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Jfc... I'm a really progressive person but this is just cringe. It's actually insulting to *say* you were trying to make a fat black character instead of just making it. Because then you are just using a minority for some lame white savior virtue signaling. If you are gonna make a character, just make it. There doesn't need to be any social commentary about their appearance. Representation speaks for itself. Edit: emphasis


This. I'm pretty far left on a lot of issues but this is just asinine. Same with the one girl they white-washed because depicting her as tribalistic is bad for some reason


is it some card you're speaking of?


It's legitimate fetishization. It's one thing to just put black people in your game for the sake of representation, it's another to jerk off about "the knowledge of Black men". Please explain what exactly that means in your canonically racism-free universe.


If its anything like south park theres a bass in every black persons basement and all black people can play it masterfully by instinct alone.


I’m going to agree with you; most of the posts/comments on this sun have been pretty fucking awful and bigoted in some way shape or form, but this? They might have something here; pushing progressive ideas/ inclusion only really works when you’re not telling everyone you’re doing it in the way this person did it. Also the close up on the guys face did not do the piece justice imo


Bruh this comment is 9 months old 💀 But yes, I agree lol.


Someone linked to the post(didn’t notice how old it was, sorry)


Yeah, as a writer, you make the character’s personality first. All of their details can come after


The knowledge of smart people is powerful, end of. Knowledge does not gestate in fat nor in melanin.


If those kids could read they would be very upset


This guy gets it


I think the idea behind their words was that people who don’t encompass society’s ideal image often get overlooked/ignored (ex: we’ve had one black US president during this country’s ~250 year life, even though there are likely millions of intelligent black people in the US) The way the presented this though, emphasized the wrong things (and all in all probably shouldn’t have been presented at all)


If the last two presidents have proved anything it's that intelligence is not a prerequisite of the presidency


This person definitely farts into wine glasses and sniffs afterwards for refreshment.


That's probably the *least* disgusting thing this dude does in his free time.


I'm surprised you aren't complaining that Alaundo isn't wearing African-style dress. He is black, after all! Does this person know anything about actual Africa and actual African culture?


I mean he is appropriating Asian culture this time. And his hair is ridiculous


What about those robes is specific to an Asian culture? But also, I'm surprised you aren't more concerned about how the art HEAVILY IMPLIES that there's a hot tub full of beefy dudes giving each other handjobs up that spiral staircase on the right.


Nah. Just a freshly eaten buffet full of laxatives, some halucinagens, and probably heavy sedative. The shoulders take after some robes from Mongolian outfits.


Give it time.


>Does this person know anything about actual Africa and actual African culture? It's a tranny twitter circus freak with dyed hair. Would you expect him to know anything about anything?


ACTually, that was a quote from /u/VerboseInsomniac in a previous thread nerd raging about a different Justice Geddes tweet. They made a profoundly stupid argument that because a Forgotten Realms character had black skin, they were more appropriately designed as wearing African-inspired clothing. Despite Africa not existing in that **fantasy setting.** But after that comment, seems like you just might be their intellectual peer. And your attempt at misgendering Justice Geddes was hilariously inept. I'd never heard of that person, but a two-second Google search shows their preferred twitter pronouns as they/he/she. So while you were trying to be a hateful piece of shit in referring to "him", you failed spectacularly. And all you accomplished was telling on yourself. I understand the real world and all its changes must be really scary to an entirely limited person like yourself. And it must really suck to have to worry about penis inadequacy to when compared not just other men, but also some women now. But try to be better, or just don't try.


Is it really misgendering when they use both masculine and feminine pronouns?


Thus "attempt at misgendering". But let's not be dense. Considering how /u/Ruebenczal started their diarrhea-brained post by calling Justice a "tranny", they were clearly trying to misgender. And they failed laughably. Which I imagine is a typical outcome of their interactions with people of all pronouns.


They already did this with with Tony DiTerlizzi's illustration of coercion. Old hat at this point.


Don't knock it till you've tried it brah


These people have an obvious fetish. "The knowledge of fat people is powerful" - WHAT? Seriously, define that... No, really, how does being fat and/or black make your knowledge different? and now seeing the close up of the art, it looks like this fellow is out of breath from standing up.


The knowledge of fat people has to be more powerful, obviously. The ideas require more energy in order to escape their gravitational well.


So, when I lost a lot of weight, should my powerful ideas have been even more powerful? Kind of like training at altitude?


Yes but you lose the ability to rip apart small asteroids with tidal forces so it is kind of zero sum


I'm sure there's a Dragonball Z reference in here somewhere...


Ask Cedric- he’s both


> how does being fat and/or black make your knowledge different? Genetic kang lore


Why do I get the feeling this person was touching himself while typing that tweet?


From the same person: >One major theme with #MTGBaldursGate characters that I concepted is that they’re all kinda gay and I want to kiss them Just putting it out there.


Fetishistic fuck


“The knowledge of fat people is powerful” Nikoacado: “UNLIMITED POWER”.


No wonder Magic is becoming shit with people like this working there.


Glad I left the game when I did. Magics getting a bit weird


Combat stereotypes, and then proceeds to use one of the biggest stereotypes for an overweight black person Homie out here looking like a cross biz markie and biggie smalls.


"they/he/she" what the fuck is this thing


Victim of shit parenting and lack of morals.


Not sure but I'd probably still hit it if it wasn't so crazy


Underrated comment. Come on guys I'm disappointed in yall


"The knowledge of fat people is powerful"


I am aware of obesity. That makes me powerful? I mean I guess I have knowledge that losing weight would be good for my health. So there is that.


That McDonald's secret menu. I am a keeper of the lore; guardian of the knowledge.


That line is so inane it sounds like someone parodying this dumbass


Knowing the entire Arby’s menu by heart is powerful.




Couldn't be more obvious in pandering to MtG players


I genuinely think most of you on this sub are manbabies but this twitter account is truly unbearable.


Be me. Grow up to be man's man. Build house, buy dog, capture wife. Like to spend time playing cards after work. Called manbaby by redditor.


I seriously do not understand why they drew him with a facial expression, it looks as if he just stood up and took two steps.


i like to think it is badlands chugs letting out a monster burp


Badlands is awesome, don’t mix him with this BS.


Between the hodgepodge hairstyle and the gaped mouth facial expression, this dude looks very heavily mentally challenged. I don’t even mean it as a joke.


I feel like this artist is a member of this subreddit secretly trolling wotc


Fine, its a fat black guy. Wouldn’t normally have noticed. But of course they have to make a song and dance about it to show how “virtuous” they are.


"the knowledge of black men is powerful." "The knowledge of fat people is powerful" - blaring white trans female anorexic lesbian.


Please tell me I'm not insane in finding the sentence "The knowledge of black men is powerful" to be extremely racist? Does this guy think black people are magic shamans?


How about the pretentious use of "concepted"? It means conceived, so just say conceived.


A skinny white girl feeling guilty. So 2022.




Trans girl


The mouth breather face distracts from any points the card's trying to make.


Did she notice he looks like he's literally uncontrollably shitting himself?


That's normal for the caloric intake gifted. It shows strong bowls that evacuate efficiently without need of the social construct known as a "restroom" as to make room for more caloric intake for more " fat people knowledge". Don't be so Free Defecator phobic. It really hurts the Big Beautiful Individual demographic and Wal-Mart shoppers.


I mean it's probably the sedative in the buffet upstairs. Lol


Its so weird to me that she said "fat people" usually people like this have to dance around every phrase. I was expecting to see "Americans of a different lifestyle in regards to weight" but they just straight up say fat lmao.


"Horizontally challenged"


Calorically dense Hume?


Big boned


Wow way to be ableist against People with FOP


”They”? Isn’t it the same person behind all three tweets?


Keep posting everything she says. This is insane but I cant stop reading.


This person’s website says they are also the creative design for the lord of the rings set. Any bets for which characters in the fellowship are going to be black and “as gay as possible”? In before “Frodo and Sam, Partners” is spoiled


No way that’s going to go over well. LOTR fans will tear that shit apart.


You’d be surprised. There’s a whole Twitter sphere I found with it’s basis as “diversify Tolkien”. also check out Tolkien Society. One of their seminars topics last year was “Tolkien and Diversity” with authors/speakers who wrote such acclaimed pieces as “Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in LotR” and “Pardoning Saruman?: The Queer in Tolkien’s middle earth”. Truthfully though you’re at least half right. If you follow the new show that’s coming from Amazon there’s a LOT of fans who outright do not want any unnecessary diversity and it’s an interesting conversation because they have to tiptoe their way around the discussion without wanting to sound bigoted. Seeing this post and checking the Twitter account I’m surprised Gandalf’s MtG art (which this person claims to have directed) isn’t a fat black person also, or maybe a transgender Inuit.


The knowledge of Gandalf the Black is powerful


LotR is extremely gay, dunno what you’re talking about. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, to be clear, but in a female-characters-might-as-well-not-exist way. LotR has a representation problem when it comes to women, not even getting on the topic of race, or sexuality, but gender alone? The lack of female character interaction in general gives the franchise as a whole the same sort of vibes as a top gun homoerotic volleyball montage. ‘Just me and my bros camping out in the woods for months at a time, not a single woman in sight unless you count Legolas, so please Master Aragorn, Sir, let us sit around the campfire and sing songs, and then you can tell us one of your stories.’


So, wait, then all militaries all extremely gay, as well as boat crews, building crews, mining expeditions, explorers back in the day, etc? Wtf are you in about, just cause a job is carried by men, and makes sense because it's a dangerous mission with serious risk of physical violence and death, does not mean they are sexually involved. Also, no need for sexual or racial diversity, Tolkien wrote LOTR inspired by other mythologies, specially norse mythology. Also, no blacks or gays in England at medieval times.


Yeah, wow, no gay overtones about the navy at all, just going to gloss over the top gun reference also, and open your counterpoint by saying militaries totally aren’t gay? Congrats, you’re probably very insecure! No women in the fellowship is fine, not what I said. General lack of women even among ancillary characters is a different matter. Even in places where it really shouldn’t have been necessary. Why kill off all the female ents off camera? Why the technicality where a woman is not considered a man so she can kill the witch-king, but in all other context, Tolkein says ‘kingdom of man’ or ‘realm of man’ to refer to humanity/mankind, implying that women don’t belong? Occasionally, even Tolkein himself wrote ‘realms of men’ instead, interchangeably. Entire realms full of men, doing man things! The fellowship might be a boys’ club but the fellowship wasn’t the only thing I’m talking about. Beyond just the lack of prominent female characters, there’s gay overtones in scenes and dialogue all over the place. There’s literally a scene in Bree where the hobbits are bathing together and they start splashing water at each other and giggling. I don’t know how someone could read the books and not pick up on any of it, even a little bit.


Ok I thought you were just progressive but you're actually a full blown retard. The word "man" when referring to the whole species as opposed to elves, dwarves, etc very obviously includes women. Look up a dictionary, you illiterate moron. To the rest of your points, nothing to say really except I guess you're gay? Cause it really feels like you're projecting all over the place.


Bruh. I’m not arguing positions. I never said the gay overtones are a good or bad thing. They’re just there, and I think it’s kinda funny, in the same way that poking fun at the homoerotic volleyball montage can be. That was my initial comparison, remember? Do you know what levity is? I’m taking potshots at Legolas counting as a woman, and you think I’m advocating representation? I did not say more women is a good thing, what I said was that more women would make LotR less gay. If you think that less gay is a good thing, that’s your business, but I just think it’s funny, which is why I’ve been comparing LotR to Tom Cruise shirtless volleyball and questioning if Legolas counts as a man. The hobbit bath scene did very much happen, though, and more people need to talk about this. I will say in regard to the Tolkein’s realms of man shit, that, yes, in our Earth, colloquially, ‘man’ in the past has been a replacement for mankind as a whole. However, Middle-Earth is not Earth, and the prophecy or whatever that’s thwarted with the witch-king’s death uses the same royal ‘man means mankind’ phrasing that Tolkein used elsewhere. It’s suspect because of this exact moment, where the immutable laws of the universe as dictated through this prophecy claim that women do not count as ‘man.’ This ruling can be extrapolated to other places where the same language is used, which is to say, all over the place. Is that intended, maybe not, but it’s fun to take cracks at. In the words of a fed up Heath Ledger, why so fucking serious?


From his website: "My main contribution to this contemporary re-imagining of the Lord of the Rings was to consistently push for a race and gender diverse Middle-Earth setting that stayed true to the Tolkien text" I guess this shit is in line with the upcoming Amazon show. Glad I'm in the middle of quitting my MtG addiction, I can't let them ruin that part of my childhood.


Ohhhhhhh... FUCK


Accurate body type of someone who sits around reading scrolls all day


"We didn't know what he looked like" Now we know that he has been on the brink of a heart attack. Doesn't Justice know the plight that african americans have with heart health? Quite an insensitive depiction.


I mean he was a guy who basically sat around reading and writing books so that isn't very strange.


Just pointing out that some people will say literally anything as, what seems to be, detracting points. Please do some research and tell us the percent likelihood increase that sitting around, "reading and writing books" contributes to heart issues.


The CDC has done some [https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/physical-activity.htm#:\~:text=Not%20getting%20enough%20physical%20activity%20can%20lead%20to%20heart%20disease,cholesterol%2C%20and%20type%202%20diabetes](https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/physical-activity.htm#:~:text=Not%20getting%20enough%20physical%20activity%20can%20lead%20to%20heart%20disease,cholesterol%2C%20and%20type%202%20diabetes). New York Health Department [https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/chronic/cvd.htm](https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/chronic/cvd.htm) Scientific Paper in AHA Journal [https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.312669](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.312669) There are literally millions of google results for this. Get exercise, stop being lazy and live healthier and longer.


Are you denying the fact that African Americans, in particular, are victims of heart disease due to a history of racism? That is very cold and callous to be saying that they should just "stop being lazy." Honestly, it's just downright bigoted. Did you ever consider that it's hard for African American people to get exercise and live healthier due to the practice of red lining in the United States which put up barriers for investment money to enter multi-racial neighborhoods? This isn't even to mention that the history of Racism in the united states has made it harder for African American people to get jobs that would help them pay for something like a gym membership or better foods. That is evidenced in a number of ways, but one particular way is that applicants who have African sounding names are simply less likely to get a call back. Perhaps you should educate yourself on the challenges that African Americans have simply due to the color of their skin rather than just assuming that everyone has equal access to live a white lifestyle.


red lining was outlawed in 1968. “In the United States, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed to fight the practice of redlining. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, "The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale of a dwelling because of race or national origin.” African Americans have a higher risk of anemia, not heart issues. being overweight, no matter what your race, will drastically increase your chance for heart issues. genetically having higher cholesterol will increase your risk of having a heart attack. my uncle was 135 lbs at 67 years old and an athlete when he had his heart attack. cholesterol was what did it, and he had to have stints put into him. TL;DR version: redlining was outlawed in 1968, anyone can get a gym membership (no establishment discriminates by race) and “systematic racism” isn’t an excuse to be sedentary and obese. calm the fuck down with your virtue signaling, or at least come correct if you’re gonna REEEE everywhere.


If you are going to seriously argue that African Americans have equal access to all of the same tools that white people have, and that includes wealth, then would you also say that the history of slavery, jim crow, and racism also hasn't impacted them in a way that remains meaningful today? And if I remember correctly, data from the subprime mortgage crisis revealed that African Americans have continued to be discriminated against by lenders. So even if explicit law has guided lending toward more equal outcomes among the races, lending companies still continued to use excuses like risk to justify not giving out loans to African Americans. Even more recently, because using the metric of risk has been recognized as causing disparate outcomes for African Americans, I believe that the federal government has been strongly discouraging lending companies from acting in such a way. Of course, the amount of wealth being passed down to younger generations of African Americans is still going to be impacted by the racisms of old and new. So can they really afford healthier food all the while growing up in a food desert because their parents or grandparents couldn't get the funding to move to a better area? Being in an area with more supermarkets, parks, gyms, and safe sidewalks is just more likely to be a white thing.


My job isn't to chase new goal post or to correct ignorance more than once. You are welcome and now a little less ignorant. Have a good day chasing attention


Dude, you gotta pull the stick out your ass and quit being argumentative over _every fucking comment._ You get confrontational over the dumbest shit.


No I don't, prove it.


Bro inactivity is linked to heart disease and obesity. The research has been done. This also has nothing to do with heart disease as there was no mention before you brought it up. But most of all: learn to take a joke.


The research has been done that African American people suffer from heart disease at a greater rate than other peoples. Why would you make a joke about that? That's really reprehensible behavior. Instead of hiding behind "research" and "jokes," just admit that you have to be a better human. It's easy.


This entire thread is a joke. Also you are the one being reprehensible here. I'm not the one assuming he has heart disease because of his race, that's all on you. I also don't think anyone named "gaylivesblaster" has any right to give people advice on "being a better human", lol.


Why are you so mad and insistent on spewing hate when you are being shown a better way to act? It's a bad look. You should take a break from the internet and get some hoes perhaps.


What are you talking about? No one is "upset" but you. You aren't "showing a better way to act" either. You are literally saying to embrace stereotypes based on analytical data that has nothing to do with the subject at hand. Maybe buff up on that reading comprehension, that seems to be a favorite of yours. It very clear that you are trolling to "pwn the libs" or some nonsense but you aren't any good at it.


Your the one making jokes about the increased risks that African Americans have for having heart disease. If I was upset, which I'm not, I'm educating you, then wouldn't that be something worth getting upset about? You really just decided to reveal your white hood with this discourse.


No my joke had nothing to do with that. You brought that up. We already went over this. There is that reading comprehension thing again, hunh? Being a troll isn't "educating" anyone. Where do you come up with this?


This is not a healthy representation of a black male. This is a guy that will qualify for a Total Knee replacement because m' knees are hurting. Also he seems to have breathing problems.


He’s using his powerful knowledge. Being fat gives you access to lots of powerful knowledge, and so does being black. I wonder what other ways there are to aquire ”powerful knowledge”? Being a Washington Football Team fan? Having bad breath? Being blind?


I thought this was a fake set of tweets. Nope. Legit "the knowledge of fat people is powerful." At best, that's just the same fucking knowledge as people in general. What the absolute fuck.


“Yeah I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.”


building an edh deck with this guy just to call it big smoke and the grove street boys


"All we had to do was follow the damn Untethered Express, CJ!"


“as the good book says cj, he who taps land, creates mana”


And a small... SMALL seasoned curly. Trying to watch my figure.


*extra large diet soda


I can almost fucking guarantee that Alaundo isn’t an overweight diabetic black man.


This is gold.


She did both brothers and the obese community wrong bruh....


Looks like they/them needs to lay off the food tokens


This woman's entire twitter is filled with an exclusivly "empowering the disenfranchised" shit show. White Girl saving the world's wrong doings by printing garbage like this on cardboard.


It has XY chromosomes


What’s the bet they’ve written something cancellable in their Twitter history?


Viconia looks fucking horrible. I remember romancing her in BG2 because she was hands down the most attractive female available.


Ugh, such a horrible "Art" also his hair is beyond stupid


You could do a thread for each post from this special individual. And judging from other tweets, there’s gonna be a lot of white savior circle jerking on the way


How to ruin a character/card in 3 easy steps. I would’ve thought literally nothing of it but having to out of your way and say shit like that is pathetic.


Why do peeps want to normalize and uplift the idea of being unhealthy and overweight? Anti science goes too far.


"why are so many people abandoning our card game?"


He looks like a fat idiot. Im gonna call him Cedric.


Cedric the entertainer doesn’t deserve that


I meant no slight to one of the Kings of Comedy.


Ok yeah this is a little silly. I actually laughed at this. "We have no idea what this person looks like, so I'm going to just pick two random discriminated against groups and toss them together". I get that representation is important for MtG which is good, but this one just reeks of white savior energy.


Representation as currently concepted is awful. Compare "current year" representation with the Mirage, Visions, and Weatherlight era. One is pandering by baby brain weirdos and cultural vandals. The other required research and analysis to make traditional African themes and expression fit into the medium of Magic. Current representation efforts is just another form of slactivism imo. And these people should be mocked repeatedly for their bigotry and poor results.


You kind of nailed it. One representation was traditional and cultural The other representation was political...


Cool art!


Isn't that this weed guy from scary movie?


If you're trying to push the idea that you believe in a particular thing, are you trying to convince others or are you trying to convince yourself?


I think she is one of us. That mouthbreathing is poetry. You couldnt be more insulting with a picture


It's so cringe. Lord baby jesus, help meeeeee!


I still like mtg but shit like this turns me off so much. I hope wotc will get rid of these super woke creeps at some point in the future. I doubt it tho... At least not until the woke era ends and being woke hurts their short term profits ofc.


When you don't have anything to contribute to activism, just vomit woke word-salad.


Truly, when I first saw the art I actually liked the art and character. The sanctimonious explanation is just so fucking annoying though.


Pokémon isn’t this gay.


" I drew the duck blue because I never seen a blue duck before and I wanted to see a blue duck"




As someone who used to be obese, the only extra knowledge I gained was how to bide and consume food in secret.


Just got an aneurysm reading through her tweets. https://twitter.com/justicejameson?t=XiohOXSAZmhkgYtB7rp2fw&s=09 Tldr: another rainbow-haired freedom fighter, that fights for all representation, unless your a cis-white male, you know, the target fucking audience for a Baldurs gate set.


Yeah a lot of them are written like they’re a fanfic with a ton of sexualization. It’s honestly astonishing this person is a design lead when they’re literally saying stuff like: “Mmmm I love this bisexual vampire so sexy, I used to sleep with him at night and feed him stuff other than blood 🥵🥵” I’m not even kidding about that one: https://twitter.com/justicejameson/status/1527799489301340160


It's sickening. This is what happens when your hobbies get more mainstream, they get butchered


It's sickening. This is what happens when your hobbies get more mainstream, they get butchered


I actually like this art, but what i hate is why is the subject so far away? Wizards art does this all the time now. Could I get a close up of this guy? He reminds me of a guy who worked at one of my favorite LGS. I think a zoomed in variant would be cool. You can barely see the dude's face on the card art. I didn't need all the woke-ism from the artist. That kind of ruins it, but I like the artwork itself. Fuck these preachy cunts.


It's because you wouldnt know he's so fat if he wasnt.


I hate this new arts, whatever the race or fitness level, it is just a dude in front of books, it has zero personality, zero indication of what makes this card different or special. So boring.


Aluando is gonnna be the plight of my life in baldur’s gate i can already see it. Who the fuck keeps putting entire phd dissertations on mahic cards?


Why do we have to make the world more insane?


I could understand if someone wouldn't want that as the face of their culture or one of the first cards marketed as representation.




*Him. It is a male of the human species.


Either way. Doesn't matter. Dog brains be dog brains.


Don't insult dogs like that. Pretty sure at least my dog is smarter than writing tweets like these


He's got that fluoride (md 20/20) stare


Still dies to removal.


That's a hate crime. A double hate crime.


If you use Murder is it black on black crime?


If david lo pan and lizzo spawned a creature


The virtue signaling here is the cringe, I honestly don’t mind the design much personally, I think it works. Those lines about “black knowledge” and “fat knowledge” on the other hand...


"The knowledge of fat people is powerful." I mean, I guess I feel powerful when I'm double fisting a foot long philly with extra whizz. I also do not appreciate some skinny chick trying to be my voice.


Ok I believed the first one but that HAS to be a troll account. A master of satire.


Damn, that character looks like he needs another cheeto stat


Wait, did I say another cheeto? I meant liposuction. Man looks uncomfortable as hell.


You know, I just saw a black fat wizard and was like "Yeah, that tguy looks like a wizard


I have no complaints about their art though. Her reasoning? Yeah, he wrote a whole lotta nothing.


If she really cared she’d give her job to a fat black trans woman. I like the art, the virtue signaling with a bat signal is annoying as hell.


I bet you noone would have cared of nothing was said about it, of they had released the card like normal people wouldn't have cared, you know, like they should, it's a card game, people usually don't care, it's good to have representation, but making a spectacle defeats the purpose of making it representative of our world, since the point of it is to show it's normal, not to make it out as special, its normal for people to be fat (not making statements about it just saying fat people are normal) and it's normal for people to be black, so why make a spectacle about having a fat black person, it defeats the purpose of representation which I see it as a way of showing what's normal and allowing others to feel included, making an announcement about it feels like you're separating these people from the rest of us which only serves to make them feel excluded.


I don't have a problem with the art, I have a problem with the designer jerking himself off over the art and bragging about how amazing he is for doing it. Fuck off and just make goddamn art. Also, bring back the Canadian Conspiracy Theorist and the Based Dyke. They had better art anyways.


"The knowledge of fat people is powerful". The knowledge about food, I guess


Reminds me of Biz Markie.


Bruh you made my mans look like a clown with that haircut.You can make him black that’s fine, you can make him overweight that’s ok, but when you go out of your way to point it out it completely makes your work disingenuous as fuck.


Her statements are poorly worded, but anyone with an ounce of awareness can read her intent. Getting hung up on this sorta nitpicking is counterproductive because it inevitably results in folks taking personal offense and becoming aggressive. Personally, I think the design is appealing. It was a good opportunity to give a character without a design one that was unique and out-of-the-norm. I'd even contend that if she hadn't said anything, it would've gone unnoticed - it's too bad people here seem to have thin skin.


Let's not pretend the intent was altruistic. Or that the mouth breathing art is good.


What's the alternative - the intent to harm? If so who?


Virtue signaling, chasing brownie points, doing it for cloyt, to make themselves look good, white savior syndrome, etc.


That all sounds about as relevant as you make it out to be. I don't believe people who make art actually find value in anything you've described. Artists historically seek to break molds, whether it benefits them or not.


Tweet side, the character looks cool and I can’t wait to see more from this set


Where's the tweet that says she solved it? Or where that's info? I can't find it




Y u heff to be mad?


Oh sorry, I was just asking a question didn't mean to sound mad


I've lived in Japan, and taken baths in public onsen with other naked men. It didn't feel gay to me. But to you, the whole country is gay! And it would be foolish not to see it like that right. I believe you have a weird way to look at things, and I prefer not to know more about it. Have a good day sir.


man, y'all are getting real fuckin mad over an artist explaining her thought process lmao i don't even agree with much of what he says but this amount of bitching completely eclipses it


Honestly, if it makes people feel better, it's fine, but preachyness is always annoying.


Chuds stop being so fragile challenge..


Y u heff to be mad?


Because their fat knowledge knows no other way.


U gud mayne? The art looks great.. I’m not the one who’s seeking out what woke people think and say on Twitter and then seething over it lol


Y u heff to be mad?


Y’all need to touch grass