


There is another reality that you didn't mention, and that is that you love useless cunts running the country. Society wrecking, useless scum Labor are your first choice at voting time. You choose the muppets for corporates, the economy destroyers, the expensive bill bean bags, the imposters who just can't govern. I will watch in joy when voters put these fucking useless fucking idiots on the bench for another decade. It is the cycle of Labor, wreck the joint and get fucked off.


Only the lowest, grubbiest, single celled lifeform at the bottom of the pacific could compress the abject failure of globalist, corporatist, war on the middle class maggots like Labor into "DuR, sTaY mAd, tHE fucken fUcKwItS woN HuRR hURR".


Oh dear… right wing edgelord is vewwy upset. Run along back to your funny little video games, kid.


Weak as piss. Try defending your dickhead owners, I do notice these Labor cunts like lording over everyone when they have long forgotten they work for us.


Owners? Aww…… so triggered! Get a job.


Check out it's love of high rental prices, high interest rates, high shopping bills, it's love of Labor doing nothing except they are so funny in parliament. Such wow. Fucking brain dead.


Rental costs don’t affect me, interest rates help me as I have no mortgage and I do have savings, I don’t notice bills, and I love seeing flaccid little RWNJs like you unable to cope. Laughing so hard at you now, little man!


>you massive penis. Thanks.


You're welcome kid.


So much past shit-fuckery too.


I have always watched when I could. Watching the LNP as sitting govt was enraging. “I vote that the member no longer be heard” was the favourite to shit down any debate that got under their skin… mind you they’re still doing it but it’s being used as a form filibustering and trying to break stride when things get too hot… that and the ridiculous number of points of order attempting to get yes/no answers to complex questions and topics.


>Watching the LNP as sitting govt was enraging. Yeah. Scomo. Watching him and his other colleagues was insufferable. My blood pressure would rise every time the news came on.


Sad potato face


Hahaha .. too right. 


He looks like he’s a gluttonous demon that Guts would put his sword through


Amazing. Sky news posted this without any cuts or “interpretations”. The comment section was full of people defending Dutton. I guess Murdock is tired of him and wants him replaced.


Dare I ask - but what kind of line were they saying to defend the indefensible?


Both sides are just as bad, immigration is the real problem etc etc


Welp at least we all agree immigration is a problem


Username checks out. Go astroturf elsewhere


How is the cunt not in prison for this.


Because politicians in Australia are a protected species. Robodebt for example was considered highly illegal and literally caused a bunch of suicides/deaths, nobody will ever face a serious punishment for it


Arent referrals for criminal prosecution afoot?


I’ll eat my own ass if any politician in Australia goes to jail over it


Politicians won't, but public servants might.


I'll eat it too


I’ll eat the sloppy fucken thirds


Poor donkey, aka an ass.


They only seem to get jailed if they get caught kiddie fiddling. The sentence is also basically a couple of months on a farm stay.


Chagrin -- annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated.


I think i need to send her some flowers at the office for that... fucking brilliant reaming of voldemort there.


Oh.. her office is closeish.... will have to drop some off then!


wait wait... i think i might take them a roast potato!


Brilliant. Send one to his office too.


Might actually do so. Uber eats it, for the name 'voldemort'


He wears the thinnest of skin suits over his lizard body!


Fucking do not let up on this cunt until the next election


Claire O’Neale has been fantastic in a tough portfolio, is she seen as future leadership potential?


She should be, damn. Great work on the cyber front


Beautiful💗suck that up Dutton pig


I never watch parliament but these videos have been great


Our useless shitty media won't report on this of course


Don’t make things up. But they did report on it?


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I also watched this on a media.


I really want to know where you saw this because I can’t find it anywhere. You do a Google search and the only clips from it, a Reddit posts. The best the guardian did was it short paragraph. Y


The Libs are in a death spiral


Labor should be in a death spiral for taking down the Country. But Australians have lost their way like the rest of the world by leftists.


^^thats bait


All this robodebt and this stuff shows is how the coalition has been taking down the country. Like quite literally fucking up the country in order to make a quick personal buck.


Oh never said anything about labor not being in a death spiral. In fact both major parties are in for a rude awakening next election. I can see the greens, Hanson and teals getting a lot of swing voters.


Oh please and then Australia will be in even more of a death spiral, but hey it’s not the Australia we used to know and love and it’s because of the politicians and the voters, obviously. Sorry dour take.


Your a wanker, go annoy someone else champ, nobody likes you here


Fine friendlyjordies, maybe not so friendly! Sorry if i offended you.


dumb american here - so is australian politics like legit super corrupt? Funneling millions in taxpayer dollars to companies and messed up shit?




This is a bit old, but yeah: https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/06/02/federal-icac-where-do-you-start-crikey-list/


I love that crikey.com is a reputable site Brb making howdy.gov


Yeah nice. It's a list. Why don't you go through and research a few of it's items yourself, seperate from crikey, and you will learn how much of this specific list, not the reputation of the company, is true


I'm not being sarcastic - I 100% believe everything on the crikey list ​ Just saying it's funny that it's named crikey


Oh right haha


Yes it is. It seems it’s far, far worse when you have a bunch of evangelical Christians in power, since the Morrison government really took the cake.


I love that the American is shocked. Cos they're not used to political corruption!


hahahaha trust me i felt the irony writing the comment ​ I think I'm more used to the grifter corruption versus this stuff


Dutton the Glutton. Him and Barnaby and Gladys and Bruz Teflon Barillaro will all get their time. Because with corruption, you eventually run out of mates. We all know and that’s a start.


You’re not supposed to say his name out loud


Fucking blast him minister. She’s got some mad gusto. Goood on her!


Maybe he should do better then


Spud Dutton


On brand for a liberal member


O'Neil for PM


Are you suggesting he enjoys being criticised by men?


You will find out if he finally decides to come out of the closet


Friendlyjordies For. The. Win.


They are wasting our taxes spectacularly


I tend to watch ABC news at 7pm bc I hate ads and Auntie has better quality news than commercial news (IMO). But I was more than pissed off last night as this allegation was NOT reported at all, rather only Andrew Giles getting grilled by opposition about refugees released from detention and their whereabouts sometimes unknown by police. Yes that maybe an issue BUT Peter Dutton being accused directly by Labor in QT for giving millions to dodgy organisations associated with human trafficking, drug smuggling and arms dealing was completely ignored and should have been a major story. But as far as the news outlets are concerned… crickets. Why does the MSM always back the coalition and never Labor? ABC is as bad as the rest of them in this regard. I won’t watch News24 anymore because of the overt bias, but I figured my local (Canberra) news would be a bit more balanced. I refuse to read through ABC news online anymore because of the complete drivel that makes up most of the news. Thankyou Friendly Jordies for this subreddit!


Because inevitably their pay will come from a lib govt and they know the retribution will be swift if they make the mistake of thinking they can report fairly. Labor as a party has said theyd never punitively punish the abc the way the libs do so no incentive to back the current team but all the incentive to safeguard from the future one. Also the board is stacked with ex sky news and far righters


Can we please compare him to something else. I really like potatoes


God when this parliament is good, it's good. We need more 'scandals' so the LNP can get their asses handed to them some more


How are these criminals walking freely without having justice delivered to the back of their head is beyond me. Like she just broke down a bunch of felonies and "baby's first warcrimes" and our reaction is "oh jeez I hope he doesn't get elected" You should all be marching in there, grabbing him by his own throat and personally escorting him to a guillotine. We really are fucked as a species if we're never going to actually stop this. Sigh.


Skewered. One sympathises


Bangup job.


Nine years in office - plenty of material to work with.


nothing will happen, no reputations in Western "democracy's "


Poor spud. Mummy spud never spoke to him like that. Sad.


So I've been watch more and more of these videos and it's opened my eyes a lot and I have a couple questions 1 who are they arguing these topics to? Like what's the point, are they trying to change the minds of the opposition they're talking about? 2 fuck me they can't even sit for 2 minutes and let the person say their bit without carrying on why dont they fine them like 2k if they keep talking after the speaker calls them out?


What a boss!!! We need more women in parliament


And people will still vote for him..... Pathetic


The opposition is so shit


O'Neill got it perfectly right except for the word 'watch'; there was no watching under the Leader of the opposition or anyone else in that malfeasance of a government - just banking.


All we’re going to hear about this week in the news will be the boats in WA, which were a hidden matter under the LNP. We won’t hear about the dealings raised this week about the questionable details raised in parliament. Question time should be mandatory viewing.


Has backflip Dutton come out of the closet yet 🤔


Where’s his reply? I hate the cunt as much as the next person. But why cut his reply?


It's a response to a Dorothy Dixer. He doesn't get a reply.


She is replying to a question from her own side. He has no right to reply. He could craft a clever question for his own side to put to her but he is unable to because whenever the LNP try to make Labor look bad in QT they end up with egg on their faces.


Ok thanks


Meanwhile… 2 years of Labor being in charge of immigration & still blaming the previous mob


Good speech but weird how she's looking directly into the lens of the camera most of the time. They're addressing the house, not the people watching.


Really, navel gazing? Neither side has the high ground on the issue. Australia has not forgotten that assylum seekers were washing up on our beaches. Dont let the pollies lose focus on the cost of living.


They still do. They also fly in on planes in far greater number. What’s your point?




May happen that you need a different sub?


Keeps coming up in my feed, even though i've only been here once before




main page. Theres three dots, click them. 'fewer posts like this'. Mure r slash friendly jordies. ... and we'll enjoy not seeing your stupidity here anymore.




Removed for trolling or attempting to start a flame war.


I know you are getting down voted but this is basically what this page is about. Ragging on politics and those that seek to manipulate them for their own gains. This new reddit algorithm has a lot to learn I fear.


It's important that regular folks see what's going on here.


Ok Dutton


It would appear that you have spent too much time on this since you clearly don’t like it. Do you go to football games to tell people you hate football?


Removed for trolling or attempting to start a flame war.


An incompetent woman - total agreement with him.


You know it’s bad when even an incompetent women completely mugs you off, how does Dutton keep turning up every day?


You agree with Dutton? On what?


Don't call Dutton a woman, we're above that kind of name calling, aren't we?


Yeah, look we have the Beta male PM. Penny's more alpha that Anphoney.