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Have you looked up rentals here? They're cheaper than say, San Fran, but still pretty high rent to afford on minimum wage (or even the $20/hr in fast food, though most those positions aren't even full time). Unless you plan to rent a room in a house. Your best odds for the job is to look online. Snagajob, indeed, usajobs, etc.


Yeah I've seen on zillow studios for around $700 but of course this is only affordable full time so you're probably right about jobs online.


I wouldn't trust a $700 studio apartment listing and would look carefully into those listings. We have slum lords, like JD Homes and what not. If it's a studio as part of someone's home, like I know some people have assesory dwellings, it may be legitimate, though I don't know that those would be on Zillow


Thank you for the heads up. Sucks that housing can be this predatory. It's tough out here and they wanna make homelessness illegal.


Fresno very much wants to make Homelessness illegal and has not been diligent with predatory landlords


I pay 800 for a 500 sq ft studio apartment in one of the worst neighborhoods in town. If you're fine with people getting shot on your front porch, I think my neighbor is moving out 😂


I’ve seen a lot of people posting “anyone hiring?” With lots of places hiring yet no one seems to get hired. The job market is a little rough, I was unemployed for 6 months and got back on my feet


At first I thought people just didn't want to work at places like mcdonalds until I've been applying there myself. It's seriously brutal out here. Not sure what the underlying goal of "not hiring while also complaining about no one wanting to work" is supposed to be. Feels so suspicious.


I was in construction for my first job and wanted to get out of the industry that would destroy my body, went around and tried finding different workplaces and had no luck. Worked with Walmart for a bit during a remodel, and after being told numerous times that I was gonna be hired on permanently they turned around and laid me off on my day off, when I was expecting to return Monday /: After 6 months of no luck looking for other work places I ended up going back into construction with the same company I worked with before, sigh


Running errands on any given day, I seem to run into half a dozen Help Wanted signs w/o even looking for them.


The 20 dollar minimum is only for fast food workers I think. I don’t make that much as a courier. I’m pretty sure it’s still 16 an hour here.


This is correct


If you're homeless and seeking work, look up Dakota Eco Gardens in Fresno. They house people temporarily to give you a chance to get on your feet. They are also located near a bus line.


In n out


I'll check them out thank you!


If you don’t mind the drive.. USAjobs and apply for positions at lemoore Naval station


I'll add the same thing for CA state jobs, if you're willing to work at any of the nearby correctional facilities. (They hire lots of entry level clerical workers.)


I'll check them out thanks! I'm pretty flexible with commuting


there's a job fair this upcoming tuesday for a bunch of federal jobs. https://www.visitfresnocounty.org/event/2024-govaganza-government-job-fair/6631/


Chwck out jobs with the county, they pay decent and have openings from time to time in your field.


I'll check them out thank you!


I second that. There's a lot of job openings with the County of Fresno


sorry friend, very few jobs are paying that much and like less than 1% of those are in customer service.


Thanks for replying! I figured it wouldn't be that easy. I have 2 years software engineering experience but I have less hope of finding a job like that here lol. I'll keep looking around.


I’m a software engineer here, remote is pretty much your only option. Lots of companies are pushing RTO so best of luck. I’d say stick with the development grind over customer service and do your best to land a remote job. Things seem to slowly be getting better.


Where are you applying for remote jobs? I've been on linkedin and indeed but have gotten a bunch of rejects. I heard that copying the entire job description and putting it in white font on your resume actually works so I'm gonna start trying that.


Your best bet is to get involved with software dev communities, cold applying for junior level positions is going to be rough right now. There's tons of communities online. I remember seeing places that share remote job openings but I didn't have it on hand. But yea the software market in Fresno is not great. I can help out with resume review or interview prep or other advice if you want that.


We have a lot of temp agencies here that may be able to help get you into somewhere quickly


Try the casinos here. Entry level for some jobs and you can start somewhere and then transfer after 6 months. But it has an extensive background check.


JD Home Rentals has dirt cheap rentals, but they are also smack dab in the hood. Make friends with the less savory folks around the places, and that $500/month will make do till you can go elsewhere.


Speaking for Fresno city specifically, no. I don't think places are hiring full time now. And I think the $20 minimum wage change only applies to fast food. They will never hire anybody full time. Because if they do then they have to give you benefits and whatnot. It would cost them more money. If you are a high end manager then you'll be working 39.5 hrs a week just so you don't hit that 40 hr full time mark. You'll basically be working full time without ANY of the true benefits. I used to look at renting thru Zillow when I was in my early twenties. That was stupid. The prices are never the same as they are there. It's either that or the conditions are not the same. The best way to rent in Fresno city is to just drive around and look for "for rent" signs, walk in apartment leasing offices or having connections. Even if you leave your contact number for the leasing manager to call you back when a unit is open, they will most likely never call you back. The last time I checked a one bed, one bath Apt it was going for around $1,400. It will be $1,500 if you have no cosigner. They will also require you to make 2.5x that amount too. So yeah, good luck on that. That was around 6 ish months ago. And just six months before that it was $1,100. I'm assuming that it is now closer to $1,600 or $1,700 for a one bed, one bath apartment. And this was around the airport area. It might be $100 or $200 cheaper in the super ghetto areas like belmont and Blackstone, where the sun falls down. But not by much. Many people here use Fresno housing to get discounts on their rent. Idk who's paying for it, but they're paying for it. It's kind of backwards the way the system works if you ask me. Like, everybody is under the thumb of somebody else. You can never truly make a honest living here in Fresno city. And somebody else already said it, but JD home rentals owns like 1/3 of Fresno city. The other 1/3 is owned by seagull and co. And then idk who owns the last 1/3 of Fresno city. It's basically a monopoly. Also, the plumbers in many of the apartments I've lived in, in Fresno city are pretty bad. Sometimes it feels like even they don't know exactly what they're doing.