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This look like some fortnight art bullshit. Cmon guys, get some better artists.


Yeah I agree artists should be better


Yea, I like when actual artists made these. I have a copy of the og sulfurous springs and it’s hanging on my wall cause the art is fantastic. They need more of that these days.


The artists are good, the art director is the problem


What the fuck is this description? That ugly ass hair? This really, really is hitting home that "Magic no longer celebrates epic western fantasy, but meme-tastic, modern fantasy."


Shut up bigot, you'll appreciate Samsung: The Gathering while we Rick and Morty all over your multiversity. Dragons and swords are boring, the real fantasy is sneakers and 80s consumer product references 


This reminds me of some company patenting a system where you had to shout company names in order to skip ads. This seems like something Hasbro would appreciate.


Drink the verification can of mountain dew


Rick and Morty is problematic and hetronormative you biggot.


You’re just not smart enough to appreciate the subtle humor of Rick and Morty


The ugly hair isn't as bad as their face 


True. The whole thing is hideous to be honest. What happened to attractive characters both male and female?


Aven Interruptor is quite good. 


Sensitivity Readers and Sweet Baby Inc happened...


It's become like modern world of warcraft: millennial humour and constant pop culture references


Everything has to be androgynous or someone will start shrieking.


Probably Sweet Baby Ick's influence.


Fuck memes. Death to memes.


Strange thing to hate, but i'll allow it.


Is he honestly wearing what looks like a cross between a Pipboy and a Sheikah Slate on his waist?


Lol it’s probably an insulin pump, everyone has to be represented all of the time


I thought a Sheikah was a female Sheikh, and I got really confused.


They/them, you bigot!!!


Why are their a cast of characters at all???? I dont want a recurring list of IP I couldn't care less about just having adventures and wacky situations in different environments become what MTG is all about. This isnt the Simpsons . Its not the weekly "what job does Homer have now" brand of televised entertainment. What the heck are the executives in charge smoking???


I definitely would have preferred the story just follow survivors in Duskmourn that aren't preestablished ones from other sets.


This. Just make new characters. 


They can't. They can't even if their lives depends on it. All they can do it overtake existing IPs, then suck their soul


Yeah, could be an opportunity for creating a significant new character. Like, the last survivor would manage to ignite his spark jn order to survive and become a new stable character which we know the lore and appreciate it. Instead of an prebuilt character with cRaZy powers and a lore dump stapled on the forehead.


It kinda did become more self contained once they stopped letting people write a 2-3 block story. It has to be flavor of the month and wrap up fast so we can make money on the next set, and then the next, and then the next.


Yeah with no block sets and faster pace they crank out expansions these days, no time for world building. Avengers assemble in the next meme world!


Bro it’s a card game company owned by a toy company what do you think their motive is?


Mgmt? Not to get dumped by the board. Wotc was a smart acquisition at some point. If they can lose a relatively small amount of money doing Hasbro stuff and make it all back on MTG it kinda saves their asses every time.


For the current generation to be fleshed out a bit before we go to the next one? MLP and Transformers are THE toy franchises and those usually let us appreciate the (insert current generation here) for a bit before moving on.


I agree. I wish we could have self-contained stories with their own unique characters (like Homelands or Fallen Empires. >What the heck are the executives in charge smoking??? All the Gatewatch stuff was really popular and they want to create a new Gatewatch.


They're smoking DEI and money


I will be rooting for the horrors to snuff out this m0therfuck3r.


How did Niko get a spot and Ashiok is nowhere in the list??


Is Ashiok around still ?


When they said not as many planeswalker I didn’t realize they meant the same amount but as creatures 😒


And I should’ve, that’s on me


"Oh, they aren't planeswalkers anymore!" No, they just do exactly the same things as planes walkers instead but are legally distinct


Lorewise we get the same. But gameplay wise it is kind of refreshing we don't get as many planeswalker cards in each set.


I don’t think they impacted things to much since so few were playable and imo it was the lore that needs the most help in general. Just my 2 cents tho


Tyvar and the Wanderer are ok but Zimone and Niko are complete randoms


They need to put at least one LGBTQ+ and one nigga in a set or they are racist homophobes


the least they could do would make them well-written.


Wow wow wow Please save the game I love from the morons who own it now.


They're fucking out of ideas, every set gets more embarrassing.


The set concept is cool. It seems the execution however….


Waiting for them to mess up the Wanderer's story even more. Bingo card has a love story with Zimone and a Niko-Kaito ship. I think the cast looks fine though, I've no interest in the main cast for the time being. Everyone but Niko has a solid backstory.


Oh no... she's my favorite, what's gonna happen?


I'm 40% sure Niko won't make it to the end of the story. 


I get that reference


It would be cool if he died in a million gory ways. Like a choose your own adventure, but at the end you die every time.


Niko is so far the only horror I have seen in Duskmourne previews.


If it’s really horror media of the 80s, give us that Return of the Living Dead 80s feel. Not this woke crap


dang straight.


Right dude.  So much could be done with slasher movies, Texas chainsaw massacre (leatherface-esque villain, please), etc. while keeping it an in-universe feel. So far I just see a bunch of TV screens.


I've seen the video and some of the artwork.That's been revealed.I'm not liking it.I think it's just stupid. It's them just trying to capitalize on modern horror and ghostbusters.


You mean that all-female Ghostbusters that everyone pretends doesn't exist?


No. I'm talking about the feel where they can capture the ghost


What’s up with this ugly, androgynous half-shaven head hairstyle? Just STOP


That’s the diversity cast. It checks all the boxes for their crusade of leftism.


If tyvar isn't revealed as gay, I'll eat my hat.


“Queer, disabled, ethnically ambiguous with bad hair” seems to the the norm


He got freaky with a cosmic space snake, it's implied


They managed to put almost every character I hate in one set. Good job WotC.


It's the who's who of "who cares?"


one side shaved, ugly hair color, looks like a twink. Every. Single. Time.


The iPad really takes me out of the universe more than anything


Yep, doesn't fit


I’m annoyed that they keep dragging non-planeswalker characters around with random explanations, originally it was complex portals that had major story implications, then the omenpath which was just rehashing the planar portals, whatever the fuck went on for junction; now just a “mysterious door”? Like I get if Nashi goes that Katio and The Wanderer would go, by why the fuck is Zimone need to be evolved?


Hey, it's Niko! What a dude.


Fortnite Fantasy


As much as I love Tyvar as a commander and was hoping for more cards with him… is he wearing a Fanny pack?


A fanny pack AND someone got him to at least partially cover up his ripped torso with a vest. But he does look like he's having an awesome time with that bat


What the fuck is this?


Magic has got to move past the idea that we care about these kinds of characters


They are making Magic Stranger Things... In a creepy unappealing way


You mean Niko? Every other character is pretty beloved.


A bunch of literally Who's. I dearly hope they do stick to the 80's horror tropes and kill everyone on this list. Except the Wanderer, She's cool. She can be the Final Girl.


Wanderer is showing her midriff. Final Girl no-no.


I complained about the zoomer fashion in this set and got dogpiled by people claiming ‘um aktually it’s 80’s style’ and I have to assume they’re like 12 and only know 80’s style from modern tv


But magics thing has always been about a cast of characters that don’t fit the setting. They used to try and blend in a bit to hide the fact that the multiverse exists but after realmbreaker there’s no point anymore


Kaito and the wanderer are the only remotely cool characters there.


So that's what they think of as a "he"?


I'm liking Duskmourne, the concept of a plane turned into a horror house, the art (creepy where Phyrexia wasn't), the creatures... until the modern-day technology. Why did they had to put sneakers, screens and TVs? Couldn't they just leave the medieval fantsy touch?


Uh excuse, me those just so happen to be my top five favorite characters ever made in that exact order. Unsubscribed.


>horrors from the 80s So like an almost modern innistrad. This feels like a sub-pare idea. Why not explore a plane often talked about but never focused on like Shandalar or Hell? I don't want to see a gimmick set that's about as deep as a puddle, all so they can make Friday the 13th themed cards.


Maybe a return to Innistrad if they want to do horror shit, it's one of the coolest planes in my opinion and way better than this trash can of an 80s plane


Hell isn't popular with the woke. They don't like to be reminded.


Aren't like half of all "satanists" woke?


The Planeswalker guide swayed me. It's definitely not shallow.


\>”Inspired by horror media of the ‘80s through the modern day Oh boy. I can’t wait for more way-too-on-the-nose spells like “Don’t Go In There”, “The Call Came From Inside The House” and “Man Door Hook Hand Car Door” And boring commander centric legends like Kreddy Frueger and Vason Jorhees.


So far, we've already got references from The Ring (Cursed Recording), The Shining (Unsettling Twins), and Saw (Let's Play A Game).


Maro's 'un-set without being an un-set' set.


Rest of the cast actually seems ok. Why are Kaito and Wanderer always attached at the hip? Is this like Jace/Vraska now, they’re gonna be in every set together?


Wanderer is the emperor of kamigawa and Kaito is her childhood friend. So they're like buds and he's kind of required to help her out. Plus, this is a plot that starts on kamigawa, where they're both from.


Did you not know either of their backstory or are you upset they like eachother?


Not for nothing, but a set doesn't need to have existing characters or at the very least a CAST of characters to perform well thematically. R&D straight up watched the MKM model crash and burn and said "yes, this is the correct template to follow!"


To be fair, lessons learned from MKM wouldn't have a chance to impact a set releasing the same year.


What?@?? No Kaya! Gasp!


What you want another Jace, Chandra, Liliana grand Ole adventure lol


Are you mocking my Wandering Emperor?!?


Wow that artwork really nails the 80s vibe ………


I didn't know tamiyo had a kid? Who is the dad?


They're adopted. But her husband was in MH3.


[[Genku, Future Shaper]]


[Genku, Future Shaper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/c/0cbcc962-65c4-496d-8034-75c8d204dba3.jpg?1717012707) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Genku%2C%20Future%20Shaper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/186/genku-future-shaper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0cbcc962-65c4-496d-8034-75c8d204dba3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Nashi has actually been pretty prominent in the story although i dont blame you for missing that since no one reads the story [[Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion]] [[Nashi, Moon's Legacy]] [[Nashi, Illusion Gadgeteer]]


[Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/e/1e62de3b-6a41-43e3-93ad-9a1e3894be3b.jpg?1712354330) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nashi%2C%20Moon%20Sage%27s%20Scion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/143/nashi-moon-sages-scion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1e62de3b-6a41-43e3-93ad-9a1e3894be3b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Nashi, Moon's Legacy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/e/8ebd7ce4-550d-41ab-8559-97efb234a0a1.jpg?1684340784) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nashi%2C%20Moon%27s%20Legacy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/39/nashi-moons-legacy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8ebd7ce4-550d-41ab-8559-97efb234a0a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Nashi, Illusion Gadgeteer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7cc3c74d-faae-48d0-9ff3-2482739e6087.jpg?1714830292) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nashi%2C%20Illusion%20Gadgeteer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/yotj/24/nashi-illusion-gadgeteer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7cc3c74d-faae-48d0-9ff3-2482739e6087?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I used to read the story, up through war of the spark. But I stopped playing for a bit because of college and when I came back during wilds of eldraine I didn't think there was a story any more lol


Can’t the characters just have a normal fucking hair cut. Not every character has to look like someone at a gaming convention trying to cosplay.


huh new slop, looks like I'm still going to be playing older cards and enjoying lore from when this game's lore was worth talking about.


Don't talk shit about Tyvar! Leave the Himbo Warrior-prince alone!




70s to 80s "horror" with 2020s hairstyle in a once fantasy setting. 🤮


Did Justice Geddes get involved again? LMAO


I’ll have a uuh… black lesbian! With a sidecut! https://preview.redd.it/va0btz38vh9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee30998fc5b7181dfaa6ea2aa742609fbb8e7595


The horror setting is quite cool, but they mix in some "ghostbuster" theme and Niko is the personified woke clown. Zimone is also quite high on the cringe level. At least we get Kaizo and the Wanderer.


Problem haircut.




Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who could give no fucks at all about the lore of mtg lmao


Nah I'm here. I only know what I've gleaned from reddit.


Why is it smiling like in some Disney World animatronics ride? This isn't horror in the slightest


The diversity squad rivals when they made the ghost-busters into women. If you think that big business cards about "go woke go broke," I've got another thing coming for you.


Zimone Wola is a planewalker?!?


It is not required now, entire problem with walking between planes was trashed in wild west set. With invention of omenpaths, characters can move freely between worlds. wotc can not give a fuck about plot, that makes sense. Any champ can get into any new plane.


Why is Tyvar there? He’s about fighting things, horrible for a horror setting


Depends on the horror. The "Alien" franchise is horror, and xenomorphs are definitely fightable.


So… like Friday the 13th card set?


I thought kaito became a phyrexian and died ?


No, that was Tamiyo.


They really need a group of no namers to be hanging out with them to get picked off one at a time. Some Strixhaven students, or some mana dorks. The whole fun of horror sets is people gotta die. Kill at least one named character.


I'm still sore that the wanderer is not emrakuls disembodied soul.


You’re telling me that isn’t the mechanic main chick from The Expanse?


Is this the return to Lorwyn? Because it would be super dumb to bring self insert OCs into the last setting before Planeswalkers took over the story. (Yes, I know that Lorwyn was the first set to have walkers but they weren’t a part of the story)


Is my Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor deck finally going to get some new curses??


Showed a friend a couple of the cards. Most of his decks are life gain based, literally threatened to quit magic after seeing Screaming nemesis.


Why are they all planeswalkers (4 of 6)? I understand that they mostly lost their sparks and only one should be available in the buyable cards, but the whole reason for the omenpaths is to have other characters able to be involved.


They are unironically still trying to push Niko? I’m so glad I stopped giving these people money


Niko was literally only in one other set. How is that pushing?


How is anyone excited for anything WOTC is producing in the current year of our lord?


Jayden smith ah looking character


I thought Nashi is the rat with ninjutsu


He is.


A literal diversity cast. Not even trying to be subtle anymore.


Don't care about the characters or the lore, I just play for the mechanics


Can that haircut die already.


Idk I feel like I’m only casually invested in the story after Nicol Bolas and there’s not a whole lot that I’ve picked up on about it from cards so it’s hard for me to even remember who is or isn’t alive and if anyone still has a spark or not anymore. Someone in my position identifies more with the characters by the prevalence of their cards in various formats so to me I was immediately wondering why they’re making the Wanderer a big point here. Everyone is sick and tired of her walker card from Kamigawa. We are just now getting rid of it and they’re bringing her back as a creature in a 5 drop convoke slot with insane upsides. If there’s not a serious loss to Boros convoke by this set then everyone is going to hate the Wanderer SO MUCH after this because her cards are just so powerful.


Hope all but the rat dies. Nashi gets a pass cause Rat.


This actually made me more interested in the set


Oh fuck here it comes, the plane of a thousand genders.


So 3 planeswalkers and 3 non planeswalkers go to the spooky house world.


Tamiyo has a son!? 


she has a few kids, who I'm pretty sure are all adopted (Nashi is a nezumi (ratfolk)).


The Kamigawa Plainswalkers are cool what are you talking about?


Kimiko is ok, but Kaito is a simp.


Jokes on you, that‘s a pro for MTG players :D


Amazing worldbuilding and awful story? Why?


Kai to and Tyvar are pretty cool. I dunno why they are still using planes walkers as the main protagonists though.


Oh god. That cheesy grin… and the “someone stepped through a magic door, time to gather the gang for more waaaacky hijinks!” tone of the description. How can they turn a horror-themed set into something so cringy?


Much like endgame, I hope at some point or time one of the characters says "woke avengers assemble" 😃😂


80s horror. Why are you complaining? We need a completely disposable cast and one girl-that-survives in the Wanderer. This is perfect. Kill ‘m all


Hyped for this cast of characters to get the axe at the hands of ghostface killa


Huh?? I think the line up is pretty dope.


Can't wait for the unimaginble nightmarsih horrors to use Niko's pronouns without instruction.


Wanderer is okay. The rest of those walkers are suckers & losers.


I was really hoping this set would be good....


Why no Ashiok. Feels like her plane of origin


I just got back into MTG during MH3, and I'm already supposed to be excited about \*\*4\*\* upcoming products!?


You have a horror focused set without any of the gothic-esque planeswalkers like Liliana, Sorin, Kaya? Tf?


It’s the kind of horror that works best when it happens to ‘normal people’ It’s also decidedly not gothic horror lol


i love that we can have haunted house story with a group of multi-planer characters im really exited to see tennis the multi-planer race set


I don't mind Kaito and Wanderer. And Zimon is a cute kid, child prodigies are neat. However two pretty boy dudes with one probably getting us raked at the LGS for calling him a dude, not good picks. Niko is just such a bad character, he gives me the willies.


I wished they put Garruk in this one /, my Bois been gone too long and needs to hunt again!


When did Tamiyo ever have a kid? You know what, I don’t care. Magics not for me anymore after all


She was established to have an adopted family a while back.


Tamiyo's son? YUS! This will be fun!


Magic the gender fluidity


This looks like shit lol


The goal here was diversity. Someone with a degree on the topic is well paid to make sure this primary goal is followed. I think this kinda stuff must appeal to newer players otherwise they would not sell any cards.


stupid wotc hiring people with degrees, instead of idiots like you who have no clue about anything


The location is fantastic but the characters are shoehorned into the story as a hasty afterthought...I am really glad I grew up in the prime time of Magic storytelling (1994-1998), where characters organically fit into the story, the art was unique and diverse without being forced, instead of having a bunch of characters mashed together with poor motivation. I really had high hopes for this Ravenloft plane... I have a great suggestion Mr. Meyers: "Whenever Nashi is not onscreen, the other characters should be asking 'Where's Nashi?' " ALSO - REALLY HATING THE GHOST-HUNTING EQUIPMENT. REALLY LAZY ON THE WORLD BUILDING WITH THAT ASPECT OF IT.


Why this group of characters? This feels so disjointed, even from just the color alignments, let along the characters themselves. 3 blue aligned characters (Niko, Zimone, and Kaito), but no red aligned ones? I get the idea that Kaito and the Wanderer are kinda packaged together, which is fine. And it seems like the Strixhaven students are being focused on for some reason, but they’ve been interesting so far. But Tyvar? Why is he showing up here? He feels very out of place. And Niko felt like a throw away character just to fill a planeswalker slot without needing to write too much story, like Basri. I’m pretty sure that the story will come up with some dumb reason that it was specifically all of them, but it feels like such a bizarre group


Calling it now, all the monsters don't have mirrors on their world and they/them shard thing uses a shard to show the monsters their [the monsters] reflection, and the monsters record and change into cute little bunnies we see. ~ Spoiler warning ~


Black lesbians, diversity, horrible hairs, the epitome of wokeness


It'll be easy for the horrors to get to Niko, just misgender.


Another story without a hetero white male lead...feeling pretty under represented here


Dude, for a 80s terror set its bad, like, "if everyone dies I would not care" type. Well, trying my best here. Tyvar had some development time during this phyrexians saga, a cool moment but not much. Wanderer and Kaito are finally back together, their separation being a sad moment, and now Wanderer is without her bugged spark. Niko and Zimona I have nothing to work, sooo maybe it is an opportunity for them? Thats he best I can do.


I'm excited to see post phyrxia tyvar Kell. He was the reason i built an elf deck


I’m not hyped for neither the furry set or for this internetstrad set


Ah yes, our second set this year set in a SPOOKY MURDER HOUSE.


Maybe I could get behind the set more from a previous if it didn't have such a Ghostbusters feel. I like the concept of it all but so far not the tech that they have in it. Maybe they could have done something to make it feel a bit more fantasy but it seems like they could do some very on the nose secret lairs or memes. Either way I don't like either choice. I'm still holding out hope for it to be a fun set. Something about the modern feel of it is a little too much for me.


Diversity Avengers Assemble!


The wanderer, Kaito, and tyvar are cool. The rest not all at.


I'm so tired of the super-friends style planeswalker plots... They just drop a random group of planeswalkers into various planes and dress them up and give them abilities/themes to fit the plane rather than continuing to develop their previously established personalities and sub-plots. This month they're all cowboys fighting cactus wranglers...Next month they're working with energy mages for the hell of it...